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Battle for Fallujah | National Geographic

November 8 7 p.m.
US troops along with 3,000 trained Iraqi
soldiers launched operation phantom fury
the Second Battle of Felucia begins when
the fight kicked off was dork that was
her intention we wanted to attack fast
we wanted to mass our forces
and we wanted to disrupt the enemy
command and control more than 10,000
troops enter the city from the north
they know from the previous assault that
many enemies hide out in safe houses
waiting to attack they begin a
methodical sweep of the city to root out
the insurgents in the marine house the
house 30,000 houses and searched every
one of them
November 10th Marines discover the
slaughterhouse used to behead American
entrepreneur Nicholas Berg
but Berg’s executioner Abu Musab
al-zarqawi is nowhere to be found
military commanders believe he and other
leaders fled the city before the assault
Marines clear houses and engage in
hand-to-hand combat
after this four days of fighting the
death count is 18 Americans and 600
insurgents the insurgents continue to
wait indoors to ambush the troops
November 13th
Lieutenant Colonel Willie Buell leads
marine battalion 3-1 on a house clearing
mission they learned that several
Marines are trapped in an enemy
safehouse First Sergeant Brad castle and
Lance Corporal Alex Nicol burst in to
rescue them as they enter the insurgents
these men are shot in the leg
they’re both bleeding profusely
dangerous life-threatening wounds even
so the injured castle fires back taking
down an insurgent the insurgents above
throw a grenade into the room castle
covers nickel with his own body absorbs
over 250 punctures the men suppress
their remaining enemies this photograph
shows fellow Marines carrying castle out
of the battle he would eventually
recover and earn the Navy Cross for his
actions November 13 the heroism of
Marines like castle breaks the enemy
after six days of intense urban fighting
the Marines have killed 1,000 insurgents
and captured 200 more the operation just
one day longer than the April attack is
a success
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