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Assassin Bug vs. Bat | National Geographic

if you were to call this assassin bug
bloodthirsty the bug would most likely
say and your point is practically from
the moment of birth in a cave and
southern Belize the assassin bug has one
mission to suck another creatures blood
take this newly hatched assassin bug
faith called a nymph
to grow the nymph must have the blood of
a vertebrate and so the nymphs first act
after finding its legs is to go
vertebrate hunting Fisher reptile will
do but the nuke was born near a cave in
his home for both fruit bats and vampire
bats this sleeping fruit bat will do
nicely the nymph consensus victim’s body
heat it punctures the bats wingtip with
its needle-like nose and then to fill
her up like a gasoline tanker truck
filling with fuel the nymph gorges
itself its saliva acts as an anesthetic
the bat feels no pain another part of
the cave a vampire bat pop is in trouble
she slid down a cave wall attracting
some adult assassin bugs the bugs have
cornered the pop on a Ledge and aim the
blood-sucking siphons right at her the
pop can’t fly in but she can use her for
arms and legs to escape the assassin
bugs don’t give up they go after the
puck maybe they should learn from their
own nips getting a meal is much easier
isn’t sleep
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