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Arrested in Pakistan | Locked Up Abroad

what is this why are you showing me this
this is opium I knew immediately that
I’d been used I knew immediately Rae had
set me up everything he had told me was
a lie
this guy that I’d known for a couple
years now and considered my friend Lee
Mary you have a good time I just sent me
up to unknowingly smuggle drugs for him
I felt like such an idiot I need to
speak with the American Embassy this
little guy says to me embassy can’t help
we’re gonna hang you up to the five
o’clock prayer
I’m terrified at this moment I can’t
believe this is happening to me someone
tells you they’re gonna kill you can we
put the handcuffs on you now no one
there even had a chance to hold me down
all I heard is a gun being barked
I wasn’t trying to scape I was trying to
find a phone I hit the ground and just
crashed through a door you know all
right start at barricaded furniture for
that door
oh cool well expecting them just to
churn that door into Cheez Whiz and just
shoot it all up
I figure if I’m gonna die I’m gonna make
my life worth something and I’m just
gonna warn it this is my last day on
earth I gotta make my life count Oh
Sally zero nine nine nine one one four
one one anything it was pointless
outside in the hallway I hear ya I said
I want to speak to someone from the
embassy here American voice and I says
are you from the embassy
this is DEA and then it like cleared his
throat he says uh he they were kidding
Wow I was like how you’re gonna kid
about something like that please come
with us mr. O’Day
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