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Arctic | Exploring Oceans

gleaming starkly white the frozen Arctic
Ocean crowns the top of the world above
66 degrees north latitude in the Arctic
above the ice and below wildlife
prospers and what might seem to be in
the hospitable environment but it’s
exactly what is required for polar bears
ringed seals and the snowy white beluga
whales the highly local Canaries of the
narwhals the legendary unicorns of the
sea and bowheads the great ice whale’s
thrive there and nowhere else on earth
cold dark waters of the Arctic life
abounds as it has for millions of years
unknown unseen and still largely
unexplored under the ice and actually
within the ice itself life is
surprisingly rich and diverse
photosynthesizing organisms cast a green
glow across the sweep of the ice
our cupboards fulmars
kilowatts k wigs and ivory gulls
surviving endemic rich in Punta Cana
while meurs dive down as deep as a
hundred meters in search of fish and
well versus look elsewhere for meals
using their green tusks to plow into the
soft underwater terrain to extract
claims worms and other tasty morsels and
deep within the heart of the arctic
4,200 metres down is the North Pole
visited for the first time in August
2007 by six explorers and a pair of
Russian submarines near one
for hours they observed documented the
seafloor struggling to understand the
nature of power life or below the
the struggle to reach the North Pole of
the Arctic surface has lured Hardy
explorers for centuries Robert Peary and
Matthew Henson claimed the first
successful expedition in 1909
other explorers to the Arctic Ocean we
have sought the fabled Northwest Passage
direct shipping inherent to Asia across
the poor ice
today global warming is melting the ice
cap so fast that scientists expect the
passage to become a reliable summer
shipping route within a few decades
that’s good news for shipping think the
bad news for polar bears Arctic seals
and the people of the Arctic it was
cultural heritages inextricably linked
to living in a realm dominated by ice
and snow
keen interest is now focused on the
Arctic and its nature particularly
because of the magnified importance for
the frozen northern waters in shaping
global climate in northern the
circulation of ocean currents ultimately
will be
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