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Angel Bees vs. Robber Bees | National Geographic

today’s titanic tussle angel bees vs.
robber bees these central american
robber bees never trouble themselves to
visit actual flowers they make their
living at larceny stealing what others
have already gathered the robber bees
are on the offense this morning they’re
going to send a reconnaissance squad out
to test the angel these defenses as you
can see the robber bees have a definite
size advantage but this angel squad
knows how to play defense it’s a
one-game series if they lose here it’s
all over for the high that means the
angel please have got to go for it they
have to play like there’s no tomorrow
they have to give a hundred and ten
percent have I missed any sports cliches
oh yeah they have to put on their game
face and take it to a new level okay now
here’s the key moment the angel bees
flood the zone hit the entire hive
against what looks to be a badly
overmatched troupe of robberies ooh nice
gang tackling
the angel bees defend themselves without
big swarm play just like any great team
they’ve got a game plan and they’re
executing that plan to perfection
isolate the other guys cripple them and
take them down the angel bees win it all
time to give the entire hive high five
that’s one honey of a victory okay I’ll
stop now
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