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Accidental Genius | National Geographic

Fifth’s 1993 1983 thursday tommy McHugh
was mysteriously awakened in middle life
to a talent he never knew he had it’s
hard for me to switch off the brain I
can’t switch you off with sleep or rest
it’s constantly thinking of ideas and
creating George and Tommy offer
scientists away into understanding the
normally elusive workings of our own
brains some scientists even believe that
there are similar fragments of genius
lurking within us all I might have a way
of tapping into these hidden skills
which I believe must be within us all
George Widener is on his way to New
York’s Columbia University to
demonstrate his remarkable brain my
birthday is December 21st 1975 1975 of
there was a Sunday this years for me on
Friday 11 July 1911 July
there’s a Friday in just seconds
George can calculate the day of the week
for an unlimited range of dates 1300 372
better celebrated NAB’s will all be dead
at his home in Asheville North Carolina
George works into the night drawing
elaborate calendars listing all the
Mondays for the next 500 years at least
26,000 Monday’s before bed
he reads not a novel but printed sheets
of population figures this city is sixty
eight thousand eight hundred and eighty
nine people the odd thing about
Asheville is that if you subtract Harvey
Illinois which is a flat thirty thousand
which is the only one I’ve seen like
that then you get the exact population
of Burlington Vermont thirty-eight
thousand eight hundred and eighty nine
December fifth twenty four thousand
seventy that’s a Friday numbers follow
George wherever he goes
he finds confidence December 5th 698
he considers them his friends his
relaxing it’s like music you know music
is it’s like numbers that are happening
really really fast in your head you hear
first time 1784
December 5th 17 George says no one ever
taught him how to calculate calendars in
fact he insists he’s not calculating at
all no kind of thing but I kind of push
and pull inside my head it feels like me
more like I’m lining things up like if
you lined objects up in a row that feels
like that sort of like I’m just going
through and lining them up
George’s skill is phenomenal but it
comes at a cost
he suffers from the form of autism
a brain disorder that leads to
awkwardness and social isolation I was
never a person to be able to socialize
in a I went like two months I remember
one time I didn’t hardly speak to
anybody as a child school was a place of
fear and dread but a chance encounter at
his grandmother’s house when he was 7
changed his life I’m standing in the
living room and looking up and his
calendar and just the sort of the magic
of the rows of numbers or something and
something was very powerful for me and
then I’d sort of like I could I found
out I could look ahead and I’d sort of
know you know which day it was and it
was just natural
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