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A Match Made in Africa | National Geographic

some friendships help us through hard
times in 2008 near Cape Town in South
Africa a wild baby elephant is borland
the staff and nearby sham wari game
reserve is instantly worried about the
cab elephant babies need milk for at
least two years sham worries resident
filmmaker Lindell days remembers that
difficult time we hoped one of the other
elephants would adopt him because I
often will suffering from a drought no
herd females will nurse the calf the
Shamwari team moves in for a rescue it’s
always dangerous when you dot an
elephant because the rest of the herd
becomes very protective and we knew that
the staff fears the dehydrated orphan
may not make it through the rescue I’m a
little concerned discovering done
absolutely too quickly we’re going out
but the skilled handlers retreat and
bring him back to Shamwari
the calf enters his new home and all are
relieved he survived the trip
until he refuses to drink baby elephants
a very emotional a lot like human
children and if they’re not happy
everything shuts down and of course this
little one who’d lost his mom so he was
grieving in a big way he finally takes
my brother had loss but no formula
now you’re walking right on this side
the staff decides to get the orphan and
animal companion get soon after Albert a
merino sheep from a neighboring farm
arrives at sham wari okay let’s close it
like a circuit you stood
the pair don’t hit it off
get the she panics Skype root just close
that door
no it’s nervous he’s a kid the
elephant’s Bluff charges send Albert
into hiding but within 24 hours
awkward encounters turn playful
calm even comfortable the calf has a
breakthrough about three days after that
he started to drink milk which was a
major victory within two weeks he was
out having his first walk with arson
with Albert the Sheep
they were learning to play together
they’re even sleeping together you’d see
them lying down beside each other in the
enclosure at night as his chances for
survival improved the staff names the
CAF timba meaning hope The Odd Couple
becomes inseparable
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