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A Holiday Present from Lamorne Morris | Valley of the Boom

hello I was just enjoying a warm
beverage right here beside this
crackling fire you know holiday stuff to
celebrate the season National Geographic
and I come bearing gifts watch the first
two episodes of value of the boom for
free on demand and on the Nat Geo TV app
now it follows the pioneers of the
internet boom in the mid 90s and tells
the insanely true story of how the web
was the dawn of the internet and all
across the land the startups were
starting all in high demand
Netscape the browser wanted access for
all but Microsoft differed and started a
broad social network some said would
make tons of cash but the globe didn’t
know just how hard they would crash
pixel on was genius or so it would seem
they promised to give us live video
stream you see money was flowing and so
was the booze and everyone thought there
was nothing to lose it doesn’t end well
but don’t take it from me I’m just the
guy who knows everything watch and
you’ll see Netscape the globe and pixel
on spawned the Google’s the Facebook’s
youtubes and beyond so enjoy our free
gift from the Nat Geo brand watch Valley
of the boom 2 episodes on demand now
wasn’t that nice you know I love a good
cozy story which reminds me it’s getting
chilly in here that’s better
just add a little startup kindling now that fires 90s hot boo yeah
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