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Zhuge 101 – Find your passion – Advice from Trip Hawkins

advice from chip Hawkins founder of
Electronic Arts on finding your passion
as seen in zoo go 101 I have probably
the best personal collection of games
you’re going to find anywhere I’ve just
been a nut for almost any form of
software but games especially whether
it’s card games board games computer
games video games I’ve just got a
spectacular collection and of course now
I have four kids that are different ages
so when we want to play boy we’ve got a
fantastic set of choices you can’t get
anywhere with that incredible passion
because if you’re an entrepreneur
there’s going to be a lot of bumps in
the road a great artist has to do their
art there’s nothing that can stop them
from doing it they just have to get it
out there it’s the same thing for an
entrepreneur if you don’t feel that way
then you’re probably not really an
entrepreneur if you don’t have a lot of
passion for it you’re not going to make
it and that’s I think the big test to
learn more check out google 101 in the
link below
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