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You Will Not Believe This!!! Dr. Bruce Lipton (extremely valuable!)

many of you have heard about the drug
Prozac every year billions of dollars
are spent on buying prozac and here’s a
surprise that the prozac is no better
than a sugar pill so that it is a
placebo drug and yet the people who take
it believe in the drug so much it makes
them better this is what medicine does
not tell you is that there is negative
thinking and it’s called the nocebo
effect and I will be talking about the
nature of the two parts of the mind and
why we have trouble sometimes
controlling our life first there are
signals from the environment the
internal and external environment the
function of the brain is to perceive the
signals and then interpret those signals
and then send the information to the
cells to control the behavior and the
genetics so the function of the brain is
perception and from that creates the
mind now we have heard of something
called the placebo effect right the
placebo effect is when you have a very
positive thought that something can heal
you even if it’s we you don’t know it
but it’s a sugar pill but you believe
it’s the real medicine then you can heal
yourself with that so the pill didn’t
heal you it was the thought that healed
you statistics revealed that one third
of all medical healings including
surgery are the result of the placebo
effect now the issue is that the placebo
effect is when you have positive
thinking what about negative thinking
and this is what medicine doesn’t
tell you is that there is negative
thinking and it’s called the nocebo
effect and in the same power that
positive thinking can heal you negative
thinking can kill you
they’re both the same effect one is more
positive one is more negative but the
effects are exactly the same in your
health one will heal you and the other
can make you sick
the point is is that negative thinking
can create all the effects of
chemotherapy now think about this if a
doctor tells you you have a disease or
the doctor tells you you’re going to die
and you believe the doctor because these
the professional the belief will give
you a disease and can cause you to die
so belief becomes an important part of
medicine many of you have heard about
the drug Prozac every year billions of
dollars are spent on buying prozac and
here’s a surprise that the prozac is no
better than a sugar pill so that it is a
placebo drug and yet the people who take
it believe in the drug so much it makes
them better so if you believe that
something is good for you it will be
good and if you believe that it’s
harmful for you it will be bad so if we
were growing up and programmed with
stronger beliefs we would be more
powerful than we are now where do our
perceptions come from number one
genetics we get instincts we are born
with you do not have to teach a child
how to pull its hand out of a fire when
a baby is born every baby can swim from
the moment it’s born it can be born
under water and swim like a dolphin and
this brings up a question which I’ll
answer in a little bit if we were all
born with the instinct and the ability
to swim then why do we have to teach
children how to swim
and it’s related to the second source of
perception and that is the subconscious
mind where our learned habits and
learned experiences are recorded when a
baby is very young the parents are
afraid that the baby will drowned so
every time the baby goes near the water
the parents the babies by the water by
the sink by the toilet by the brook
wherever the water is the baby hears the
parents get very excited so the baby
learns that water is dangerous and it
has a fear of water because the parents
express the fear so the baby is afraid
of water
so the learned behavior can override the
instincts the third source of
perceptions is the conscious mind which
is different than subconscious mind the
subconscious mind has learned habits the
conscious mind is creative programming
when you are conscious you can rewrite
the instincts and when you become
conscious you can rewrite the
experiences of your life so that it is
important to recognize that what we are
not using enough of in our world today
is consciousness and I will describe in
a little while how most of our lives
that 95 percent or more of our life is
controlled by the habits of the
subconscious mind
brain research we study the what’s
called an EEG which is the vibration
activity of the brain as adults we have
very high and low ranges of activities
going on all the time
but in our development we jump from
lower to the higher to the higher to the
higher vibrations over time for the
first two years from before birth to the
first two years we are in the lowest
frequency for an adult Delta is like
sleeping or unconscious from two until
six the higher activity called theta
when we’re in theta
it’s like imagination that’s why
children between two and six mix the
real world and the imaginary world in
their play when the child gets to 6 then
another level starts called alpha which
is calm consciousness when the child
reaches 12 it can express all the ranges
from Delta Theta alpha and this is like
schoolroom consciousness beta the most
important point consciousness the way we
think consciousness is not available to
the child until after six the first six
years are the programmable state the
reason is this low activity is called
the hypnagogic trance if I want to
hypnotize you I have to take you from
higher levels into lower levels and then
I can put information into the
subconscious a child has to learn
thousands and thousands of facts about
how to fit into the family into society
and so the nature doesn’t give the child
consciousness to to create new things it
just gives it the brain activity to
download facts
people are familiar with the jesuits
would say give me a child until 6 years
of age and it will belong to the church
for the rest of its life because
whatever goes into the first six years
is the first structure in the
subconscious mind the child is in a
state of super learning a child that
between zero and six can learn three
languages at the same time but after
this period if you try to teach a child
just one language it’s difficult so this
period in our life is where we learn the
fundamentals of relationships
connections family and community – like
the chimpanzee whatever the baby sees
experiences or learns from the family it
goes right into the subconscious brain
and this is also the period where we
learn self identity who are we what
parents tell us we become so if parents
tell us we are smart and bright and
lovely and wonderful that goes into the
program but if we are told we are not
nice people or we’re not smart or we’re
not pretty or we’re not good that goes
into the program but this is all below
consciousness so you have you may not
know the program’s you received because
you were not conscious really during
this time period but most of us most all
of us have received a program of not
good enough not you know not not the best we can be
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