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You Will Never Learn Anything If You Don’t Choose To – An Insightful Talk by Seth Godin

nobody ever learned anything against

their will sooner or later it becomes

voluntary you need enrollment not

enrollment from the legal sense of

you’re not truant

but enrollment in the sense that you are

leaning into it and want to learn it so

if we want to teach someone to be a

baseball fan here’s what we don’t do we

don’t say here’s the baseball textbook

there’ll be a test tomorrow

and if you do well you can take another

test and if you do ten tests in a row

really well we’ll take you to a game

that’s not what happens but yet kids

memorize all these statistics and they

know all this stuff because they wanted

to know it so we must begin by gaining

enrollment and there are a couple ways

to do it one way is to promise a quick

win all right

just read these six paragraphs and you

will lose thirty pounds and it’s easy to

get the masses to pay a dollar for that

but doesn’t work to debt and the other

way to do it is to say to people being a

Navy SEAL or being physically fit or

being smart at business these aren’t

endeavors they take effort if you’re

ready to pay the price to get the

benefit there are people who will teach

you so it’s the opposite of the question

will this be on the test if you’re

asking will this be on the test from an

online course or from a school what

you’re basically saying to the teacher

is without a certificate I don’t even to

be here I’m only here to prove that I

was here and in this post educational

institution world that were entering

certificates are worth less and less

what’s actually where something is did

you sign up to learn something where you

opened yourself up to possible failure

opened yourself up to the stress of

becoming someone else in a way that made

you better and not everyone wants to do

that but my mission is to work with the

people who do so that I can help them

open those doors a lot of people hide

behind the expression if I could just

find something I love then I could do

great work and I think it’s way more

powerful to be able to say I choose to

love the thing I do and that idea that

we can become passionate about our work

as opposed to expecting our work to give

us passion makes us way more flexible

gives us way more leverage allows us to

move forward and it gets back to the

narrative the self-talk we have about

this work we get to do as opposed to

having to treat it as something we have

to do people who talk to me about

writer’s block who talk to me about

being stuck I say show me your bad

writing and they never have any show me

the six novels you’ve written that are

terrible they don’t have them show me

the 18 screenplays they don’t have them

because what they’re really saying is I

want to have really good writing then

I’ll have some and in my experience it

begins with really bad writing if you

have enough bad writing someone can help

you make it better if you have bad taste

you can learn to get better taste so I

don’t believe that there’s any genetics

associated whatsoever

with what most people call Talent I

think there’s an enormous amount of

culture associated with it and I think

there’s learning associated with it that

you get better at this craft because

you’re in a culture that rewards you for

getting better at it like here we are in

LA surrounded by some of the greatest

sounding camera people in the industry

most of the sounding camera people in LA

are better than the sound and camera

people in Guadalajara why because

there’s a cultural loop here that says

if you get a little bit better you’re

gonna get more work which will get you a

little bit better which will get you

more working around and around it goes

right it’s no one’s born being good at

manual focus that’s something that you

develop an eye for and the same things

true with writing some people get lucky

out of the gate but they can pound that

luck because they keep going and they

edit they develop good taste you know

I’m good at direct mail copywriting

partly because I’ve written 3,000 direct

mail letters and until you’ve written

2,000 it’s not fair to say you’re not

good at about six times in my life I

have met somebody who in the moment

prodded me provoked me and encouraged me

and something came out at the other side

so my friend Lisa ganske helped invent

the word

wide web when she and I met I was busy

building my email company she was busy

running the first web crawler search

engine kind of thing and just being in

the room with her caused me to invent a

whole bunch of things click through ads

stuff that is still around because she

understood what I needed to keep going

and kept in but that’s not gonna work

and then I would need to top that these

are priceless things when they happened

to me they don’t happen very often what

happened with the Alton ba is I saw the

Skillshare courses working I saw the

udemy courses working but I also knew

that the typical online course has a 96%

dropout rate and I knew that a bunch of

money could be made taking money from

people by making promises and then

having them drop out I had no interest

in that whatsoever so I said to myself

what would of course it had a 2% dropout

rate you like and then I went to the

desert and I just sat there with my

problem until I figured it out and

that’s hard work it’s much harder work

than when you find a magical person to

dance with but I came back and I said

here are the 13 projects and we’re gonna

use slack and zoom and WordPress and

this and this and this and we’re gonna

it’s all gonna look longer pot until it

works and let’s go build that I am in

the minority here I think mentors are

way overrated they don’t scale

it’s an unequal relationship and it’s an

easy way to let yourself off the hook I

wish I had a mentor heroes aren’t

enormous ly large supply you can say

what would Bill Gates do what would Elon

Musk do what would Jacqueline Novogratz

do and you can study their work enough

that even from afar without them knowing

you exist because they’re your hero you

can start the model people empower the

industrialists want us to fly lower

because it’s easier to ignore us it’s

easier to keep us in line it’s easier to

get a factory job that way people who

have the you Burress to dream of

something bigger change the status quo

and the people who are in charge aren’t

in favor of that

and I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all

but I do know where I wear public

smoking from and public school was

invented by faculty owners who didn’t

have enough compliant factory workers

and it worked great for a hundred years

we had this wonderful system do what

you’re told go to the placement office

you’ll get a job for 50 years you will

like the job but you’ll be able to go

home and watch TV buy enough stuff you

only des storage unit and then you’ll

die and the deal was straightforward and

kept on both sides and during our

lifetime in the last 20 years deal’s off

and the mistake the problem is that

people are still seduced into thinking

that what they’re supposed to do is fit

in more and social media has made it

worse because there’s this whole pack

mentality of how do I fit in more with

small bursts of here’s one quick tip for

a flat stomach in three different ways

to get rich and you can learn to flip

houses today and be a millionaire


none of which work right but the

combination of those two mean that

people are starting to feel broken and

bitter because the promise isn’t being

capped so let’s think about a job where

you have to train 12 years to be good at


radiology you and I could never read an

x-ray and figure out if someone’s got a

broken leg or not well a few years ago

they figured out that x-rays are digital

so you don’t need the person to read

them here scan them send them someplace

overseas where someone’s cheaper they

don’t have to do that anymore because

now our computer can do it and a

computer can do it better than an

average radiologist so what jobs are

left for radiologists the job of being

so expert at something and doing

something so beyond competence that a

computer isn’t going to be able to learn

how to do it then all we’ve got left are

jobs where you’re doing something

someone can’t tell you what to do

because if someone can tell you how to

do your job we can find someone cheaper

than you to do it so you have a choice

and the choice is one of three things

either you’re the replaceable cog in the

pyramid who’s going to get paid as

little as possible or you’re the founder

of the owner the person who runs a thing

but for most of us the best choice is to

be the linchpin the woman

can’t live without the person who

figures out what to do next and I’m

betting that of the 1,400 people who

worked for you you had 50 linchpins and

those people made the place work the

other thousand you could have replaced

down a weeks notice but those 50 people

what they knew how they cared how they

worked through the world there would

have been no company without them do you

think at all how how do we get people

inspired to become a lynchpin okay so

now we’re getting I think to the core of

what you’re trying to build here and

what’s open to so many of us mandatory

education makes no sense so the system

wants you to feel mostly powerless

because they have power you don’t and it

also wants you to feel inadequate until

you buy more stuff because that’s what

marketers sell us is the idea that until

you buy this you’re incomplete it turns

out those two things don’t make people

happy what makes us happy is agency

knowing that we have some sort of

control over what’s going to happen in

our life and unfortunately the economic

structure that we live in isn’t going to

be easy for most people to fix not in

the short run but we can fix right now

is how we respond or react to what’s

happening in front of us now my friend

Kat Hoch says you can’t be curious and

angry at the same time so you got a

choice you got a choice in the traffic

jam you get a choice when you’re dealing

with an angry clerk you get a choice

with a bureaucrat am I going to be

curious about how this person got to

this moment am I going to be angry at

this situation and what we find is that

as a parent as a clerk at 7-eleven as a

third grade teacher we could dig deep

into emotional labor not the physical

labor of digging latrine but the

emotional labor of sitting when we feel

like running of whispering when we feel

like yelling we could dig deep and say

in this moment I’m going to choose to be

the best version of myself and seek

possibility and it turns out that that’s

a life that you can build an entire life

merely doing that

and then what happens more often than

not is the world responds by inviting

you to play on a bigger stage so this is

not about hustling I’m not a fan of

Sling I’m a fan of a generous hustle and

the generous hustle says how can I do

things in the world to leave a better

trail and to help other people not how

do I do things so I get my fair share

because the world doesn’t respond well

to hustlers they don’t like being

hustled but the world responds really

well the people who take responsibility

and give away credit and that boundary

there is totally different and if you

work in an organization that can’t

respect that there’s another one that

wants you in 91 I helped invent

commercial email so if you’ve ever

gotten an email from any company that

you wanted to get not special because I

was loud and proud against spam from an

early age I got kicked out of the Direct

Marketing Association for my behavior

but permission marking that that was my

invention years before I wrote the book

and we built a company that was getting

more email every day than any company in

the world it was only you know 75

employees so that was a fascinating ride

and it was energizing and I sold it to

Yahoo right at the peak of the bubble

and then I got a call from Bill Gross

who’s a great entrepreneur and he said

Idealab needs a vice president and

marketing we’re gonna go public in six

months would you like a billion dollars

in stock options to take the job and I

looked at my little kids and I looked at

my life and I said I know how to do that

but what would change for the better if

I did and so I turned it down and once

you turn down a billion dollars in stock

options it becomes really easy to

prioritize the rest of your life because

you say yourself well don’t do it for

money because you didn’t do that for

money and so the model has been I see myself as a teacher

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