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You only learn through FAILURE – Sylvester Stallone (@TheSlyStallone) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is you can only learn through
what okay
failure over to you Sylvester Stallone
give up something to get something and I
thought I didn’t have any money so I had
no phone
I painted my windows black so I didn’t
know if I was up the Sun was down all I
know is I had to write and I wrote and I
wrote it’s it was very bad it wasn’t
good at all but every day it was getting
better and better like like a machine
like a muscle until finally the idea for
Rocky King so the idea is you must fail
a hundred times to succeed once it’s
that’s part of it you know one succeeds
the first time it’s learning how to not
get disappointed with failure to
understand failure you only learn when
you fail you don’t learn we as you see
here too
well we fail that’s what you learned so
that’s how I learned by lucky I was a
failure in New York and that is the
reason I started writing which may be
successful so I’m not sure I would go as
far to say that you can only learn
through failure but I definitely learned
a lot of my greatest lessons through the
failures in my business and and its
failure and learning not just about
business but I’m learning about myself
as a human being and how’d it get better
I remember in my first company it was a
software company and we failed day in
and day out and I was making less money
than I would if I was on welfare and
through that learned a lot about how to
be a successful entrepreneur what
doesn’t work even on this YouTube
channel I’ve
done a lot of things that we’ve tried
and failed at and it didn’t work but
we’re willing to test even what we’re
doing right now we’ve never done a
walking video with this new camera on
the channel this is the first time we’re
doing it it may be great it may turn out
to be terrible but we’re gonna put it up
and try anyway so many people are so
afraid to try that they don’t do
anything they’re so afraid to fail that
they don’t take that first step and so
don’t fear failure it’s normal it’s
gonna happen you’re gonna suck at things
that’s part of the growing process
continue to reach out continue to try
and they’ll get so attached to it
working the first time that you don’t
even go out and give it a shot
so my question today for you today is
what’s the biggest lesson that you have
learned through failure leave in the
comments below and I guess the second
question what did you think about the
walking video should we keep it should
we do it again how can we make it better
let me know thank you guys for watching
concede to believe and I’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for the other
shock events presto
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