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“You Need to Have a Goal SO BIG That You Can NEVER Do It!”

you need to have a goal so big that you
can never do it that’s what a mission is
I think if you have a five-year goal for
yourself you’re thinking small I’d like
to know right now in 2019 what you’re
capable of accomplishing in 2024 is
ridiculous I think you could set a goal
and hit it yeah I think I just think you
could have been doing way more I think
you’ve just boxed yourself in if you
think about where you were five years
ago to think that you’d be doing this in
five years making videos like never yeah
so like the gold you said five years ago
would be small compared to what you’re
actually capable of doing in 2019 when I
start thinking about becoming especially
in years past and maybe now even more so
than in the past is that they have this
idea that I’m gonna be my own boss I’m
gonna be able to do whatever I want I
can kind of work from my house and
nobody’s gonna bother me mm-hmm and I
don’t have to really be involved with
people and I can write my own ticket the
person that tells you that the reason
that they’re starting out to become an
entrepreneur because of like the silver
lining and because they they want they
want to you know make more money what do
you tell that person you have to have
something that you want to run towards
and not run away from if you want to
start a business because you want to be
your own boss because you don’t like
your job because you’re thinking said
you’re an hours those are all things
that you’re running you’re running away
from the left you don’t like certain the
business for doing anything really for
that reason isn’t is not a good way to
get started you have to as an
entrepreneur want to create a better
world somehow you have to have a mission
you have to have an idea that you’re
shooting towards so at the core of every
successful person that you
look up to whoever your favorite
entrepreneur of all time is they had a
mission they want to go off and create
something better they saw a problem in
the world and they want to make their
industry better somehow it’s none of the
people you look up to had huge success
started their business because they just
hated their job and wanted something
easy to do so you have to run towards
something not away from something gotcha
so where most people see the problem as
being I need to get out of the current
situation that I’m in if they run to
just trying to make money to often run
back into the same type of situation or
a problem that they started out with the
first place money is super important
even if your charity money is really
important it’s just not number one
people have a weird view on money so
some people think money is everything
and they’ll do whatever it takes to get
money you’ll never alternately win the
people who have one in every industry
are the ones who love that thing and if
your only love is money you just won’t
put in enough work to make it actually
happen but there’s a lot of people who
think money is the root of all evil
right the money is bad mm-hmm well it’s
not it’s just a tool to help you get
somewhere else and so then they’ll do
things that prevent them from having
success because they think money is evil
right so we take one of these things
from our parents typically either money
is everything or money is evil money is
money should be in your top five if you
look at the reasons why you’re doing it
like what you want to get out and what’s
important to have success in your
business career if money isn’t in your
top five you’re not gonna make money
what else would you put in the top five
decide if you used to put the most
important thing has to be your mission
okay has to be there has to be something
that you would do that is that is not
for money like for me helping
entrepreneurs I would do even if it
wasn’t getting paid to do it
okay I love doing it now I need to find
a way to make money doing it sure
because the more money I make the more I
can have an impact I’ve got 24 people on
my team that doesn’t just happen you
want to make money right if I did
everything for free it’d be amazing but
then I’d be limited in what I could do
cuz I only have so much time if I wasn’t
making money I couldn’t come here to
away money can also help you to reach a
mission but also help more people yeah
your mission is to help more people in
every good mission people are built to
serve humans are built to serve your
happiness will come from serving others
either the world or the closest people
to you entrepreneurs usually want to
help the world in some way there’s some
problem you see it you want to solve it
you want to be a force for good that’s
your mission that that comes ahead of
making money
why do corporations often rise and then
tank because it was started by some
entrepreneur who had a mission who
wanted to accomplish something then it
was taken over by professional managers
who’d only want to make money and then
the business goes away you have to have
something that you do but but money is
important too yeah like none of those
guys have built something without making
money right it’s just not number one so
you’re missing the money it could be
number two it’s fine it’s just gotta be
in your top five if you get if you’re
gonna put family mission money great
yeah you know God family mission money
great right right but but if it’s number
20 on your list you’re not gonna it’s
not gonna build something gotta be in
your top five yeah but it’s not number
one so it’s between two and five for the
person that wants to build a business or
wants to scale their business so that
they can provide nicer things for the
family and also not push away the people
and not strain the relationships that
they’re trying to provide for with their
business that they’re trying to build
yep so you need to figure out what your
version of balance looks like mhm and
then live that life so what does balance
of like for you you can look to other
people and get some guidance but
ultimately you need to decide so you
know you’re here your wife is here your
two sons are here what does life look
like and that that will change from year
to year right like before your sons it
was a different story and and as they
get older it’ll be a different story
again yeah right and so what does what
does a balanced life look like for you
and then I would schedule that in so
however much time we need to be a father
however much time you need to be a
husband to be a son and if your parents
still around how much time I spend with
them be part of your community you know
all of that stuff has to be factored in
because what we tend to do is
entrepreneurs is only only plan our
business and then your schedule gets
full filled with business stuff right
and then well Saturday and Sunday and
evening so that well to just let it’s
open so let’s put this is for more
business stuff in right yeah and so you
need to figure out what a life looks
like that you want build your version of
balance and maybe you need you know five
days a week to to just be at home be a
husband you know that’s probably extreme
but like you don’t you don’t want to be
in any of those roles 100% you want to
have a balance in the mix and so you
need to figure out for this stage in
your life
how much time you want to spend with the
boys with the with the wife with your
parents with it was everything else
right and then put that in your calendar
so that that happens so you know
Saturday for me and my wife is is our
fun day and all playing surprises for
the day she loves food I don’t care
about food but I’ll find a new food spot
for us to go to I’ll plan the day for us
and it’s part of what we do together the
most important thing is you are where
you consistently do so you know we’re
here filming this on a Sunday right this
might be a weird Sunday for for your
normal schedule right now oh yeah yeah
like right maybe sending about that that
was like my kids initial thought right
but so schedule that in like right
Sunday is is family fun day right where
we’re gonna find something for the boys
and the four of us are gonna do together
or or you know your wife’s gonna go to
this bar and you’re gonna take the boys
right but then so you know what you’re
doing on a Sunday typically right and
just have to make it balance cuz you
still to go get groceries and you still
have to fix up the house right right and
still gotta do laundry and all that
stuff so where does that fit in your
calendar but Sunday shouldn’t be just go
what do you want to do today I don’t
know like we have a plan for Sunday not
down to the T of okay it’s gonna be
going in the snow but Sunday morning is
our family secret time where I’m gonna
spend five hours doing something fun
with the boys outside right or something
like that right now something like this
maybe come up and now you got to make a
choice what do I do in the one-off it
doesn’t matter okay cuz you what you
consistently do right right yes if you
were consistent fifty weeks out of 52
doing the thing that you want to do it’s
fine right if you eat a chocolate bar
you’re not killing your diet right it’s
just if you could chocolate bar everyday
then you’re right so if every second
Sunday you’re finding something to do in
your business that then negates you from
having the time with your boys yeah that
becomes a problem now you’re not being
consistent on what you said you were
gonna do so the one-off things will come
up but you just to make sure that it’s
not consistently happening the one thing
that I really like I really I really
think that’s important especially for a
person like me okay that has kids and a
life and other you know expectations you
know but the one thing that you said
that I thought that I really um thought
was was great about the year some of our
other people probably didn’t think it
was very cool okay we’re not going to
Costco on Saturday right right what we
do that something right we’ll get in the
car yeah let’s go yeah then we forget
about you know like hey yeah a bunch of
little things that’s exactly yeah if you
don’t plan for the big things the little
things will take over your life so you
want to live an intentional life yeah so
Costco has to happen right like the
boring stuff of running a light
has to happen you got to clean up your
place you got a vacuum every now and
then you gotta mow the lawn and shovel
this you know but you make a commitment
as a father I want to spend you know
three hours every week with my boys
doing something father-son time and
that’s gonna be blank and you put down
your calendar and you say no we’re not
going to Costco on Sunday morning
because that’s when I go take the boys
to do something right and then every
weekend could be something else the
field trip maple syrup snowboarding you
know like the weather and seasonality
will all change but you put in your what
you should do is you look at your
calendar of what you can do for the next
week and see if I’d live this am I happy
as a father as a husband as a son as an
entrepreneur as a leader as a boss and
it’s that’s always the game like your
time is your asset so if you look at
your habits and I did these things would
I be living my version of a balanced
life and it’ll be different than mine
I’ll be different than Danny isn’t
different than everybody else and that’s
okay and like who cares what Danny does
screw him right like you worried about
your life yeah he doesn’t have kids
doesn’t have a wife and so great like
you care about that stuff right or your
best friend from high school who also
has a kid and a wife but he’s doing his
thing you don’t want that life you just
got to figure out what your balance
looks like and you schedule every day of
the week so if I did these habits I’d be
successful it’s it’s living a life with
intention yeah because otherwise the
small things will take there’s always
some small thing that has to get done
yeah you can always go and do more
business you can always pick up your
phone and there’s something there that
you need to do there’s always little
small tasks I have to get done but then
you never make time for the important
things that you say are important then
you look back when you’re weak is like
what just happened this week I have no
idea but the time passed but nothing
really got done
all right everybody eyes open there
being a human
and here’s the thing once you actually
set up your schedule and that’s working
life’s gonna change again you know your
dad’s gonna get sick now you have to
spend time with him
where’s that time gonna come out of you
have to read Jake your whole schedule
again you know right and you’ll have
major things that happen like that and
then just have minor things like you
want to start a YouTube show great where
is that gonna come out of you have to
figure out where it’s gonna fit in your
calendar now something has to come out
to put that in right so in your book one
word which I read by the way you’re
gonna talk about it okay okay I see one
word one word what’s yours
the ball evolved of all cool okay of all
I like it um it was a really cool
okay I ought to say I’ve never heard
I’ve studied marketing Glenn Livingston
okay Kerry Dean and those guys and I’ve
went through Glenn’s coaching program
okay and you know he’s a great marketer
but there’s a lot of other guys too that
are you know fantastic that I’ve read
their books and studied on the stuff
I’ve never read anything quite like what
you put together in the one word okay
all right I came up with my one word you
know which is a ball and I I think that
you know when I found that one word for
me it kind of summarized everything that
I’ve been doing and that I’ve done in my
life okay and and also it’s it’s it’s
what I do to try to help others this
course right right and so I didn’t
realize that it would be a pair of
Olivia parallel there whenever I went to
went kind of through the exercises I
caught on to it yeah pretty quick yeah
but you know I you you had you had one
sentence in your book okay okay one
there’s one good sentence in there this
is the fire sentence or the morbid here
comes it’s very small
I think it’s very important evolve okay
drew one word is a big deal okay yeah
I think that’s a big deal I think it’s a
big deal for a reason okay okay but it
my question is you know you go through
you go through the process in your book
you find your one word okay you get your
one word yeah but I think that when you
do find your one word I don’t know I
don’t know if you’re aware but I think
that I think that maybe what that one
word can do for people or has done for
people is change how you feel about your
business and your life together
ninety percent and and parallel that and
I think that you really want to solve
them like mainstreaming that when I went
back and I wrote my about page after I
read that oh okay came together yeah for
the first time I wasn’t using somebody
else’s yeah lynchpin I was kind of like
able to use my own work yep hi
everything back to that so the copy and
you know trying to get my message out
there was was I did it several times
and each time I did it was like or
something it just didn’t feel right
about it yeah but when I put my own word
in there hashtag of all I was like and
it feels better makes itis it ends
better yeah right oh no what why do you
what why do you think that it’s it’s so
it’s so impactful to entrepreneurs both
on a business and a personal level in
today’s society like with the change in
social media and everything having
having that one word like really dialing
everything you back to one single word
and saying you can take everything
everything that I have and if you can
pin it back for this one horse then
everything makes sense so I think it’s
important on a human level I think
humans have core values and I think
there’s one that rises above all the
others as a person so when I did the
test draft for your one word I gave it
to half entrepreneurs in half non
entrepreneurs and the whole first
section of how you find you one word
they loved if you’re a human and you go
through the exercise it’ll give you
perspective on your life on what it is
that you stand for why all those
decisions you made in the past that made
you came alive makes sense and now allow
you to make better decisions moving
forward the second and third part of
more around business that are not super
helpful if you’re not an entrepreneur
right but the process I think
self-awareness is the actual game for
humans okay so if you have yours as
evolved even if you were an entrepreneur
even if you never once sort of you
thought entrepreneurs were the worst
great evolve helps you in your life so
for example we talked about creating the
schedule you know that that schedule
can’t stay fixed it’ll have to evolve
the evening the idea being locked into a
schedule for the entire year is gonna
start to drive you nuts because it’s the
exact same thing and the one that you
want to be much for there right is like
being in a job where even the same thing
in and living a photocopy version of
yesterday right will destroy someone
like you yeah just well yeah and so but
some people they love it they love the
stability and so they love doing the
same thing as he did yesterday that’s
just not you great there’s not judgment
over like you’re right they’re wrong you
have to go change you’d need to evolve
so what you’re doing on a regular basis
if you don’t have something new in your
life you’re gonna really you’re gonna
start to get depressed and upset and
angry and not happy you need to have
something that will help you evolve so
that’s great awareness you know that
like somebody say well you’re you’re too
flighty or you’re you don’t pay
attention or they look at the negative
side no I’m just evolving like I’m just
I need to go to the next thing right
that’s what I do I need it so whenever
you’re not happy because you haven’t
made your next evolution mm-hmm
no you bring that the business it’s no
one that you like helping kids evolve
yeah yeah right that’s what you do like
you take kids who are who nobody
believes in them
they’re from an environment that they
may not have another parent I mean I
have a parent at all there’s been a lot
of neglect and abuse and tons of issues
and they don’t see they don’t see how
they can evolve and they sit down and
talk with you and you you coach them
through it and then you start to see the
person now you have potential you see in
them involve in front of your eyes
that’s the greatest gift of all time for
someone like you I mean it’s great for
anybody look human ‘s want to serve but
how we serve is different yes absolutely
if you’re not happy you’re not serving
period yeah but the way that you serve
will be different for me than Nina and
then you and Danny than anybody you want
to help people evolve and so now in you
doing that it’ll it’ll bring you joy
but also if you’re a thought leader
watching you evolve and go through your
process will be a shield and inspiration
for other people that they can now
evolve to and it’s okay because that
idea is against a lot of common thinking
like people will get a job and just get
a safe job and just be in that company
forever and they’ll take care of you and
you know you’re supposed to hate your
life and just live for the evenings and
weekends and that’s that’s whatever
that’s 95 percent of America yeah you
know wake up Drive to job you hate and
no evolution and then seeing you go off
and do it will give permission to
somebody else to say okay well he’s
trying it maybe I can do a little thing
here too yeah I think that the one the
the first section of the book you know I
think that even kids I think that you
hit on something when you said they can
you know benefit even people that aren’t
entrepreneurs I think that I think that
even kids that really don’t know who
they are they’ve been through so much
they don’t have any sense or any idea or
anything depend any like anything of
their own back to him yeah I thought
that probably what I was gonna do and
try this year is run even on a test
group with the kids that I work with
yeah I kind of run them through their
one work yeah to see you could make them
feel different yeah and see if it’ll
make them eventually change how they act
yeah right because I think that it
really I think that is really powerful
it’s kind of like finding your purpose
in a way yeah you know but um dialing it
the whole way back to one word in
today’s society I think where
everything’s like micro bits it just
makes more sense and it’s easier to
comprehend it yeah so as a leader
whether it’s leading your clients or
leading your team when you understand
what drives that person
you know how to leave them better so if
I ever if I if I was your boss trying to
get you to do something if I positioned
it so that you could see how doing that
would help you evolve you’re gonna want
to say yes way more often yeah I wrote
the book your one word in very simple
language designed so that kids could
read it or people who had English as a
second language career there’s no fancy
words there’s no like 18 syllable words
a page ends every you know like the
chapter ends every page I’m oh so that I
hated books where you had to read like
20 pages and then you forgot where you
were and have to read the page again and
you don’t want to put the bookmark in
the middle of a write so you can stop
and pick up at any time
but if you were to go and start helping
some kids up and you figured out that
there one word was confidence as an
example great now you know how to push
that person anytime they’re faced with a
problem yeah so what would the confident
version if you do yeah and if you just
as powerful right that’s really good and
so you’re speaking their language cuz
you are seen evolve but if you are
preaching evolve some people will tweak
to it because they’ve just loved it but
some people have resistance to it
because evolve isn’t the thing that’s on
their vocabulary right so as a leader or
as an influencer if you understand what
they’re what they’re driving value is
you just flip how you speak right so
you’re gonna get them to evolve through
confidence yeah make them do the things
that will make them feel confident and
then you’ll get the evolution yeah we’ve
had great six students read the book and
tweet out on it I have it on my
Instagram and on my Twitter and kids
across America are using it in their I
love it kids are not my like my passion
there’s lots of great causes and like
helping kids I mean I have a
nine-year-old son but helping kids is
not my expertise but I love the idea of
getting it into what guys like you what
you’re doing into the school system I
think it’s I think it’s helpful I think
if every teacher knew the most important
core value of all their kids or even as
parents you know the core value of your
kids like it’s so much easier to push
them to do the thing that’s in their
best interest without coming off as I
don’t want to
I don’t want to do this I don’t
business is never personal we’ve all
heard that phrase okay where business is
never personal
and I think yes I’m watching preneur is
now business is personal you know that
old adage it that old adage is it true
or not
I think some people would say yeah
business is never personal I think you
know some other people might you know
disagree you might have 50/50 but you
know if you’re gonna start an online
business and specifically online today
from your viewpoint how has how how has
the old adage of businesses never
change in today’s world so I think if
you’re an entrepreneur the more personal
you make it the more you have a chance
to win if you don’t have a brand and
you’re just starting up why should I buy
your online product versus some big
company if you’re going up against the
giant corporation and here you are pure
startup why am I gonna buy from you and
instead of them they have the reputation
they have the return policy they have 20
years of experience big team brand
recognition who are you right so the
only reason I would buy for you is
because you’re cheaper and we don’t want
to be in that in the cheap game as an
entrepreneur right there’s always gonna
be someone who’ll come along and be even
cheaper actually want entreprise to
charge more then they’d corporate cuz
you’re gonna get better results here’s
the thing you actually care more about
your customers in big corporate right
when have you ever felt love from this
giant corporation right but if somebody
is your customer you’re gonna care about
them like you want them to win if
they’re gonna buy your program you want
them to get value out of it like if
somebody bought your program and they
didn’t get value out of it that’s gonna
drive you nuts like whoo I like I want
to help I want to fix it sound returns a
product to Costco they don’t care you
know say okay yeah it great
right so so your personality is the
thing that will actually get you more
business and so telling your story and
leading with it and your passion for why
you’re doing it
is not about you it’s not an ego play
it’s not Here I am I’m Greg I’m amazing
it’s that I have this passion for this
material here’s why right and in your
story it actually makes me connected to
you and so now I trust you and I want to
buy the thing that you’re telling me to
buy so your store becomes your
superpower it’s not the only way to win
there’s lots of ways to win you could
still go no story and you can still
crush it but you’re denying one of the
most powerful tools you have in your
arsenal it’s the way you beat your big
competition because you’re willing to
tell your story to be able to figure all
this out starting from scratch like if
you’re starting from like no it’s
nothing you just start yeah I think I
think that’s what I should that actually
prevents people from winning big is
because they’re trying to plan it all
out okay right right yeah how important
is it’s not just go start do it then
you’ll figure it out okay right yeah
just do it that’s great figure it out
the first step do you need to figure it
out yes along the way but you will like
point it’s like you’re trying to learn
French okay and you want to learn the
entire language yeah right from the
start you learned one word you learn how
to say coffee in French yeah and then
how to say I want coffee and then I need
to go to the bathroom you know like you
learn the phrases and then if you like
it you dive deeper into that world right
right yeah you can’t you’ll never get
the hundred you got to start with the
two okay the bonus question I’ll f up a
parrot or two so it’s all typed up and
organized and this is great I love it I
appreciate the effort man is great on
this binder and everything three-hole
punch is great so did you ever have or
do you employ a personal coach your home
to help you to stay focused and stay
productive and how much has the the
but of you know learning about
productivity and all these types of type
of I don’t want to say self-help like
you know productivity yeah I hear you
how does that how does that is that
important for a person to really get the
understanding of like before they go or
is it I was good before you go it’s
right what do you think you you want to
get mentorship and the thing that you
need the most help with okay so when you
ask that question if you just said do
you have coaches or people help you
absolutely but then when you added the
caveat of productivity and focus no
because I’m that’s a that’s a super
strength of mine okay I don’t need
somebody whipping me to say hey stay
focused but but I suck at a whole bunch
of other stuff that I need the guidance
and push on but do you need that before
you get started no you start and then
you’ll find those people okay so having
a personal coaching and having other
people to help you stay focused is
something that you you know find a lot
of value in you will need to be
productive and be focus if you want to
have success in anything right like you
want to be a parent if you’re not
focused and you’re not being productive
do it you’re just gonna hang out on the
couch and let the kids eat jelly beans
all day long he’s like you won’t be a
great parent alright thank you you have
to be focused and have an intention for
anything that you do to have success so
that’s important if you’re not good at
it you should get mentorship you should
get help you can read books you can
watch videos you can podcast you can do
this go to training you can do what
you’re trying to get better at that
thing that for me is a strength so it’s
not something that I am worried about or
really focused on but what where I need
help what I’m working on is I want to
get better on camera okay I work with
I’ve worked with a media trainer for
years now in my business if you go back
on my You Tube video walk watch my first
video I was super awkward scared nervous
but it’s but it’s a lot of work right
and it was not good at it’s not a
natural it’s not a natural talent of
mine it’s a skill that I’ve developed
that I that I started by recording the
video like you’re recording the video
watch it back you watch your back
there’ll be moments he’s like oh man
that part there I stumble they didn’t
know what has Dylan eyes I can fix it
great you can watch you back and already
know what you need to fix you’ll get to
a point where you don’t know what the
fix you know it’s not what you want to
be but you don’t know what else to do to
fix it you go get help right go get
somebody who can teach you it’s a cool
your courses go get training so it’s
important if you’re not good at it then
you need the resources whether it’s like
if you can’t afford to have would you
want to have Elon Musk and Oprah and all
these people at your phone you know and
say hey Ilana I’m starting with this way
of course but like who has that right so
you just start and so it’s why I do what
I do with my channel to profiling
different famous people so that they’re
around you feel like you can’t pick up
the phone and talk that you line but but
you can get a video from Elon sharing
his insights and views and maybe he says
one thing just makes you think a little
differently and then you go with it
right you for me Elon as an example he
went on CNBC and he said that the robots
were gonna take over the world
ai is gonna like destroy everything and
we’re dead right great
and then reporters that there were two
reporters and and she asked him well
okay great how is that gonna happen
as I don’t know and then and then she
asked another follow-up question of okay
well like how long will it take or I
think I don’t know and I don’t really
care that much about AI and robots taken
over the world but what I found
interesting was here’s this guy on CNBC
you know huge network makes his big bold
claim right and then gets asked a
question that isn’t know the answer to
and he says I don’t know I’m like I
don’t know if I would be able to do that
I think about myself if I get asked a
question I would try to say Oh an answer
even stumped up my way through it and I
hope that if I get asked a question that
I don’t know the answer to I would say I
don’t know you know because that takes
some guts to do on national television
so so I
that’s something I have filed away right
yeah I made and then I may get out maybe
you asked me a question that I don’t
really answer to and I stumbled my way
through it and then I’ll think about it
like I didn’t do it you know I didn’t do
what I wanted to do so the next time
I’ll think about it and try to catch it
so by being around successful people
even remotely Elon has no idea who I am
maybe he’s watch a video I don’t know
but I don’t have his email so by being
around them though the way that they
think the way that they see the world
seeps into us where this opportunity
wasn’t really available decades ago like
you were just a product of your family
and your your little town and that’s it
right but now the whole world is
available to you yeah yeah like the
people you’re coaching if their parents
suck and their environment sucks but
there’s so many teachers who use my
contents one of the main reasons why I
don’t have language we always mute the
language in the videos people get on me
every time we have a Gary Vee video or
Ct Fletcher or anybody because we always
cut the curse words oh but kids teachers
are using the material to teach their
kids because they said you know what I
say this message but they don’t listen
to me but when Beyonce comes and says it
they listen yeah so I sure I show
Beyonce’s video in my class because I
just thought about me I just want them
to get the message right so great if you
take the kids who are in a you know in a
environment that really sucks but then
every day they’re watching one of the
heroes and they’re thinking this is
possible I don’t know how it’s gonna
work I don’t know what my next step is
but it’s possible just the idea that
there’s some hope will contribute to the
next evolution yeah right yeah
you can now shape your environment where
it was way harder to do before
what’s one goal that an entrepreneur
should never set for themselves I’m
really weird duck on this stuff so I
only have a lifetime goal of what I’m
trying to accomplish and then what I’m
doing right now okay I think that’s
perfect yeah I think it’s but so it’s
may not be for everybody and there’s a
lot of goal-setting methodology I guess
that I’m just not a part
but I think if you have a five-year goal
for yourself you’re thinking small I
think to know right now in 2019 what
you’re capable of accomplishing in 2024
is ridiculous
I think you could set a goal and hit it
yeah I think I just think you could have
been doing way more I think you’ve just
boxed yourself in if you think about
where you were five years ago to think
that you’d be doing this in five years
making videos like never yeah
sell like the goals you set five years
ago would be small compared to what
you’re actually capable of doing in 2019
so different were thinking well that’s
how I think so I liked it I mean I think
I think that the way that you think and
I think that you’re great you know role
model for entrepreneurs and and how you
conduct everyday business just from
seeing I mean you’re just let’s go
that’s amazing so it’s always with the
intention so like you could say I want
to be a great husband great what what
does a great husband mean in 2019 versus
2025 mm-hmm you just have that goal that
I want to be a great husband it’s a
forever it’s a mission it’s like you’re
never done when you done being a great
husband it doesn’t stop when are you
done being a great dad it doesn’t stop
when he done helping kids evolve never
right it’s ongoing so I think the I take
idea if I’m swimming but I don’t want to
reach the island there’s no island I
want to swim forever I want to be a
great husband father entrepreneur
helping people forever there’s no
retirement that’s great there’s no end
goal it’s a mission but I’ll never get
there because I’m swimming forever the
goal and I guess what you said like box
in yourself and again finding yourself
kind of not realizing that yeah you
could say well I’m certainly a youtube
channel now and I want to have in five
years you know 250,000 subscribers and
then you could actually go out and
accomplish it but maybe you three years
in should have actually dropped YouTube
and gone to something else because it’s
actually better positioning to help you
get to your mission but you’re gonna
stay on that path down YouTube because
you set your five-year goal for yourself
and you’re gonna feel like a loser if
you don’t go off and accomplish your
especially someone who likes to evolve
like there’s no way what you could
predict where you’re gonna be in five
years yeah yeah I don’t know but but
it’s gonna be doing some kickass work to
help people evolve right Yeah right it
doesn’t mean just sit in the couch and
do that thing yeah you got a crazy
mission to sin forget I want the help
thing I want to help every kid in the
world evolve like you’re never gonna do
it right never but I’m gonna wake up
every day and do my best to make that
yeah that’s essentially that’s all we
can do you know I think it’s great how
you how you look at it as you know an
ongoing thing can’t set up a start-stop
hmm I think it makes it easier when you
think of it in those terms to just go
I think sometimes when we look at the
yeah it makes it tougher but whenever
you’re you have a vision or just a
mission and you just want to get there
it kind of makes it easy it’s like it
doesn’t matter if it’s perfect if the
plan is perfect or not you just have to
go and do it in act if something so big
that you know it’s never gonna happen in
your lifetime it’ll never happen even if
you work every single day 24 hours it’s
never gonna happen I think that’s
it’s you know the starfish example with
the water yeah which one sounds like
that there was a beach flooded thousands
of starfish and flooded the bleep back
in yeah there’s a kid right it’s like
picking them up and like why you doing
that Yeah right well I helped those 18
starfish right right even though there’s
a million here on the beach I helped
those 18 so yeah you can so you must I
love it yeah so that’s it you always
think about because you know it’s like
who cares it’s just one can see yeah you
did what you were capable of right and
in five years you’ll be capable of way
more than you are now
yeah and you’ll be able to have a bigger
impact but you’re never gonna you know
you’re never gonna rescue all the
starfish you need to have a goal so big
that you you can never do it that’s what
a mission is what about vision is the
difference between mission and vision I
don’t know or is it just kind of use and
unchangeably it’s just some I don’t get
too caught up on labels okay
period I see that it’s like whatever you
want to so people say like I’m what is
an entrepreneur right
can you beat Lu is it mean you’re your
own business can you be an entrepreneur
when you’re in a corporate job because
your entrepreneurial hair you want to
call yourself an entrepreneur do it call
yourself an entrepreneur doesn’t matter
to me
is it your mission is your vision
whatever does it help you take action
that’s what I hear call of a mission
great I’m with you call it the the the
boo blah Blee great awesome I’m with you
let’s go like are you gonna do something
that’s all I care about it’s like the
actions that you do or the thing that
matters great thank you very much I
appreciate your was amazing scared that
my better part of my world and your own
way which it was a much better job that
I could have done with hearing it from
somebody else had seen somebody else
kind of you know talk about these things
is helpful for me on personal level so
thank you cool man preciate that and
listen perk for whenever somebody
especially someone like you who loves to
evolve when people get into this journey
they it’s easy to want to say all you
got to go do it too you got to do it’s
like you start losing weight you want to
tell your friends you got to lose weight
you go this way
nobody wants listen to you you need to
meet people with compassion for where
they’re at right so if your wife and
your brother if I met them one-on-one I
wouldn’t have done what I did last night
it’s it’s it’s too crazy right right but
I’m dealing with a workshop of 60 people
so I got a most people coming in have an
experience different things already
right so so bringing somebody who has no
experience that’s not a great first
opening let me give you a sense of the
world that’s awesome they’re open minded
to come in and listen to but if I was
sitting there one-on-one with your
brother mm-hmm I just talked to them
right what do you want to do
well here goes and I’d find some kind of
opening where I feel like I could now I
may not be able to take like you’re here
you’re not even YouTube video you’re
taking giant leaps right but some people
you’re able to take giant leaps with
some people you need to walk slowly with
which you’ll get with your kids too some
people are ready and like boom they get
it right there ready to the guy and some
people they just if you try to go that
fast with them they’re gonna reject you
and then not listen anything that you
want to say so if you push too hard
they’re gonna be hard
Gregg man dude they’ll just shut you out
completely that’s what happens I know
you trying to spread love you just kind
of help you want to help them evolve but
no but it’s like you need you can but
you need to meet them where they’re at
you’re coming in at 2:00 you’re coming
in too hot
yeah they’re ready to move but it’s one
degree not 20 right people change their
experiences I think more so than they do
for like information-gathering
sure yes but listen so if anybody is so
I mean I know nothing but your brother
so it’s like not throwing him on the bus
but if I’m sure at some point he’s
thought about making some changes in his
life right but he’s never read a Tony
Robbins book or never consumed the
videos that you’re consuming or anything
else and so it’s catching him in those
moments where he’s thinking about some
kind of change and then being gentle
about the recommendation and help you
know yeah nothing you gotta watch this
video holy cows she’s changing your life
windows yeah you have a little tiny
window that’s all you’re doing is what
you do you open up doors and if
somebody’s willing to walk through it
then you can have a conversation if not
great no problem next door and just by
you going off and doing your thing will
inspire other people to say hey Greg how
you doing this stuff I want I want I
want some without you haven’t having a
conversation just by being around you by
being around you people will naturally
just evolve but it won’t come if you’re
heavy-handed and telling them that they
have to do it even those out of love
right you’re not trying to screw them
over it’s love like I want you to have a
great life yeah but people won’t want to
listen cuz you’re coming in too hot
so you have to meet that same with the
kids you meet people with compassion
where they’re at right right for sure
you know and like you say this small
small opening sometimes if you fall in
between but when you see him you know
it’s it’s uh it’s great whenever you can
take action and then actually get a
change for somebody to watch I’ve
experienced some type of change and they
like to so that’s like really what’s
beneficial I know for me probably for
you as well yeah problem why you doing
what you do so just build the momentum
in your life will cause everybody around
you don’t want to build momentum and
there’s – as long as you’re not forcing
it down their face it’ll just happen I
mean that’d be as fast as you want it to
happen in news flash it’s never as fast
as you want it to happen to focus on
making you great and then just being a
you know I would say that you’re even
lucky like it’s great that they came to
support you
yeah yeah I could have gone the other
way right if they weren’t open mind that
at all could it be like men what did I
marry right I gotta I am sorry thinking
things you brother be like who is this
right okay no no no now who is me who is
you who’s this guy who’s my half that my
brother what’s where is he going right
but that’s like anything like if you go
on some crazy workout routine and now
you’re going like full-on keto and doing
like Ironman and like mud mud whatever
the mud one has another right and then
you’re like crazy yeah and then and then
you want to get your brother into it you
can’t just take him to a Tough Mudder
Yeah right he’ll think you’re all nuts a
brother-in-law how to talk out of doing
that he end up breaking his shoulder
something like a surgery so but you’ll
he’ll think you’re you’re nuts if you
try to take him to a Tough Mudder but
you you didn’t just get the Tough Mudder
you like did all these he did this
little thing just went to the to the gym
once a week and then you started feeling
a little tiny muscles like oh you know I
okay I eat a little bit you took all
these little 2% movements and then you
got to where you’re at yeah you can’t
bring somebody and fresh to that they’re
just not they haven’t done the 2% so I
tell you really lucky that that they
supported you and came out and hopefully
learned something they were open-minded
enough right let’s just mean people with
compassion where they’re at always and
then giving them what they need through
the if you can figure out or even if you
can figure out the one word exercise by
walking them through it or just guessing
and be able to say this is how I would
like to be talked to but this is what
they need which might be different than
your language because you’re always
going to default to evolve stuff yeah
yeah which may not be what people want
right like if somebody likes routine and
likes being static right it’s gonna
psyche it’s definitely not the person
that I can really know you can you know
but you need to figure out what drives
them mm-hmm
maybe love drives them right right okay
so all your evolved messages like I’m
not what are you talking about dude like
I can’t hear anything you’re saying but
as soon as you talk about it through the
lens of love yeah and it’s gonna build a
connection to their partner their
parents right yeah then you can actually
get them to change because that’s what
they care about sure yeah all right even
we do with your kids when you introduce
me you’re like this is the whoever of in
real life or whatever right yeah I
figure what you go to college
unspeakable the unspeakable of real life
there’s something for adults I’ve heard
great like that makes sense for them
hopefully this is some kind of contact
you’re trying to speak their language
yeah that’s what I got a day times you
too very watch that’s the right I’m
gonna go look it up so see what see what
all of the kids channels are ridiculous
yeah okay and then I had to watch it
again to see what it was and I said
there and I’m like this guy’s harmless
yeah but that’s the thing like with
nature Devon and I kind of let
themselves yeah default is watch it with
them and see what they’re consuming yeah
right and then explain what it is before
making a judgment on because YouTube
Kids program is not fantastic for like
filtering out content well that’s what
it is so for all your kids if you
understand what drives them then even
the most hard headed person most
stubborn person will move will shift if
you put it in like so for me it’s impact
okay if you if you put anything that I
need to do and in the terms of like this
will have an impact on people okay then
you got me it’s like how to trick me
into doing stuff okay
yeah it’ll check me like in doing this
if I can believe it like it will impact
people then I have to then I’ll do it
even if I’m afraid or if I don’t want to
do it or it’s scary or it’s not an
expression of myself I’ll still now I’m
interested yeah my agent did this with
me so my agent in New York okay is for
two years we had a fight because he
wants me to be famous think he need to
be famous I got I want to be famous you
need to be famous you need to blow up
you got to be like everybody else we
have at our agency but I don’t want to
be I don’t have no need to be famous
like it’s not about me it’s about the
message and the people I’m helping and
we kept like like Steve dude you don’t
get it man it’s not about me being
famous aha I don’t need my face on a
cereal box I’m an introvert
it’s about the mission and then we had a
conversation maybe three or four weeks
ago or just like by you being famous
you’ll be able to impact more people the
more you’re out there the more your
message gets out there right like I can
see that actually he was right actually
because I didn’t know you before you
came to Pittsburgh great I saw your ad
on Facebook and I was like who is this
right and I read your copy yeah and I
was like alright give it a shot and see
what happens what happens here you are
I’m like this guy has to be like really
ballsy to come to Pittsburgh here we are
so I was like this is this is great and
I thought about it and also please just
do it
I’ve never thought yeah so by you taking
on that mission yeah you did because I
really didn’t I didn’t really know who
you were gonna know I’m like disguise I
think I read your book
yep before you go out here and yeah the
you know what’s a couple of your videos
and your seminar no I’m here talking
with you yes like it’s the best
experience I’ve ever had so my my
experience growing up with is your I I
don’t like people who do things just for
their ego just to be famous and just
trying to I know I feel the same way I
feel like it’s just it’s my own thing I
know it feels strange to me even being
on camera that’s like some people yeah
self-serving yeah I might just want to
be and I’m like I don’t even want to be
on camera like coming here I get nervous
and you have to talk to these guys like
so things this guy some people want to
do it’s like I know that’s not the
reason why I want to do it yeah I want
to do it so I can help other people but
like pull them into my world and I’m
like what I can offer them but so that’s
why I always fought with my agent cuz I
thought that was I don’t like those
people I get it it’s not that they’re
bad people but I don’t like I don’t want
me to be that I know so the idea that he
wants me to be that I I’m I have a toxic
reaction to I but understanding that
that helps me get more reach and I
didn’t have an impact it’s a great I’m
gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna build a way
for a introvert humble person to be
famous so I gotta figure out but I get
it I get the connection okay if you’re
famous you can have a bigger impact so
then the thing that I didn’t want to do
I’m gonna do right because it helps our
mission right so same thing right figure
out what the kids with the what they’re
all about
and then put it in that language and you
get them to do whatever you need them to
do you can use that manipulation for
negative purposes but you’re going to
use in a positive way it’s very powerful
powerful yeah but I feel the same way
about the cameras everything I gotta
tell you I’m like this is great for
first interview man like mine sucked go
back go back and watch my first video on
the channel is still there you got to go
deep but it’s brutal its brutal took me
well mark you told you heard the story
yesterday it took me four hours to make
a video that was like two minutes of me
actually talking and nervous and in a
suit and sweating and like trying to
you’re already miles ahead of me man so
just keep doing it you know cool very
much thank you thanks for coming out man
it’s been great it’s been great it’s a
real experience for me you’re you’re a
great guy and you’re nice guy to be
around you’re very humble guy and I
think that you you not only you talk
about like and teach other people what
to do but the one thing I think that
like really super impactful for people
to know is that like you know you model
these things like all the time
and a lot of people just don’t learn
from like hearing what to do if they see
you do it yeah but then they then they
can you know they learn through modeling
so I say because I work with kids all
the time yeah yeah it’s about what we do
like you said about that and the the
curse words for kids I think it’s
amazing yeah you know because think
about it like well you know should you
teach kids or kids to be entrepreneurial
or can you just teach them like some of
the basic fundamentals that you need to
have as an entrepreneur and then you
know it’s hard to do because a lot of
the stuff isn’t like really appropriate
you know and some of the stuff if it is
appropriate they don’t get it you know
so you you’re amazing in that regard as
well cool man thank you very much
thanks for coming if you want to get
coached by me one on one to help you
build your brain and make money as a
thought leader check out my next
workshop in Toronto the link is right
there next to me continue to believe and I’ll see you there
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