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“You DON’T Have Enough ENERGY!” | Dan Lok (@danthemanlok) | Top 10 Rules

you don’t have enough energy if your
life stinks is your fault we take
responsibility for all action and that’s
a problem with young people you’re not
good at anything oh I’m too good no tell
the motivation watch a top ten with
belief nation what’s that belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and join
today’s lessons from a man who went from
immigrating to Canada at age fourteen
knowing zero English then failing at 13
separate businesses before finding his
first success and now he’s the king of
high ticket sales
he’s Dan Locke and here’s my take on his
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
push yourself I believe the number one
habit you need to devolve to be
successful it’s on a consistent if not a
daily basis do things that make you feel
uncomfortable it is that simple because
you look at what holds most people back
what holds you back is fear fear of the
unknown fear of failure fear of
rejection fear of success all these
things is all outside their comfort zone
human being because we’re creature of
habits we tend to operate day to day and
do the same thing again and again and
again but if you have a habit you make a
habit that you do things on a consistent
basis that you don’t usually do it makes
you scare it scare stuff out of you it
makes you stretch your comfort zone
that’s how you gradually expand it and
get more of what you want maybe is going
to the event that you’ve never been to
maybe is meeting their successful people
that in that intimidates you maybe is
reading a book that you have no interest
reading in maybe it’s driving a
different path that you usually go home
this way hey you know what
I’m gonna drive a different path and see
something a little bit different right
maybe it’s watching a video that you
don’t usually watch may be interested
certain topics maybe you’re watching a
youtube video just on prank but
something you watch something that is
out inspiration and motivational that’s
practical that’s business-related and
that changes the way that you think
about stuff it started with that one
thing that one video and if you do that
not one time not two times not three
times but hundreds and hundreds of times
on a consistent basis I believe that is
the habit not just to be successful but
to stay successful
when you’re constantly pushing
yourselves outside the comfort zone
guess what you will learn
you will take new action you acquired
new knowledge you will meet new people
and that will lead to new opportunities
you might develop a new skill right
you might start a new business all these
things that you do is nothing more than
doing things that scares the out of
you on a consistent basis instead of
avoiding the fear you are facing the
fear and you are pushing and pushing and
pushing a limit that is the number one
thing that you need I strongly believe
to be successful so developed a habit
today do something that you don’t
usually do do something that scares you
do something that makes you
rule number two eliminate distractions
key number two you want to eliminate
distraction and interruptions in your
life so how can you be productive in any
given time during the day if you’re
interrupted all the time I think even
entrepreneur CEOs they have this like
open door policy where hey you know what
my door is open come talk to me anytime
I think it was one of the dumbest ideas
because it means you get interrupted
many many many times every single day
and every time you get interrupted it
takes you so the mental bandwidth to
stay and get back on track so when I am
working pluck the phone I create
environment that people can not reach to
me if I want to check messages I want to
check email or to get back to my team
that’s fine but if I am what I call the
bat-cave moment I unplug all
communication my cell phone my none zero
it’s all my thinking time my planning
time my strategy time that’s it so when
they cannot find you they cannot
interrupt you when they cannot find you
they cannot distract you so communicate
with your team and to be around you and
say hey I’m working on my business I’m
building something here I’m working on
some very very important tasks I need to
get those done please give me the space
during that time don’t bother me zooming
in the office when I’m working some
lunch from home when I close the door
then Jenny knows right that she doesn’t
come in
interrupt me right my wife knows that no
that’s dance working time he needs to
stay focus so put yourself an
environment that you cannot be
distracted that’s key number two rule
number three take responsibility number
three poor people they blame others for
their misfortunes rich people we take
responsibility for our own failures you
see for poor people is always somebody
else’s fault it’s the economy is the
government it’s my boss it’s my job it’s
my city it’s my neighbor it’s my friends
it’s always somebody else it’s never
their own fault rich people we take
responsibility if your life stinks it’s
your fault we take responsibility for
all action when you take responsibility
what happens is you gain power the power
to change the power to do something
remember lame people blame people rule
number four have energy you don’t have
enough energy how do you expect to
accomplish anything significant
accomplish your goals when you don’t
have enough energy you notice the
society puts down and look down on
people they have high energy imagine
you’re going to school you’re going to
work you’re going back to your office
you’re going back to your business and
suddenly you’re so energetic and you
have your all hyped up what would people
say to you what’s wrong with you dude
like calm them down relax why are you so
but somehow you have low energy hey man
you know what fine stands stands for
freaked out in debt not making enough
money emotionally stressed out f ing
that’s what it stands for
hi my name is fine that’s what fine
words but somehow you’ve high energy it
is wrong you won’t have energy you got
to move love and my martial art back on
if you watch my video you follow my work
you know move jumping jack pushup walk
yoga whatever the it takes move your
body when you move you have more energy
when you sit there all day for hours how
the hell can you have energy movement
creates energy so if you’re sitting
there for a long day get up stand up
walk around do something I know jumping
up and down water it is do something
rule number five serve a need maybe
you’re thinking well I need to do
something I’m passionate about well it’s
nice that you’re passionate about
something but that is not enough because
the marketplace doesn’t care what you’re
passionate about the marketplace is very
very selfish they care what you can do
for them so in order to make a million
dollars he’s my first tip for you
instead of chasing money chasing money
doesn’t get you money money doesn’t go
to the people who were desperately
needed well that’s really wanted money
goes to people who can add value to
marketplace it goes to the people who
knows how to multiply it so instead of
chasing money he’s what I want you to do
chase needs that’s right you know to
make a million dollars you need to serve
a need in the marketplace or you to
solve a problem in the marketplace for
customers for the consumer for people
you’ve got to put people first so to
make a million dollars the archery only
two paths either its volume or
transaction size volume and transaction
size now what do I mean by that so if
you sell something in terms of volume
you startled me for a dollar you serve
million people guess what you got your
million bucks I would challenge to think
about this
anyone that’s making millions of dollars
either they are serving a huge amount of
people meaning they are selling or
serving impacting millions or you look
at Apple guess what
billions and billions of dollars they
serve billions and billions of people
look at Facebook look at Google billions
and billions of dollars billions and
billions of users so if it’s not volume
then it’s transaction size meaning you
sell something for millions of dollars
let’s say a real estate developer
selling a unit for millions and millions
of dollars well you sell one unit you
make millions of dollars it’s one of
those two or something in between sell
something for and $20,000 you sell a few
hundred of those you get your million
bucks it’s that simple
doesn’t matter what business model you
use it’s either you play the volume game
which them you want to scale you want to
serve and impact millions or you’re
playing the transaction size game where
you sell something at a high ticket
which is what I teach and you work with
fewer clients serve a smaller group of
people but at a higher level and a high
quality you can also get your billions
of dollars see you’re not gonna get your
millions of dollars just hoping the oh I
want I want a millions of dollars on it
with my million bucks
nobody cares you can sit at home you can
play a computer you can meditate
whatever you do you’re not gonna get
that million dots fall on your left
that’s not how the marketplace works but
if you can find a way to serve a need in
the marketplace and just solve people’s
problems either through the huge amount
of volume impacting millions or in a
very profound way such as real estate or
insurance or whatever it is or
automobile it doesn’t matter more than
what it is but you gotta sell something
nothing happens unless a sell it’s made
nothing happens in life and in business
until you make a cell and that’s how it
rule number six change your mindset
number six poor people believe that
money is the root of all evil
rich people we believe that poverty is
the root of all evil you’ve heard of the
saying money’s the root of all evil no
lack of money is the root of all evil I
want you to look at the poorest
why would you think about those areas
crime drug problems all kinds of issues
you see in the history of mankind
no banks been wronged by someone pulling
up in a Rolls Royce it is the survival
is the lack of money that’s causing the
issue money self it’s neutral money’s
like a tool you can use it for good or
you can use it for evil it is all up to
you rule number seven learn to execute
I’ve got so many people come to me and
they say to me then I’ve got this great
idea for this business would you like to
invest in my company in my business as a
health no I said no and they thought the
idea is everything and it’s very funny
because they’re so protective of their
little idea oh yeah but if I tell you
the idea and it is your signing an NDA
non-disclosure agreement because I don’t
want to tell you idea yet it’s stupid
you have to understand ideas are not
worth a lot in business execution is
everything execution is everything you
see to create any substantial amount of
wealth you need what you need the right
team at the right time to execute the
right idea in the right industry the
idea that you have without the right
team without the right time without the
right industry is not gonna work rule
number eight capture more market share I
want you to think about the top very top
of the the pyramid the top 3% at any
given time only 3% of the market place
who you’re selling to is interested and
ready to buy what you have to offer only
top 3% and most salespeople
entrepreneurs they are always only
talking to the top 3% anything that’s
not within a two three percent they’re
not ready to buy right now they just
ignore them
the problem is you are completely
ignoring the other 97% now besides the
three percent let’s talk about the seven
percent they are your ideal customers
and clients they are capable of buying
they are open and interested they just
maybe need you to answer some of the
questions they’re kind of on the fence
right the 7% and some business owners
they do try to communicate and market
and talk to yes 7% but let’s talk about
below that the other 30% so you have the
top 10% the 30% below it this is the
ones that warm market these people that
they’re like you know I’m kind of
interested I could be convinced I could
be persuaded right I might have an e
maybe maybe maybe not right now but they
could be persuade give you the direct
thing so that’s the 30% and then below
that you have the other 30% which they
don’t even think they are interested
they’re not even thinking about it
they just don’t know they don’t even
know why they need what you have to
offer and then you have the bottom 30%
which is there’s no way in hell they’re
gonna buy from you there’s the people it
doesn’t matter what you do they don’t
like you they don’t trust you they don’t
need what you sell like if you’re
selling a stick these are the vegetarian
right they don’t want to buy all
yourself so I want you to think about in
your marketing message the way that you
do your marketing who are you talking to
if you’re only talking to the top 3%
which is what most people do you are
leaving a big chunk of the market place
you’re not talking to them you’re only
talking to the very very top that are
ready to buy right now which is nice but
you only have to understand that’s a
very very small percentage of the
marketplace so what could you do to get
and to capture more market share out of
this equation I don’t want to talk to
only the top 3% or even a top 10% I want
to talk to all 70 percent rule number
nine do martial arts my character and my
personality a lot of that came from
martial art is no doubt in my mind
as a businessman as an entrepreneur as a
as has been a lot of philosophies I
learn from martial art I learn a lot
from Bruce Lee obviously you learn to
focus you learn self-discipline you
learn respect because we learn how to
learn how to how to bow right you learn
to be patient you learn to know that you
need to put an effort you need to put on
time to develop a skill set and also you
learn to be aware of your own flaw you
learn to eliminate your own defect
that’s what Marat is about every step of
the way you learn how to eliminate your
own defect you learned hey you know what
I’m punching this way it’s not enough
power it’s not enough speed my timing is
not good or whatever it might be but you
learn to developed you learn to hone
your skill set and that’s through that
process you learn you learn about
yourself as itself it’s a self
actualization process and rule number 10
the last one before a very special bonus
rule is be yourself not hostile towards
people have negative comments or dislike
me frankly I don’t give up I really do
not give up because people first of all
they dislike the keyboard warriors if
Paul Lee at home that’s why you’re poor
sometimes you even you guys ask me a
question god damn it where it’s so I
have over six seven hundred videos on
YouTube no Dan can ask you a question
about this it’s on YouTube already but
you can even search it it’s too hard
even type in the word to search that
video to watch they click they watch the
video all dan is too hot can you
organize it ok fine all guys a playlist
for you I can’t find a playlist even
that’s too difficult that is even a
problem and you say you want to be
successful give me a break
you came very quick enough thing how
could you not have confidence when
you’re so good at what you do that’s a
problem with young people you’re not
good at anything
oh I’m talking good no tell me the truth
you’re not good at anything no substance
you’re no foundation
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from Dan on how to be truly productive
that I think you’re gonna really enjoy
but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
answer these questions in the comments
below here we go question number one
what is the biggest mindset shift that
you need to make so you can accomplish
your goals number two what distractions
do you need to eliminate to get there
and number three what will you do to
when usually people are distracted and
they say well I can’t stay focus what
they really mean is they are getting a
lot of stuff done and B they’re not so
sure if they are actually doing things
that actually produce any results does
that make a difference so the key number
one to extreme productivity is you need
to be absolutely ruthless
when it comes to the outcome what is it
you’re trying to do what is it you’re
trying to create what’s the outcome that
you want instead of just getting busy
busy busy busy because I believe
busyness is also a form of laziness that
is not just because you’re busy it
doesn’t mean you’re productive
just because you fill up your calendar
with all kinds of stuff to do
it doesn’t mean you’re producing any
results right just because you’re
splashing in the water it doesn’t mean
you’re swimming right so that’s what we
wanted to be absolutely worthless don’t
just ask okay what I need to do what I
need to do how can I do this better
why am I even doing this at all this is
can I eliminate this if I don’t do this
would even make a difference what people
notice how would this contribute in my
life or to my bottom lines of business
when you are very clear and you are
ruthless about the outcome now guess
what you’re more productive and what you
notice is it doesn’t matter what is it
that you want to do whatever result you
want to create the 80/20 rule always
applies only 20% of what you do
contributes to 80% of results so you
constantly want to be thinking about
okay am I doing the important 20% why am
I just wasting time with that 80% that
actually doesn’t matter that much hi
this is Dan Locke if you’re a fan of
Evans work if you want to know exactly
how the model my success I want to
invite you to join me for a special
online training all you have to do is
click on a link below you can join me
for absolutely no charge so click a link
if you want more Dane Locke check out
the top ten rules vol 3 edition that I
did on him the link is right there next
to me I think you’re gonna enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there the first five years I didn’t take
a single day off
I was working 12 to 14 hours a day seven days a week

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