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“Wow, That is SUPER Awkward!”

wow that is super awkward it’s a balance
to be found between playing it big with
the other big players and playing it
small so you don’t kind of get outside
your own box I’m tapping that potential
in you obviously that’s such an exciting
what’s up belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine I’ve decided to blow up
I’ve decided to get the 10 million
subscribers it’s a scary journey and
I’ve decided to take it you guys along
the ride with me now to play that bigger
game I need to get out of my own way I
need to find out what my limiting
personal beliefs are and crush them so
in today’s episode I sit down with
Australian clinical psychologist Test
Crawley and she dives deep into my brain
extracting stories and pushing me to
become a better version of myself I hope
you guys enjoy so I am here with Tess
Crawley Tess is all the way from
Australia it’s 5 o’clock at night for me
she’s 9 a.m. thank you for making this
time work and just quickly for my
audience tell us the intro for you and
what you do
sure thing ok so I’m a clinical and
forensic psychologist here in Australia
but in terms of a more global audience
if you like I’m doing a lot of mentoring
for business professionals predominantly
mental health professionals but
entrepreneurs creative entrepreneurs and
so on so we’re here and we’re here it’s
this is it it’s happening so this is
this is my challenge to play a bigger
game to go for my 10 million if you
become a household name and every time
that I’ve made a big breakthrough I
think in my business has come from from
busting through another limiting belief
and so I think the biggest thing is I
don’t I don’t know what I don’t know and
I don’t know what the when I can
recognize something I try to go out and
attack it but I love for you to again we
can rebuild Evan Carmichael so where do
we go tell me tell me the process what
do you want to do what ok well I’ve got
questions ok so my questions are why why
you need 10 million subscribers what’s
in it for you so the 10 million is just
a number it’s not it’s not like it has
to be 10 million for me I have a
lifetime goal of I’m trying to solve the
world’s biggest problem untapped human
potential I think most people either I
think everybody has Michael Jordan level
talent at something they just either
don’t know what it is or they do but
they don’t believe in themselves enough
to chase it down and that is my lifelong
ambition to try to solve that problem
fully recognizing that I’m never gonna
do that for the world
but I’m gonna try to get as close as I
can to it so it’s the empty the the
ocean with the ladle everyday and just
doing it right it’s a big goal that’s a
big goal the bigger goal is a really big
goal that’s method that’s the big goal I
don’t have any in between goals really
like I don’t have a five year goal or
ten year goal it’s really what I’m my
lifetime mission and then when I’m
working on right now the purpose of
having something like a ten million goal
for me is just to rearrange my thinking
to try to play a bigger game even when
it came up with that mission to solve
the world’s biggest problem it meant not
doing things like one-on-one coaching so
I don’t do one-on-one coaching as much
as I love it because it doesn’t lead to
being able to have that big reach and
impact so everything I do is around big
reach and impact now I’m trying to
figure out how to do it more I’ve got my
mom’s voice in in my head it’s my
parents on the wall here behind me if
you can see it might be a little small
but such such a rock star further I’m
like eight or nine here and those are my
parents and and they my mom especially
always taught me that if you have the
ability then you have the responsibility
and so it’s knowing that I have the
ability to do it and so I feel a
responsibility to go out and spread hope
and positivity and believe and getting
out of my own way to to do it so it’s
not about ten and then like why I made
it and I’m done it’s just trying to
reshape how I think so that I’m forcing
myself to take bigger risk and play a
bigger game yeah okay so I call those
signposts in the road ahead you know
something you can grab hold of and sort
of pull yourself forward you can see
that you can see that it’s visible it’s
and the big picture goal is so big it’s
a bit overwhelming even to think about
that I’m sure some days yeah I mean I I
tend to look at it as big wine little
why so like my big why’s the the mission
and then the little why is when the big
why is too overwhelming and too crazy
then my little why is just the the
community so look at my YouTube comments
and I know that I I may not be able to
do that big thing but I can I’ve helped
these hundred people today and that
helps ground me and that the work that I
do is important yeah and that is very
real so these are tangible things that
we’re talking about you know the
tangible realness the comments that you
get from people the numbers and the
subscribers all that sort of stuff if
you’re going to Google me no doubt now
see I’ve got 58 subscribers I’m not
gonna advise you on how to get
subscribers on YouTube but you know I’m
tapping that potential in you obviously
that’s such an exciting journey at what
point did you decide that that was your
big picture goal how did that come to be
my perspective is I think your purpose
comes from your pain and whenever you
are feeling the most worthless as a
human being in your life then that then
helping people who are currently going
through that becomes the ultimate thing
that makes you feel great about yourself
so I struggle so much as an entrepreneur
in my first business being 19 and
struggling and making $300 a month and
also isolating myself and that I was too
embarrassed to tell my friends that I
wasn’t making money and so that made it
even worse and made me super you know
isolated then once I had some success I
found that by helping out other
entrepreneurs who are currently going
through that same pain that I went
through I resonate so strong with them
that when I helped lift them up a little
bit it makes me feel like I’m helping my
own 19 year old self and and that is
still a drug that never goes away from
me when we close the sale used to go to
McDonald’s and just buy french fries and
we would split a large french fries with
the three of us who are in the business
because we couldn’t afford a meal you
know like that’s real for us at least
and so when I do I think this leads into
like my tour when I do traveling and
stuff I love meeting with entrepreneurs
and I still resonate more strongly with
the pure startup who has no money who is
just getting started
every dollar counts cuz that’s still
where I live even though I’m way beyond
it I still resonate way more with that
person then the woman who’s making ten
million a year and is crushing as an
entrepreneur and so when I told Steve my
agent and I know you’re connected to him
too around what I wanted to do for my
tour he said you’re playing small you’re
playing it too safe you should be
charging for this and that fear comes up
of oh well not everybody can afford to
get in plus my my biggest fear is of
disappointing people and letting people
down I never go all the way to sabotage
it but I think it keeps me playing
smaller and so whenever I can recognize
it and catch it I try to do the thing
that would make myself proud but I think
a lot of it is still on autopilot and
the idea of letting somebody down and
wasting their time or ripping them off
even it would never be an intention but
if that was the result and they felt
that way it would destroy me somebody
felt I’m a fake or I’m a loser I’m an
idiot or I don’t care about that stuff
but if somebody you’ll get troll and
hater comments all the time that stuff
doesn’t bother me but if somebody felt
like I had let them down that would
destroy me that would destroy me yeah
because that’s an internal thing that’s
an internal thing that’s a feeling that
you’ve got I mean I think that sense of
isolation that you talked about with
entrepreneurs that’s the same thing that
brought me to what I’m doing is knowing
that you know you can be a private
practice owner you can have a whole team
of people working around you but when
you’re the one at the top of the tree
you’re the boss you’re alone and you’re
expected to note or or at least you put
that expectation on yourself and you
expect yourself to get it right all the
time which is really a one-way road to
burnout and I think that’s very true for
all entrepreneurs that they’re very much
alone and having to prove that they’re
doing this for the right reasons or
having to prove that they’re successful
because let’s face it you choose to open
your own business
you’re rejecting a whole lot of other
ideas I’ve actually just been listening
to your one word okay as I got out of my
car this morning it was you know writing
down the five things a big stick about
why you don’t want to go back to being
employed by somebody else right and you
know people had given all of that stuff
in order to prove that their business
ideas is valid and successful and all
that sort of stuff and I think when we
get to that level where you then
worrying about letting people down
that’s an internal thing that’s a very
you being isolated again you being
isolated we’ve got that feeling of
letting people down and it ends with you
doesn’t it but buck always ends with you
the buck stops there yeah where’s that
come from like wait I remember this
story right at the start of your one
word with your 19 year old self you
quitting from your business and then
humbly going back and saying by unquote
right yeah it was that part of it that
whole sense of letting people down being
a failure that quitting moment was that
part of it I don’t know maybe I think if
I if I could to logically think through
like what I can the best answer I can
give you right now would be I think it
comes to my parents believe comes to my
parents the sense responsibility comes
to my parents from my dad’s side it was
you know we’re never late we’re never
late for things were always early even
the even the name Carmichael is a
Scottish clan and has a French slogan
for the every every Scottish clan has a
slogan I guess and ours is too short
play which means always ready so we’re
always ready
we’re always on time we’re always early
like my dad my grandpa myself I was
always early and still am always early
for things like this call you know set
I’m early ready to go they being late
for somebody like destroys me as well my
mom’s side was more the the duty to do
something greater the duty to be of
service to play a greater role my dad is
the most humble nicest person you ever
gonna meet in the world mm doesn’t have
massive ambitions to do great things my
mom is more the ambitious side and I
remember when I was probably around that
age 8 or 9 I did a little family
newspaper and I went to go interview her
from my family newspaper and asked her
why she wanted to be a lawyer and she
said I’m not a lawyer like she
interrupted me and stopped me and said
I’m not a lawyer I’m a constitutional
lawyer and the difference is lawyers
follow the laws where constitutional
lawyers help make the laws and and it
was always that sense of contribution
and giving back
doing more and if you have the ability
have the responsibility all that kind of
stuff so that side of contribution with
my dad’s never being late and and I know
that’s kind of formed where I’m at the
the whole could not quitting on the
business I think really came back to
just not wanting to live out of regret
pulling up a whole bunch of Evans
stories and then you can make the soup
that you make and see where it goes when
I was 18 I went to Paris it was my first
time going to Paris and I was standing
outside the Notre Dame Basilica you know
the famous French Church – in Paris and
I had my map open out trying to figure
where to go next and this French girl
comes up and asked me for directions and
I thought she was cute and I wanted to
ask her out but I was too afraid and I
didn’t even twig with me that why is she
asking like she’s French why she asking
me for directions with my map it didn’t
it didn’t register so long story short I
gave her the directions she left and I
felt terrible about myself that I didn’t
I didn’t at least try you know I was too
afraid to leave dry so she laughed and
she crossed the river and then I tried
to take a picture of the scene just to
remember it I came home and I blew up
that picture and put it up on my wall
kind of like this I put up on my wall
and and I didn’t tell anybody what it
just people walked in and they saw the
beautiful French Riverside but to me
that meant I don’t want to live with
regret I would I can deal with failure I
can deal with it not working out but I
don’t want to deal with not knowing that
painful situation in Paris changed my
mindset so that whenever I was faced
with something I will push through the
fear of failure for the price of knowing
and so with my business when I first got
into it I didn’t know if it would work
or not I had high paying job
opportunities to jump in and go off and
do and I had this simultaneous job to go
and be a co-owner in a business and make
$300 a month versus you know a hundred
thousand a year and travel around the
world dream job and I that was the most
difficult decision of my life basically
deciding the the signing point was I’ve
been looking at that picture for the
past year on my wall I said I don’t
wanna live with regret
and so I’m gonna go and take the startup
company opportunity because I may not
get it again I could get another job I
mean I’d be the same job may not be as
good a job but I could get another job I
don’t know if I’d ever get this kind of
thing again and I might regret not doing
it so that’s why I went and did it and
the same thing happened when I had the I
quit moment I just felt like I hadn’t
given everything yet I felt like there
was still I could quit on something if I
knew I gave it everything and I just
felt like if I didn’t just see it
through at least a little bit longer
than I would regret it and so that’s
what kept me need to keep going and it’s
still the framework that I use today
when I’m afraid of doing something if I
look at the tour like even this morning
woke up and it was I was afraid on my
tour I was nervous I hadn’t done
practice 24 hours I’m nervous and and
I’ll just tell myself this tour is gonna
be the greatest thing of all time like
this is the tour that will make my mark
on the world
and if I don’t do it then I would read
it until the rest until I’m dead you
know it’s like so that pain maybe that
maybe it’s unhealthy or maybe it’s the
best thing I should be doing but if I
have a pain of like I have a hangnail of
pain then I’ll punch myself in the arm
with regret so that I don’t feel the
pain of hanging anymore and it forces me
into action I think it was more out of
fear of regret that this that I hadn’t
given everything that there might be
something else that I could do that I
would that I would regret quitting too
soon on the business but it also fits
really nicely with your values too you
know those family values that run
straight through you you know that that
whole thing of giving it everything
being ready being professional and
making sure that you’re not running just
because you’re scared but but making
sure you’re pushing forward to see where
the limits are where the boundaries are
that sounds very much aligned to that
family value that you carry really
strongly sounds really important to you
yeah it’s I mean it’s still believe and
believe comes to my parents that being
said like I quit on lots of stuff to I
don’t think I quit on people enough or
soon enough because I’m afraid of
disappointing them or letting them down
or I’m happy to have hard conversations
but I also believe in people too much
sometimes and that I always see what
they could become
even though
they’re not the committed to becoming
that person so there’s pros and cons a
belief and that’s what I’m trying to
break through well I think the downside
of belief too is when you get let down
we put our faith in something and we get
like them I feels like it’s not a thing
for me but it might be I mean I’m trying
to think of stories of if somebody lets
me down it doesn’t tilt me like it
doesn’t make me I’m super understanding
for some reason I don’t take it
personally when somebody lets me down
maybe I should or maybe I’m missing the
whole thing and there’s I don’t feel
like that resonates off to otaku I don’t
feel like people letting me down is
something that is a big deal right now
just touching on that letting not
letting people go soon enough you know I
think that that you know we do have
people around us that can disappoint us
in there whether it’s lack of faith in
us or lack of loyalty or whatever it is
when people let us down you mentioned
you mentioned that yourself I’m not
letting people go soon enough is that
because they’re they’re letting you down
what would make it easier for you to
draw about a boundary so so loyalty is a
big thing for me and if somebody is
loyal and is is starting to is trying an
effort then then I’m I want to keep
going my internal compass is along the
lines of as long as we’re moving forward
together I’m I’m happy to be with you
and some people you can run with and
some people you have to crawl with and
like slowly carry them across the street
I’m so addicted to the growth process of
people that as long as they’re loyal
when they’re trying I have patients
beyond what I should have patience for
because I could if I banned in that one
person I could have eight people who
were running with instead of having that
one person that I’m walking with and
taking a lot of my effort I’ve made some
changes of that but still I think a good
chunk of my team like may not be the
best in the world at what they do but
they’re they’re so loyal to me and they
and they and they put in the work that I
would have
super hard time letting somebody go if
you did something against me or against
the company with intention matters so
much to me I think I think that’s it
like attention is good I’m with you and
I believe in where you can go if your
intention is bad then then you’re out I
have no problem letting you go when I’m
talking to business owners in it they’re
talking about recruitment and they’re
talking about the challenges how’d it
and they have a lot of fears around what
if I choose the wrong person what if I
choose not the best person and a lot of
the advice I give people is around
thinking about the right fit so that’s
that personality stuff it’s that loyalty
stuff and that values based stuff you
know does this person speak to your
goals and and and are they aligned with
where you’re trying to go so how does
all of that feed into the barriers that
you talk about you know your your ten
million subscriber goal it’s a big lofty
goal and I love it I think it’s
brilliant but those barriers you talked
before right at the start we’re talking
about the barriers you sort of you play
small what do they look like those
barriers to you how do they how do they
feel so the one that comes to mind is
just the fear of disappointing people I
think the challenges I don’t know how it
manifests is find new then I would I
would attack it I like attacking
problems if you point something now you
give me homework I’ll go do it you know
I’ll do it I’ll do the homework I’m a
good student I want to I want to crush
it so even the idea of doing the tour I
wanted to do a free tour so sweet coffee
shop meetups make it free for all
entrepreneurs and just go hang out at a
coffee shop a couple hours and Steve
said no you’re playing small you need to
charge for this and so great that night
I decided I’m going to charge for this
and just work through it and create the
landing page and like you got to work
immediately on doing it so I like having
assignments to go work on and and push
through I think it’s I don’t know how it
manifests itself and maybe there’s
something totally different that is
ringing in your head that is sounding
off alarm bar is it alarm bells that I’m
not even aware of like the last thing
you talked about about people
disappointing me I don’t feel like it’s
an issue but maybe it is and I need to
go test that you know I guess that’s why
I’m talking to you
like find something and say this is
where I love being told that I suck at
something when I’m getting help or
getting advice from people I’ll often
lead with that like tell me I’m an idiot
tell me tell me where I suck because
then it means like it’s grounded and I
were I rock I feel like I’m amazing but
I know that I suck at a bunch of stuff
so it gives permission I don’t want
people to hedge on their advice but you
just tell me here’s what here’s where
you suck Evan and I’d see like so yeah
I’m grateful for that you’re not hurting
I’m like okay people watching might not
know that we’ve not had a conversation
before so this is our very first
conversation so I’m still getting to
know you right this is very very real so
the questions I’m asking aren’t loaded
yet they might eventually become loaded
not loaded yet you know we’re just
getting to know each other one thing I
did want to ask you is when was the last
time you or the biggest time that you
remember disappointing someone Oh what
what still pushes that makes you feel
sick button you know that button that
we’ve all got makes you feel sick when
you think about it like oh my god I wish
I hadn’t done that you need to take that
back when you let someone down the only
one that comes to mind and like I don’t
have that many I think because either
one I play so safe that it doesn’t
happen right or two when I commit to
I’ll just over deliver so much like for
the tour now that it’s a paid thing I’m
bringing so much it like this is life or
death like every event for me when
people are just saying okay 45 bucks I’m
gonna show up and maybe have a good time
like for me it’s important and so I well
I I come in at a thousand when they’re
expecting the pain so I rarely give them
a nine right okay so but the only one
that comes to mind recently was there’s
a friend of a friend who I was trying to
help out and I had taken over
I just bought local business here and I
took on so many people’s problems
that for a week I had to take stress
pills if you’re around me and I see a
problem and and I feel like I can help
then it’s that ability responsibility
thing I I want to dive in and help
because it was taking on a whole new
team in that process I took on too many
people’s problems and wasn’t sleeping
and had to take stress pills and it had
to decide okay there’s some people that
I just need to I need to not help right
now my bandwidth is out and I’m I’ve
never really had that like I don’t
stress out like crazy you don’t have to
take stress pills so there’s one guy in
particular I’m thinking of that I let
down and still has a quasi bad taste in
his mouth we’re not enemies or anything
and he would take a phone call or
something but I didn’t leave it like
like I normally would if I felt like I
had disappointed somebody I would follow
up when I would help them and I would I
would make sure that they get what they
need to get and I didn’t for him I had
to let it go because I was feeling too
stressed out so I let him go and that’s
I’m sure he barely cares but to me it’s
still like still there yeah it’s still
there the brand that I am working under
with my mentoring stuff at the moment is
finding proof so I’ve just uncovered
some for you so we’ve just we’ve just
identified you struggled to come up with
one example of letting people down okay
yeah okay and yet this is this big this
good cuz so much one big overriding fear
for you is disappointing people but you
struggled to come up with a single
example of that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
so what yeah so what we need is for you
to I think there’s two things going on I
think that there’s this big warrior
fortieth scenario that he’s actually
just let’s call it crap because it’s not
true not going to happen is lots and
lots of evidence that you don’t let
people down yeah so there’s that then I
though I’m just wondering your value is
so aligned to helping people if you have
10 million subscribers and they all say
Evan can you help me you’re not going to
be able to help every one of them
individually and I’m wondering if that’s
the sort of little background noise that
might be that play it’s small but small
cuz I can’t help everyone individually
is that ringing any bells with you or
that I’m not just barking up the wrong
um I think there’s those pieces there so
my YouTube comments
I used to do every I think everybody
gets to get a response and so when
you’re first starting up it’s easy
because you get one comment a day and
then it’s easy to respond with when now
my youtube channel grew I couldn’t
physically do it like I mean it would
mean I would not make content because
it’s just sheer volume of comments so I
hired somebody to do the comments on
behalf of the team just like you would
hire a receptionist at your office
because you can’t handle all the phone
calls and he goes in and he responds to
the comments as himself not kind of
pretend to be me and then he’ll save
once for me that I need to see so I’ve
let go of the need to have to respond to
every single one myself the like onion
segrand for example he’s doing all my
Instagram comments he’ll save the ones
that I need to see but so usually the
negative ones that I asked for or the
ones where I can bring some value if
somebody says hey Evan
this is great keep up the good work
thumbs up like okay I don’t need to see
that like thank you thank you like I’m
super grateful but yeah words of what I
need to take action on I want the
feedback I don’t want to know what I
might be able to provide some value in
the dams
I like doing video DMS for people and
that’s starting to get we’re just about
to cross a hundred thousand subscribers
or followers on Instagram and that’s
starting to get a little intense now on
on DMS coming in so I may have to either
just let that go or give it to somebody
else it was consistent I will I will get
out of my own way and figure out a path
that makes sense but for short bursts I
will I will screw myself over pretty
hard I went to an event in LA I was
speaking at an event and it was me and
Gary Vee and a bunch of other guys at an
event and I was in for four days and I
spent the entire time except for my
session I had to go speak and Gary
session and what to go support and the
other organizer I went to go see his
session apart from that I spent the
entire time in the lobby of the hotel
just meeting people recognized my face
and gear and all that so they came in
said hi and wanted help so I spent the
entire time in the lobby helping them
and I would wake up at 7:00 and go to go
help them in the lobby and then look up
and it was already like 2:00 in the
afternoon grab a quick bite then come
back to lobby and keep helping and and I
said no to all their like VIP dinners
and that stuff makes me uncomfortable
anyway which we can dive into maybe but
I would say up to like two in the
morning two in the morning helping them
and then we do that again for the next
three days so I spent four days
basically waking up at 7:00 and going
all the way until 2:00 and forget to go
to the bathroom and forget to eat and
forget to do anything and running the
fever the whole time but not even
noticing like oh I’m I have a fever I
should take an Advil but I’m not I don’t
feel it right and then and then I got
sick like massively of course because
you’re doing four days of non-stop and
so it’s it’s the thing that I love doing
the most but I need to I wouldn’t get
trapped to have to do that was happening
every day I would I would find a way
just like I did with the stress pills
I’m like okay I need to cut this off my
natural instinct would be to go in in
and just try to help as much as possible
and I think partly from the sense of
duty from my parents but one of the
biggest comments that I got from the
people who was helping in LA was you’re
so like you’ve made it you’ve got this
huge channel you’ve made it you’re one
of the speakers here you’re the only one
who’s sitting here in the lobby still
talking to us I wish the others were so
humble as well and and it made me want
to go back and like come back the next
year I’d be the biggest like get the ten
come back next year be the and still do
the same thing I think it’s a thing I
think it’s the value that needs to be
shared like I think what I’m doing I see
that as an example for others and I want
to be the shield for them to go off and
and be kind and be humble and and have
belief but also be confident yourself
and and not only do it for the money or
in the entrepreneurial world chasing the
wrong things I think I could sabotage
myself in the short run on things like
that but if it stayed consistent I would
find a way out of it to change up and
save me from myself and thinking ahead
to that you know you talked about having
the really big
and you’ve got your 10 million goal you
don’t really have many of the mid-range
goals and maybe the major mid-range
goals are self-care related how do you
look after yourself what happens when
you you talked about your Instagram and
your DM how do you manage that what’s
your plan for that you’re thinking ahead
to looking after yourself so you don’t
get that seek every time you go to imeem
I live by my calendar I schedule
everything into my calendar including my
personal stuff so you know I don’t have
a cell phone number so nobody can reach
me Saturday is my day with family not
even family like admin chores laundry
just together family and I’ll surprised
my wife and clean a day for her every
whenever I try something new it always
stretches my calendar a little bit and I
can handle little bits of stretch but
then if it’s something that oh I like
this thing I want to do more of it then
it always goes back to my calendar so
how do I make this sustainable because
the way I’ve been doing it for the past
week is not sustainable and I find
solutions so there’s I don’t ever have
why not ever I don’t I don’t typically
have like that one time when I bought
the company was this big change that
then really impacted my schedule I live
by my schedule and then as things get
tweaked around as I feel pressure and
it’s encroaching on my time too much and
my happiness then I’ll make a change
relatively quickly I don’t think let
things typically get like way out of
chaos I’ll usually make pretty quick
adjustments so it may mean I give up my
Instagram DMS right now I’m I’m I’m
doing less of it I’ll just go through it
once a day and I’ll save my questions
for later and like batching things
together so it saves time and that may
work and at some point I’ll have to make
an adjustment on it as well I think
that’s the thing it sounds to me like
you you’re organized and you’re
dedicated and your professional and
write down and discipline I think that’s
another word you know really disciplined
and it surprises me not actually doesn’t
really when I think about those values
that come through and this playing small
sort of it’s about the humility in there
there’s a humility in there you know you
talked about entrepreneurs doing things
to the wrong things and I know I know
Gary Vee talks about that too you know
whole idea it’s not about hashtag laptop
lifestyle it’s actually about doing
things because you’re passionate about
doing things and you’re really clearly
passionate I mean that’s that’s not a
question at all I’m gonna be digging for
a little while let me give you another
story that may that may help it’s a
two-parter one I’ve Kanye West up on my
wall back there when I first came into
contact with Kanye I didn’t like him I
didn’t like the bravado I didn’t like
the ego that anti humility was was toxic
for me I grew up and I’d probably take
it from my dad’s side more than anybody
else of humble and maybe it’s a Canadian
thing I don’t know but humble and polite
and nice and you’re not supposed to brag
and you’re not supposed to definitely do
the wrong thing but even how you carry
yourself and it was never like imposed
and you know directed me it was more
just by observing and being around and
seeing how my father acted that I that
became part of me and so anybody who is
only about flashy suits and cars and
fancy things and that didn’t seem to
have substance would really bother me on
top of anybody doing something for the
wrong reason snake oil salesmen for sure
that was not something that I agreed
with as I started diving into my own
world of the content that I consumed I
wanted to be around people doing bigger
things in my circle I’m the I’m the most
successful person that I know like that
I hang out with and so I wanted to be
around Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk and
Steve Jobs and these people so my
content helps me I make it selfishly for
me and then I share it so I’m around
over on Elon and these people every day
and slowly I didn’t even notice it
slowly their perspectives their views a
way of thinking seeped into me to help
me become better bolder more confident
where I can have Kanye up on my wall and
love him for what he can do and still
not agree with some of the things that
he does and that’s okay and how
that ultimately manifested that was a
shocking moment for me was I was driving
with my dad in in his car who’s gonna go
ahead and go buy a new car and he had to
pick it up like two hours out of town or
something so he had his two hour ride to
hang out and catch up and I had just
signed a deal with a big CEO of a
multi-billion dollar company and the
deal was every month for an hour we were
gonna get on a hangout like this but
with a live audience and we were going
to do Q&A with my audience so they would
ask a question he would answer then I
would answer the next question and kind
of repeat that and my father remember
asking me how did you get the courage or
the guts to be on the same level as his
big CEO and he asked it not out of
negative but I was like ah like just so
happy I’d cuz that’s not how we grew up
very humble so now I’m on at how old the
mid 30s I’m in on the same stage as this
giant CEO of his multi-billion dollar
company a world that would be you know
for and I guess for my father and I
thought about it and it didn’t seem like
that big a deal for me and I think it’s
because I keep hanging around everyday
with Oprah and Elon and Kanye and these
people that that a CEO doesn’t seem like
some huge deal for me I was still
nervous about it and the first time and
all that stuff and as a at the time a
big deal for my company but it didn’t
seem that far out of reach where the
Evan of three or five years ago or
definitely 10 years ago would have been
would have likely sabotage dance at all
I can I’m not good enough to do that
like there’s no way I could be on the
same level answer those questions and so
I think the environment matters and and
I picked up through osmosis of all the
people that I’ve profiled new habits in
and changing my belief systems and I
think that’s that steady exposure has
slowly moved me forward to the point
where if you look at it on a on a three
or five-year or ten-year windows it’s a
lot but on an individual day step by
step you don’t feel any different from
one day to the next and so I can
continue down that path just like I’ve
done on my youtube channel the the point
of this new challenge with Steve is to
figure out okay
if how do we rip that out so it goes
even faster you know because I know
they’re still I’m not there’s still so
much more that I have to grow and go
through I think there’s there’s
potential I mean you could easily you
know take advantage of those
relationships for your own games but
you’re I don’t see you doing that I mean
I’ve only been paddling around in some
of your content I haven’t really dived
into all of that but you know I see that
you have your ten rules you’ve got all
that stuff but I don’t see you you know
arms around Oprah Winfrey every five
minutes so you that that’s again there’s
that values thing is that you don’t want
to let down those relationships either
you want to show those relationships
respect and professionalism and
integrity obviously so there’s a balance
to be found isn’t there there’s a
balance to be found between playing it
big with the other big players and
playing it small so you don’t kind of
get outside your own box and get looking
like you’re doing something
disrespectful yeah I think it’s a fair
point I think there’s there’s a there’s
definitely an element of showmanship
that I don’t agree with and I don’t I
don’t like selling something that I’m
that I that I can’t deliver on so
definitely ties back to them not wanting
disappoint people but also not being
disrespectful or dishonest with people
so that’s definitely there coupled with
the fact that I could do a lot more and
I can deliver a lot more than I’m
currently delivering so the adding more
showmanship or adding more bravado or
adding more promotion or sales I guess
or what I do knowing that I can deliver
it because I’m I’m probably selling
myself at a quarter of what I’m actually
capable of doing and then I’ll deliver
on the full when they thought they’re
getting the quarter and everybody’s
happy but I should be maybe selling at
the 3/4 and the full right or selling at
the full and delivering a little bit
more so I just you can still over
deliver but I think I’m over delivering
too much under selling myself too much
and that probably shows up in a in a
bunch of different areas what would be
the first thing that you would change
it’s just picking up on that you know
how you could change
you sell yourself and play it a bit
bigger in your self-promotion I mean
what would be the first thing you do
differently as soon as I think of
something I do it and and I mean that’s
what Steve is great at is he’ll call me
out and say like you need to sell this
harder and redo that video and say this
okay great I feel uncomfortable but I’ll
do it right like I’m I’ll take on the
challenge like Steve never pushes me to
the point where it’s beyond my values
right we’re gonna promise something I
LeBron we’re never gonna get that far
and because I’m so grained in that
there’s no way I’m ever gonna go that
far so that’s okay I don’t know like if
I knew it uh there’s there’s nothing
that’s on my to-do list or idealist that
then I really want to do and I’m afraid
to go off and do it’s the I don’t know
what I don’t know like if you yeah if
you look at my videos and you said hey
I’ve been like the way you start that
video really sucks and you got a like
try st. I’ll do it I’ll try it I’ll try
that hat on and and we can come back and
analyze it it doesn’t usually work
exactly word for word but there’s
something there that can make it better
because this still has the custom kind
of fit for me but if I had answer that
question I’d be doing it and so that’s
that’s in a way if the block isn’t it
that you can’t see immediately what and
that’s a true for any entrepreneur this
is not failing news it’s true that we
can’t see we can’t see what the magical
next lever is that we need to pull to
launch up to that next level I think
sometimes it’s about trying different
things you’re trying on for size what
does it seem to put on a bit more of a
showman’s hat for you I mean you can do
so much you know to ask you to put on
more of a showman set what does that
look like I don’t know what that looks
like I mean you say that when Steve asks
you to do something and it puts you into
the zone it’s a little bit uncomfortable
yeah what does that feel like for you I
mean what would it what makes you
uncomfortable what sort of things here’s
an example okay so when I first started
working with Steve’s company I had I had
Janie as a trainer so yeah
Janie helps you refine your message and
all this stuff and and she said okay
first activity you need to pretend like
I’m your girlfriend and start talking to
me like you’re my girlfriend like wow
that is super awkward but okay great and
and I probably know really sumps
stumbled my way through it and sucked
but but I’ll I’ll I’ll try almost
anything you know as long as it as long
as it doesn’t go against my values
I’ll try almost anything and I take
pride in in trying difficult things even
if it fails I’m okay with that
I take pride in the attempt so Steve has
me we’re making videos to promote the
tour and I wrote a best way to script
you gotta you gotta sell it harder and
push it harder okay great and I redid
the whole script and then he’ll tear
that one apart and then give me a final
script I can’t read word for word on the
script cuz I have to still kind of flow
but but it’ll be pretty close and then
it’s more what he wants whether it’s a
video whether it’s creating content
whether it’s strategy like even the idea
of the tour scared me he said you know a
90 day tour for people for most people
would be really scary for you it’s not
that scary that the unpaid one like
coming across the country for 90 days
it’s a quarter of the year gone 23
cities for most people would be really
crazy but for you it’s not that crazy
yeah that’s not that crazy like my wife
had to quit her job to do it that’s
scary for her but for me is like okay I
could do it but the idea of charging
dens like whoa okay it’s a lot more
preparation I wanted people down you
know not everybody can afford it all
those thoughts come into my head but
then it was that night like okay oh it’s
great let’s do it
I’ll do it right now and I don’t know
how it’s all gonna work out but it’s
trust in the process you know so I trust
in Steve doesn’t always leave me the
right way but he’s got a pretty good at
bat it’s the same thing if there’s
something that’s ringing true that says
hey everyone like you should try jumping
into the pool naked or something like
okay well pest said to jump into the
full naked so here I go for the record I
did not say when Steve and I were first
talking about the stuff this is where he
we had a little breakthrough – or he
said you should you should you need to
do things that make you vulnerable
because you look too perfect and – like
I have no problem being vulnerable I
don’t he’s like you should go and wear a
dress on the street I could do that I
painted my nails and walked and spent
like two weeks with my nails paint
like I don’t sharing stories I don’t
mind asking anything as long as it
doesn’t throw my parents or somebody
under the bus that I care about and
that’s fine I can couch the story enough
that we get what we need without without
hurting anybody but I don’t mind being
vulnerable I don’t I don’t have a
problem with it I think it actually is a
superpower I think the more that that’s
come out the more people can connect
with me and it’s a different style
compared to what most most of the mail
I’m a man you know no weaknesses yeah
are out there doing and so the the
values led kind of content and about
leadership I think is we’re like me like
I’m introverted I’m shy and so I don’t
mind sharing that stuff it doesn’t
bother me I don’t care about the
judgment if somebody thinks I’m an idiot
for wearing orange nail polish to fight
a fear great I don’t feel like I let
them down and so that’s that’s then
where it like it starts to twig so the
vulnerability part I don’t I don’t have
any she doing I may not see how it
connects to if you said hey in this
video you need to be more vulnerable and
you need to or you’re calling me out
here say hey Ivan like you’re not
telling me the full story like you’re
you’re hiding something all your answers
are too perfect like I want some pain
like okay good okay I’m sure there’s a
whole bunch there that I just blocked
off that I’m trying to get through but I
don’t have a problem with the
vulnerability stuff what I did want to
ask you talking about that vulnerability
and not bit and being okay with that I
mean do you with a returning point I
mean I think most kids most adolescents
don’t want to buy into any sense of
vulnerability there’s that that it’s a
transition into adulthood maturity I
think makes us more comfortable with
vulnerability was there a turning point
that you can remember where you look
back and you’re really proud of how you
withstood that that vulnerable moment or
that painful moment that allowed you to
grow and leap into that more mature
comfortable with honor ability praise it
might be a young kid it might be an
adolescent or it might be early
adulthood but something where you really
remember being able to withstand
vulnerability nothing’s coming to mind I
I think I think even two it’s like even
that I don’t have an answer to that
means that I probably should have
started sooner I think I did it when I
was ready but I probably should have
done it like five years sooner I’m
trying to adopt the mantra that if you
if you’re if you’re great the first time
out then you should have done it a
couple years ago great on your first
video you should have done it years ago
and so every time that I’ve done it I’ve
been ready to do it like painting my
nails was manaat’ vulnerability his fear
of judgment I was ready to do it I still
felt it and I did it with vulnerability
allowing others to see your humanity
yeah yeah as a bad lesson that’s a
really tough gig I don’t think I was as
an adolescent I think even in my early
days I think I think one of the core
problems of of why took so long to come
out was I don’t need to share anything –
I think things through myself I don’t
need to talk about it to anybody when
I’m dealing with a problem so with my
wife as an example she loves hearing
about my day
and I need to force myself to think
about what happened today to share it
with her because it brings us closer
together for her and I love hearing
about her day but I don’t need to get it
off my chest to share it if I’m dealing
with a problem like I’m trying to figure
this YouTube thing and I know she
doesn’t have domain expertise if she
knew what she was doing on YouTube then
I’d be seeking knowledge but just
venting doesn’t help me I’m looking for
answers I need to digest it in my own
head when I’m working through a problem
or emotions so sharing was never came as
a natural need with friends in private
or on the public setting I don’t know
when like I don’t I can’t think of a
moment that I feel really proud of that
I said wow this moment was when I was
super vulnerable and and it was great
which means like I should have done it
sooner right like I know it means I was
never scared to do it what were you like
as a younger kid there I mean we were
you always brave or were you with grown
uh you know
as a younger kid yet we surrounded by
friends and family did you feel
bulletproof or did you feel the opposite
of that um I didn’t have a ton of
friends I always had I was I think I’ve
always been introverted I always kept
with a tight circle of people whatever
school or club I was at I was I had
entrepreneurial tendencies I you know
five years old I painted a picture with
my my three year old little sister and
we sold it to my neighbor for 10 cents
and like started doing stuff like that
baseball cards and lemonade stains and
all that kind of stuff but at that time
entrepreneurship also wasn’t I’m 30 what
year is it I’m 39 in May so I guess I’m
38 and a half now
entrepreneurship wasn’t seen as a career
opportunity or path at that when I was
growing up and and nobody my family was
an entrepreneur so I thought I wanted to
be a banker like high school yearbook
were you gonna be in ten years VP at a
I was very hard working I didn’t do the
best in school compared to my sisters I
have two sisters one older one younger
they usually got straight A’s and I got
B’s sometimes C’s and when report cards
came out I always had to have the talk
with my parents where we sit down and
talk to my report card and how I’m not
getting A’s and I should be but it
always left on a positive it was always
your abacus really Carmichael you could
do anything that you put your mind to
which is still the kind of believe
message I never came out feeling like I
was an idiot it was always that that I
could do more and then something
happened last year of high school for
whatever reason I believed in myself
more than then my parents did and they
just want me to get straight A’s and in
my last year of high school I got
straight 90s I don’t know I don’t know I
don’t know maybe being to lie down and
like think about why that happened but
something happened in the last year of
high school that I just took everything
more seriously and started betting on
myself way more and applying myself I
don’t think I’m super talented at many
things I think my YouTube channel has
grown because of just consistency and
hard work and I’ve been doing three
videos a day
for five years you know like where
people have a hard time finding time to
do a video a week I’m doing three a day
and and that’s led to a lot of growth
I’m probably better at at hacking things
and not hacking like computer hacking
but just understanding things and
listening and growth hacking like
Instagram I could pick it up quickly you
know we started last year with 6,000
subscribers or followers now we’re at a
hundred almost I can pick that stuff up
really quickly so that that comes a lot
more naturally than being in front of
the camera I’m better in front of the
camera because of all the work it’s
6,000 videos and lots of training and
and I still want to get better but I had
to be forced into the front at the
beginning that was only about the people
that I’m profiling never about me like I
was always shocked why do people want to
know my story jobs and Oprah and all
these people like I mean I sold my first
business great but who am I compared to
these people and in after lots of
feedback and requests and I’m slowly
like push myself more to the front
recognizing that my story has a lot of
value and that’s ultimately will help
move people down the road I forget even
what the question was but we went down a
couple tangent we did three there the
good good tangent to that thing about
you know honoring your own value to
others that takes I think that takes
people that’s a little bit of a journey
that people have to go on to get to that
point I had an experience in the past 12
months where I realized I was a really
niche part of private practice
psychology that I knew a hell of a lot
about and I didn’t realize not many
other people knew about and not my
favorite it’s all about you know billing
systems it’s not very sexy at all that
though has become a lesson for me and
understanding that we all have these
these knowledge bases or these
experience bases or even if it’s
personality characteristics that convey
something well that is a value to others
and it takes a while for us to unlock
that so I mean it’s great to hear that
journey that you in on I think that’s a
really valuable story for a lot of other
entrepreneurs to be able to sit back and
hang on a minute what is it that other
people find of value that I’m
undervaluing in myself yeah my approach
with that now is I just try to I’m
trying to ask people what do you think
it’s worth
he’s totally wrong and Steve will
destroy me for this or he was the best
thing I don’t know I had a meeting I had
a meeting yesterday with a guy who wants
to do some work together on the YouTube
channel and he’s proposing something
that is bigger than I’ve done before and
he said well how much would it cost and
and I would I was I went the other way
and just leaned in on humbleness he’s
like you know what I’m great at getting
people attention I am I’m great at you
want to build content out but I could
get your name out there pretty quickly
so that lots of people know about you I
don’t know how to price this I have no
idea what’s it worth to you I’ve taken
that approach a couple times and it
seems to they almost feel bad for me or
they feel like they want to help me as
opposed to being like a tough
negotiation I don’t know what the charge
I have no idea what to put in and so I
show how good I am at doing a thing that
I’m doing and then ask what it’s worth
to them and then this guy’s you know
hundreds of millions of dollars net
worth he sees himself as a mentor and
like great like I would love to learn
from this guy and learn a little bit
more too so making that humble approach
but then trying to get something for me
in the process there’s been a
interesting tactic that seems to be
working but but maybe Steve would
disagree or you would disagree and I
don’t know I don’t disagree we can gang
up on stage I don’t disagree I think
that that the personal characteristics
that you bring to the table that’s part
of what you offer that’s part of what
you’ve got for sale in so to speak you
know and that’s what sets you apart from
others in the in thus being you talked
before about you know the whole the
alpha males in that motivational domain
that we all know really well you can’t
all be the same I can’t be one of them
when you can’t you and you’re you’re
clearly not that style and it works for
you to not be that style you’ve got to
be that’s a thing in an integrity stuff
you know your knowing your values
knowing your where your dignity sits
where your integrity sets and being
strong in that for some reason I’m
thinking about meditation and yeah you
know I don’t know my mind will go weird
places and we’re talking dedication I
believe meditation works I believe it
works I believe in the science I’ve
never found a way for it to work for me
I’ve used the apps I’ve sat with some
you know super amazing people and on
private sessions like world-renowned
people and I come out and I I don’t feel
any different
I don’t want disrespect people but at
the same time I haven’t figured out a
way that it works for me and I’ve been
told a couple times that the problem
with you Evan is that you’re almost
always in a meditative state anyway and
there’s a piece of me that actually buys
that the piece of me that believes that
but I can’t fully accept it because if I
do then I give up on continue to try and
so I still believe as great as I think I
am I still really there’s still a whole
bunch that I don’t know and that there’s
still a teacher out there who’s gonna
give me some great meditation and so I
am pretty well rooted in the how awesome
I am camp but now I need to figure out
like why do I suck and how do I attack
that and that’s why I tell people like
tell me that I suck is I’m so grounded
in the I’m awesome that I need to know
how I suck so I can get better at the
that thing how do you think you suck
well I don’t know like that’s why that’s
why I’m doing this you know that’s why
when I get in it the only like I’m I’m
the only thing that comes to mind is the
is the disappointing people and yet
that’s a huge advantage of course of
then you don’t rip people off and all of
that massive advantage and where does it
show its negative side that that
prevents me from doing what I want to do
because above all else you know just
keeping values in mind I wanna I think I
can have a huge impact we’ll need to
hear the message the positivity I think
there’s too much negativity too much
pessimism much too many bad role models
and and I think I can be a voice I have
the ability so how the responsibility I
think I genuinely think I could have a
huge impact on the world but I’m not
getting there to my abilities
but I don’t know what I’m missing you
know like I’m climbing as fast as I can
up the mountain that I think I should be
on but I know just like the meditation
side I know there’s like I should be on
that mountain and using this year to get
even faster because I have the duty to
to contribute and that’s the you just
used some dirty words in my camp should
whenever I hear the word should it’s
that guy who gets my hackles going I so
why should you be on this other mountain
for meditation if a patient doesn’t work
for you too bad you find something else
too I don’t know why should comes into
it with meditation I don’t know why she
would come into it I think there’s a lot
of shirred in your fear of disappointing
people too could be I don’t want to it’s
a great big stick to hit yourself over
the head with oh sure yeah for sure if I
did here’s the thing I guess if I didn’t
have that I wouldn’t
I need something to push me hard because
otherwise I’m so grateful for everything
I have and everything I’ve done it’s
easy to stay on the course it’s easy
keep doing what I’m doing I’m super
grateful like I could wake up every day
and just respond to comments and know
holy cow I’m having a huge impact or the
whole thing went away and YouTube blows
up and I got nothing I’m still grateful
for the whole thing that’s happened like
man what a ride that was crazy so I’m so
in that that I think that’s the biggest
thing that Steve is up against me on
that I I know I can be doing more but
I’m not and I’m not hungry enough for
pushing myself enough to go and do more
I don’t beat myself up saying I suck and
I always ride this guilt that I should
be doing more I don’t I think it’s both
I have a foot I’m not in the middle I
have a foot in both camps I’m awesome
and I’m so grateful and and I’m humble
as anything and I’m trying to work on
the other side where it’s like I want to
do more I should do more I have a
responsibility to do more I’m not a
religious person I don’t know if you are
but there’s a there’s a quote from the
Bible that that I love using and pushing
religious people on
I forget the exact line but basically
God has given you gifts and you have to
do something with those gifts and if
you’ve been given more gifts and you
have an even greater duty your
responsibility to do something with the
gifts and I feel like I have a lot of
gifts I think back to 19 year old Evan I
could be a shield for way more people
and that if I’m out they give me doing
this like having this session a lot of
people would be too embarrassed or
ashamed to come on and talk to an expert
and dive into your story and Pat and
like even this is not this this is I’m
pumped for this this isn’t a big risk
for me like I’m excited like if I can
learn something and get better it’s
awesome and somebody watches it
encourages somebody else to go talk to
to a psychologist someone’s going to
help them through their problems like
I’m so pumped for that like if this
opens for mental health for people
amazing so I don’t I think if that’s
gone I don’t know what I do I think it’s
I think it’s just too easy to stay where
I am and Coast if I don’t have I should
be doing more the ability so you had the
responsibility so we may have been
there’s a question about who you’re
doing more for and I mean Steve’s popped
into our conversation quite a bit today
and I know that he’s great at guidance
and pushing and other love Steve to bits
but I’m curious to know you know in
there in that should and in that not
letting people down you’re you’ve got to
be in there somewhere and I’m not sure
where you are and I don’t think you are
necessarily either you’re saying that
yes be stuck in the middle between
you’re really grateful for what this
amazing life that you’ve gotten this
amazing message that you can can share
with people but you feel like you could
be doing one it might be as simple as
changing it should to could I could be
doing more and is it is it about what
are my priorities is it about Who am I
doing this for
I mean some of these questions you’re
gonna have to go and think about sure I
maybe maybe that’s I mean maybe it’s the
whole game
I don’t feel restricted by should but
maybe it’s the entire thing and it’s
just about could I feel like I could I
feel like I should
I feel like I have responsibility I feel
like every time I open up and do
something new that that people are
afraid to do it gives permission for
other people that do that too in a
positive way not like hey here’s me on
my private jet you should go buy one to
make them feel less than but here’s me
doing a talk session and maybe you
should go do that too right if it feels
right yeah I did
EFT tapping if T you know that one if T
tapping yeah I’m not trying in it yeah
yeah like yen you release and you say
stuff and I did that with a local person
here in Toronto and we did a Instagram
live that went to YouTube about it and
like great I was talking about getting
over a fear of roller coasters and we
tapped our way through it and people in
the comments were freaking out that I
was doing this and so vulnerable and so
brave and it doesn’t feel like that for
me it’s great that it does that because
if that encourages a conversation on
mental health that helps other people
that’s amazing and so I see those
comments it’s a really like doing that
was so inspiring then I feel like I
should or could do more like what is a
bigger version of that because if I can
reach X number of people with this then
I can reach X times 10 with with a more
dedicated approach to it all the while
knowing that I’m never gonna hit my
mission like the problem I’m solving
will never be reached
I’m only scooping out of a little bit of
water but I want to go from scoops to
buckets but I’m never gonna I’m never
going to get all the water out I don’t
know that’s how I think maybe I’m a
second crate I know you tell me know and
I know so don’t what I think is you know
this big goal is so unattainable you
know in a very real way okay it needs to
be broken down it needs to be broken
down into into medium-range goals that
you can see that you’ve achieved those
things and the obvious ones like
subscriber numbers okay they’re tangible
but they like you said before 10 million
versus five million it doesn’t mean
anything different other than I came
people are being reached there needs to
be something else in between that is
closer to those principle based goals
because your big goal is a really
principle based one yeah it’s all about
your values yeah and so I think that you
know maybe in further conversations
we’ll get closer to being able to define
some of those medium range goals that
are still principle based but also
tangible and achievable so I think for
any goal setting if it’s like the 10
million if I don’t hit it I don’t feel
bad but even if it was a million or two
million if I don’t hit it I don’t feel
cuz I don’t feel like I’m letting
anybody down even a public declaration
I’m gonna hit a million subscribers plus
you know or two million subscribers to
us by the end of the year and I don’t
hit it like I worked hard for it like I
shot for the moon and I landed among the
stars or however that expression is I
don’t doesn’t that won’t mean anything
to me so I don’t know what a bigger goal
is to somebody else doing the tour and
committing to the people who are coming
out and paying to see me that drives me
to kick butt and be really ready if I
commit it to you like you give me an
assignment hey Evan
by next month I need you to do this and
I say I’m gonna do it I’ll do it not
because this is public and people are
watching but because like I don’t want
to let test down on this like this has
to happen because I told her I was gonna
do it so I don’t know like I don’t know
what the what a medium thing would be
where it’s committed to an individual as
opposed to a collective we’re gonna
discover that I would love I have I know
we’re going like we’ve gone like on this
but is there an assignment or some
homework yeah I’m taking notes okay what
do I have to do alright okay this is
something that a lot of people that I’ve
worked with have really resonated with
so I’m going to throw this one at you
mainly because you struggled to find
something in your childhood or
adolescent that really demonstrated
vulnerability or bravery or pride and at
one moment so this is an act I refer to
it there’s my superhero activity finding
your inner superhero through the
evidence that you’ve already got in
something that you’ve done already so
something that you’ve overcome now I
love it when people
to find something from their childhood
because at the time when we don’t expect
to be superheroes okay it doesn’t mean
that you have to have had the most
traumatic childhood in the world to be
able to demonstrate that you’ve been a
superhero it might be that you jet you
just once said no to a teacher that you
really respect it and it was a really
brave no and you look back on that and
think wow that was actually pretty
out-there for me as a kid so they need
the task think back you might need to do
some writing and some journaling and
scribbling to figure this out for
yourself but think back to a moment
where you are super proud and find a
photo from that time in your life that
illustrates yeah it could be it could be
yeah it doesn’t have to be me it could
just be like I need to be me oh wow
that’s gonna be rough yeah tons of
digital photos okay okay well you might
have to find a real photo and scan it or
something you know I already got one I
got it I got an answer and I got the
picture man super proud I was amazing
for this you know I I found I got one
now cuz I got you think you said
pictures and a trigger at a memory and
like oh that’s that’s up to you I don’t
know man so so when I was when I was in
my baseball card collecting days we used
to go to spring training every year my
mom would take me to spring training and
was me and her we went down and in
spring training the baseball players get
ready for the season and they play on
these really small stadiums so you can
get close to them and get access where
in the giant stadiums during the season
you don’t get to and in in 92 93 I would
be 12 and 13 years old we went down and
I knew all the players on the entire
team even like the the substitute and
rookies and like Benchwarmers that
nobody knew and I had everybody’s
baseball card ready to go and from when
they were driving in I knew who it was
that’s Roberto Alomar that’s vince
horsemen that’s whoever and would get my
card ready to the point where I mean I’m
12 years old and there’s people who are
like in their 40s and 50s then trail
me to say who’s that who’s that guy
who’s act and they’re like trying to
find their cards and so that made me
feel great that Here I am this 12 year
old knowing all the players feeling like
a superstar with all these adults around
me who didn’t know what they were doing
and then I went to go Vince horseman and
I named Rob because he’s a nobody
baseball player he had like a season or
two but I went up and asked him to sign
my baseball where nobody knew who he was
and like he could walk through when
nobody would know him and like that’s
faint horseman and I got him to sign my
ball and also made his day that a kid
was asking him for his autograph so
those that entire week for both years I
felt like such a superhero and my mom
was so proud and we’re taking pictures
all the players and all the audits with
trailing me around so that that’s that’s
what I’m thinking I got lots of pictures
of me with the base I have to find them
I don’t think they’re digital yeah I saw
some girls on my on my thing behind is
that that’s a good one that’s cool what
about that that’s that that’s that
maturity for 12 year old to be able to
image what this is going to be like what
its gonna feel like it’s events and
knowing that you’re sharing something
that he’s gonna make his day special
that’s pretty awesome for a 12 year old
boy to be able to pull that off I love
it homework then it’s doing similar
exercise but they’re overcoming
something overcoming something that was
a challenge for you that was awkward or
difficult or painful or scary or
something so a different kind of
superhero for you as a child a young
still as you could be use a child could
be using adolescent or young adult but
the thing that you’re most proud of
my folks I tell you my CV go here and
I’ll have to dig up the photo show my
superhero photo
he’s a photo that I keep with me all the
time it’s actually the wallpaper on my
laptop well it’s just me me as a
nine-year-old standing in the snow and
so it’s not anything spectacular
photographically but a story is that at
me as a nine-year-old
I’m in between two world wars between my
parents okay so they divorced for know
six things started getting really hairy
when I was 10 and at nine I was happy
enough to just play in the snow even
though it already
being through all this drama and I was
going to go through more I was happy
enough to be smiling in the snow having
an amazing time and in very calm
photograph so look at that my thing you
know what as a kid
I somehow managed to stay calm and stay
strong and still play in the snow and
enjoy the moment so that’s my superhero
so I think you can come up with so
you’ve got to now you’ve got your
amazing superhero who helps others yeah
it’s you at 12 yeah who’s the amazing
superhero that represents the strength
in you that time in your life when you
just did something or representative of
an era in your life when you were you
can look back and be proud overcame a
challenge but with a challenge right
overcame a child okay I’m gonna try not
to think about it because I probably cut
myself and we’ll save it so when I
opened I was scared and do I need to
find a picture that – yeah yeah because
I want you to have it might be a time
when you’ve let somebody down and I’m
proud of it well it’s got it : did it
when I’ve let or or do you watch is when
whenever let somebody down aim what I’m
most proud of overcoming that was a
challenge there they go you think
yourself to be time work oh I like I’m
gonna not think about it while I’m
talking to you because something’s gonna
come and I’m gonna get excited so that
for next time
for people who want to learn more about
you what you’re all about where should
they be going Facebook finding proof
page but such my name on Facebook and
you’ll find it ok we’ll link it up in
the description too for everybody
but that’s thank you for the love it’s
been a journey and I’m pumped to die
further in awesome great fun
thanks Aaron if you want to see my
business agent Steve pushed me to be a
better entrepreneur check the video link
right next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you there
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