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Work Ethic Motivation – How to develop an insane work ethic

how to develop an insane work ethic so
I’ve got a great question from one of my
youtube viewers love you guys Joshua who
wrote in hey I have an amazing video I
have a question how do you develop an
insane work ethic for your passion is it
automatic or question mark thanks in
advance so this is a great question and
one of the the dirty secrets about
entrepreneurship is that people always
think that entrepreneurs are always on
always motivated always happy and we’re
not you know we get down we we think
about giving up we think about quitting
we don’t always have an insane work
ethic so how do you get it okay
the first part is you have to love what
you do because you have to love what
your business is all about you’re doing
something important you have that
passion that you talked about right but
it’s not just automatic that’s not
enough but that’s that’s the first key
ingredient if you don’t love what you do
then you’re not going to work hard right
you have to have something you’re deeply
strongly passion about have a strong why
this is why I’m getting up every day and
going to work because you’re trying to
change the world for the better okay
that’s that’s number one most important
rule in business second thing though to
have your insane work ethic is you have
to do what you love so the things that
you get up and do you have to love right
if you’re doing things so obviously you
love what you’re doing right so you have
your you have your big vision your
mission you know what you stand for how
you trying to change the world that’s
great but if the day-to-day activities
if you’re not doing what you love you’re
not going to work really hard you’re
kind of forcing yourself to get up right
so for example say you hate sales calls
okay you have a great product great
service important mission you know
you’ll do anything on the marketing side
and tinkering with the product you love
that stuff but sales calls you just you
hate it but you have to spend half your
day doing it you’re not going to be you
know what the crazy insane work ethic
you can only force yourself to do
something that you hate for so long so
you have to find another way to stand
you have to either give that to somebody
else or find another way right find
another way to succeed without doing the
stuff that you hate so you have to do
what you love the third is you have to
create an environment for success and
this is where a lot of people fall down
because their environments suck your
environment sucks if you think about why
you may wake up you know you go to bed
one night and you’ve had a great day
right you help some people out you get
that feel like wow I’m doing something
really important this is so fantastic
people love what I’m doing I feel I feel
valued I’m helping change the world for
the better you got a bed so happy and so
fulfilled and so proud of yourself and
then you wake up the next day and it’s
all gone and you’re like where where did
what happen where did all that energy
and motivation go every day you’re
starting over and you need to start with
an environment that supports you and
that’s everything from the the friends
in your life the family who you hang
around with the music you listen to
your morning routine the websites you
visit all of that is important you need
to create an environment that right from
the beginning supports you and sets you
up to be successful for that day okay so
here’s here’s what I do I wake up and
the first thing I do is I turn on
YouTube on my TV and I’ll watch a
playlist that I made and the first video
is always the believe by video that’s on
the main part of my channel and then the
rest is a random assortment of songs
that I like that that empower me that
make that you know get my heart pumping
that get me excited and you know you put
on so you put on a song that you love
and you know you’re dancing you’re in a
good mood immediately your mood changes
when you’re listening to music that you
love so I put that on I go I make my
lentils in the morning pop that in the
microwave I sit down and I start going
through my social media comments my
Twitter comments my YouTube comments my
facebook comments and they’re always so
powerful and overwhelming and happy you
know you guys make my day every day I
see the comments that come and say
haven’t you changed my life everyone
thank you so much like this stuff a lot
of it is wrong
and emotional and it gets me going it’s
like wow you know what I’m doing is
really important and that sets me up and
then I have you know different days that
I’m doing different things on but right
in the morning when you start up you
want to have a routine that supports you
and then think about the environment
that you work in if it’s a home office
if it’s a you know corporate office
wherever it is what’s around you you
know do you have a poster up or you’re
listening to good music you know are
there videos that you walk you have to
create an environment that when you step
in there it transforms you and takes you
from being you know that average morning
person who wakes up and it’s tired to
boom I gotta get to work I got important
stuff to do my time on this earth is
limited so here we go time the rock
right so those are the three things that
I find are really important to develop
that insane work habit you got to love
what you do you got to do what you love
and you got to create an environment
that supports you
great question believe those you’re
watching I love to hear what you do to
give you your insane work habits leave
it in the comment section below or give
a question leave it below as well you
like this video you can click on the
link in the description to support me
and click on my face subscribe to the
channel thank you so much I’ll see you
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