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Will Smith – The BEST Things in Life are on the Other Side of FEAR

three years ago I went I went skydiving
in Dubai right as skydiving skydiving is
a really interesting confront with fear
right so so I guess I got to stand up a
bit all right so so all your friends
what happens you go out how you oh sorry
I’m I think so what happens is you go
out the night before and you know you
take a drink with your friends and
somebody says yeah we should go
skydiving tomorrow and you go yeah we’ll
go skydiving or yeah yeah and you’ll get
ahead everybody goes Yeah right
and you go home but you by yourself you
like in right you’re like well I mean
they was drunk too right so so maybe
maybe they not maybe maybe I mean we
don’t have to go
we don’t have to do it so then that
night you’re laying in your bed and you
just get used to and you’re terrified
you keep imagining over and over again
jumping out of an airplane and you can’t
figure out why you would do that right
and you’re laying there you have the
worst night’s sleep of your life but you
still have the hope that your friends
were drunk
right so you wake up the next day and
you go you know down and you say where
you were going to meet and everybody
there you’re like ah all right cool cool
cool cool cool cool right so you get in
the van and you don’t know that your
friends had the same night that you had
cuz there pretended like they didn’t
like yeah man my uncle is a Navy SEAL
and you know it’s going to be great I’ve
been looking forward to this you like oh
my god oh my god and your stomach is
terrible you can’t eat and everything
but you don’t want to be the only punk
who doesn’t jump out at its airplanes so
you get there and then you have the
safety brief and you’re standing there
and the guys that tell you what the
chute doesn’t open what’s going to
happen is you’re doing you a lot of help
with what could happen
that the shoot whoo shoot wouldn’t open
right so you do a thing and what you do
is your first jump you’re attached to a
guy who is going to know he’s going to
walk you up so you go and you get there
and there’s an airplane and nobody
stopping everybody’s still going so you
get onto the airplane and you’re sitting
there and you know it’s extra because
you sitting on some dudes lap some
stranger ha ha ha you sit on a glass and
it’s not you know you got trying to make
small talk yeah man so you do you be you
be jumping with people all the time huh
right you know so and then you just want
to make sure you got you like kids right
you got people you need to see right you
want to make sure any series right so
you get in there so everything is normal
so you fly and you go up you go up you
go up you go up to 14,000 feet and you
notice there’s a light it’s red and it’s
yellow and green right so right now the
lights red so then you start thinking at
some point the lights going to go green
if you don’t know what’s going to happen
right and you wait and it goes yellow
and the light goes green and somebody
opens the door and in that moment you
realize you’ve never been in a freaking
airplane with the door open right terror
so say I’m fit I look okay priscila so
terror terror terror terror right so you
go and then you know if you’re if you
were smart you sat in the back so you
don’t go first right and then people
start going out of the airplane and you
go and the guy walks you up to the end
of the thing and you’re standing and
your toes are on the edge and you’re
looking out down to death and they say
on three and they say one two and he
pushes you on – because people grab on
three right and you go
and you fall out of the airplane and in
one second you realize that it’s the
most blissful experience of your life
you’re flying right it doesn’t feel like
falling right it’s like this you
actually are kind of held a little bit
about a win and then you start and you
start falling you falling and you
there’s zero fear you realize at the
point of maximum danger is the point of
minimum fear
it’s bliss it’s bliss and you’re flying
right and you’re doing it and then 20
seconds 25 seconds 40 seconds and you
have enough time to just kind of like ah
that’s it building that’s not like that
much right you start doing all of that
and the lesson for me was why were you
scared in your bed the night before why
did you what do you need that fear for
just don’t go why are you scared in your
bed 16 hours before you jump why are you
scared in the car why could you not
enjoy breakfast with what what did you
need that fear is fear of what you’re
nowhere near the near the airplane
everything up to the stepping out
there’s actually no reason to be scared
it only just ruins your day you’re you
don’t have to jump and then in that
moment all of a sudden where you should
be terrified is the most blissful
experience of your life and God placed
the best things in life on the other
side of Terror on the other side of your
maximum fear or all of the best things
in life you know so that was outside so
the harm caused that yeah that was that
was my experience with with skydiving
and fear alright alright so practice
practically speaking but I didn’t like
that take I’m going to do it again back
to the past
I can sell that better I can show it no
the confrontation with fear is an
absolute magical way of facing the
things we have to do in this life you
know forget security live for experience
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