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Will donating to charity help your business?

be genuine if you don’t really believe
in what you’re doing and you’re just
trying to sell people if you’re not
genuine about it customers will not buy
from you and you’re gonna constantly
spinning your wheels wondering why
you’re not making sales hi I’m Evan
I believe that hungry entrepreneurs
deserve help and today Mason the
question from one of my youtube readers
Jose Thank You Jose tons of comments
here on Jose’s video here basically
after all these comments that the
summary is Jose runs a party supply
store and he’s wondering if he should
donate some of his profits to help feed
the homeless people in his community and
he’s wonder if that will help his
business or not so Jose anytime you
involve some kind of charity with your
business it can it can be great it can
be great for business it’s not gonna be
a huge boost but it can help people who
believe in the same thing as you will
buy from you over somebody else because
they like the story they’ll like what
you stand for
for me I donate a lot of money to Kiva
which is a organization that helps
people set up businesses around the
world that helps them get out of poverty
by starting up a business and it’s
something that I believe in my core is
entrepreneurship is a way out of poverty
and so I like supporting as much as I
can I get flack for it because a lot of
the people we support are out of Africa
and they say you know you’re in Africa
why aren’t you supporting people in
North America you might get the same
thing you might get people saying why
are you feeding the homeless like why
not give them training or do something
else homeless is is kind of a
controversial topic for a lot of people
but if you believe in it passionately if
you think this is the way out you feel
like you’re doing a really good thing by
giving them a meal then put it as part
of your business and you should do it
regardless of if you think it’s gonna
help business or not do it because you
want to do it do it because it’s the
right thing to do every business should
give back in some way and it can help
with your marketing but that’s not the
reason why you’re doing it don’t do it
just for the PR or the marketing side
because if that’s the only reason it’s
not genuine and it’s gonna show through
won’t have an impact customers won’t
care about it but if you’re doing it
because you love doing it you believe in
it you’re able to talk passionately
about it you feel good about yourself
going into your business knowing that
you just helped feed six people that day
that’s why you want to do it and then
that will give you energy and that will
lead to more business and that will eat
the customer referrals so I don’t know
if you should do it or not it depends on
your motivation if this is genuinely
something that you want to do you
believe passionately in it then go and
do it because every entrepreneur should
contribute back to their community in
some way it doesn’t have to be a lot
some small way it makes you feel better
about yourself it gives you more energy
and helping people is only good for your
company you will get more customers it
will help you grow your business but it
has to be genuine good luck for those of
you watching if you like the video
please give it a thumbs up below
and hey I want to hear from you what do
you think about this video and if you
have a question for your company let me
know leave it in the comments I’ll make
a video reply for you guys thank you so
much and I’ll see you soon
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