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“Whenever I DO Something, I Feel HAPPY!” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation its Evan my
one word is believe I believe in you and
I want to see that awesome thing that
you have inside you explode out into the
universe to have a major impact so to
help you on your journey today’s message
is being righteous over to you APJ Abdul
Kalam I have the feeling whenever I do
something I feel happy you see this is
you trying and that whatever you may
have knowledge you have sometimes
bettering economy you may have better
better baby sometime you have a kind
words you can have so if we use and make
somebody’s life happy that you are
giving and his or her life is a happy
that’s a better best thing a human being
can think of they that then you’ll get a
card with conflict free world that’s why
I used to say there there is
righteousness in the heart there’s
beauty in the character where there is
beauty in the character there is harmony
in the home harmony in the home where
there is harmony in the home there is an
order in the nation when there is order
in the nation there’s peace in the world
which is a starting point where there’s
a righteousness in the heart beauty in
the character harmony the hope and the
order of the nation peace in the world
oh you know one of the others coming so
where we start we start the righteous
the heart adopting how can I make people
happy attitude is not just great in life
it also works really well in business
you’re thinking how can I make my
customers happy if you think about the
first rule of money of having money and
wealth and success in business that
comes from providing value to your
customers the more value can provide
them the more you’re going to get paid
the more consistently provide tons of
value to your customers the more
consistently you’re going to get paid
tons of money from them so the only
thing that I would
– this message is also make sure that
you’re making yourself happy because
sometimes we’re so focused on making
other people happy and trying to please
them and reach their expectations that
we’re not making ourselves happy enough
where ideally we’re doing the things
that make us happy and makes other
people happy as well that we’re living
up to our expectations for ourselves and
pushing ourselves to do better and in
that process we’re bringing other people
up and alongside with us right if you
only are doing the things that make you
happy but nobody else cares about them
you’re not providing any value then you
just have a hobby you’ve got something
that makes you happy that you can do by
yourself and great it fills you up but
it’s not carrying people with you if
you’re only doing things that make other
people happy but don’t make you happy
you’re never going to have ultimate
success you’re never going to be a
successful entrepreneur because you’re
just trying to meet an opportunity as
opposed to really love and what you’re
doing and the people who love what
they’re doing in that field if it’s
YouTube as an example right if you’re
just doing YouTube because they’re
trying to make other people happy but
you don’t love YouTube you’ll never be
successful on YouTube because the people
who are successful on YouTube are the
ones who love it and the people who love
doing YouTube will crush you because you
don’t love it like when you love doing
something you’re always gonna do better
and it’s a great opportunity because if
you are really far behind on something
that people are you know decades ahead
of you then the fact that you love doing
it can allow you to go way faster than
the people who are ahead of you because
if they don’t like it you’re gonna crush
them and so it’s that combination
finally the thing that makes you happy
plus makes other people happy at that
intersection is where you can provide a
ton of value so if you look at this
YouTube channel as an example a lot of
the messages a lot of the videos of
other people that I profile come from
you you know APJ Abdul Kalam is a legend
in my North American ignorance I’d never
heard of him before somebody requesting
him for this channel now his top 10
rules is one of the most popular videos
on my channel and he’s got so many great
inspiring messages to share and so you
guys wanted me to do him right it’s
making the audience happy I look at that
video I look at this content look at
what he has to share and say do i
resonate with that do i agree with that
do i feel like i want to share this
person’s content it’s a yes it makes me
happy too
combination equals a win right and so
all the best videos that I’ve done on my
channel has been a result of you guys
loving it and me loving it where I never
make videos just for you guys
if I don’t feel a video I’m not posting
it I review all the top tens a computer
review all the content I’d spend entire
day researching and reviewing the
comments from my team before anything
goes live and so I need to approve it
and if you guys don’t like a video you
let me know all right you vote with your
views you vote with your comments you
vote with your thumbs ups and a lot of
the series that we’ve put up have been
cancelled because you guys didn’t like
them enough I loved them but it just as
a hobby because you guys in like it
enough so that intersection if you’re
constantly thinking how can I make
myself happy while making other people
happy in the process as well and you
apply that not just to your business but
to your life that’s a win it’s a win for
everybody it’s a win for yourself cause
the win for your families to win for
your friends and win for your customers
to win for your community it’s a win for
the world and I hope you’ll adopt that
so the question date today is I’m
curious what is the thing that you do
that makes you happy and makes your
customers happy
if you have to pick the thing the one
thing that you do best that you love
that also your customers love what is
that one thing for you I’m really
curious to find out please share it down
the comments below I also want to give a
quick shout out to Denny is Kenda or
Denny thank you so much for picking up a
cup in my book your one word it really
really means a lot to me and I hope
you’re enjoying the read thank you guys
again for watching I hope you have an
amazing day I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning
for another shot of espresso
how does it feel to be an inspiration to
many people who struggle with life does
he feel that pressure yeah
that’s an intense question so he’s in
eighth grade he’s an eighth grade yeah
asking existential questions and about
how people feel or respond to me I don’t
think about that actively because it’s
not I don’t I’m not what I don’t do what
I do to have that effect because that
would imply that I wake up in the
morning and say how can I know I’m a
perfect day for me is when the phone
does not ring and when my inbox is empty
that’s a perfect day and I can stay home
play with the kids watch a movie on the
couch with popcorn with slightly too
much butter and just veg but what
happens is I get called I get called by
the press because the universe flinched
I get called by a school they call by a
city but by organizers of a theater you
know or lecture halls and they want to
learn about the universe and in that
capacity I’m a servant of the public’s
curiosity about the cosmos and in in
that way I’m not asking myself how am i
affecting you I’m simply offering all
that I can and all that I know of this
beautiful universe in which we live and
that’s that’s what I do and why it’s not
just the emotion of wanting to do
something with somebody else which is in
itself a good emotion that you want to
do something for someone but if you feel
that your life is incomplete if you
don’t right so you’re doing it for
yourself really of course you’re doing
it for someone else but and I think that
that’s what is important that if and
it’s something that happens to you if
you feel like it doesn’t have to happen
to you but I think in me what grew was
that this feeling that I that I needed
to for myself to do something where I
felt better about myself when I felt I
was you know I feel I’m so privileged in
so many ways and I feel that I really
feel that when I see around me people
who are not as privileged I can’t just
sit by and be comfortable with that I
there’s a need in me to you know
reach out and perhaps I help if I can
away you’re lucky to have a position
where people will listen you’ll be and
I’d like it to use it to the best of my
abilities yeah so I guess that’s why I
have moved into the space where I have
it’s for my own emotional or mental you
know peace of mind and satisfaction I
think the CEO of today not only has to
have leadership skills and an IQ there’s
got to be a healthy dose of EQ the
emotional side because Millennials today
young people today wanna come to work
for a company that cares about them they
want to feel connected to the company
and I think it’s critically important
that we humanize the CEO the CEO cannot
be this imperialist that’s sitting there
but a human right superior we have to
remove the barriers between the CEO and
the frontline and that requires a new
skill to so I don’t want to say it’s me
but I think a lot of women CEOs actually
can do pretty well in today’s
environment because by nature we are we
humanize ourselves a lot more because
that’s the way we’ve been brought up and
we listen a lot more I think we stop and
ask for directions
are you know there’s so much we do and I
think that today’s world I mean there’s
a new breed of CEOs have come up men and
women who are doing a very very nice job
but all of them I think are a new breed
that’s learning that the world is
completely different and recognizing
that EQ is as important as IQ that’s
what I’m trying to focus on as much as I
can if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you up or that would be like a
little beacon hey believe nation if you
want to know what the most important one
word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
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