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When is it TOO LATE to start? – Evan & @SKellyCEO

next rights online you can always expect
a different question from rice online do
you believe that people’s life spans
youth and well-being can be extended
making it even less relevant what age
you are when you start as a late bloomer
so yeah I do by expanding life life
spans you can will be yeah I think up so
Evan someone asked me the other day you
know when are you going to retire Steven
said I’ve set my retirement date is the
day I die yeah love it when you are so
passionate about your business and you
love what you’re doing well I think
you’ve got a much better karma you could
give much more to your family your
personal life your friends you know no
one wants to kind of go home and be bent
out of shape people want to be positive
energy and I all the entrepreneurs dunno
you know got huge energy huge passion
they really believe they’re following
their dreams and it does it does become
contagious it rubs off and I i I’ve got
no statistics to say you’re going to
live to do 150 and you’re gonna have
perfect health but what I would say is
you know you just got a much greater
come you probably have more fun in your
life yep if you’re your own boss you you
know you’ve really accountable for
everything good about what you created
and that’s a very special and unique
feeling and I think I do think it rubs
off incredibly positive leave where a
also you know it’s probably means that
your work and your life and your friends
there’s a greater blur and they’re much
more integrated they’re much more
holistic they’re much more part of what
your personality is I love it in the in
the pre-chat we’re talking about two
entrepreneurs Ray Kroc and Colonel
sandals Sanders and Ray Kroc build
McDonald’s and he was in his 50s and he
already had diabetes and arthritis and
lost most of his gallbladder and and he
was convinced that the best years were
still ahead of him you know when he’s in
his fifties and have all these issues
and Colonel Sanders started KFC and he
started franchising when he was in his
60s and from 65 to 75 he opened up
hundred stores right see you like 65
years old people thinking about
retirement here’s Sanders say no I still
got a lot of work to do i’m going to
open up six hundred stores and he kept
working till the day he died to 90 years
old building up KFC and these are two
guys who are in the restaurant business
which is you know the highest failure
rate of any industry is the restaurant
business and they say i don’t care i’m
going to do it and so you know when
you’re at an age when most people think
they’re going to quit that’s just that’s
just starting time for a lot of people
and love that mentality i think when you
love what you do then it’s easy to want
to keep going because it it fuels you
gets you excited yeah never done i
interested my family of small business
people some of that had a teen coffee
you know early version of starbucks and
he did importing coffee and all that
sort of stuff and then he got sick
actually in here we had to sell the
business he was probably 60 when he did
that and he got better and then he could
went to work for someone but I remember
him coming home when I was a kid and he
said you know I just hate I just you
know have a.m. to take orders and I can
see so many things wrong with the
business and we could do it so much
differently and better and yeah he did
that for three years he got frustrated
to say I want to be my own boss again I
want to you know get back and go and do
all over again and that’s a guy in his
sixties and I think age is just Evans a
young guy I’m an old guy but I feel like
a 19 year old kid in my head and when
you talk to whoever you talk to you talk
to your grandma you you ask them
honestly how do they feel in their head
they feel like they were 25 all over
again and I think a lot of people were
seeing this now is you guys huge energy
with the embracement of kind of the
digital social media as well age has
very little impact on your capability
you enthusiasm or energy and the
experience you have is incredible so
some of the statistics over in the UK
from old people so over 50s are actually
creating businesses there’s more than
fifty percent more
this is created by over fifties and
there were in two thousand eight seven
years ago the other thing is really
interesting they apply their experience
but they’re hiring is seven times
greater of employees than it is for any
other business in the UK the average so
what it means is more older people are
starting their businesses there being
more successful the data is there twenty
twenty nine percent more profitable I
also their employ more people that
creates prosperity for you know rural
communities urban communities right
across you can the data is the same in
the US and I think also Evan I think
people kind of get sick of corporate
life and when you’re in your 50s you’ve
probably got you know reasonable
financial security and and you’ve got an
idea and that’s the time to say now is
the right time I’ll go and do what I’ve
always dreamt of doing for the last 30
years and I will go and follow my dreams
great time to do it yeah it’s great to
see because I you know I see a lot of
people go into the corporate path and in
the longer they stay there the harder it
is to get off the more they rely on that
stability and they built their family up
and so that there’s the even more
pressure to deliver results and they say
well if I was 20 and I didn’t have a
spouse and enough kids be way easier to
do it but it’s great to see that people
are now actually taking the opportunity
to jump off and throw their own business
I think I think surrounding yourself
with young energy helps to you think I’m
a young guy but I’m the oldest guy my
company in both my company’s everybody’s
younger than me so you know they keep me
vibrant and give me new ideas and energy
as well so I that can help too if you’re
you know if your peer group isn’t giving
you the energy that you need and change
your peer group to get that vibe I’ve
got a mortgage I’ve got financial
dependency on the kids I just can’t
afford to take the risk that’s wrong so
there’s a couple of ways you can think
about how do i do a soft land in to an
exit and start your business an
entrepreneur one do a bit of
moonlighting so you do your full-time
job you’ve got your evenings weekends
free start your business
secondly if you got a great relationship
with your boss say how about a
sabbatical how about you know the
reality if you agree that company will
beg you to come back whether it’s a year
two years three years so you’ve got
total security because you know you’ve
got a job so you can go out and you can
fail fast try a couple things and have
like a two-year sabbatical where you go
and live your dreams for that two years
if it takes off never go back so there’s
some smart ways you can think about how
do I actually use my existing company to
give me a bit of time space or a bit of
moonlight in to end ironically a guy
called my bailiff who started amazing entrepreneur
amazingly to build a great company did
exactly that from a company called
Oracle and Larry Ellison the chief
executive Aurora actually gave him space
and some time off to start cell source
back in what was it two thousand and now
it’s I think about as seven billion
dollar company with a market value of
probably ten times that so there’s loads
of ways whether you’re in that you know
in the 50s where if you think you’ve got
financial security problem there’s got
to be a way around it where you can
follow your dreams be an entrepreneur
and also maybe sometimes get your
company to give you a bit of a buffer to
actually start your dreams off I love it
it’s the resourcefulness right there I
love it
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