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What to do when you’re DEPRESSED – Evan and @SKellyCEO – Lunch & Earn

next question is Evan and Stephen what
do you do when you are depressed wow
that’s a great question do you know I’m
pretty lucky I guess cuz if if I had bad
days we talked about this but I tend to
have some optimistic people around me
and I say you know this is an iShare von
built is no have an honest conversation
ah and I always think they’re actually
you know the thing that grounds me most
of all is just how lucky I am and I
never forget that you know I came from
nothing in terms of what I started life
I know I end with nothing because we all
go the same way and we’re just on a
journey where we’ve got to do the best
we can make a difference and follow an
all-star so when I look at you know I
looked across Europe at the moment of
the stuff that’s happening and the
people who were kind of leaving their
homes and picking up their bags and
their kids and you think well Steven you
depressed for a nanosecond just left
SRAM yourself hard and just think of
some of the other people out there
switch switch CNN our annual thing wow
there’s Stephen you’re a lucky boy and I
think that is children said I said it
when I joined you I said honestly dream
job luckiest boy in the world and I
never forget that always hang on to that
I think if you don’t know you following
your dreams doing what you love building
something special sustainable I’m
certain people you really care about wow
that’s a huge privilege and a
responsibility there’s just so many
people you can look over your shoulder
down any Main Street thing yet there’s
thousands of people less fortunate with
me and that’s the best biggest kind of
injection of optimism that kind of lead
use depression behind ya I love the idea
of injecting more gratitude it’s
something I feel like I could do a
better job of as well uh I think
depression is a big word that’s a heavy
word and and I honestly don’t think I
really get depressed because of create
an environment that supports me right
I’m doing things that I’d
of I’m surrounded by people who i love
and who love me who are optimistic we’re
trying to do things in both in my
personal and professional lives and
that’s been by design and so because
because I have that support system and
I’m doing something that I love I don’t
really get depressed uh now i do have
bad days and i can get down and what
honestly helps me is you guys looking at
my youtube comments if i ever am down i
had a bad day I’ll just go to my YouTube
comments and see all the awesome things
you guys are saying about the videos
that we’re making and how it’s impacting
you and that makes me feel like I’m
doing something meaningful and I’m
having an impact on the world somehow
and so I call those a little wise and
maybe there’s a correlation somehow in
your business to look at who are some
individual customers that you’ve helped
out you know you know that you’ve had a
meaningful impact on them whether it’s
reviewing all the emails or having a
phone call with somebody just knowing
that you’re making a difference in an
impact can really help you kind of rise
up a little bit and not be as sad but if
it’s like hardcore depression that I
think there’s something wrong with your
environment you they’re not doing
something that you love and or the
people around you I’m supportive of what
you’re trying to do yeah I think Evan
and I would probably both feel we’re
both very lucky if I have a bad day like
heaven I’ll probably go down the gym
i’ll get on the treadmill i’ll listen my
iphone to the killers and I’m come out
of that tomb feeling why you’re lucky
boy just go for it but you know we we
would totally recognize if people have
got serious kind of clinical depression
then we’re not guys to come to they
should go now get up get medical help
get counseling support because you know
that’s I think that’s outside the scope
of this hangout but we’re talking about
bad days but we’re totally sympathetic
folks generally have a medical
depression that’s a that’s a different
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