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“What Makes Us HAPPY is PROGRESS!” | Tony Robbins (@TonyRobbins)

what makes us happiest progress progress
equals happiness a goal without action
is just a dream do I believe in hustle
yes I do
I like work ethic it’s controllable rise
and shine it’s an espresso time what’s
up belief nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right to get
there grab your coffee and sip on
today’s message hustle over to you tony
robbins also if you want to know what
tony robbins and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below so while you’re in
this passionate state that’s where you
make decisions so if you want to change
your life my friends you’ve got to
change your physiology and you got to
change your focus
I always tell people I said tell me tell
me in your schedule no go well you know
I go to work and I work 9:00 to 5:00 and
I come home I’m exhausted and so you
know what am I gonna start a business I
said well what about the other 8 hour
shift cuz that’s what I did right I had
to be able to work from 8 to 5 in a
normal job and then I start working as a
janitor cuz I work my own hours the
middle of the night but I work 8:00 to
5:00 and literally I’d come home I get a
bite to eat and then I’d start my work
at 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. and I go from
6:30 to 2:00 a.m. and I get another 78
hours in and that’s how I built
everything in the beginning that’s
honestly what’s required and to not do
that is to cheat yourself because in the
end what we get will never make us happy
I don’t care how many stars on your
chart and how many Academy Awards how
much money you make what makes us
happiest progress progress equals
happiness if you’re not growing you’re
dying inside your actions need to map to
your ambitions the reason why so many
people set goals but then never actually
achieve them is because there’s not an
action a goal without action is just a
dream and hoping that something happens
to you is like waiting for a lottery
ticket to pay off you need to turn those
goals that you have for yourself into
success habits that you do consistently
otherwise you’ll never hit your goals
and you’ll stay stuck where you are
knowing that you’re capable of so much
more so if you’re ready to schedule for
success and actually follow through on
making your goals happen then give me an
I’m ready in the comments below so I’m
gonna give you the three step process to
schedule for success and actually have
your actions map to your ambitions you
follow these three steps you do this
consistently you will move forward on
your goals and actually build the life
that you want to build for yourself
let’s do it step number one is create
your success habits without worrying
about where it’s gonna fit into your
calendar yet you want to divide your
life into three chunks divide your life
into me time time for yourself die still
gonna be meditating and going for walks
and working out and learning me time
time just for yourself – time for your
relationships and that’s your
significant other your parents your kids
your friends relationships and then
three is gonna be your business or your
career those three areas me-time
relationships and your business or
career and look at what are the habits
that you want to be doing consistently
and at what frequency so in your
business to have success how often do
you need to be doing different tasks I
make videos once a week on my youtube
channel alright I need to be making
videos every single week on my channel I
need to make 20 videos a week on my
channel if I’m not doing that then I
won’t build success that I’m after I
want to spend weekly time with my wife
as well as nightly time with my wife
weekly in big chunks and nightly in
smaller chunks there’s no need to judge
what other people’s version of success
looks like it’s what does your version
of success look like success is a series
of habits and so what are the habits
that you need under each of those three
categories me time your relationships
and your business or career what do you
want to be doing what are the success
habits and what is the frequency that
you want to do it so if you know that
spending once a week in the gym is not
gonna be enough for you to accomplish
your health goals then how often you
need to go are you gonna commit to doing
a daily great then under meantime you
right go to the gym
dealing under the business side if you
know you need to be out doing more
social media great how often you need to
be doing now every day I need to be
spend at least half an hour on social
media great put that down
social media 30 minutes and start
building your success habits for each of
those three categories step number two
is develop a powerful morning routine
most people wake up like an accident
most people wake up first thing to do is
hit the snooze button which is telling
yourself I set a goal last night I set a
goal last night to wake up at a certain
time and the first thing I do every day
is boom say it’s okay not to hit my goal
right how are you gonna go up and have a
great day and go off accomplish your big
goals when the very first thing you do
every morning to say I’m not hitting my
goal today you’re destroying your
mindset that’s not the way you want to
start your day then people wake up and
they just are responding to other
people’s emergencies you’re waking up
like an accident there’s no intention
and you fall into your day that’s not
what successful people do successful
people have a powerful morning routine
it looks different for different people
but you need to figure out what is your
powerful morning routine the good news
is you’ve already felt bold and powerful
and unstoppable at some point in your
life you have you’ve had moments this
just not consistent you’re not
consistently being bold and powerful
unstoppable but you’ve had moments and
so what is the thing that led you to
feeling bold and unstoppable maybe was
reading the book maybe was having a
meeting maybe it was listening to a
podcast maybe was watching a video maybe
was surveying somehow like what was the
thing that gets you feeling bold and
unstoppable and then planned that into
your morning routine every single day if
you woke up every day and did the thing
that made you feel bold and unstoppable
I guarantee you your life will look
dramatically different one year from
today compared to where you are right
now create a powerful morning routine
and step number three is in chunk your
time so what I want you to do is think
about your calendar and whether you’re
using a computer or you’re using you
know pen and paper you have your
calendar for the week thinking weekly
chunks what I’m gonna do on Saturday
what I’m doing Sunday Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday Friday
I like chunking my time so that I’m
doing similar tasks on similar days so
Tuesday is my YouTube filming day Monday
is my mentoring day Wednesday is my
project day Thursday is my public-facing
day Friday is my CEO day saturday is my
day with my family
and then Sunday is family admin day and
I like having those different chunks and
so what I want you to do now is think
back to exercise number one where you
had your success habits under the
meantime relationships and business or
career and now actually plot them in on
your calendar so where is that gonna fit
in you say you want to start your day by
doing XYZ great put that in what time
you’re waking up how long does it take
you to do morning routine put that in
that’s protected time that’s time that
nothing else is gonna touch now then
what happens what is your Monday look
like what activities are you doing do
you still need more me time do you need
more business time like what are the
habits look back to your list number one
and plot it into your calendar I also
don’t want you to schedule in your
personal stuff schedule in all the stuff
on your me time schedule and all the
stuff on your relationship time and
protect it so Saturday when I’m spending
the day with my wife she loves food and
so I’m always planning a new surprise
food place for her to go to I’m always
planning some new activity event for us
to go and do it and so entire Saturday
is a day that I plan to be filled with
surprises and that’s my connection with
her this one I shut off the world I’m
not doing work I’m not filming videos
I’m not doing other stuff we’re not even
doing family work go grocery shopping no
that’s Sunday fold the laundry no that’s
Sunday Saturday is our time together and
that’s what works for me but you need to
plan a more personal time as well
because what happens too often is we
neglect our me time we neglect our
relationships for a lot of entrepreneurs
and it’s constantly working and that’s
not gonna help you get to where you need
to go either and so I want you to check
your time think about anything that you
do multiple times per day do once per
day anything that you do multiple times
per week do once per week try to chunk
your time like that and then when you
filled out your calendar when you’ve
looked at it and you didn’t see from
Sunday to Sunday what you’re gonna be
doing for the next week then you’re
sitting above it and you look at that
calendar and say if I did these habits
these are what I call my success habits
if I did these habits then what I get
closer to accomplish my goals would I be
happy living this life because success
is not about hitting some arbitrary
milestone it’s about the habits that you
do on a regular basis and so if you look
at your calendar and say if I did these
habits would it be successful and
answers yes then great then now all you
need to go off and do it 595
stop thinking fiber saying your time
planning 95% of your time doing go off
and do but if you look at your calendar
and say you know what something’s
if I did this I wouldn’t be happy great
then go back and tweak it and adjust it
again and then apply the 595 rule and
get busy so that’s the three step
process to schedule for success and have
your actions map to your ambition
because a goal without action is just a
dream and I want you this year to move I
want you this year to get results I want
you this year to make yourself proud I
want you this year to move the look back
and say holy cow look at everything I
accomplished that’s going to come by not
thinking and planning and structuring
more but by doing by taking action and
having it match your ambitions now I’ve
got a really special bonus clip that I
think you’re going to enjoy but before
that question of the day I want to know
what is the most important part of your
powerful morning routine let me know put
real quick cuz there’s a lot of bubbling
up of like Gary you’re pushing people to
work too hard and all this stuff and I’m
watching it I’m like I love one elitists
who work their faces off to make a bunch
of money then tell everybody else not to
work hard so so so to me if you love
what you’re doing and you’re happy and
you’re mentally and physically healthy
do you I’m not judging anybody about
doing anything but it’s all about
self-awareness and could I’m putting a
framework around where you don’t keep up
with the Joneses I don’t want to go
skiing face it I do not want to go see I
do not want to go to a beer garden it is
not fun for me to go look at a museum I
am NOT interested in watching Netflix I
am NOT interested that doesn’t mean that
I think everybody else should do that I
think and I’ve said consistently
self-awareness happiness I’ve said it a
million times do I believe in hustle yes
I do I like work ethic it’s controllable
do I want that to put you into
depression or health scares ya of course
not face but don’t sit on a pedestal
after youth more hard for 15 years and
then tell all these kids that they
should have work-life balance just wake
up it’s a new day it’s a new week and if
you choose it it’s a new life you get to
decide right now who you want to be you
get to choose in this moment how you
want to show up in the world believe
that you’re worth it believe that you
can believe that you’re capable of
whatever you set your mind to ask
yourself how would the best version of
me live out this day waking up an hour
earlier and using that time for yourself
using that time to work on your goal you
have time you’re just spinning
doing something else success is about
choosing between what you want now and
what you want most imagine it in detail
see yourself eating the way the best
version of you would staying hydrated if
you are not taking care of your physical
body there is a 0% chance that you’re
going to become the version of yourself
you want to be working out dressing
speaking to others looking for blessings
throughout the day
the way the best version of yourself
would do it you are creating your
reality right now you are the only
person who is in charge of what happens
next you’ve got to stop procrastinating
you’ve got to embrace right now and
you’ve got to fire yourself up to propel
yourself to the future you need to own
what you do you need to own what you do
see yourself in detail and map out the
day in your mind if you cannot be the
person you want to be right now in this
second right now if you can’t make the
decision right now in this moment you
don’t have a why that’s strong enough
and if you don’t have a why that’s
strong enough right now you won’t have a
why that’s strong enough on Monday if
you aim at nothing
you will hit it every time don’t leave
today’s version of you to a random
chance choose who you want to be choose
how you want to be then live today
accordingly if you want more Tony
Robbins check out the top 50 rules video
I made on him the link is right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there what’s going to fulfill you is
differently a person next you’re not
gonna learn that from anybody else you
got to find it because success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure
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