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What if I don’t have the money and luck to continue?

if you think that you need a lot of
money and a lot of luck to have success
in business and you’re waiting on this
stuff that happen you’re never going to
make it as an entrepreneur you make your
own money and you make your own luck
that’s business hi I’m Evan Carmichael I
believe that hungry entrepreneurs
deserve help and I got a question from a
reader tarik who wrote in saying hi Evan
I agree with you everything you’re
saying but what if somebody who already
has passed the startups vet steps but
does not have the money and luck to
continue can he survive thanks for the
question but I think it’s way off base
here you don’t need a lot of money to
start up you do not need a ton of money
you do not need an investor to launch
your business the way to launch is the
bootstrapping go talk to your clients
offer service get close to them get
somebody saying what you do is a value
and I want to pay you for it you have to
build momentum on your own if you look
at the most successful entrepreneurs in
the world look at how they got started
it was bootstrapped they didn’t have
rich uncle’s giving them tons of money
you have to get this started on your own
you’ll have more success because you’re
building around clients but you’re also
spending your time on the right things
if you want to go out and get an
investor first of all is going to take
up all your time finding an investment
is a full-time job and that means you’re
not spending time on your business
growing it doing the things you should
be doing like talking to customers the
second thing is even if you do get an
investor they’re gonna kill you on your
valuation they’re going to take so much
of your business or give you such bad
terms that it’s not going to be worth it
for you because you don’t have anything
yet you need to have sales you did it
have some momentum you don’t have to
have everything figured out but you need
to have something you need more than the
plan if you go in with no sales no
customers you will get killed on your
valuation if you give up half your
business is that acceptable for you for
a small amount of money wouldn’t be for
me if I thought I was on a winning idea
so don’t waste your time at the start
going after investors you make your own
money you make your own money by talking
to customers by solving a problem by
building around their needs and having
them say hey i love what you do i’m
gonna pay you for it even if you’re
starting small you get that money you
put up
back into your business you bootstrap it
up that’s how you build momentum and
create your own money as for luck you
got to make your own luck luck comes
when you prepare luck comes when you’re
working hard luck comes me work waking
up every day and giving everything into
your business then you get lucky then
the people on the outside say hey that
guy got lucky it’s not luck it’s hard
work and preparation you got to grind it
out you will make your own luck nobody
gets lucky they’re ready for there’s no
overnight success story a lot of hard
work blood sweat and tears that go into
making those company successful and
people from the outside don’t see it but
it takes that time to build it up you
got to put it all into it the harder you
work the more of yourself you put into
your business the luckier you’re going
to get as long as you hold off and you
think money and luck is holding you back
and it’s going to hold you back that’s
what you believe that’s a limiting
personal thought of yours and it’s going
to hold you back from be able to build
the company that you deserve the build
being the best version of yourself
building an awesome company that you can
be proud of put your hat on and say I
made that thing you got to get out there
and grind it out you make your own money
and you make your own luck that’s all
you need to succeed for those of you
watching you like the video please give
it a thumbs up below and I’ll make more
videos for you and I want to hear what
you have to think please leave a comment
below if you’re talking about this video
specifically or if you have a question
for your company I’d love to help answer
it for you I really loved seeing the
comments come in so thank you so much
and I’ll see you on the next episode
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