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What do you think of the CHANGES I made on my channel? – #AskEvan

what do you think of the changes I’ve
made on my channel this time I’m asking
the question on this edition of ask Evan
so I’ve recently signed up for the
YouTube creator Academy program where
they teach you how to make a better
YouTube channel and I’ve been through
this before and with a lot of the
training that I’ve seen I have a
tendency to just skim it over a look at
it say yeah I know that okay and
whatever move on but never actually
super apply it and so I thought you know
what this time I’m going to try
following all of their challenges and
exercises at least try this week and see
what happens so as you go through the
course they have you do challenges at
the end and the first part of the course
is designed a look for your YouTube
channel and a challenge at the end was
define your style try implementing three
of our consistent design choices and
comment on them to get your fans
opinions so I’m going to share with you
three of the things that I’ve recently
added to my channel and hopefully you
can give me your thoughts and if you
like them or not so number one is
thumbnails with icons what I’ve been
trying to do is have a consistent look
and theme to the thumbnails are all of
my videos and you’ll notice they always
have the same font and the same kind of
pictures on the side but I wanted
something a little bit more so the two
things I’ve done is one of out of the
little airplane on most of the
thumbnails from my videos and 2 i’ve
started adding a secondary thumbnail to
indicate the series so ask evan has a
little ecig nature and the what the ends
presso series has the little cappuccino
cup on there and I’m testing out those
to see if you guys like them and also
I’d like your opinions on what should be
the top 10 if you have ideas for what
that top-10 icon and logo should be
number two is the ask Evan intro so when
you start watching the different series
you’ll see the end sprats in the morning
has a little rooster come
and the coffee cup and the smoke coming
out I’m trying to make that consistent
across all the different series as well
and I just launched it for the ask Evan
series where it goes ask Evan boom boom
boom and then the oven itself is a you
hear like writing sounds a little ding
at the end so let me know what you guys
think about this one and I’m also trying
to figure out a good little quick intro
for the top 10 series if you have any
thoughts and number three is my book
walking video series so I’m writing a
book and I’m documenting that process
and I started doing this series just
sitting there with my laptop and trying
to make it as little edited as possible
it’s a little bit more raw but I’ve gone
even further off the cliff and started
now walking to starbucks with my ipad
out in hand answering your questions and
doing the rent video and i’m curious if
you guys like that style or not or if
you want more the traditional sit down
answer questions kind of format let me
know what you think so those are the
three questions that i have for you i
really appreciate your comments if you
want to leave them below and help me
fulfill my YouTube creator Academy
challenge of the week thank you guys so
much for watching keep believing and
I’ll see you soon
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