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Website Review – Josh Felber

hey it’s evan and today i’m doing
another one of my fiverr gig so i’m
reviewing a web site of an entrepreneur
today i am looking at josh fellows
website and is josh felbarr com so let’s
go check him out and and see what he’s
all about alright so here it is Josh
felber so I seen the title says business
success I look at this website first so
i’m not sure who josh Felber is if it’s
this guy of this guy maybe i should know
who one of them is by looking at this
picture but i don’t i think of this as
some kind of investment company this
josh Felber venture ventures LLC looks
like some kind of investment company but
success coach okay there we go so this
could be a little more clear at the top
but overall a professional page looking
nice typical format let’s see what the
next one is innovative approach to
leadership this is an interesting choice
of pictures because I see one guy with
the barbell or dumbbell whatever but
this should be ideally more of a
leadership type picture if we’re talking
about leadership and serial entrepreneur
a great featured on Fox ABC NBC CBS
awesome that’s great so success coaching
with josh is dedicated to make your 10x
possibilities our reality jocks work
closely with entrepreneurs from numerous
industries over the past 20 years evolve
the complete proven support system to
help transform your business in your
quality of life ok so is a success coach
this is great get get scheduled get
scheduled what if you are ready to
transform your business in your life get
scheduled today for your ok so whatever
you got to fix up the grammar a little
bit on that best fight I like that you
have an opt-in here a way of capturing
people who may not be willing to sign up
for your services yet but you have a way
to capture them so they just don’t
bounce from your website so my business
success strategies weekly core values
this is great faith family honor respect
a testimonial
Michael Savage so I would love to see
okay so a couple things on this okay the
text is okay it’s a little hard to read
space this out a little bit more add a
little more sub headlines to make it
easier to read ok let me know right away
that your success coach because I don’t
see that here at the top until I get to
this is what tells me that you’re a
success coach where it should be much
higher up and these pictures are telling
me as much as as it could write like
you’ve done a lot of great stuff this
needs to be highlighted core values is
great something I can identify with this
testimonial it’s too condensed again you
know highlight or bold key areas I want
to see a picture of michael savage or
michael savage hold on i’m confused as
the guys name michael savage michael
savage plant another master east coast
at robbies research international
michael savage okay so yeah I want to
see who’s Michael Savage let’s see a
picture of him here right how’d that
picture here and set up just you and
again this is way too long I’m not going
to read it so take out the best sentence
and make it bold and italics make it
easy for me to read the color scheme is
kind of hurting my eyes I don’t know if
that is something that you’ve done on
purpose but you could switch that up to
make it easy for people to read and
probably this is a little anal but I
sometimes get into that on the website
you know this is a little longer cut
that down to make it easier so they’re
all the same size next welcome so we’ve
got a video 13 second video let’s watch
this video see what happens come on
YouTube Josh Calver looks forward every
day to were to work when coaching
entrepreneurs to become millionaires k
youtube is messing up so we’ll see what
that comes back we’ve got our twitter
account fifth big as revenue generating
a movie frozen given disney huge success
okay featured on Oh videos coming back
it’s a bunch of green lights and then
his logo okay well I clicked on it but
it didn’t really do much for me so if
you’re talking to a becoming
like that should be here right and show
me the people who you’ve helped and the
results they’ve gotten and and not just
about athletics but becoming
millionaires and then where else do I go
is that it it’s just a one page site
I’ll may be here aha okay this needs to
be made way more obviously people are
going to I skip this over and I’m trying
to do a review of the website this needs
to be way more obvious at least it I
mean this is ok from a design point of
view but maybe at least in the footer
having these things home about josh
coaching or did i just miss it no it’s
not here so I’m definitely put those in
let me click on some of these social
media see what’s happening so again Josh
people come in your website and they’re
missing this stuff so click it have this
available lower down let’s see about
josh @ c media we got a good book got a
blog let’s check out a few of the pages
see what’s up so let’s check out social
media so he’s already on the new twitter
that’s great he’s got a lot of followers
awesome he’s responding to people that’s
great he’s posting frequently posting
his opinions this is all good stuff eh
it’s you know I see it too often where
people create accounts on Twitter they
link to it and then they never do
anything with us so this is awesome it’s
a great start josh google+ same thing so
he’s got you know followers some fuse
he’s uploading stuff this is great
facebook same thing he’s active greatest
God is his pictures up here I don’t know
what this award is for but it makes it
look impressive so it’s a good start
looks like it’s all pretty new here but
that’s okay everybody starts somewhere
so good start josh youtube subscribe to
ET the hip hop preacher I love ET
awesome we like some of the same people
um so does he have videos I guess you
had that one intro oh and some other
ones so you got some awards health and
one is perfect so let’s go back about
Josh so this is from clicking on here
again man i would change this logo up is
just not doing it
from me i do not think success coach
coming from this business success coach
and fitness expert josh felber receives
XP award XP award for his appearance on
TV it’s all first angle XP a war I’m
just thinking like I have no idea what
XP award is the first annual XV Awards
was held at the Hard Rock Cafe Times
Square experts radisson buh buh buh buh
buh buh buh so I make this clear what
the heck is an XP award right up here XP
award for what make this super obvious
okay it’s great i love the smiling
picture looks friendly approachable love
that this page is crammed full of texts
man i am not going to read all of this
as i’m really super interested in you
but you can keep the same content split
it up have sub headlines with bolded
text make it easy for me to read because
you you’ve done a lot of stuff way more
than most people it’s just not going to
come across because the website is too
difficult to consume what else Josh
started crossfit training around 2003
believe that he was in great shape
running six miles a week working out
daily basis okay like even this i’m
trying to find points but it’s hard to
read this much text so split that up i
love to see a video you’re an expert i
saw a youtube interview or something
that i’d love to see a video I’m not to
be on your homepage let’s go back to the
homepage right here message from Josh
hey I’m Josh I’m a success coach I want
you to be a millionaire here’s my unique
approach and see why it’s important to
you right talk about it that that’s
that’s going to do way more than any of
this stuff to get people to sign up and
you mentioned that you have free weekly
newsletter you have a 20 minute free
coaching session with you that’s going
to get people on board so we’ve got this
this is great like this looks like a
professional video you’ve been on camera
we only won awards use that man leverage
that book come in September 2014 okay
pretty cool just make sure that it’s up
by set up in 2014 or you update this
page because I don’t want to come here
it looks bad right if it’s like October
and it’s still not there look the
website looks outdated but so far so
good I mean you could tease me a little
bit more you can have even a sign up to
let me know like I sign up to know when
it’s coming out send me an email what’s
the title what’s the topic tease me a
little bit but not not the other not the
end of the world and then your blog so
let’s look at the blog so today is what
I’m filming us on May fourteenth it’s
April eighteenth since the last post oh
wait you have may third down here may
eight so how is this organized this is
weird at the top of the blog is sandwich
showing April eighteenth stuff but then
may eight is that so it’s going to
reverse order for some reason may 8th me
fifth me third so I switch that around
you want your most recent one or at
least a highlighted one first but people
used to go in chronological order
there’s a lot of fancy technology on
this right like the layouts nice you
know like even simple things like this
you hover over you get a plus with this
branded colors all that stuff has been
factored in its its docket it could be
really beautiful there’s some minor
things that with tweaking can really
make a big difference so let’s look at
this one recently selected to be part of
the master my ex group so you joined the
group again like this is a brutal page
to read man nobody’s going to read all
of this text crammed in together at
least you have a picture and your
pictures are great you’re smiling it’s
awesome but you have to make these
things easier for people to read the
other thing is the blog seem to be very
self-centered which is like it’s good to
showcase what you’re good at and it
makes me think hey josh is an expert but
be a thought leader right so showcase I
never see you are you’ve had a lot of
success so show me through your blog
your blog post should be you sharing
your opinions on stuff otherwise this
isn’t a blog this is this is your your
press release pages if you have a blog
show me what you think is wrong with the
world and how you can fix it so if
you’re talking about entrepreneurship
and becoming a millionaire what are some
of your secrets if you’re a fitness x
for what are the things that I need to
know to become better at fitness right
share specific tips that will help me
that’s when people expecting a blog
otherwise you’re going to get no
reaction right like nobody’s gonna leave
a comment on this nobody’s going to
share it always going to tweet it
nothing because it’s just a promotional
piece and it’s hard to read but a blog
could be highly successful strategy for
you I you know starting off I would pick
one pick a pic pick one strategy if it’s
videos or blogs or Twitter pick one and
make an awesome and then expand to the
rest so those are my quick thoughts on
Josh felber com again make it easier to
know that you’re a success coach put a
video in here make the pictures related
I’d switch up the logo make make this
easier to navigate overall make the text
not so crunch together make it easier to
read with bullet points and sub knives
in there
and it’s a good start man it’s a good
start i’m excited to see your progress
and for those of you watching let me
know what you think let josh know what
you think leave a comment underneath if
you have more suggestions for him i’m
sure he’d love to see it to leave it in
the comments below and for those you
watching like the video thumbs up below
click on my face in the top corner to
subscribe to the channel and I’ll see
you soon
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