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Watch When You Feel Lost! – Powerful Video for Millennials 2018 – Motivational

if you think you’re going to be a lot
happier if you’ve got to X instead of X
you’re probably making a mistake I mean
that guy didn’t he ought or ought to
find something you like
that’s that works with that and it and
you’ll get in trouble if if you think
that making 10 X or 20 X is the answer
to everything in life because then you
will do things like borrow money when
you should endure or maybe cut corners
on things that your boy wants you to cut
corners honor it just doesn’t make any
sense you won’t like it when you look
back on it happen free things and hiring
people look for an integrity
intelligence and energy and he said if
that person didn’t have the first two
that the latter two would kill him
because if they don’t have integrity you
want to be dumb and lazy you don’t want
it smart energetic and I get to the
court so you know I have my bag and I’m
wearing my my hat in my in my hoodie
this is my office
like that’s my workplace and I am like
I’m laser focus and I’ve had that I mean
I I think it’s that mentality that
whatever I just have that tunnel vision
and that’s how I go and when I leave the
courts I got friends family jokes fun
like when I get to my office I close the
door and that’s me that’s you yeah when
I started Microsoft risky I mean I was
so excited about what we were doing
it’s true I could have gone bankrupt but
you know I had a set of skills that were
highly employable and in fact my parents
were still willing to let me go back to
Harvard and finish my education if I
wanted to you’ve always got a job with
Maybelle care and the only the thing
that was scary to me wasn’t quitting and
starting the company it was when I
started hiring my friends and they
and and then we had customers who went
bankrupt customers that I counted on to
come through and so then I got this
incredibly conservative approach that I
wanted to have enough money in the bank
to pay a year’s worth of payroll even if
we didn’t get in Heath any payments
coming in and you know I’m almost true
to that the whole time we have about ten
billion now which is pretty much enough
for the next year anyway
you know I if you’re gonna start a
company it takes so much energy that you
know you it better overcome your your
feeling of risk I don’t think that you
necessarily if you’re gonna start a
company should do it at the start of
your career I think there’s a lot to be
said for working for a company learning
how they do things you know if you’re
young it’s hard to go lease premises
they made that hard for me you couldn’t
rent a car when you were under 25 at the
time so I was always taking taxis to go
see customers people would you know
people say well we’re gonna go have a
and that’s fun because I’ll tell you
when people are first skeptical and then
go this kid doesn’t know anything then
when you show them you’ve really got a
good product and you know something they
actually tend to go overboard and they
think whoa
you know they know a lot let’s really do
an incredible amount of these people so
our youth at least in this country was a
huge asset for us once we reached a
certain threshold it is hard it’s hard
to hire old older people because they’ll
be a little bit conservative about
whether they should come in and take the
risk and it took three or four years
before we could go out into the normal
sort of employment pool but those those
problems that come with starting to firm
you better think of those as part of the
the pleasure part of the the challenge
that that is part of the the excitement
it’s in my head 24/7 there’s no one else
I continue I don’t I don’t think about
nothing else if
not see I’m just curious curiously
fascinated Lee and I can’t stop thinking
about everything I do in my life is is
related to this I don’t do nothing else
if it’s not got to do it fine I mean and
that that is why and I mean to be true
so they’re all you’ve got to do is show
is that not unhealthy and I don’t know
do I look unhealthy take a look at this
physique I’m in phenomenal shape in body
and mind to me what’s unhealthy is
living it and on a healthy life to me
what’s unhealthy is getting up and gone
to the same day every day alike 9:00 to
5:00 in an office or in a got that’s
unhealthy that beats your mind I don’t I
don’t work I do I love what I do and
that’s why I’m doing what I love and I
mean that’s why that’s why it’s become a
career for me because I love it I love
what I do so I don’t think it’s
unhealthy I I feel good in my mind I
mean it’s it’s my it’s my life
performing under pressure whether it’s
me or anybody else is the same you know
I have the same pressures as anyone else
there’s time there’s performance there’s
financial I mean there you know there’s
deadlines my pressures are not unique
the situation’s may be different or you
know but but everybody has the same
kinds of pressures but what I found
or what I find fascinating is the
interpretation of the stimuli if let me
let me explain so I was watching the
Olympics this last Summer Olympics and I
was amazed at how bad the questions were
that the reporters would ask all the
athletes and almost always they asked
the same question whether they were
about to compete or after they competed
were you nervous right and to a tee all
the athletes went no right and what I
realized is it’s not that they’re not
nervous it’s their interpretation of
what’s happening in their bodies I mean
what it what happens when you’re nervous
right your heart rate starts to go
you’re you know you sort of get a little
tense you get a little sweaty right you
have expectation of what’s coming and we
interpreted that is I’m nervous now
what’s the interpretation of excited
your heart rate starts to go you become
you’re anticipating what’s coming right
you get a little sort of like tense it’s
all the same thing it’s the same stimuli
except these athletes these these
Olympic quality athletes
have learned to interpret the stimuli
that the rest of us would say as nervous
as excited they also the same thing no
I’m not nervous I’m excited and so I’ve
actually practiced it just to tell
myself when I start to get nervous that
this is excitement you know and so where
when you used to feet speak in front of
a large audience and somebody’d say how
do you feel I say little nervous now
when somebody says how do you feel I’m
like really excited actually and it it
came from just sort of telling myself no
no this is excitement and it becomes a
little bit automatic later on but it’s
kind of a remarkable thing to deal with
pressure by interpreting what your body
is experiencing as excitement rather
than nerves and it’s really kind of
effective it makes you want to rush for
is rather than pull back and yet it’s
the same experience find your passion
you find your passion I was very very
lucky to find it you know when I was
seven or eight years old and you know
and fortunately my children have found
their passion might you know one son
loves farming like nothing else one son
loves music like everything else
and all three of them love philanthropy
and what they get to do you’re lucky in
life when you find it and you can’t
guarantee you’re gonna find it in your
first job out but I always told college
students that come on I said take the
job that you would take if you were
independently wealthy
you know that’s you’re gonna do well in
it if the first ballet recitals that I
danced in pointe shoes and I was so
nervous because it was the first time
that I was gonna get on stage everyone
that I loved and care about was going to
be in that audience and I didn’t want to
let him down I didn’t want to let myself
down how I sort of learned to cope with
that it’s just really to take that
anxiety that that sort of adrenaline and
actually pour it into something
productive meaning like what can you do
to best prepare for that moment so when
it came to the point where it was
Showtime it was time to get out on that
stage I knew that I did everything I
possibly could to get out there and feel
amazing and just perform and I think
something clicked in me however it
doesn’t always go right
there was a time I remember I walked in
a Fendi run my show and I you know made
a little slip and kind of slipped off
the runway and but all you can do is do
your best even when you make mistakes
sometimes those can be the most
important experiences to learn from so I
would say the mind the mindset that you
have to have you definitely have to be a
little crazy you know your your faith in
your belief has to be crazy you have to
you have to see what’s not there and
manifested to be in there but the
mindset is that I was a dreamer I was a
dreamer I started this whole thing as a
dream and then the day that I turned
into the combination of a dreamer and a
realist that’s when I started to really
go you know and that’s that’s saying
like don’t be afraid to close your eyes
and dream but then open your eyes and
see the reality of what its gonna take
for you guys to be successful that
mindset that relentlessness that
craziness and really facing reality or
what its gonna take to achieve your
dream is something that that I think we
all have to have if we really really
really trying to get it not trying to
play around for like an entrepreneur not
a salesperson I was just an entrepreneur
we look at the start of business well if
you can’t sell if you can’t influence
you can’t persuade good luck trying to
get your business off the ground I’m not
just your customers I’m talking about
the bankers the people of venture
capitalists your vendors your credit
card processor the people who work for
you how do you get people to work for
you excited how do you get them excited
to get into want to buy into your vision
at the highest level what sales really
is it’s the transference of emotion and
the emotion you’re transferring is this
emotion of certainty that don’t feel
certain yet it’s a good thing it’s gonna
help me it’s gonna fill my need when
you’re an entrepreneur you’re trying to
start a business and they’re recruiting
people while you’re selling people on
vision for the future your vision for
this company if you can’t do that good
luck trying to get great people to work
for you it’s very it’s almost it’s
nearly impossible which is why you what
we see you know the people if they say
oh he’s a visionary
well that’s true but typically not only
are they visionaries they also possess
the ability to sell the vision to other
people to inspire them to motivate them
so selling is not just like you know
people think of selling oh well a lot of
salesmen I don’t either oh yes you do
you need to learn how to influence how
not trying to get your kids to make
their bed or do their homework or
believe in the value of education how
about trying to get a landlord give you
a reduction on your rent or to extend
the lease of the way you want how about
trying to negotiate terms you understand
it’s because to everything so I always
looking to say you know when I say I
cracked the code on influence what I
really did essentially was I just I was
you know by working backwards almost by
saying I’m restarting and go to the
beginning see what has to happen before
someone says yes I was able to take that
and put it into the system that took the
no name talent disguise and turn them
into millionaires what do you think of a
minimum amount of money you want to make
for your life like like like what would
be the minimum amount money that you
make every year that allowed you to live
and do that content Mediasite what do
great so you’re like what is amazing
about that if that’s where you’re at
well then at this young of an age and
well that’s where you’re at and the fact
that you’re even here and you know it’s
just unbelievable amounts of content in
written audio and visual form on
Instagram snapchat Facebook Twitter and
YouTube and podcast and I will tell you
I would be flabbergasted in three four
five six years unless you suck what you
may but if you don’t suck and you have
that little of a financial need right
which is remarkable which is the biggest
thing something here I don’t know if
they’re here said you made me realize I
didn’t need Rolexes and things of that
nature right like the biggest reason so
many of you will fail is your number for
success is far greater than his you
think you need a million which will then
mean that you’re gonna do a lot of
things when you don’t get a million very
quickly that won’t ever get you a
million so if you if you think what I
just said is cool which is bleed for six
years in a row you’ll probably get
sponsorship for sales of product to
40,000 a year to me that’s what I did
I knew what I wanted I was willing to
give up my 20s for it gave him up gave
him up you know somebody said it’s
difficult not to document right now I’m
like but I but I didn’t write but like
what should I build my business or
should I document I’m like both he’s
like well I gotta pick one I’m like
build your business like so if you’re if
your ambitions are that humble which
they are that’s incredible that excites
me because by the way here’s the funny
part that’s why I was – I just needed a
hundred thousand a year just that seemed
rich to me right like I was like cool
I’ll be ok like like I’ll have a house
like you know it’s not you know I just
needed to play much I needed the game
and too many people too many of you in
here want the stuff not the game when
you fall in love with the game
everything’s different because you’ve
already won that’s real it sounds cliche
but it’s real there’s this Governor on
our lives and it is a governor and it’s
a it’s your identity it’s this internal
it’s what you think you’re worth it’s
what you think you deserve
and the problem for good people see we
all know someone right now in our life
or we have who’s not ethical who’s not a
good person who’s winning and you’re
like I can’t believe they’re getting it
right why can’t I I’m a good person I
treat people while I’m honest here’s a
reason why by the way the unethical
person eventually karma you reap what
you sow comes home to roost but if
you’re a good person this is so
important people understand this because
it took me a long time a good person and
any endeavor will only take from it what
they think they deserve what they think
they’re worth in other words if there
was a pizza here you’re a good person
you don’t take all 12 pieces
a good person thinks there should be an
equitable distribution layer so I might
take seven or eight arm-wrestle you for
I don’t know buy your mousse but but
long story short what is is that you a
good person will not take more from the
table of life than they think they’re
worth or they think they deserve and so
you have this governor on your identity
so what happens is are it’s like a
thermostat our lives getting going we
start doing really well if we’re a 75
degree or and our life gets to 85 and 90
degrees unconsciously we go we don’t
know we’re doing it well we start to
cool life back down to get it back to
where we’re comfortable the reverse is
also true when things start to go really
bad and you’re broke and you’re
struggling you find a way to heat your
life back up to what you think you’re
worth and you deserve so the way we
alter our life is sure we got alter our
behavior and our relationships and our
circumstances but the only way it’s
permanent is that we alter that governor
that thermostat and we start to believe
we’re worth 85 degrees of life 95
degrees of life 110 degrees of flight
and there’s ways we can alter that how
do we alter it a couple different ways a
one is what you just said is that you
put yourself in circumstances that are
demanding of you past what you think
your capacity is and when you succeed at
them you build a new water line you do
you throw yourself out there past where
you’re comfortable and you do an 85
degrees behavior and you knock it out of
the park and your brain starts to
believe it repetitiously when you start
doing that you build a new line now
you’re 85 degrees that’s number one
the second way though is Association if
you’re around people and whatever that
endeavor is if it’s a sport you’re in or
if it’s a business or your faith or your
peace if you begin to associate with
people who live in that space at a
richer than you through association you
get heated up yeah so if you’re an
athlete for example you’re a 70-degree
athlete and you start training all the
time with 85 and 90 degrees your
identity through osmosis goes up if
you’re a person who’s trying to improve
their faith in their life or their their
personal piece about them you all know
that you’ve seen it when you start to
hang around people that are a little bit
more peaceful than you or meditate a
little bit more through that association
over time the thermostat changes in that
area and so it’s both behaving in
certain way and then your associations
yeah I believe that in the 18th century
there was something that spread across
Europe and eventually made its way to
America where pool fever also known as
the Black Death of childbed basically
what was happening is women were giving
birth and they would die within 48 hours
after giving birth
this black death of childbirth was the
ravage of Europe and it got worse and
worse and worse over the course of over
a century in some hospitals it was as
high as 70 percent of women who gave
birth who would die as a result of
giving birth but this was the
Renaissance this was the time of
empirical data and science and we had
thrown away things like tradition and
mysticism these were men of science
these were doctors and these doctors and
men of science wanted to study and try
and find the reason for this black death
of childbed and so they got to work
studying and they would study the
corpses of the of the women who had died
and in the morning they would conduct
autopsies and then in the afternoon they
would go and deliver babies and finish
their rounds and it wasn’t until
somewhere in the mid 1800s that dr.
Oliver Wendell Holmes father of Supreme
Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
realized that all of these doctors who
conducting autopsies in the morning
weren’t washing their hands before they
delivered babies in the afternoon
and he pointed it out and said guys
you’re the problem and they ignored him
and called him crazy for 30 years until
finally somebody realized that if they
simply washed their hands it would go
away and that’s exactly what happened
when they started sterilizing their
instruments and washing their hands the
black death of childbed disappeared my
point is the lesson here is sometimes
you’re the problem we’ve seen this
happen all too recently with our new men
of science and empirical studies and
these men of finance who are smarter
than the rest of us until the thing
collapsed and they blamed everything
else except themselves and my point is
is take accountability for your actions
you can take all the credit in the world
for the things that you do right as long
as you also take responsibility for the
things you do wrong it must be a
balanced equation you don’t get it one
way and not the other you get to take
credit when you also take accountability
it never bothered me if people disagreed
with what I thought as long as I thought
I knew the facts I mean there’s a whole
bunch of things I don’t know think about
I just stay away from those so I stay
within what I call my circle of
competence you know that Tom Watson said
it best he said you know he said he said
I’m no genius but I’m smart in spots and
I stay around those spots well I try and
stay around those spots and I I just
don’t have a problem if somebody says
you know you’re wrong on something I
just go back and look at the facts and I
think that I think that really is much
more important frankly than having a few
points of IQ or or having an extra
course or two in school or anything of
the sort
you need emotional stability breeds
without goals are just reading
and they ultimately fuel disappointment
goals on the road to achievement cannot
be achieve without discipline and
consistency nobody works harder than me
inside the Octagon outside the Octagon
I am a workhorse so I’m gonna enjoy the
benefits for this life I’m gonna get
myself a big mansion in Las Vegas I’m
gonna get the soft hop cars I’m gonna
bring my whole team now I’m gonna spoil
them and give them this life big stakes
– sighs whirring and every single night
each we’re eating good we’re living good
it’s it’s human nature some people will
sit and take positivity from that they
will look at that and take inspiration
and inspire it will inspire them to go
and push forward our orders will shell
up and critique it and be negative
towards it but one thing is sure those
people will stay where they are the
people who take inspiration from it will
rise up and also one day experience that
like so this is this is human nature
some going way so go do it away but I am
I am enjoying my money my heart and
money that I that I have dedicated my
life to most people don’t have a
compelling vision for their own future
they don’t they move through life
setting goals and goals have no power
we’re almost fear at this point your
goals on power 1959 when Earl
Nightingale came this idea of goal
setting and it was like wow I’m a
goal-oriented person and that was
trained it worked like 20 years everyone
set goals and they and they got results
but then all of a sudden you know you
set goals and sometimes you hit them
sometimes you know most times you don’t
okay that’s okay
but goals almost became like a synonym
for like oh I’m gonna set a goal who
gives it but really happens afterwards
and it almost synonymous with failure
now goal-setting there’s something above
and I believe in setting goals but
there’s got to be something above your
goals and that’s your vision for the
future and it’s not just about it
doesn’t have like an ending points about
the world being a certain way and that’s
inspiring to you and you when you truly
have a vision for your future that
inspires you you’re gonna jump up out of
bed in the morning and feel great about
going at life versus being miserable and
going through a job you hate or living a
life that doesn’t empower you and just
you know everyday moving through just
almost like an automaton not really you
having the zest and the great the
greatness of life and I’m joking I’ve
been there myself when I felt like I
didn’t really have a compelling vision
for my own future and I felt like I was
wallowing but at least I’m conscious of
that once you become conscious of that
you can consciously create a vision for
your future it doesn’t happen in once in
one minute or an hour you write it down
you work on until I mean you finally hit
on it you know you know you got it when
when you really fact yourself your
vision statement and it moves you and
you feel inspired okay and you know so
you’ll have that and and what happens is
every human being its thirsty for a
vision everyone is and so few people
haven’t said what I do they gravitate
towards someone who has a vision for the
future if they want to be a part of a
vision part of being a great
entrepreneur is having that vision being
able to create the vision and then sell
that vision to other people to get them
to want to be inspired to buy into it
then put in their time their hard work
their elbow grease to help you achieve
your vision if you’re a smartphone then
you spread the wealth around it’s a it’s
a win-win for everybody and because it’s
fun you’re willing to work your face off
and working your face off is actually
the Gateway it’s not the fun the fun is
the doorway that gets you to put in the
work that get you the results because
d-roc loves filming like the 24/7 nature
of what he does is you know is what so
many kids want to film into this but
they don’t want to it’s not fun enough
for them you have to love it the cost of
entry now is you see understand you have
to love like for me building brands
whether it’s my own brand brands for the
people other things the why it’s so the
only thing I give a about that I’m
willing to put in the 19
that it takes because the problem is now
with the internet like we were just
saying being the middleman and everybody
can play there’s some kid in Kansas City
who’s gonna put in the 1920 I don’t want
any of you little mice now what’s
amazing is though the biggest thing I
didn’t know is that’s some fun but
there’s so much that all those little
that are gonna put in the nineteen are
gonna get theirs too and that makes me
happy yeah so I would say funs a great
gateway to
fun is the precursor to ridiculous
amount of work which then gets you there
yeah right I’m in meetings a lot my
calendar gets very full with those and
then at night after the kids have gone
to bed I’m on email a great deal I get
messages during the day that’s my chance
give long responses and then over the
weekend I send a lot of mail as well as
well I take two weeks a year to just go
off and read and think where I’m not
interrupted by work or anything else I’m
just solidly trying to think about the
future and people get to send me things
to read as part of that so-called think
week so it’s a nice mix of things about
25% of the time then I’m out traveling
around meeting with customers Europe
Asia and that sort of helps me think
okay do we have the right priorities
what what are people responding well to
and what would they they like to see us
do better don’t expect anything like
expect expect the worst and you know if
you still obviously still want to do
this then go ahead and do it and you
know I really did expect the worst I was
like you know what if nobody cares if
you know my first album flops follow my
song swap I don’t care I’m still gonna
do this because I want to do this for me
and so I was perfectly ready for none of
it to happen and I you know so it’s the
fact that you know people connected to
Havana and that people are connecting to
never be the same and people are just
connecting to my music is super it’s
like the best feeling ever we took a lot
of pride in in trailblazing and how the
game was played back at that time
through we would we would intimidate
teams and we would want to dominate
teams but also too we also had the
thought process of a team was never
gonna outwork us we’re gonna be the
this is what this what kills great
businesses of you look at I do believe
in looking at history and I and I try to
I like to study failure actually then my
partner says all I want to know is where
I’ll die so I’ll never go there and and
we want to see what has caused
businesses to go bad and the biggest
thing that kills them is complacency
I mean you you want a restlessness a
feeling that you know that that
somebody’s always after you but you’re
going to stay ahead of them you always
want to be on the move and and when
you’ve got a great business you know
like coca-cola wishes there aren’t any
like oh girl oh but but really the
danger would always be did you rest on
your laurels when I see none of that
obviously a coca-cola but that’s that
that is the key to to compete the same
way when you’ve got 1.8 billion servings
being sold daily as when you were
selling you know 10 a day and and that
restlessness that belief that that
tomorrow’s more exciting than today I
mean I rely I had to I wanted to be open
about it as I’d been from the very
beginning it was from an athlete’s
perspective it was one of the toughest
things that I had to go through and I
feel like sharing that feeling that I
had and the vulnerability that I had to
carry myself with and for someone that’s
so strong and like mentally tough and
have always I mean at six to like you
know passionate about what she does it
felt really small with one of the first
few times in my life where I would just
I didn’t want to right I didn’t want to
continue writing the book it took a long
time to put those words onto paper and I
felt that that was an important it’s
part of my journey it’s part of the
reason why my book is called unstoppable
because I’ve had this mentality from a
very young age that no matter what is
thrown at you there there it’s going to
be roadblocks and you have to overcome
them and you can most people have a
belief about what their real potential
isn’t matter what you tell them and that
affects how much action they take and of
course that affects the result and then
ironically that result reinforces their
belief and then that belief affects it
so I’ll give an example
let’s say a person has unlimited
potential we all agree but they take
little action little results why because
they have to start with a problem with
their belief they don’t believe it’s
really gonna happen for me maybe for
Frank Kern’s cuz it got the cool hair
and stuff or maybe it’s for you because
you’re so driven but it’s not me maybe
Tony Robbins cuz he’s a freak up these
big teeth whatever their process is
right they got this thing right but what
happens is if you believe that there’s
very little potential how much action
you gonna take and when you take a
little potential with a little action
what kind of results you get lousy
little results with your little results
what does that do to your belief you go
see I told you this was a waste of time
soldier this wouldn’t work and then what
happens you tap even less potential you
take even less actually even the worst
results and your belief gets even weaker
and this sucker feeds on itself until
you are in a downward spiral poisonous
it’s poisonous and it’s self-fulfilling
now what if something could happen that
could come along and fill you with a
sense of absolute certainty not like I
believe but mean well you know and you
guys this case mine as well we knew
because we had to because we burned the
boats there was no other option we had
to find a way we had we weren’t gonna
live that way we all did it in different
ways and for different reasons but in
that sense that was it if you get
yourself in a state of certainty that
this is gonna work I’m gonna find the
way and if this is work I will make the
way then you tap a lot more potential
and when you’re certain your potential
you take massive action when you take
massive action you really believe in
something you get great results when you
get great results your brain goes see I
told you I was a stud I told you this
thing would worked out now you even
stronger you have more potential take
greater action be results that’s how you
went from 300 bucks in a week to twenty
five hundred and five days to a hundred
thousand and a month to a million bucks
in a day same thing with you and we get
momentum so why the rich get richer the
poor get poorer now some people go out
they go well I’m gonna take a bunch of
action alright I’m gonna open this
product we’re gonna try it they’ll say
to you I even did it but it’s like a
Salesman who goes and knocks on the door
verbally his face says it because he
doesn’t believe it’s gonna work so his
voice his body the execution is so weak
maybe if he talks 400 people somebody’s
gonna buy out of pity
you know when his kids to starve right
but he’s not gonna get the result so the
core difference in people is how do you
produce certain day when the world isn’t
giving it to you you go out and try and
you’re trying your case you’re a hundred
thousand a debt nothing’s working how do
you keep yourself going the way you did
it the way I did it the way you’re doing
it we may not done it consciously is we
didn’t change our potential that was
there and it wasn’t even taking more
action taking more action with beliefs
not gonna works not gonna change
anything we got results in our head that
made us feel certain as if it had
already happened it’s all in the mindset
when you get up in the morning you do
what you normally do I would eventually
say a lot of you here probably turn on
your cellphone’s your computers and
what’s the latest email what’s the
latest text that comes in you start your
day off like that that’s your mindset
try this get up in the morning do
whatever you have to do don’t turn the
computer on don’t turn the TV on go
right back to bed again either lay there
or sit there and just bring the universe
to you here’s how you do it you just be
it’s virtually impossible when you first
do it because the thousand thoughts come
through your head
we’re human beings so what you do is
you’re sitting in bed look at the wall
look at the TV set look at the ceiling
look at the door look at something in
the room to get your attention and just
look at it and just be for a couple of
minutes not 10 minutes not 20 minutes
not two days just be when your mind
wanders find another spot in the room to
look at so you’re back in present time
even for a couple of minutes now go
about your day don’t think about what
you’re gonna do for that split few
you’re now becoming part of a universe
which is also part of global thinking
way to get rich and that’s quick that’s
not a get-rich-quick scheme though makes
the world’s too expensive to get rich
slowly and what I mean by getting rich
quick is that there are certain things
you have to know on the inner game of
wealth how you manage your emotional
state your beliefs your standards your
focus and in the outer game
entrepreneurship sales marketing how to
develop multiple income once you it
takes time that’s where the hard works a
lot of hard work goes into getting this
lined up and that lined up but once you
have it all lined up and you’ve done the
work then you can make money very very
quickly so it’s not a scheme but you got
to get rich quick and you have to put
the work and I say if you don’t wanna
work hard good luck I mean I don’t know
any rich people it don’t work really
really hard that’s the bottom line so
hard work and knowing knowing stuff
there’s no quick fix so it’s you know
it’s again when you get rich it happens
quickly but there’s a lot of work that
goes up to that point before the money
starts pouring and that’s the
distinction that I think a lot of people
who are not wealthy they don’t get that
they think that it’s you accumulate
money just a little bit at a time it
doesn’t work that way
you work work don’t get the result BAM
one last piece of the puzzle clicks in
whether it’s not knowing how to close
and all happens I think that what I took
from the film to me that was interesting
because again it’s my life and it’s been
35 years of just living it’s it’s kind
of really sucked at times and how hard
it’s been I know it’s been hard of
course but to be good at anything is
hard I mean I’m sure everybody in this
room and anybody watching is excited my
life’s been hard too it’s true and if
somebody were to put a documentary
together about your life it would
probably be similar and that life is
hard it’s what you do with it fascinates
me about human beings and it fascinates
me about myself is that we have such a
high tolerance for suckiness isn’t that
as long as the suckiness is a routine
but the second you get thrown out of
your routine or the second that whether
it’s because you lose a job or somebody
moves or somebody dies or somebody
breaks up with you or you break like all
of a sudden that awakens the courage in
you to make a change because you you
know either you have no choice or now
you got a
problem to solve you know but fighting
that inertia of life is the most
difficult thing in the world I ended up
getting a job with a law firm because it
was the path of least resistance in
Boston in Boston I hated it because I
went from being in the courtroom to
writing briefs all day and luckily I got
pregnant with our first daughter who
just is starting college which makes me
feel so ancient I just want to like
punch myself in the face if I have a 18
year old freshman in college um thank
you but I got pregnant with her and when
she was born I had horrific postpartum
depression Wow I mean the really scary
kind where you can’t be alone with the
baby you’re on crazy meds that turn you
at life not the kind you take
recreationally these are the kind that
like turn you into a zombie and it was a
really scary thing and I I when I kind
of came out of the eight-week trance of
that I looked up at Chris and said I’ve
made a decision
and he said okay what would that be and
I said I don’t ever want to answer the
question what do you do for a living
with the response I’m a lawyer and he
said okay you realize we’ve just bought
this house and we have a kid and we have
orders to pay and he said so here’s the
deal you’ve got exactly four weeks
before your maternity leave is over
you need to make $60,000 I don’t care
what you do for a living
that’s your problem go solve it and the
night before I was supposed to read so I
networked like a crazy person cuz again
if you’re a human being with a problem
you’ll solve it yeah and so if it
matters enough to you and so I got a job
and this was the first convo in Boston I
got a job the night before I was
supposed to go back the best piece of
advice that I was given when I started
my modeling career was make sure that
you under there was a lot of things that
weren’t given to me because you know
everybody likes to give you advice one
thing that stayed with me is you’re as
good as your last job
so every job I treated as if it were my
last job and I think that that kind of
gave me a reputation of hard-working
ready to do whatever it takes to get
this shot and and and I think that
that’s very important in any industry
that Who I am is not only what I have
but Who I am is what I do what I
accomplish and so we spend a big hunk of
our lives believing that the way that we
become quote successful happy fulfilled
self actualized whatever it might be is
on the basis of what I accomplished what
my resume looks like how many promotions
I get and so we send our children off to
school and we ask them to learn to
identify themselves on how much they get
and what they accomplish your grades
become more important than what it is
that you are studying what you own what
clothes you wear what labels you have
and so on and we become obsessed with
this kind of absurdity and we this is
the false self at work I spoke at an
education summit for Microsoft I also
spoke at an education summit for Apple
Education from Mike at the education
summit for Microsoft I would say that
70% of the executives spent about 70% of
their presentations talking about how to
beat Apple at the Apple education summit
a hundred percent of the executives
spent a hundred percent of their
presentations talking about how to help
teachers teach and how to help students
learn one is playing this way and one is
playing that way one is playing finite
and the other one is playing infinite
so at the end of my talk at Microsoft
they gave me a gift they gave me the new
Zune when it was a thing and let me tell
you this thing was spectacular
it was the most elegant piece of
technology I’d ever used the user
interface was incredible the design was
spectacular I absolutely loved it it was
easy to use and it was bright and
gorgeous and it didn’t work on iTunes
which is a different problem so I
couldn’t use it but but it was amazing
and elegant my god it was elegant
so I’m sitting in the back of a taxi
with a very senior Apple executive sort
of employee number 12 kind of guy and
you know I like to stir pots so I turned
him I said you know Microsoft gave me
their new zoom and it is so much better
than your iPod Touch and he turned to me
and he said I have no doubt conversation
because the infinite player understands
sometimes your head and sometimes you
sometimes your product is better and
sometimes it’s worse the goal isn’t to
be the best every day the goal isn’t out
to outdo your competition every day
that’s a finite construction if I had
said to Microsoft I’ve got the new iPod
touch and it’s so much better than your
Zune they would have said can we see it
what does it do react react react react
finite players play to be bet to beat
the people around them infinite players
play to be better than themselves to
wake up every single day and say how can
we make our company a better version of
itself today than it was yesterday how
can we create a product this week that’s
better than the product we created last
week we also have to play the infinite
game it’s not about being ranked number
one it’s not about having more followers
on Twitter than your friends
it’s not about outdoing anyone it’s
about how to outdo yourself it’s not
about selling more books or getting more
10 views than somebody else it’s about
how to make sure that the work that
you’re producing is better than the work
you’ve produced before you are your
competition and that is what ensures you
stay in the game the longest and that is
what ensures you find joy because the
joy comes not from comparison but from
advancement the reason that most people
are not successful when not wealthy is
not because they set their goals too
high and miss them it’s cause they set
them to go low and hit them get that
it’s not because you set your goals too
high and miss you set your goals too low
and you hit them
and you get caught up in the average
daily struggle of averages and
mediocrity that’s what kills people
everybody raise your hand for a second
please raise your hand now raise it as
high as you can I’m gonna crash so I can
see okay now just raise it a bit higher
every one higher
why the hell would that happen I say
raise it as high as you can and Henry
said okay then a little bit high okay
well if you really mean it right you get
it it’s that extra inch that’s where you
want to set your goal not pie in the sky
and add a control like it’s never gonna
happen because that’s a load of crap to
people let’s set those sort of goals
they abandon those goals and I’ll get to
that later
but the idea here is you want to set the
goals just above your comfort zone so
now think about it for a second to think
about your goals right now how do you
set him you’re setting them very low and
hitting them if that’s the case then
give yourself a ten are you setting
goals that don’t aspire you some people
set goals in like behind but they’re
crappy goals they’re not the sort of
goals that make you jump out of bed in
the morning make you want to go to work
for yourself to secure the future not
just for you but for your family you
know if they’re compromised or
acquiesced at anybody unless you love
them unless you want to that’s freedom
you know money is just a mechanism to get there
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