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Watch This IF YOU WANT TO GET BETTER! Some of The Best Advices for Success Compilation

as Ralph Waldo Emerson said shallow
people believed in luck and in
circumstance strong people believed in
cause and effect that’s as simple as
changed that you could make in your life
to choose to believe that everything is
a result of choices that you make and it
is a choice you can choose to believe in
luck you can choose to believe that you
don’t have control that you don’t have a
agency that the world is happening to
you or you can choose to recognize the
cause and effect exists that if you want
to get better at something you need to
put in the work that if you want to get
stronger you need to lift heavier
weights that you can either ask for
stronger shoulders to carry a bigger
load or you can ask for a lighter load
the choice is yours but at the end of
the day if you want those strong
shoulders they’re yours to build you’ve
got to make those choices you’ve got to
understand the cause and effect you’ve
got to understand that your life right
now is the exact reflection of your
choices your life the good the bad the
ugly the hateful the painful the joyful
the beautiful everything in your life is
a reflection of you
it’s a reflection of the things you’ve
decided to do it’s a reflection of the
things you’ve decided not to do it’s the
story you tell yourself about yourself
what you believe is capable all of those
things they’re the choices that you’re
making every day and at anytime you can
choose to make a different choice and as
bruce lee said if you always put limits
on everything you do physical or
anything else it will spread into your
work and into your life there are no
limits there are only plateaus and you
must not stay there you must go beyond
even in the statement you can see him
making the choice about what to believe
by saying that there are no limits by
taking something that other people
perceive as a limit is something that’s
stopping him and saying that’s not it’s
a plateau it’s something that I can push
through and you see what he holds
himself accountable to it’s not okay to
stay at a plateau it’s okay to have one
everybody has them they happen it’s a
natural part of the course of getting
better but it is not okay to stay there
and that is a choice that’s not
something anyone can hand you it’s
something you have to believe to the
core of your soul that it is not okay to
stay in a plateau and it’s that that’s
gonna push you through it’s that that’s
gonna make you get up and keep going but
first you have to recognize that life is
cause-and-effect you have to recognize
that that choice is a knock-on effect
you have to recognize that him nearly
saying those words out loud have a cause
and effect
they changed the course of his life the
expectations that other people have of
him expectations that he has of himself
and because he understands that he can
control the outside world by first
controlling what’s inside by changing
his belief system to match what he wants
to accomplish he’s then able to
accomplish what he did in his life have
nothing to do with luck it had
everything to do with the demands that
he made on himself it had to do with win
he got in a motorcycle accident people
told him he would never walk again not
only did he walk again all of the major
accomplishments that we think about it
being that man they all came after they
came after he was told he was never
gonna walk and came after he was told
that he was never going to be able to do
martial arts but he did it he did the
grueling work of getting better he
understood cause and effect he
understood that if you chose to believe
that he could never do it that he’d
never be able to do it but that if he
chose to believe that by working out he
could get stronger and get better and
get back to a penny
and that’s what he did so now ask
yourself is your life dictated by luck
or cause and effect are you in control
or is it somebody else is someone else
in control or is it you and if it’s you
go build the life that you want because
there’s nothing stopping you but you if
you listen and take action chances are
you’re going to dramatically change your
life what is your dream each and every
single one of us has dreams we all know
they are achievable because we’ve seen
so many other people before us turn
theirs into reality or any dream you
have whether it’s sports business
inventions music acting you name it
there’s an expert in that field and you
can take the exact steps they did
because success always leaves clues do
you think you can accomplish your dream
I know it sounds like a cliche but if
you don’t believe in yourself no one
else will if you don’t believe in
yourself now choose to do so because
it’s just a matter of choosing and it’s
as simple as it sounds
choose to believe in yourself and give
yourself a chance because this is the
only way you can start the process of
turning your dream into reality
stop asking around for other people’s
opinions because not everyone will have
the same vision as you and maybe they
don’t believe in the same thing is you
simply because they chose to believe in
something else but that doesn’t mean
what you want for yourself isn’t
possible it is possible there are some
examples in this world of people that
face the same problems as you have but
that didn’t stop them on the contrary it
motivated them even more if you believe
in yourself and you think you can turn
your dream into reality and what’s
stopping you you will never feel ready
and you will never have all the
resources but you need to understand is
that you simply have to start where you
are right now you just have to start and
once you do that you will see for
yourself what it is that you need you
will learn from your own mistakes and
you will see what works and what doesn’t
and soon you’ll start getting momentum
and this may be the most important thing
once you have momentum you will be able
to stop and everything will seem easy
even if things might get tough sometimes
you will think of them as tough because
you will have growing more confidence
and nothing will stop you you will make
progress progress will make you happy
happiness will help you do more and be
more and once all of this becomes second
nature to you you will be one of them
you will be successful and people want
to be like you and you will try to help
and to motivate them by giving them the
same advice all successful people give
and they won’t turn your words into
action because they won’t believe in
themselves they will believe they
deserve to be successful and to be
someone for the sole reason they’ve had
to deal with failures at some point in
their life how would you be feel and act
you deserve to feel like that you
deserve to accomplish all those things
and why shouldn’t you your life is your
life you’re the master and you choose
you decide who and what you’re going to
the average human life expectancy is 79
years that means if you’re 30 you have
about 49 years left to live
that’s 588 months two thousand five
hundred fifty five weeks or seventeen
thousand eight hundred eighty five days
to stop wasting any more time and make
each day count
so stop wasting any more time and make
each day count
99% of people are not willing to do what
today is the beginning of the rest of
your life set your life on fire and seek
prioritize who you are who you want to
be and don’t spend time with anything
that antagonizes your character don’t be
hanging with no Jang casts Joker’s that
don’t help you shine you know that group
of friends that you hang out with that
really might not bring out the best in
you know they gossip too much or they
kind of shady you really aren’t gonna be
there for you in a pinch look at your
last five text messages are those people
feeding your flames or dousing your fire
get rid of the excess the wasted time
the people that you spend time with are
going to make or break your dreams
everybody don’t deserve to be around you
you got to defend your light with your
life and when you do this when you do
put them down you quit go in there you
quit givin them your time you
inadvertently find yourself spending
more time and in more places that are
healthy for you that bring you more joy
choose actions that are in your own best
interest every day we are choosing shit
that’s not in our own best interest
remember just because you’re doing a lot
more doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot
don’t confuse movement with progress we
have to define success for ourselves and
then we have to put in the work to
maintain take that daily tally ten our
guard keep the things that are important
to us in good shape
I believe that self-discipline is the
definition of self-love that when you
say that you love yourself that means
that you have behavior towards yourself
that is loving consider creating
outcomes that take from us
let’s create more outcomes that pay us
back fill us up keep your fire lit turn
you on for the most amount of time in
your future self discipline is self love
if you want to be happy you have to love
yourself which means you have to
discipline your behavior the road to
sustained happiness is through
dreams without goals adjust dreams and
the ultimately fuel disappointment so
have dreams but have goals and
understand that to achieve these goals
you must apply discipline and
consistency and I think the word
discipline has kind of gotten a bad name
we think about it in terms of punishment
I’m not talking about discipline in that
way I’m talking about discipline in the
sense that you you forego immediate
pleasure for the exchange of long-term
self-respect you have to work at it
every day you have to plan hard work
true desire in the heart for anything
good is God’s proof to you sit
beforehand to indicate that it’s yours
already true desire in the heart that
itch that you have whatever it is you
want to do that thing that you want to
do to help others into to grow is to
make money that desire that hitch that’s
God’s proof to you sit beforehand
already to indicate that it’s yours I
find that most of the times our
obsession with what is wrong just ends
up reading more wrong more failure
the easiest way to dissect success is
through gratitude
do you thanks for that which we do have
but what is working appreciating simple
things we sometimes take a friend we
give thanks for these things and that
gratitude reciprocate
creating more to be thankful for it’s
really simple and it works
anything you want good you can have
so claimant work hard to get it let’s
study the habits the practices the
routines that we have that lead to and
feed our success our joy our honest pain
our laughter our own tears let’s dissect
that and give thanks for those things
and when we do that guess what happens
we get better at them and we have more
to dissect it’s a scientific fact that
gratitude reciprocates so that when you
wake up in the morning say thank you for
thank you for mercy thank you for
thank you for wisdom thank you for
thank you for love thank you for
kindness thank you for humility thank
you for peace
thank you for Prosperity say thank you
in advance for what’s already yours
be brave have courage and when you do
you get stronger you get more aware and
get more respectful of yourself and that
would you fear
don’t just aspire to make a living
aspire to make a difference
everyone takes the limits of their own
vision for the limits of the world
Arthur Chopin our there is all around
you right now the reflections of your
world belief they’re so ever-present
that you don’t even see them all the
assumption that you’ve made about the
world the things that are possible what
you’re capable of who you are the very
definition of what it means to be alive
all of it is completely invisible
and you’re mistaken what you have for
what could be and once you break free of
that once you understand that right now
you’re a moment in time and that you
have latent potential and that latent
potential can be expressed in the form
of skills that you can get good at
things that you can develop yourself in
any direction that brain plasticity
alone is one of the greatest weapons
that you’re not using but you have to
move beyond what you can perceive today
you have to begin to look beyond that
and see that which doesn’t yet exist and
you have to remember that many of the
things that are holding you down are
rules that you don’t even realize or
rules and as General Douglas MacArthur
said you’re remembered for the rules you
break and right now you’re following
rules that you don’t even realize exists
and some of those rules are simply what
is okay to dream but I’m here to tell
you the power is in recognizing that you
can do it the power is in having the
arrogance of belief the power is an
understanding that
yes you are going to be capable of
something simply because you are willing
to believe in yourself and that’s the
thing it’s a willingness to believe in
yourself no one’s gonna give it to you
even the people that love you they’re
not gonna give you that they are
incapable of giving it to you people
cannot see past their limitations and
they take them for truth people actually
believe the things that have stopped
them will forever not only stop them but
they will stop other people how can they
hope to give you anything but limitation
so if you know that if you know that
even the people that love you what
they’re handling is limitation with the
best of fucking intentions with all the
love in the world how are you gonna
break out of that how are you gonna
break past those rules how are you gonna
fight the anxiety that inevitably comes
your way when you think about going
against the grain but my friends until
you can do that you can never get beyond
the bullshit that limits you if people
said gravity is what it is we never
would have reached the skate velocity
and yet as a species we have been able
to hurl a fucking rocket into space get
it outside of gravity take us to other
planets that is real only because
somebody said I refuse to be held down
by the most obvious rule that we have
the one that everybody says is beyond
reproach and that is gravity
but even gravity will break under the
weight of a superior will so recognizes
Epictetus said if you want to improve be
content to be thought foolish and stupid
can you be content to be thought foolish
and stupid or do you allow yourself to
be caged to be hemmed in by what other
people think and look I get it
I understand the steam of contempt I
understand how much it sucks when
someone you respect doesn’t respect you
but you cannot be anything more than
their captive if you think about what
they think about you if you let yourself
be defined by what other people perceive
of as you then you will forever be
limited by
what they give you permission to do and
I don’t know about you but when I was a
kid I said when I’m an adult I will
never fucking be told what to do again I
will never be held back by somebody else
I will define myself I will figure out
what I need to do and I will do it and
at the end of the day that is it my
goals drive my behavior I am not held
back by what other people think about me
no matter how fucking intoxicating it is
to be loved you have to decide what you
want more do you want to be you or do
you want to be someone else’s reflection
of you [Music]
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