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good to treat other people the way you
would like to be treated yourself it’s
like a golden rule and there’s a reason
for it and that reason is that we’re
connected in some strange way that we
don’t totally understand unless you are
good to other people around you unless
you’re a kind and friendly and warm and
loving you’re not gonna enjoy this life
you’re just not you’re gonna be problems
everywhere you go you’re gonna have
problems everywhere you go you got to
figure out a way to enjoy this life it’s
not because of Jesus it’s not because of
Moses it’s not because of anybody that
may or may not have ever existed it’s
because that’s how you fit in better in
the world that’s how you stay positive
and it doesn’t have to be some that was
written 5,000 years ago on animal skins
that doesn’t have to be the golden rule
because it’s old
you know that’s dumb we need to figure
out like now today what what is you know
the best way to live your life what is
that you know there’s got to be ways so
you can be putting forward the most
positive energy I mean we know
objectively what’s causing pollution we
know objectively what’s causing birth
defects and you know and we’re taking in
too much chemicals and not enough
vitamins we know objectively all this
stuff we know how to organize our world
and yeah we don’t do it we know how to
organize our health and yet very few
people do it we know all these things
the right path to like being like a
happy healthy person is to do all this
that we already know you’re supposed to
do take care of your body take care of
your health take care of your mind your
stress meditate be kind to people we all
know that I mean you ask anybody they
know how to get by and to be the the
most evolved version of you that you can
be I mean it’s not like a magical
checklist if you talk to people about it
you said okay here you got a person you
want to improve them what are the things
you’re gonna do to them okay well if I
was a life coach the first thing I would
say is this guy’s got to get on a diet
that makes them healthy I don’t mean to
die just to lose weight I mean just
healthy foods in your body need many
many vegetables vegetables a lot of
good quality protein a lot of water stop
the sodas stop the Bulls start working
out your body and get a better sense of
like how this machine feels when it’s
moving it’s flowing better there’s less
tension in it your mind feels like
relaxed and you enjoy every single
moment of the day better step 1
everybody knows that step right what
step 2 be cool to people be nice to his
many people as you can’t smile at his
many people as you can have them smile
back at you tip well when you go to
restaurants just do the most you can be
as nice as you can you know and just
still manage to have people walk all
over you just get through this life it’s
nice you’re ten what else do what you
want to do with your life right don’t
don’t go be doing something you don’t
enjoy don’t do something that’s don’t
get locked into you know a car that you
can’t afford and doing something crazy
because you need the money don’t don’t
do that
do what you want to do do what cliff is
it that you really want to do because if
someone else is doing it you can do it
you know I mean everybody makes their
own path through this world but a lot of
people don’t follow the path that they
really feel pulled to you know theirs
for whatever reason they got negative
programming you know when they were kids
someone told them that couldn’t do it or
told them to take the shortcut or or
take the the shore route that’s a sad
thing man when you talk to dudes
especially like talented dudes and they
don’t follow up with what they want to
do you know a bunch of people that will
say yeah well I’ve a family sure you
know it’s a great idea for you to just
go out there and go crazy I have people
to support you need to listen
stop saying that stop saying any of
those things every single person who has
ever done anything worthwhile or
exceptional or difficult or
extraordinary anyone whether it’s great
artists or authors or mathematicians or
whatever the it is everyone encounters
difficulties there is no easy road it
does not exist it is impossible everyone
has issues if you have time to pursue a
hobby if you have time to do any
in your life you can better yourself and
here’s one way you never better yourself
when you come up with excuses for why
other people are successful in your not
that it’s dangerous when you give
yourself an escape yeah well that’s easy
for you to say you know you do dude you
didn’t – trust me everybody has a hard
road I wanted to jump out of windows
several times during my young life I
wanted to jump in front of a train just
ended because too much pressure not
really but you know I’m saying
theoretically we all go through hard
times we all go through depression we
all do go through doubt and then moments
in your life where it’s really difficult
and you’re trying to figure out what the
your path is gonna be it’s hardest but
Stephan and we’re talking about this
before the podcast starts that that is
what makes you a person and those
difficult moments are what build your
character show me a great man who’s the
son of a great man
that’s what we’re saying these kids that
are born billionaires you’re you’re
you’re never going to be a self-made
person you have a back up trust for your
back up trust for your trust and your
man fascinated by martial arts I’m
fascinated by comedy I’m fascinated by
many many different things I don’t
understand when people say they’re bored
because if I had the time to live a
hundred lives I’d be speaking different
languages I’d be living in different
countries I would I would try out a
number of different careers because I
think there’s a lot of unbelievably
fascinating puzzling complex things that
you could study in this world that’s
just me and my personality but that’s a
personality also that I’ve cultivated
over years and we like that as a kid –
while I was involved in martial arts
very early and I think that is one of
the things that motivated me to explore
difficult tasks because through
difficult tasks you learn an incredible
amount about yourself and you through
through the fire of competition you get
to understand you get to understand
motivation you get to understand the
resistance that you have inside your
mind – doing the hard work you get to
understand the rewards of discipline
like you don’t truly appreciate
relaxation unless you’ve worked hard and
that is the yin and the yang of life and
I’ve said this – to the point of people
getting sick of it but one of the worst
decisions a man can make I can only
speak for men obviously is to be
comfortable I don’t think you should try
to be comfortable I think what you
should try to do is try to earn comfort
and if you if you can get a day off
where you you you’ve worked hard and
you’ve accomplished goals that day off
will be so sweet when I work hard and I
sit in front of TV I enjoy the out
of it I put my feet up I have a nice
drink you know I enjoy my the airs that
mids your back or something one of those
are great I don’t use it that much
though honestly I’m more of a workaholic
than I should be probably if the balance
was I probably should relax more than I
do but I never feel like I earned it but
that’s not part of the reason why when I
do feel like I earned it I can enjoy it
it’s because I am
more connected to the idea that I need
to accomplish things and to in and it’s
not like for anybody else’s benefit
other than my own or anybody else’s
approval other than my own I just when I
have a task whether it’s today I’m gonna
write a thousand words
you know or two thousand or whatever the
number is if I don’t do that I don’t
write things down like I’ll write down a
list of things that get accomplished
that day and if I don’t accomplish that
I’ll get sick like it’ll drive me crazy
if I can’t fill out that list that
drives me nuts you know but that’s what
led me to be a championship-level
martial artist that’s what led me to
achieve it’s like that
it’s the reinforcement of those goals
like understanding that you can achieve
those goals it’s gonna be difficult
you’re gonna push through the difficulty
and then you’re gonna understand what
difficulty truly is and how much of it
is just mental how much of it is just in
your mind this adversity to to difficult
tasks or to struggle you know and a lot
of people have that they’re scared
they’re scared of complications they’re
scared of failure failure is a big one
that people are afraid of but failure is
one of the most important things you
could ever have as far as like the
motivation to do things differently one
of the reasons why I think that I’m good
at friendships and relationships is
because I failed at them in the past one
of the things that I’m good at comedies
because I bombed on stage one of the
reasons why I’m good at work is because
I’ve been a worker in the past and I
know the feeling of failure the feeling
of of shame of being like a weak non
motivated lazy person it’s a weak
feeling it’s an you don’t respect
yourself you know and I have this phrase
that I use all the time to people to try
to motivate people I say that to be the
hero in your own movie pretend that if
your life was a movie and your life
started now what would the hero do what
would the person that you respected what
would the person that you admire person
that inspires you what would they do
we’ll do that and if you do that you
slowly build momentum you like today I
did what I wanted to do today I started
a class in yoga I did this I did all
these things that I was saying I wasn’t
going to do and now I feel momentum
momentum is a very important point in
people’s lives that’s why some folks
don’t like to take days off because they
feel like they’re losing momentum and
they sort of have to restart the wheel
up again after a vacation and there’s a
lot of folks that live life on a cushy
cloud of marshmallows and bullsh and
then one day something goes wrong and I
mean that’s why spoiled kids are so sad
like a spoiled young boy is one of the
saddest things ever a young boy that
becomes a man and can’t take care of
himself and it’s dad has to keep on
rescuing him his dad has to keep on
bailing them out of situations and
giving them money I’ve met guys like
that and that is a crippling affliction
when they don’t have the character
themselves to be able to get by in life
they constantly need someone to help
them and bail them out even as a grown
man I’ve met guys in their 40s that
still need help from their parents I’m
like what the man you’re never gonna get
it right because somewhere along the
line they didn’t face enough of the
adversity to realize that there’s
sometimes you just got to get up and get
you done there’s some times we have to
pull yourself up and you have to push
forward even if you want to stay in bed
and if you don’t do that and you just
keep calling on your daddy and your
daddy keeps rescuing you you never
develop those tools you never develop
that ability to recognize what you’re
doing wrong with your life because
you’re you’re soft you got a cushiony
you got a safety net a safety net for
your safety net say if you had like a 20
year old and he just took doper where he
waking bakes and doesn’t get anything
done he’s just always like hanging out
with his friends and playing video games
and he’s just a loser I wish there was a
way you could show someone like that
like I know that you’re getting some
comfort and satisfaction I just laying
around doing nothing
eating getting fat but your life would
feel better and richer if you had a goal
you chased that goal you accomplished
some things you would get this boost of
confidence you get this boost of
self-esteem like whatever it is that
you’re going to do maybe you’re in a
drawn comic books maybe you’re into nah
but making pottery or sculptures or but
fine whatever that is and pursue that
instead of doing nothing like the people
that are doing nothing those are the
real people look doing something might
be as simple as like that
Honnold guy he just climbs rocks but
he’s world-class rock climber it’s
something but it’s also a goal of his
and he’s also the best at it yes yeah
but those people who smoke pot all day
enjoy those also the guys who hate on
Joe Rogan for being in shape you don’t
see there being discipline or get on
Kevin Hart’s Instagram and to hate on
you no I’m saying cuz they don’t it’s
their own insecurities I see what you’re
saying but I would assume they would get
motivated by seeing other people do
something with their lives like that
should be motivating not yeah if you
grew up with losers and you’re around a
bunch of people yeah too especially if
it’s in your household I was very lucky
that both my mom and my stepdad they’re
now they’re not they’re the least hater
people I’ve ever met my life they’re
just not haters in any way like if
someone’s doing well though I was like
wow look at this guy or like wow look at
her look at him there was never any hate
in my house in terms of other people’s
success but if you grew up with a dad
and your dad’s like these all these rich
assholes just you think she’s a badass
and this you know there’s people that
look at other people’s success instead
of saying wow look I did a lot of work
like the way I’m a successful person but
the way I look at Kevin Hart he exhausts
me you know or the rock those guys
exhausted me I’m like Jesus Christ like
I feel lazy next to those guys like they
do so much like those guys are so
overbearingly ambitious you know but
some people they see that and they
compare themselves and they don’t like
it so they get started getting really
shy and it’s like a natural feeling to
try to chip away at that person the
worst people that you know are the
people that don’t have a good self judge
that everything they do is awesome those
never grow anywhere right and that’s a
huge issue with comedy when you run into
people that have a terrible comedy sets
but think they did great like we would
always Greg Fitzsimmons and I would
always talk about that with like open my
curse like there’s people that hear
phantom labs like they think they’re
doing great and they have this
delusional self opinion where everything
they do is awesome they don’t know why
not successful already they don’t know
why they’re not famous and those people
I believe I mean it’s from sort of a
weird narcissistic way you could look at
it this way that those people are there
to teach you this is the consequences of
not feeling that awful feeling when you
I was talking to burr a couple weeks ago
he did a set at the Comedy Store and I
saw part of it it was he was killing and
then I ran into him in the hallway and I
go out man main room show was great
right and he goes yeah up at the end
though I tried to hang in there too long
in the last bit bomb like he was just it
was a rotten atom that the last bit like
he goes I hung in there too long I
should have got off with a bit before
that like but you know when I was in
there he was killing you know but that
wasn’t in his mind the success was not
in his mind this was like okay whatever
that happened at the end don’t do that
again right but that’s why he’s bill
burr that’s why he’s really good you
were alone with your thoughts you get an
idea of what your thoughts actually are
if you live your life just acting
constantly on the momentum of other
people’s expectations of you wanting to
be liked by these other people you can
run into a trap and you you you set up a
life that you didn’t really want you’re
you’re you’re you’re trapped in this
situation where you have a mortgage
you’ve got credit card bills you’ve got
student loans you have to pay you have a
bunch of going on you have to continue
to feed and all that and especially if
you have a family and you have to feed
them oh my goodness
then you’re fully locked in you can’t
take any chances whatsoever and
oftentimes people make the mistake of
getting stuck and it is just a tactical
mistake just like it would be a mistake
if you got stuck on a video game just
like it would be a mistake if you
followed a map incorrectly and you get
stuck in the woods your life is
certainly some sort of a journey it’s
certainly some sort of a journey and we
have to all be aware that when we’re
making journeys we’re not going to
always make the right steps and
sometimes you have to back up and try
again and if you’re in a position where
you can’t back up and try again
you’ve trapped yourself and the system
will set out honey pots for people to
get trapped in the system will set out
the ideas of retirement the ideas of the
golden years providing you benefits
providing you a healthy work environment
why well because they want people to
work for them they don’t want people to
realize their own dreams and escape
those pain in the ass you gotta hire
more people and train them and they want
to set it up so that you stick around
stick around some sort of an
unsatisfying world it’s up to you to see
that video game problem to see that
issue as it comes up on the map known I
think this is a right turn to see all
the problems that could potentially lay
in front of you and calculate your your
future and then also look around all the
people that didn’t do it and look at the
misery that they’re in and learn that
you don’t want to be like them and then
look at the people that have kind of
taken chances and navigated their way
what do they do differently than you
what what objectivity do they have that
maybe you lack what insight into their
own mistakes are they willing to delve
into that you’re not that you step back
and go you know I don’t I just don’t
want to look at myself that closely but
the person who’s able to look at
themselves the closest it’s gonna get
the more rational results the things
that’s causing this funk that people are
in is that we’re living our lives many
of us at least in these very unfulfilled
ways where you’re going to this office
with artificial light and you’re doing
something you don’t want to do all day
long and then you get home and you’re
tired and on top of that you’re eating
you’re eating potato chips and you’re
drinking soda and your body is just like
what in the is this we’re supposed to be
out in the fields we’re supposed to be
walking up hills we’re supposed to be
looking for animals or gathering
vegetables we’re supposed to be doing
all these things that our body is
designed to do we’re supposed to be in
yeah and nature is like a medicine like
it literally is a medicine to you like
people people that go you don’t have to
go hunting you don’t have to go fishing
just go hike man just go hike up to the
top of a mountain and look out you know
there’s a reward that you get from that
that is intensely like soul filling just
something about like when I was in
Colorado and there was this this area of
Boulder we drive up one of these roads
and there was this area we could park
and it was this incredible view man
these people just Park and just go out
there and just look but you get there in
your parking you go cuz you would see
your you literally seen the Continental
Divide these snow-capped mountains in
July yeah in July it’s covered with snow
for whatever reason most people their
associations are to avoid anything
that’s uncomfortable but it’s so
illogical because when you look at
comfort and you look at success and
progress and the eventual the feelings
of accomplishment and of getting past
certain hurdles and in terms of like how
you feel about life a lot of those are
connected to discomfort like discomfort
is your friend it really is like
discomfort and and not being happy and
content with certain situations in life
or certain feelings in life there are
massive massive motivators and they’re
they’re amazing at facilitating change
and yet our instinct is to avoid those
and just sit on the couch and watch some
reality show about dudes and make
moonshine with our jaw open like blue
it’s with bizarre
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