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Virtual Assistant – How to work with a virtual assistant

how to work with virtual assistants I
got a great question recently from one
of my YouTube subscribers love you guys
Neil who wrote in that he said he hired
a virtual assistant and it’s having a
hard time keeping her busy and trusting
her and wanted my advice and what to do
so here’s what he wrote he said hey Evan
I have a virtual assistant and don’t
seem to keep her busy even though I’m
always inundated with work this brings
me to my question how can you figure out
what to delegate and trust the person to
whom you delegate will do a court
correctly also how do I get myself out
of the mode of thought it’ll take me so
long to explain how to do it I’ll just
do it myself this is a fantastic
question because a big problem for
entrepreneurs is realizing that you know
I need to I need to bring on a team I
need people that helped me to build this
thing I can’t do everything myself but
finding the right person and then
training them and working with them can
be so time-consuming and then what if
they leave then then you’re stuck doing
everything all over again it’s just a
big waste of time so it’s getting
through that first tire that first
successful higher and often it is on the
admin side when you can get through that
then you’re on your path for big success
but I know it’s a huge pain point for a
lot of entrepreneurs so here’s how to do
it here’s here’s how I’ve always done it
especially on administrative stuff
number one is start part-time I never
start a new admin staff or full-time it
always starts on a part-time basis for a
couple reasons one its to try each other
out okay so it’s been great we’ve
interviewed great they love it they see
what they can do you know you see a lot
of potential with them fantastic but we
don’t jump in full time I want to test
them out I want to see how they actually
work in the environment and I don’t want
to be so bogged down with training and
supporting this person that I can’t
actually go out and do the rest of my
stuff I need to grow my business so what
I’ll usually do is find whatever the
easiest thing is to do that can get off
my plate that I can explain quickly to
this person that they can come on board
and do it they start seeing the
immediate results and that’s my starting
point so what happens from there dig it
confidence they can can you know build a
bit of skill sets a little bit they
start saving me time right and when they
start saving me time I see they’re doing
a good job I have more time to invest
into doing more with them and so I’ll
think of new projects and more
initiatives that they can get involved
in and so I slowly build up and that may
lead to a full-time job as an admin
assistant or it may mean that they work
10 hours a week or 20 hours a week or
just as an on as needed basis right
doesn’t necessarily have to be full time
if you’re struggling to find full-time
hours maybe you don’t just make it
easier for yourself and start smaller
start with five hours or 10 hours a week
little project and then build yourself
up the second thing is record your
processes and so you have to understand
that not every project is great to be
outsourced to virtual assistants
sometimes you need people who are
in-house and sometimes you need to do it
yourself just depend on what it is the
projects that are best suited towards
virtual assistants are ones that can be
done online and that are repeated so if
you find yourself doing the same thing
over and over and over and over again
that’s the kind of thing that you can
either automate so I owe is at the
automation first software tools
something to do it automatically but if
I can’t then delegate to an administer
and what I usually do to explain it is
i’ll make a video so i’ll explain what
i’m doing so here’s what i’m doing i am
building this list and i pull up my
Camtasia software it basically records
your screen on your computer and you
have a microphone and you can speak into
it and explain what you’re doing and
i’ll show how i do this process and then
they have the video so they don’t really
need to write a step-by-step guide
because it’s in the video and you can
build a library of all the videos that
they can look at and it’s easy to get
them trained that way without you having
to create extra work for yourself so as
you’re doing it just record your screen
that I found is super helpful the last
thing that I found really interesting
and really valuable as I’ve built up my
team that might so my number three tip
is have passion projects I always try to
encourage the people on my team that
come up with a project that they can
work on
that supports the mission of the
business but is not something that I’ve
given them to do and so this encourages
them to learn more about what we do it’s
never the so it’s never something they
get within the first week or first month
usually takes a few months to get into
it they understand how the business
works and they start seeing ways that
the business could be better and the
more they can tie their passions into
what your business is all about it’s
going to make them feel happier and you
also have new projects happening with
your business so I got this idea from
google where they give workers you know
twenty percent of their time to work on
their own passion projects that still
fits within kind of Google scope so you
know if you want to if you want to be a
baker you know it’s not a lot I can do
to help you with that in my business but
if you want to do something else that
relates to entrepreneurs if it’s build a
form or whatever it is you can do it and
empowering your workers to come up with
projects and ideas that excite them keep
them tied to longer and build amazing
things your company so if this person’s
been with you for a while and you trust
them and you like them you know them and
they’re building up their skills it
might be something to look at to giving
them a passion project to work on or
having them come up with one given the
option and see what they come back with
and see if there’s something in there
that they can build to help you grow
your business to the next level so
that’s my advice for working with
virtual assistants I know it can be
frustrating and though it can be hard I
know you feel like you’re doing so much
work yourself but you have to get
through this grind you have to get
through having that first employee and
and it may not work like a lot of
entrepreneurs they hire and then they
that person leaves and the hire that
person leaves and you feel like I’m just
going to do this myself this is
ridiculous but to build something strong
to create your movement you need to have
a team and so you have to have the
courage and the fortitude and the the
conviction to stay through this to have
not just one person but a whole team of
people working under you believe those
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guys so much you
awesome I’ll see you soon
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