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Video Editing – Do I do all my videos myself?

do i do all my videos myself so I got a
great question for my Google+ viewers
love you guys Danielle who wrote in to
ask hi Evan do you do your videos
yourself or does somebody film you i
will start doing YouTube videos very
soon this is a great question and I’ve
experimented with doing videos for I
don’t know how many years and it’s been
a fun learning process and I love
helping out and give him back the people
who are starting that journey so I do
mostly video stuff myself when I started
it was all me because I hate spending
money until I’m making money I didn’t
want to go out and buy camera and tripod
on microphone and editing software and
all this stuff and tanya was committed
to it because too many times we launched
projects we invest our dollars into
something and then we get bored of it we
don’t stick with it and you have this
expensive equipment kind of sitting
around doing nothing I want to make sure
that i loved it i got value from it is
giving me an roi i want to keep doing it
before i invested so my very first
videos were me with a flip camera and
flip camera or my DSLR just kind of
sitting on the shelf and filming it
myself I edit it with what did I edit
with windows movie maker which is very
basic but it’s great it works and I
stepped up to then using Camtasia
afterwards to edit the video so I was
still doing everything myself I learned
that myself they weren’t great it wasn’t
a masterpiece it wasn’t anywhere close
to what I’m doing now but they were they
were good they were enough to get me
started and then I solely started seeing
some results I started getting some
opportunities I started getting people
feed leaving feedback and comments and
giving me compliments and I got some
some deals from i said okay i gotta keep
doing this it’s working i love it and i
started increasing my my budget as i
started making money from it so i bought
better cameras and better cameras and
better cameras and i always went to
costco because they had a three-month
return policy where other camera stores
were like two weeks a really gave me a
chance to test it out and i went through
three or four costco cameras until it
was stuck on one it was a sony handycam
for almost a year
and I like that one because it had an
external microphone jack so with your
videos one of the least with my really
ones one of the common complaints I got
was the audio wasn’t clear enough
because I didn’t have a microphone so I
don’t you can see I have a microphone on
here and that clips into the camera a
lot of the cheaper cameras there’s no
Jack to plug in a microphone to recently
in the past few months i bought a nicer
camera it’s a canon it’s a
two-thousand-dollar camera and I have my
mind you know Mike set up and I did that
again because it was working for me
right I’ve invested into making the
videos of success and I’ve gotten
results from it so I can justify putting
more money into it so my setup as it is
right now I’ve experimented with being
at home at the office different places I
like that I’m at home right now I’ve got
just a blank wall behind me and I find
this is the best setup for me at least
right now keep experimenting with it so
let me show what I do this is my setup
i’m going to i have a pipe some mirrors
here this is my setup so all i’ve got is
the camera and it’s on a tripod and I
flip the screen towards me so I could
see myself in in the camera and make
sure that I’m kind of positioned in the
middle I’ll usually start off saying hey
I got this great question from whoever
and then I’ll go to my computer and I’ll
read it so I’ve got my computer just set
up here I usually do this off my phone
but now I use a computer so got my
computer set up there this is the
question that you asked me here Danielle
and I’ve got my microphone for recording
some of the other set pieces but that’s
not the mike i use day-to-day right now
the microphone is right here so that’s
my usual set up ok i set up my tripod
put the camera hook up to my press
record say got this question go to my
computer and read the question then i
start answering it from there my videos
get sent to my video editor Christina
and she adds all the effects so again I
started doing this myself I did
everything myself but you know as I grew
would doing more videos I said you know
what my time is better spent recording
the videos not editing the videos
because that’s not my passion so
christina is great at that she adds the
intro the music and he sound the fat
pictures she brings in and out and the
extra music and puts the playlist that’s
the time all of that she then writes to
me and says hey Evan this video is going
up at this date this time and then I’ll
write back to you and say videos
launching this time so that’s the
process i use now but again i started
with nothing and that’s that’s where you
start start with whatever you have you
don’t need to go and spend a lot of
money and everything you have a laptop
start with your laptop camera that’s
good enough to get things started just
make sure quick tip you don’t have light
behind you my first videos i had a
window behind me and then you couldn’t
see my face the content was still pretty
good but people complain that they
couldn’t see my face one last note this
is really important you’re going to hate
your first videos you are going to hate
your first videos okay you’re gonna look
at anything that was so bad no matter
how much you prepare you’re still going
to hate them you’re gonna think they
suck the first ones for me it may take
me the whole day to do one video and I
released it and I said oh that’s so bad
i hate that video you’re going to be
your own hardest critic when I look back
on those videos I wanted I want to
remove them there’s still my channel but
I want to remove them where people still
like them people still get value from
them and the key part here is that you
don’t let your hatred of your first
videos hold you back from keeping going
just keep going Go Go Go Go Go more
videos more videos it’s a muscle just
like everything else when you write a
bike you fall you suck you get up you
fall you get up you fall and then you
get up and then you’re okay and then you
can go and faster faster faster there
may be one thing you’re doing races
that’s the process your first students
are going to sucked in and take you a
long time future videos are going to get
easier they’re going to get better
you’re going to start to like them it’s
taking me it took me like maybe eight
nine hundred videos before I start
actually liking what I was creating so
don’t give up you know what you have
your first video send it to me I want to
watch it i’ll give you some feedback
thank you so much for watching believe
for those who are watching let me know
what you think you know if you’re
youtube channel may be put in the
comments below you have questions about
videos leave it below I can make a video
response just like this and if you like
this video thumbs up makes you want to
do more for you click on my face to
subscribe to the channel see more like
this and I’ll see you soon
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