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“UNLEASH Your CREATIVE Energy!” | #OneRule

it’s always been about creativity
creativity begets creativity
I really think creativity is important
whether whatever you do what’s up
believe nation it’s Evan my one word is
believin I believe in you I believe you
have Michael Jordan level talent inside
you and I want to see you find it
nurture it embrace it and make a
difference using it now I started the
one rule series because I do a lot of
top tens and some of the rules come up
over and over and over and over again
and so we take the most consistent rules
and smush them together into this one
rule series so today we’re gonna learn
how you can unleash your creative energy
joy even to this day 2018 it’s always
been about creativity it’s never been
about money I mean at the end of the day
of course I am thinking business now
because I’m at a larger scale and I have
to think about the business but if I put
the money before the creativity then the
authenticity like almost gets blocked
you know so I have to really because my
business is all about authentically
being creative that’s my business it’s
like I just I want to be authentically
creative and share that experience
because at the end of the day whatever I
do is about I am I am making creations
whether its product fashion this isn’t
online but like fashion to music to a
live experience I’m creating something
that that I’m sharing with you now if
I’m like I need money first before you
even see this you know if I start
thinking like that then I’m gonna lose
that that kind of yours yeah the day you
know like it’s you know money will come
I mean I’ve realized that and is in its
in some cases money doesn’t come and now
I’m okay with that and I have to go back
to that and go like this isn’t about
money this is about the love
I do and sometimes you have to stop and
think about that and and as a
businessman you know you have to like
take a step back like this isn’t about
dollars and cents this is more about
just just the pure love of creating and
and sharing your art I’m a lover of
creative people and so any sort of
expression of how you see the world in a
different terminology is fascinating to
me and so even though I myself I’m a
photographer so I have that visual
aspect I’m a huge fan of modern dance
and spent a lot of time sort of with
dancers and in the dance world and have
you know tried my hand at choreography
just to see you know I’m not good but I
like the idea of trying it you know and
and so for me it’s about perspective
which is when I when when you hang out
with dancers and you you know you sort
of learn to dance a little bit or you
learn to choreograph a little bit or you
learn to paint a little bit you know I’m
not a painter but I painted a painting
recently you know you know if you if you
understeery you know everything’s
connected right you know it’s like we
conveniently divide up our lives like
here’s my personal life is my
professional life I’m you know here’s my
social life I’m looking to find balance
it’s just you you know and all the same
things apply and so if you feel good
here you can apply what you learn here
to there you know and so when you when
you learn how things interconnect and in
people interconnect and how human
relationships working and presence I
mean you want to learn about presence
take a dance class you learn all about
how to present yourself and be forwards
you’re gonna take an acting class learn
how to you know present your speech
people say Simon how’d you learn this is
like I’m exposed to all of this so the
tools I’ve learned have just mainly been
different perspectives on how other
people use their creative talents to see
the world and if I can get little pieces
of those they they help me in many many
different ways what do I do to get out
of a funk one I get into adventures I
stop focusing on the funk and start
focusing on living because living
actually influences the things I make
and do so I like try and set the funk
down and go out and live specifically
another thing is I go into the practice
of creating which is I literally sort of
booked time to be creative and
usually over a period of time if you’re
sort of um you know I spend an hour to
walk around taking pictures sketching
painting drawing watching films those
are the things that when practice that
creativity that this little spark that
you do from actually just forcing
yourself to take a picture often will
create more creativity that’s a
scientific fact that creates it I think
it’s mark rongkhun at the University of
creativity begets creativity I think the
important thing to think about business
is is the business isn’t really business
business is creating something that you
believe in I mean the most successful
entrepreneurs the people like Larry Page
and Sergey who had an idea in their
garage and felt they could create
something called Google in all of these
examples they are filling a niche in in
in different areas and just making
making living from most people a lot
more pleasant than it was before I think
it’s a mistake when people think of
business like they’re bringing up a till
in a in a shop for most entrepreneurs
business is very creative and in a great
adventure a lot of really good
entrepreneurs start as a technician or a
tactician they’re very very good at one
thing then they end up in a managerial
role that they hate it doesn’t mean you
have to stay there and you see a lot of
folks like Evan Williams and others who
then at some point realize this and
return to a more product focused role
even if they are also the CEO of making
some high-level 30,000 foot decisions
okay but if you are a maker if you’ve
decided to be a maker if you just happen
to be a maker or creator let’s call it
three to five hour uninterrupted blocks
of time are extremely critical if you
want to connect the dots if you want to
have the space to allow yourself to have
original ideas or at least our original
combinations of ideas you really need to
block out that time and protect it at
least once a week so in tools of titans
there are many people who do this we’re
meet SETI for instance was a very very
multi multi-million dollar business that
he built out of a blog he started long
ago in college which was very very niche
in its focus he blocks out I believe
it’s every Wednesday for three to five
hours of time you’ll block it out for
learning Noah Kagan another entrepreneur
does the same thing so on Wednesdays
from me I have from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. this is pre lunch I have creation
that means writing recording or some
similar aspect of in my mind creating
with with my skill set in my assets and
it is extremely important that I do that
before I am barrage by inputs in other
words and this is true of Josh as well
first thing in the morning he’s doing
journaling Reed Hoffman billionaire
co-founder or founder of LinkedIn same
story he will plant a seed in his mind
the night before a problem he wants to
solve a project he wants to think about
improving perhaps and then waking up the
tabula rasa complete blank slate
immediately working on that problem with
journaling before any text messages
before any email which is why for
instance I don’t have email setup on my
phone I do not have mail setup on my
iPhone I do not get notifications I also
put my phone on airplane mode for a lot
of reasons if you’ve read the 4-hour
body explain some of the physical ones
but on to airplane mode when I go to bed
and it stays on airplane mode until I’m
done with my creation period and then it
comes on because as soon as you go into
bullet-dodging or like wonder one bullet
blocking mode with everyone else’s
agenda for your time which is very often
the inbox or text messages your DOA
you’re done your creativity is is all
for not in general so for for me for
many people who are say programming for
musicians for creative types slack in
the system you have to create slack you
have to create space you have to create
large uninterrupted blocks of time and
the only way to do that is to put it on
your calendar if it’s not on your
calendar it’s not real you need to put
it in your calendar and
send it just like you would anything
else when you look at entrepreneurs when
you as a group of successful
entrepreneurs you will find a cluster of
carrot personality traits right of which
disagreeableness is one of them so in
all of the big and there’s been many big
studies of successful entrepreneurs what
you discover is that they’re quite
similar on one level they are all people
who are open that is to say who are very
creative who have an ability to see
solutions to problems that others don’t
they are also people who are highly
conscientious so they’re people who are
capable of following through on an idea
in a detailed disciplined way and right
away when you think about those two
traits you can understand why successful
entrepreneurs are so rare there are many
people who are creative and there are
many people who are conscientious it is
very hard to find someone who possessed
s’ those two traits in combination but
they also need to be somebody who is not
reliant on the approval of their peers
to do what they think is right right
because time and time again when you
look at the origins of successful
businesses you will see that the rest of
the world thought that the entrepreneur
and the innovator was crazy
I thought Nathalie the flow of this
video and she had a conformed ok and I
was I just thought she was so beautiful
and I was also working in a job that I
was frustrated with and trying to get
awkward blood girl off the ground I’ve
tweeted something like man I wish I had
an excuse like I wish someone would just
break up with me so that I could have an
excuse to shave my hair off and then I
was like oh that’s a funny plot line of
like a show or something and decided
like to tweet that I was gonna or put on
Facebook that I wanted to shave my head
bald and so all my friends responded
like oh my gosh do it you got to be so
ugly oh my god what if you have a
weird-shaped head and I was like my
friends are terrible but I saw how much
attention I was getting and I was like
oh my gosh I should use this I should
shave my head and then do a trailer for
awkward black girl where I
I feature my bald head and that way
people who want to see what I look like
will also know about this new show that
I’m trying to do and so I did it and it
got like 3,000 views in a day and I had
a bald head no I had a fresh start and
that bought had changed my life I really
think creativity is important whether
whatever you do I think it’s fun to be
creative with meals that you cook or
meals that you eat or vacations that you
go on or dates that you set you know I
just think it’s fun to be creative
everyone likes that and I think
authenticity is just super important I
might be hyper aware of it because I
grew up in an industry that’s wrought
with inauthenticity that people will
look you right in the face and and
totally tell you what you need to hear
at the moment I don’t think that’s
unique to that industry but it’s filled
with it there so I I think transparency
and authenticity is just super important
I don’t mind having conflict with
someone if we can then be done with it
it’s that years spent where you know
that something’s going on and you’re not
talking about it those awful
Thanksgivings with the family of cousins
you’re like hey Jim hey Neela I hate
that I hate that life’s too short for
that stuff if you really want to be
creative just go read in a Stephen first
if judges by our Steve Jobs biography by
Ralph Isaacson water in which Steve Jobs
says how it was when she was in
meditation that often a lot of his best
ideas for Apple came to him he calls it
being able to listen to the whisperings
yeah that otherwise we
we are really too busy there’s too much
static in our lives to listen to that
yeah beautiful and Bill Gates you know
he would have his what you called think
weeks when she would take a week off
without any devices and go to a cabin
and thing and again to go back to
another Greek you know I always go back
to the Greeks who came up with his
Eureka moment in the bath you know often
how often don’t we have a most creative
ideas in the shower or the bath I’d like
I’m a very effective person when I’m by
and when after working groups like I
fall to pieces like does not work well
with others is what it said in every
report card I got until I dropped out of
high school in the tenth grade and I
think that’s that’s very true
so for me that creative process is one
where and finding that cadence that you
talked about of making a video every day
was one where I removed every
obstruction between me and finishing it
and other people are the biggest
obstructions I have an idea well let’s
talk through that idea and the metaphor
that I use of discussing ideas and
groups is like when an idea at its
inception it’s an ice cube and it’s
rock-hard and you can look at it you can
see it you can study and you know what
it is
but when a discussion begins you have to
pass that ice cube around the room it
starts to melt and melt and melt and
after enough discussions the ice cubes
gone and everybody’s hands are wet and
nobody quite remembers what that idea
was that’s a major obstruction so for me
when it comes to creation like remove
that obstruction don’t talk don’t
involve other people don’t need anything
from anyone to realize this new video
every 24 hours and that’s that’s wildly
I’ve got a really special bonus clip
that I think you’re gonna enjoy was
jean-claude be ver on how to nurture
creativity but before that I want to
know what did you learn from this video
what was a single most important lesson
that you’re gonna apply to help boost
your creativity leave it down the
comments below when you write it down
you make that commitment you’re much
more likely to actually follow through
and do it yourself so leave it in the
comments thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever you’re one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
innovation creativity at the end of the
day is more powerful than knowledge yeah
knowledge is so easy for anybody to get
of course you have to study you have to
learn but knowledge is there whenever
you want
with the new technology whatever with
all the University’s knowledge is for
everybody here and where is innovation
where is creativity innovation and
creativity is above knowledge that is
what you put on top of knowledge and
thanks God innovation and creativity
people normally cannot learn that gives
the huge advantage to the ones who are
innovative if everybody could learn
creativity if everybody could learn
innovation we would have to invent
something more or different to make the
difference between the people who have
learned something and the people who are
innovative so innovation creativity is
definitely more powerful is much
stronger than knowledge creativity and
innovation is a way of thinking and in
order to make people become innovative
we have created around in our company
Matmos fear that brings people to be
innovate and the most important
atmosphere is that you must permit
people to do mistakes if you give bonus
for every mistake then people make
mistakes but they make mistakes with a
huge pleasure because they get an
additional pay an additional money for
every mistake and when you ask people to
do a lot of mistakes then people become
very active and they trust they start to
trust themselves
the problem is in many companies people
are afraid to be active they are afraid
to take initiatives they are afraid to
innovate because innovation brings
uncertainty when you innovate you never
innovation is like a vision it’s not
reality the reality you have to make it
through later and that to bring people
to take risks to be active you can only
bring them to that stage if you are
capable of forgiving mistakes and how
can you show that you forgive mistakes
you give a little bonus for every
mistake and I promise you every if you
do that little burner is 100 to 1000
Swiss francs for a mistake if it’s a
very big mistake a big most
bonus the small mistake small bonus so
you see it’s also a very innovative way
of bringing creativity out of everybody
if you had to think of one word that’s
most important to you that sums you
Apple so it would be like a little
beacon they believe nation if you want
to know what the most important one word
is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for
details [Music]
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