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Tour of Patrick Bet-David’s Office | #LifeWithEvan

it’s burning that’s my prediction that
is my prediction
it’s day four of our Dallas adventure
we’re gonna meet Patrick Lee David today
we’re gonna explore Dallas Fort Worth
maybe getting some salsa dancing tonight
but first it is hot so we need to get
about this coffee pastries July to get
our coffee
Palmieri Italian coffee shop sounds good
how you feeling this morning Nina
excited to be in Dallas the heat not
used to it not the Toronto Heat
Nina decided to order us some Vietnamese
Street food – what are we gonna eat I
will see okay Anna here it is what did
you get what is that what is that
lemongrass chicken taco all right give
it a shot let’s see we got
so far Dallas food is hitting it all
right good job Dallas all right coffee
down a little snack down now we are off
to Patrick Reed David’s office Patrick
is a fellow youtuber has an awesome
channel called value tainment we’ve done
tons of top 10s on him and other videos
and he’s local in Dallas it’s a long
weekend here at Labor Day weekend in the
US but he’s working on a Saturday or at
least is coming into the CS so I’m very
grateful we’re gonna get to the car go
have some chat talk shop have some food
and looking forward to meeting him one
on one
oh this is it we are here value tainment
we have arrived okay we’re going in
we’re going in PHP headquarters Optimus
Prime the story the leadership domain
Patrick big TV in the house good show us
around let’s see this amazing place for
Optimus Prime here by the way this guy
here he is
fourteen hundred and sixty-one pounds
Wow I like they said pounds – yes this
is purely operations nobody sells that
if you Julius support and what’s PHP for
further people don’t know so PHP is an
insurance agency we started off in
Northridge California October of 2009
with 66 insurance agents today we have
7,500 in 49 states so that’s kind of
what we do
selling insurance annuities rotala
for this here’s finance okay so CFO’s
office president’s office VP of
Operations Director of Finance our
analyst all our business analysts here
we’re a report to driven accomplished we
love data like what geeks would down so
this place gets this is there’s a
there’s a golf but always on who’s in
here first everything we need
yes every employee has a Fitbit so every
employee is supposed to do certain
amount of steps and at the end in
bonuses that cool we’re not from Dallas
we’re from LA all right thank you two
years ago an empty crate from LA that’s
a clever man he’s not a Laker fan do you
great Wow Tiger man how are you
Evan kinda like nigga meet you Evan yeah
everybody decorates their will I think
that’s how Hurst is she wanted maybe
yeah this facade this one’s legit you
may want to see the comments because 177
m the running joke is that he lost so
much money on one of those we just don’t
know which one because he just literally
ripped the cover off like over a hundred
yeah ever whoever decorated their office
the best yeah send them to Greece
this is also set so yeah two cents here
yeah that’s one yeah that’s bull and so
are these all your euros this is uh this
is a fiction book that took me five
years to write that I will probably not
publish for three or four more years
because it’s pretty controversial that’s
it has to do with some of my views so
yeah this is about places of all of the
greatest minds and yeah
so who’s the middle guy who’s the
general that’s the Shah of Iran okay
okay okay this is Lincoln camping yeah
yeah I do
once a Republican wants a Democrat so
yeah there are different views Einstein
Milton Friedman they’re both math guys
whatever lived in capitalism people una
socialism so y-yeah MLK to prop two
different styles of young in the
african-american community yeah yeah
then send out two sevens life-changing
guys in you know the books here Alex
yeah hey and then the empty chair when
people realize what that everything
chairs are gonna flip violence it’s a
lot of there’s a lot of story and I’ll
do this and you had this mission oh yeah
yeah oh yeah person yes guy named Brent
Hill who does stuff will mark you MIDI
to do one of his paintings is at the
write good yes no Joe yeah I mean I’m on
a rebounder though oh so that’s the best
of one you say rebounded is that the one
that you’re taking steps it’s a mini
trampoline so you don’t have to be
sustained on it but that’s easier in
your knees and your joints that your
yeah she’s got to be able to bring this
up a little more come in look like the
best 30 max hey it was hard for me cuz
I’m Colin steps okay it is we got here
at 11:30 it is past no it’s almost two
o’clock we couldn’t film everything they
had some top-secret work happened on the
walls and then they took us out to lunch
and a lot of hospitality from from
Patrick from Mario the entire team just
amazing people you know I was expecting
to go in and in 15-20 minutes whatever
hang out say hi take some selfies you
know quick Q&A get to know you and it
ended up being a two-hour plus event and
super grateful to Patrick for all the
feedback and advice and shop talk shop
talk with entrepreneurs this put us
massively behind schedule though so I
have to stop filming so I could look at
my calendar of events and see what we’re
all right we have arrived in Fort Worth
Fort Worth is the other city next to
Dallas Dallas is the big one in Fort
Worth it’s still pretty big but next to
it it’s supposed to be more the country
side of things at least that’s what I’ve
read so we’re gonna go explore Nina have
a nap in the car you’re feeling better
refreshed ready to go eat a coffee all
papi Nina I found a spot in the shade
but she doesn’t melt the melting the
melting life back to the Sun so first
stop is Sunday and square it’s supposed
to be the center of a lot of activity in
Fort Worth
they have festivals and lots of shops
will open to find the Starbucks and just
you’ll cool off in the water Nina it’s a
Starbucks alrighty
news gonna get a nice warm drink
you actually got a warm drink even
give me an iced coffee Nina was
trickiness because she also got the cold
drink what’d you get
mango dragon fruit
Venus rocking a new hairstyle she pulled
it back I had to do it all the time too
long hair problems some lovin I could
is burning
did you see that it says heated patio
what do you think you want to go to the
heated patio no okay let’s go it is
dinner time the wife is just starving
starving you don’t want a starving wife
angry wife angry life so we’re gonna get
some Texas barbecue and this is a point
of contention what is the best Texas
barbecue place to go to so we are trying
at one of the best we’ll see if we love
Lockhart smokehouse
okay $50 worth of barbecue and keep
these handy cousins gonna be messy yeah
okay bring it closer to you you can see
we got bit brisket to which they’re most
famous for and ribs look at that grease
Nina proof
all right the best barbecue we’ve had in
Texas so far the Pacific those of the
verbs are you feeling Nina
well we mean we made good progress said
though that’s pretty good
listen to the barbecue sauce that was
good tight with the white bread and I
haven’t had this like white white bread
for a long time but it makes it taste
that’s really good not that much left
you got a snack for dinner that is some
nice looking in his face that he does it
look at the face he’s like creativity
there you go you’re gonna hold that in
the car right okay last stop of the day
that rhymed weed I don’t know what
rhymes with Ryan grimed in the streets
of Dallas sign and then we slimed okay
it’s getting worse he’s getting worse
forget it last stop of the day we’re
gonna go to the farmers market which is
pretty close to us because Nina feels
gross from all that meat we’re hoping to
find a salad because Nina’s wearing
green and she wants to eat some green
like me and she likes green and she
married a green now I’m not let’s not
flowing today good farmers market ahead
salad salad
I remember they’re closing up I think
what’s closed
what’s this fish just ran into a fan in
the Dallas farmer’s market some a good
what’s your favorite one significant on
the cannon oh here we go men what do you
think was your business branding the
market yeah I’m marking Jack working
people thank you go to hosted left alive
back Coon hustle the afterlife hustle
laughter like that’s my personal sighs
okay okay all right no luck on the salad
couldn’t convince teen on anything
interesting so what’s the solution inna
drink lots of water once she’s done
drinking lots of water eat the leftover
ribs and then groan and complain again
and then and then jingle lots of water
then go to sleep then wake up at 3 a.m.
because she drank so much water she
needs to pee that’s my prediction that
is my prediction but we’ll see how it
you guys won’t join us because this is
the end this is the end of this video
this is the end we’re not gonna record
tonight because other stuff might be
happening tonight right if you want to
see Nina when she came why she came and
all the crazy excitement around that go
check out the video next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
we’ll see you there who is this person right
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