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This Simple CHOICE Will DEFINE Your Life. Which Will YOU Pick? | Jordan B. Peterson | #Entspresso

life is essentially suffering and I
believe that to be a fundamental truth
you can join the ranks of the mediocrity
or you can say no I’m gonna choose a
better path I’m going to choose the path
of service like somewhere along the way
we got the idea that if we couldn’t make
money at something it didn’t have any
value in our lives rise and shine it’s
an espresso time what’s up belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s start
your day off right together grab your
coffee and sip on today’s message find
your way over to you Jordan B Peterson
also if you want to know what Jordan
Peterson and others have to say about
building unstoppable confidence check
out my 250 for confidence series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence the link
to join is in the description below if
you’re gonna speak effectively you have
to know way more than you’re talking
about not only do you have to move from
point A to B in life but point a is
often a very difficult place to be
because we’re fragile and bounded and
mortal and limited and because we know
that and so one of the implications of
that as many great religious traditions
are at pains to illustrate or
demonstrate or proclaim is that life is
essentially suffering and I believe that
to be a fundamental truth but but
perhaps not the most fundamental truth
because I think the most fundamental
truth is that despite the fact that life
is suffering people can transcend that
and partly the way they transcend that
is by pursuing things of value and so
that if there is no value proposition at
hand then you have no meaning to justify
the difficult conditions of your life
and that’s brutally difficult for people
no Nietzsche said he who has a why can
bear anyhow and you see and I’ve
certainly seen this as a clinical
practitioner that people who have no
in their life our embittered by the
difficulties of their life and they
become first bitter and then resentful
and then revengeful and then cruel and
there’s plenty of places to go past
cruel that’s just where you start if
you’re really on a downhill path your
adversity will be what defines you when
you get hit with adversity because it is
coming for you in your life if you
haven’t already faced it when you get
hit with adversity what do you do do you
succumb to it do you fail do you give up
do you quit or do you recognize that
this adversity is your opportunity to
grow to learn and ultimately to serve
other people people are built to serve
if you’re not happy in your life is
because you are not serving enough
people and the best way to serve people
is through the adversities that you have
been through so that whatever pain and
suffering that you felt whatever pain
and suffering you had to struggle
through that no other human being alive
ever has to go through them as long as
you are standing so you get hit with
adversity what do you do most people
quit most people complain most people
want to blame everybody else and you can
join them you can join the ranks of the
mediocrity or you can say no I’m gonna
choose a better path I’m gonna choose
the path of service I’m gonna rise above
this adversity I’m reminded of the story
of Candace Lightner who in 1980 had her
13 year old daughter killed by a drunk
driver for most people that would have
destroyed them that may have led them to
end their own life to pick up drinking
themselves a whole host of other
negative things but Candace Lightner
decided to do something different she
decided to start an organization called
Mothers Against Drunk Driving she
decided to turn that adversity that she
faced the one that she never wanted
anybody else in the world to ever have
to go through again the pain and
suffering that she had to come up
against that adversity and she tried to
turn into a positive
she created Mothers Against Drunk
Driving to try to make sure that nobody
ever had to feel that same pain again I
do what I do because I struggled as an
entrepreneur because I hated myself
because I wasn’t bringing value because
I was putting in so much work trying to
build my company and was getting zero
results I felt like a worthless human
being and as much as I love saying that
gonna save the world and I truly a 100%
believe it and the reason why I do what
I do is because I don’t want you guys
entrepreneurs to have to suffer the same
anguish the same adversity the same
mental game that I had to suffer and
trying to build my first company I want
to make it easier for you I don’t want
you to struggle as much so your
adversity will be what defines you your
adversity will be the opportunity for
you to stand up and say I’m stronger
than this adversity I’m better than this
and I’m gonna use this as an opportunity
to serve the world and make sure nobody
else has to feel this ever again or the
adversity wins and you spend the rest of
your life complaining quitting giving up
and blaming everybody else around you
the choice is yours I hope you choose
powerfully now I’ve got a really special
bonus clip that I think you’re gonna
enjoy but before that question of the
day I want to know what is the single
biggest adversity that you had to go
through and what side that you choose
the number one thing I hear at book
signings is women who come up and they
say it’s moms they’ll say I’ve lost
myself I don’t know who I am I don’t
know I don’t even know how to find my
why I don’t know what my passion is I
don’t know and I’m like who were you
before you were there mom
who were you before you were his wife
who were you before you were with your
partner who were you what were you into
what did you love what lit your heart on
fire and a lot of times the things that
they loved they feel stupid about
they’re like well yeah exactly like wire
I loved you know but that like somewhere
along the way we got the idea that if we
couldn’t make money at something it
didn’t have any value in our lives
what No dang it like that’s the point
that’s the point of living like what are
you doing if the only thing that you
have in your day is how you show up for
other people well it’s no wonder that
you’ve lost who you are I think the
successes of winning right you want to
be the best in the neighborhood and then
win the local contest and then whatever
whatever it’s it just keeps going up and
then by the time you get there you can
have a stadium screaming your name it’s
actually happened a couple of times to
me and there is a visceral exhilaration
to it there is I’ve experienced that I
know what that’s like you land a trick
in theirs it just lights up it’s crazy
at the same time it’s Harlow its Hollow
that’s not the thing that can drive you
at least not for long it’s being able to
say oh I had that I had a model or I had
people are whatever all of these honors
eventually that stuff phase two just
static and you’re left with you and your
board and if you decide that that’s what
you love that’s what you’re doing
then your days are numbered so the trick
is to always peel back of why am I doing
this in the first place oh yeah I still
like I’m still that kid on the farm you
know and I cling to that
raise your standard Apple at the core
its core value is that we believe that
people with passion and not one drop of
myself work depends on your it’s
something serene if you want more Jordan
Peterson you check out the twelve rules
for life video that I made on him the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there people in general now
have very poor posture very bad for the
junction is like take a look at the people that are around you
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