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This Is Why She Fell In LOVE With You

do you love your wife yes prove it
like what’s the metric give me the
number that helps me know because when
you met her you didn’t love her tell me
the day the love happened it’s an
impossible question but it’s not that it
doesn’t exist it’s that it’s much easier
to prove overtime like exercise if you
go to the gym and you work out and you
come back and you look in the mirror you
will see nothing if you go to the gym
the next day and you come back and you
look in the mirror you will see nothing
so clearly there’s no results can’t be
measured it must not be effective or if
you fundamentally believe it this is the
right course of action and you stick
with like in a relationship I bought her
flowers and I wished her a happy
birthday and she doesn’t let me clearly
I’ll give up you know that’s not what
happens if you if you believe there’s
something there and commit yourself to
act an act of service and commit
yourself to the regime the exercise you
can screw it up you can eat chocolate
cake one day you can skip and skip a day
or two you know it allows for that but
if you stick with it consistently I’m
not exactly sure what day but I know
you’ll start getting into shape I know
with the relationship it’s about
consistency you go to the dentist twice
a year your teeth will fall out you have
to brush your teeth every day for two
minutes what is brushing your day twice
a day for two minutes do nothing unless
you do it every day twice a day for two
minutes it’s the consistency going to
the gym for nine hours does not get you
into shape working out every day for 20
minutes gets you into shape if the daily
practice all the monotonous little
boring things like brushing your teeth
that matter the most she didn’t fall in
love with you because you remembered her
birthday and bought her flowers on
Valentine’s Day she fell in love with
you because when you woke up in the
morning you said good morning to her
before you checked your phone she fell
in love with you because when you went
to the fridge to get yourself a drink
you got her one without even asking she
fell in love with you because when you
had an amazing day at work and she came
home and she had a terrible day at work
you didn’t say yeah yeah yeah but let me
tell you about my day you sat and
listened to her awful day and you didn’t
say a thing about your amazing day this
is why she fell in love I can’t tell you
exactly what day and it was no specular
thing you did it was the accumulation of
all of those little things that she woke
up one days and this as if she pressed a
button she goes I love him
when you feel that someone has your back
when you see you know that the day that
you admit you can’t do it someone will
be there and say I got you you can do it
that’s what gives you the courage you
the difficulty it’s not going off to an
ashram by yourself somewhere for four
weeks and coming back it’s not what
happens it’s the relationships that we
Fosters but people around us who love us
and care about us and believe us and
when we have those relationships we will
find the courage to do the right thing
they’ll often save your life they’ll
save you from depression they’ll save
you from giving up they’ll save you from
any matter of negative feelings about
your own capabilities your own future
when someone just says I love you
and I will follow you no matter what [Music]
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