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THIS is the SECRET to Getting AHEAD! (Are You READY?) | Dan Lok (@danthemanlok) | #Entspresso

and this affected my philosophy for the
rest of my life my philosophy
this is the secret to getting ahead in
business and in life I think giving away
your best secrets is the greatest
rise and shine
it’s an espresso time what’s up believe
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your coffee and sip on today’s message
add value first over you Dane Locke I
was knocking on door and no one liked I
was not gonna hey do you want me to mow
your lawn oh no we don’t need that we
don’t hear that yeah at the time I had
my mom had a friend my aunt she had a
printing business right like you know
printing business card and flyers and
all that so I went to my aunt I said why
don’t you know you print up a bunch of
flyers I would help to distribute in the
neighborhood like printing service but
yeah they’re two sides to flyer right
right I said between 5,000 of these I’ll
run around I’ll distribute it on the
other side can I put my stuff on it yeah
my lawn mowing service is like Oh what
the heck right yeah it’s all been always
very entrepreneurial yeah you know how
to you know be resourceful in the city
yeah yeah yeah cuz a lot of people
wouldn’t have even tried that cuz
they’ll say well I don’t have the money
for lawn mow or I don’t have any of that
so it’s an optimist yeah it’s a good
proof right there that it’s not about
what you have it’s about what you do
with what you have hundred percent you
are exerting that even at a young age
it’s never lack of resources I think is
a lack of resource fulness and and I was
just resourceful I had no money so I had
time I can put in effort and I
distribute all 500 flyers
I ran home and I was just waiting for
the phone I thought I’m gonna get rich
yeah oh my god fine five thousand people
Oh Mike I’m going to get a hundred phone
call I’m gonna pull my time I’m still
going to school I thought I’m gonna make
like House Isabella’s right right one
hour no call one day no call three days
not a single one now let’s check the
flush yeah I put that a wrong number
the right number right not a single
phone call from the flyer all right and
and I learned okay there’s something
that you know you can have a great
product a great service but if you don’t
know how to get it out there you’re
marketing in and get people to pay
attention no one’s gonna buy from you so
I came with an idea I thought to myself
and this affected my philosophy for the
rest of my life mine is a philosophy so
I thought think back
the very first client I had could pay me
20 bucks what did I do
I mow the lawn first before asking
anything in return
that’s how I got that first Corney
dollars right right yeah I thought let
me do that again so I ran around the
neighborhood and I found one of the most
probably one of the higher-end expensive
homes in the neighborhood and I saw the
lawn was like up to this high like high
and I just found it fun a day and it
just mowed and I think this is illegal
to do that I’m not an advocate of that
but I did that so you didn’t even knock
on their door you know I’m over the
whole lawn right I did the whole thing
right and I finish whole thing and I set
at the front door waiting for the
homeowner to come back okay
chic it’s funny it’s a housewife she
came back and she couldn’t she couldn’t
recognize her lawn this is this lot
right yeah she drove by and then she
drove back and she pulled what the hell
is going on right right and she’s like
who are you I said you know I said just
a kid I’m trying to make you know make
some money I provide the services of fly
oh this is awesome you know my husband
travels all the time he never is never
home I can’t do this stuff thank you so
much you make my lawn looks okay she
gave me $100 Wow
$100 right and that affect them me for
the rest of my life so my business
philosophy until this very day
if you say one of my moto for for
business add value first before you ask
anything in return
that’s how I always approach you know
how most business people they approach
somebody yeah
they want to sell them something right
right or they want to hey man you do
something for me or like you know social
media people come to me all the time oh
they feel like just because I’m
successful that I’m obligated to help
them right you can show easily or so
easily we’ll just give them
that’s not the case you got they gotta
earn it so my philosophy is any
interaction with people how can I add
value to what you do it’s always my most
favorite questions is what is the most
important project you’re working on like
this is the secret to getting ahead in
business and in life bring value first
you want somebody to notice you bring
value first you want somebody to pay
attention to you bring value first you
want somebody to buy from you to hook
you up with a partner to talk about you
on it and a speech on stage like you
want people to do stuff for you bring
value first don’t go to them asking for
help first go to them with value first
so that they’re stumbling all over
themselves to try to find a way to help
you out to bring value first most people
will never figure this out most people
will constantly be begging other people
be tweeting at them and deeming them and
saying please help me please help me
please help and I feel so I feel so bad
I feel I feel frustrated and I feel so
bad for these people who are just asking
for help because you know that they need
help but they’re going about it all
wrong by spamming people and begging for
help you’re not going to get it instead
focus your efforts like you will never
get it you will never get it this way
you’re not gonna get to your outcome
you’re not gonna solve this problem by
begging people you’ll get a little bit
like even beggars on the street get a
little bit you’ll get a little bit but
you’ll never get to where you want to go
ever by begging instead flip it and
spend your time trying to figure out how
you can bring value to other people
first so they can’t wait to help you out
too I look at Instagram as an example I
can’t tell you how many DMS I get from
people who say Evan please shout me out
Evan please talk about my product Evan
please please go to my profile and look
at my video and then share it to your
audience like that’s not gonna happen
that’s not gonna happen why would I do
that I don’t even know who you are why
would I do that I had to make a story on
my ig and save it just so that I can
send it to everybody who asked that and
I get frustrated because I don’t want
you wasting time for all the people who
DM spam me say Evan go check go check
this out Evan sign up for our service ID
and them and say John this is not how
you win man you are wasting your time
this is not I want you to win
DM spamming people is not how you’re
going to win find a way to bring value
that’s how you win that’s how we respond
the spammers unintegrated Adly want you
guys to win and you just don’t know and
you think that that’s a path and it
seems like an easy path great yes it’d
be awesome if Evan or somebody gave me a
shout-out and watch my thing and
promoted it but that’s not how the
process worked now on the flip side
there’s a lot of people in my audience
who I know who have given so much who
are commenting on every video who are
commenting on all of my live stuff or on
my Instagram feed who are on my Twitter
feed who are constantly engaged and
constantly trying to help other people
out there are a lot of people who have
never met face to face but are such
amazing contributors to believe nation
and for those people I would do almost
anything for them within within a
reasonable scope I would I would do
almost anything for them because I love
them because of how much it’s
contributed to me they don’t even have
to ask if I saw them launching something
so hey can I can I help can be a part of
it can it be a testimonial for you how
can I help you because you’ve given me
so much because you’ve contributed so
much I want that to be you I want that
to be you find the people who you’re
trying to get in touch with find the
people who if they noticed you if you
got on their radar if they talked about
you wouldn’t make a huge difference for
your company and then figure out ways to
bring value to them and don’t go ask
them say hey I want to bring value to
you that’s not it
you it’s your job to figure out it’s
your job to figure out how you can bring
value a lot of people come and say hey
Evan I want to work for you for free
I’ll work you for free for 12 months and
you can mentor me and you don’t to pay
me for a year that’s not bringing value
understand if you’re coming to somebody
who’s had success it’s still not value
you working for free is not enough
because it’s taking up the thing that I
value most which is time so you going to
whoever you look up to if they’re at a
certain level you go to Oprah and say
Oprah hey can I work for you for free
you never gonna get response back cuz
that’s not enough value you have to
really figure out what they want what
they’re looking for what they’re trying
to do and figure out an angle that you
can help them with one of the best ways
to do this are around when somebody’s
launching something if somebody’s
launching a new book a new product a new
service a new shoe like they’re
launching something they’re in launch
mode they’re out there doing interviews
they’re trying to get their name out
there trying to build awareness for that
thing that’s when you want to go and
help them they’re trying to distribute
this new video that they’ve launched and
they’re so pumped for this new book that
they had that they’re so pumped for like
help them help them distribute it helped
him get interviews get on their radar
give reviews go to their trade show and
help you know set up the booth you know
and help talk to people like help them
in launch mode because that’s when
they’re most vulnerable that’s when they
need the most help and they’re asking
people but they don’t know who you are
yet that’s your chance to make a really
good impression help them when they’re
launch mode and so pay really close
attention to what they’re launching and
get in there and be of assistance
the second thing is pay attention to
where they’re spending a lot of their
time so I would go to every social media
channel that they’re on these people you
want to get in touch with and see where
they actually themselves engaging with
people where they themselves responding
to comments where are they themselves
posting content because the they might
be posting something on LinkedIn but if
they’re not actually watching a comment
feed then your comments are getting lost
but if you see that they’re engaging on
Instagram they go to Instagram and leave
comments there you want to be where they
are so use those two strategies to bring
in same value to these people and then
that’s how you win because I want you
spending your time on the things that
will actually move the needle for you so
that you’re not wasting your time every
single day begging people and wondering
why you’re not having success you’re not
having success you’re not getting the
attention from these people because you
are not bringing them enough value
figure that out and then you win good
luck now I’ve got a really special bonus
clip for you that I think you’re gonna
enjoy but before that question of the
day I want to know what is one thing
you’re gonna do to bring somebody that
you’re trying to get on their radar to
bring them some value what is one thing
you’re gonna do to bring that person
some value I want to know leave it down
everybody out there so home because we
are kind of all about our social media
presence here and wherever you are so to
connect turn on and follow me on
Instagram and like the Facebook page for
PR every month did you really think that
was a good idea I know bro I honestly
think that that was one of like the
worst moves I’ve ever seen because I’m
not trying to razz ui3 I am talking I’m
trying to give you love I love the
passion to win the problem is you tried
to close on the first move you brought
them no value and you asked them to
bring you value like you gave like I
will stand up here and give a load of
value and never mention one time for any
of them to follow me and a lot more of
them will follow me then they’re gonna
follow that move that you just did
I get it I get it but this was back to
the question that just happened this is
why I want you to win that move is
always gonna lose you can’t go tonight
when you go out in Vegas and you see a
pretty girl at the bar you can’t go up
to her and the opening move is like
here’s my key let’s go but but that’s
what you just did let him hold it but
that’s what you just did to this
imeem because doing the right thing is
the right thing
karma is practical you know I heard
somebody rant earlier right that’s like
hey when I win I don’t think it’s coming
out of you the guy that closed I
couldn’t know who was on stage but I
believe in that right because I love the
idea of 85 people here going and
listening to me winning I didn’t make
anything for it but it then becomes
brand if she goes out and listens and
then two years later she’s having dinner
with a friend and she’s talking about
what happened to her life that friend
might be the CEO of GE you know I’m
playing with the biggest brands in the
world I’m not trying to monetize my
audience I’m trying to like just bring
the most value in the world and let that
lift all my other opportunities so I
think I think giving away your best
secrets is the greatest strategy for two
reasons karma is practical and leads to
more business but here’s the secret and
it’s even funnier 99% of these people
the reef somewhere about five or six
years ago I realized this fact holy
people aren’t gonna do anything with
this so like there’s still gonna be
plenty for me and I’m gonna be the most
lovable guy ever I love this so you know
hi this is Dan Locke if you’re a fan of
Evans work if you want to know exactly
how the model my success I want to
invite you to join me for a special
online training all you have to do is
click on a link below you can join me
for absolutely no charge so click a link
below and I will see you in class if you
want more Dane Locke check out the top
ten rules video I made on him I think
you’ll enjoy it the link is right there
next to me continue to believe and I’ll
see you there why do you think people
watch reality TV you know what I thought
my life is a mess but look at these
people on TV instantly feel better about yourself
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