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THIS is How to Get MOTIVATED To Reach Your GOALS! | Oprah Winfrey

I did not miss a day in 25 years because
of the audience when you don’t feel
motivated remember your big y and your
little line do not take your community
for granted because it’s the foundation
of your opportunity in this digital
world rise and shine it’s an espresso
time what’s up believe nation it’s Evan
I believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message love your
audience over to you Oprah Winfrey
also if you want to know what Oprah has
to say about confidence and excellence
check out my to 54 series where every
day for the next 254 days I will send
you a morning video for free to help you
build your confidence the links to join
are in the description below I have paid
attention to my life because I
understand that my life just like your
life is always speaking to you or real
work is to figure out where your power
base is they think that success is
supposed to happen like that
I actually miss I miss you guys
yeah I don’t because where I got fed
every day was the audience and I did not
miss a day in 25 years because of the
audience I don’t care how badly I felt I
don’t care what kind of coal what kind
of I would come because I knew that our
URI rot in our audience every day were a
couple hundred 350 people everyday who
have literally told their aunts their
cousins they came with their mothers
they came with their friends and I know
that the preparation to get there you’ve
been coming from Iowa been coming from
Tennessee for days so it’s not just a oh
I’m just going to Oprah Show Utah girl
I’m going to open so when you don’t feel
motivated remember your big why and your
little why your big why is your big
mission it’s the reason why you’re doing
what you’re doing it’s the better world
that you’re trying to create it’s that
huge giant problem that you’re trying to
tackle for the world so that it never
exists again that’s your big why but
sometimes the big why’s too big
sometimes you look at that big Y and say
Who am I to be able to go off and do
that that’s some crazy big scary mission
that sometimes feels inspiring but other
times just feels like it’s impossible
but you’re never gonna be able to do it
because you’re just one individual
that’s where the little Y comes in
that’s why the little Y becomes super
helpful for you the little Y is the
individual that you help recently the
little Y is that one customer that you
helped yesterday the little Y are the
comments that come up on your YouTube
videos or your Instagram
the little Y makes you feel like I may
not be able to change the world
that big vision of mine maybe today
feels like it’s too overwhelming and
impossible but I know I helped one
person I know I helped that one person I
know my message I know my product I know
my service help that one person feel
better get a result today and so if I
can help that one person and I can get
up and do it again tomorrow and do it
again tomorrow it’s worth it Big Y
little Y now I’m a big fan of routines
I’m a big fan of not waking up like an
accident I’m a big fan of when you wake
up every day that motivation might be
gone you might have had massive fire the
day before because you
did something amazing and then you wake
up the next day and you’re almost
starting from scratch and so I think
most people wake up without a powerful
routine to set them up they don’t chart
their start they wake up like an
accident and so if the Big Y little Y
concept works for you it makes sense
then put it into your morning routine
this is how I used to start my day every
day when I first started helping
entrepreneurs I did it through speaking
through workshops I didn’t have a
YouTube channel I don’t even know if
YouTube existed when I first started
doing this and so I wouldn’t get a lot
of feedback like now I’m spoiled now you
guys leave hundreds of comments every
day and it’s amazing I just have to go
to my YouTube channel and see Owen
other– comment another comment and and
it’s awesome and I love it and it’s so
easy to stay on top but when I first
started that didn’t exist I would do a
workshop and have such amazing feedback
but then I may not do another workshop
for a month and so how do you stay
motivated from one workshop to the next
instead of just having one spike and
then falling flat for a month until the
next spike what I used to do was I made
a PowerPoint file and in that PowerPoint
file I would play a song that I really
liked and then I would show some of the
feedback that would come up from my past
workshops from people who filled out the
form from people who emailed me who
thanked me I showed those comments on my
PowerPoint file as I listened to songs
that I liked and it just reminded me it
was the daily reset the daily reminder
that the work that I do matters that I
matter that I’m bringing value that I’m
I’m having an impact that I’m touching
lives that I need to keep going because
when you feel like the big why’s too
crazy and big it’s an issue of
self-worth you feel like you’re not
worthy and so reminding yourself that
the work that you do matters is really
important every morning if you wake up
and feel like you don’t matter it’s
really impossible to go off and create
something amazing and so how do you
retrain your mindset I did it that way
now I’m spoiled again now I wake up and
one of the one of the things I do daily
as I look at my YouTube comments and
look at my Instagram comments and I see
all the love that comes in as well as a
few comments with with hate slash
suggestions as well which I appreciate
but you need to find a way to feel like
you are bringing value that the work
that you do matters and so waking up and
remind yourself that you’re on a big
mission that there’s this big problem
that you’re trying to solve your big
wide there’s an injustice in the world
that you were gonna go off and make
and at the same time remembering all the
people that you helped whether it was
yesterday whether it was in the past
week the past month the past year that
you may not be able to have the impact
that you want to have on a global scale
yet but you know that you help one
person and you helped another person and
if you can help one person then it’s
worth continuum and that today you need
to get up and go help another person and
continue the mission so I’ve got a
three-step process to figure this out
that I think is gonna really help you
step number one is what’s your big why
you need to have a big why if you’re an
entrepreneur it can’t just be about
money money is important but it’s not
number one it’s it’s not number one
hundred but it’s not number one
successful entrepreneurs put money is
number two three four or five but it’s
not number one what’s number one what’s
your big why what’s your mission what’s
the change in the world that you want to
create you need to be fueled by your
mission if you want to have success
write it down
what’s your big why step number two is
what’s one recent little why think about
the people that you’ve helped your
customers your friends your family your
neighborhood your community somebody
online believe nation somebody that
you’ve helped recently who said thank
you who you know that you touch them it
doesn’t mean that you made a massive
impact and you change their entire life
and they they’re gonna build a statue
too you know it’s that you knew that you
did something and you got a result and
you helped them you helped somebody you
brought value you made an impact think
about one recent little why don’t don’t
think about it like don’t think it wrote
it too long don’t make it having to be
the perfect little why just think about
somebody who you have helped recently
write it down and Incept number three is
how can you incorporate this thinking
into your daily routine I’m a fan of put
in the morning I’m a fan of waking up
and thinking about the mission that
you’re on as well as knowing the impact
that you’re having on a regular may not
be for you but it needs to be daily you
need to deal it reset you need to daily
reminder it’s too easy to wake up again
like an accident just follow the bed
pick up your phone and stop responding
to other people’s emergencies that’s not
the way to start a day effectively
remind yourself of the big y at the
little Y and if it’s not in your
calendar it’s not going to get done so
right now put it in your calendar does
have to take long to minutes every day
put it in your calendar to make sure
that you are remembering your Big Y and
your little Y and you stay consistent in
it to keep your motivation consistent as
well now I’ve got a really special bonus
clip that I think you’re going to enjoy
but before that question of the
I want to know what’s one recent little
wide that you are proud of
show your story put it in the comments
below let’s celebrate it together I want
I’ve hit that kind of
crescendo moment were like it just I’m
so in tune with like putting out content
putting it out there letting you guys
consume it reading your feedback in this
viral loop and just feels like I’m in
that zone and every day I wish for you
guys out there in the world to find that
same zone and so look for that thing
find that thing and for me this
community is that thing and I want to
thank you from the bottom of my heart
thank you so much have the best best
rest that we can have the best summer
flip start things produce content but
most of all listen you know the audacity
that everybody wants likes and comments
and subscribers but doesn’t want to then
do for them what they want to return the
selfishness of like give me vanity
metrics and social and content and
digital yet the key is if you listened
and cared about those individuals as
much as what you wanted from them and
likes and subscribers everything would
be different
please do not take things for granted
and most of all do not take your
community for granted because it’s the
foundation of your opportunity in this
digital world see ya it’s not about the
industry it’s not about us how we care
how things get rolled it’s about them
people in the streets that love our
music it’s about exciting them I excite
my fans I know they get excited when I
drop two singles at one time true videos
at one time and boom true ads at one
time true number one across the country
at one time and then I tell them the
album is coming out they excited they
ready to hear the body of work what I’m
trying to tell you is what you want me
to do drop a single and promote the
Alvar six months with a date and drain
out and do a hundred interviews and the
album come out you’re bored ain’t trying
to do that man it’s called excitement
and that’s what the people want is
excitement and I care about the
listeners the fans the supporters I’m
grateful I understand why I’m here I’m
here because of them I’m rich because of
them I’m all hot 97 because of them
remember that another one how social
media affects the way that you make
do you consider feedback from fans
big time like my friends definitely have
an impact on the way and make music what
I do like it still comes from me and I
still like to show them new things but I
I always want to make sure that you know
I have to pay attention yeah they say
things that you need to hear they’re out
there in the world they’re not in the
little box here they know what’s going
on and you would be stupid to be so
oblivious to what they’re saying if you
want more oprah winfrey check at the top
fifty rules video i made on her the link
is right there next to me i think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and i’ll
see you there the way through the
challenge is to get still and ask yourself what is the next right move
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