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“Think Like an ENTREPRENEUR!” | Naveen Jain (@Naveen_Jain_CEO) | Top 10 Rules

need motivation watch atop tama believe
what’s up believe nation it seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from growing up poor in India sometimes
not having enough food to eat and move
into America with five dollars in his
pocket to becoming a billionaire
entrepreneur he’s Naveen Jain and here’s
my take on his top ten rules a success
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one pursue crazy ideas seven years ago
when I started saying we are going to go
to the moon and we’re gonna mind for the
resources and people say that’s a
freaking crazy idea and when someone
tells you is a crazy idea that means
you’re on the right path because dreams
so big that people think you’re
absolutely crazy and when you tell them
what you’re gonna do and if they don’t
think it’s crazy idea you’re not
thinking big enough
so think big and when reason is when
someone tells you it is impossible it
becomes impossible for them not for you
and the more people who tell you it’s
impossible that means more people have
taken themselves out of the solution and
now the field is yours to own yours only
mine and that’s just a different way of
looking at it so when I look at as an
entrepreneur I don’t focus on what the
world is I focus on what the world can
be so don’t look at the glass being half
empty or half full you focus on saying
is this glass what’s filling do I want
to fill this glass or not because if I
do that the really matter is half empty
or half full and if I don’t do I really
care is half empty or half full right
and that to me is really starting to
think about every time you see something
and you see what is possible what if and
imagine are the two amazing words in the
English dictionary so when I say Louis
imagine what happens to you all your
preconceptions go away and you are
willing to open to anything that I’m
willing to say for at least the next
thirty second of imagining and then you
may come back and say oh that will never
work but at least you’re open for that
rule number two question everything I
have no science background and by the
way my first company was a computer
background when I started that I didn’t
even seen the computer in my life so I
have no computer science background when
I started this piece company I have no
idea Rockets work right I have no idea
of astronomy I have no idea how orbits
work is that either I go and learn and
then I surround myself with the smartest
people and then I question them why
can’t we do it
and every time you question an expert
why can’t we do it this way and the
first answer they always tell you is it
just won’t work and you see tell me why
it won’t work and they always say do you
know much about it no but what is it
lend that to me that and by the time
they finish explaining oh it’s just
might work right and that is the thing
is surround yourself with an expert and
you keep questioning every single thing
they are asking you to do how did you
get the self-confidence to know that you
could go in and maybe not become a
rocket scientist but be able to be in a
group not be bamboozled by them be able
to get them past their own limiting
beliefs so that you can you know build
this extraordinary company or biomes so
I think it’s just idea of bootstrapping
so bootstrapping is you learn a little
bit and then you learn more from because
you learned a little bit so once you get
the basic foundation and the basic
vocabulary of a particular subject then
you start reading book and then you get
lot more knowledge and that allows you
to learn a little bit more about a
science paper and you don’t have to know
a lot and then I can go on today every
time I read a science paper I don’t
understand 80% of it then I go ask my
guys and say can you look at this
science paper and explain that to me in
real English what is it they’re trying
to say right and now tell me what is it
that we can learn from it that we can
apply rule number three enjoy the
journey road to success is a long road
in fact I don’t even know this road ever
leads to a destination we all have to
know that as long as we enjoy what we’re
doing it doesn’t matter whether we reach
our destination not because we always
having a time of our life think about it
what if you’re not enjoying what you’re
doing what if you actually reached the
destination and you look back and found
for what why did you spend all this time
trying to get to this destination that
wasn’t worthwhile so what I learned was
you spend all your time doing things
that you really enjoy and most
importantly enjoy and celebrate the
the road to success rule number four
follow your passion
so what is the success success is not
about how much money you have in the
bank success is simply about how many
lives you’ve been able impact positively
mmmm and you know I tell our children
all the time is that you know the best
way you will ever know that you become
successful is the day you become humble
because if you have a yachtie of
arrogance left in you that you’re still
trying to prove something to someone or
yourself that means you’re not
successful success comes from when you
don’t have to tell someone you know who
I am right you just be yourself right
and you go out and do things that you
care about and what is it that you’re
passionate about what is it that you’re
willing to die for and then you live for
it what if that was if you had
everything in life what would you do and
if you do that today and that’s how you
constantly focus and find your passion
to do things that can change the world
rule number five think like an
entrepreneur in today’s world the
philanthropy is considered where you
give the money to someone and if you
don’t give the money you are a bad
person somehow you don’t care enough and
to me philanthropy should never be about
giving money
philanthropy should be about solving a
problem so this lady came to me saying
you know we have done such a good job in
a current homeless shelter we really
outgrown it and now we need to expand it
and we have this capital need and we
want you to donate to it and I said
instead of asking for a donation why
don’t you start to think about like a
business and I am a venture capitalist
and if you came to me saying that give
me this money that is going to go out
and do something with it there are only
two choices you’re giving me either
you’re gonna feel in doing what you’re
doing in that case the money is wasted
and if you do succeed you’re gonna come
back and ask me for more money so how is
that going to be a sustainable business
model and she said what do you really
mean I say ask yourself a question just
like any other business what is your
product and who is your customer she
looked at me all she wanted to do is
write a chat
and not be interviewed and she said it’s
really simple all I’m selling is the
homeless shelter their place in the
homeless shelter and my customers and my
woman who come there and I say young
lady you have a broken business model
and she said why I say customers don’t
pay you I said they’re not your customer
they are your users and she said how
would you how would you think about it
and I said what if just like a Facebook
the social networking is not their
product the people who use social
networking is the part of you and I are
the product and the customer is the
advertisers in the same way in a woman
shelter the women are the product and
local businesses are your customers and
the more products you have the more you
can cater to the local businesses so why
don’t you go to local businesses and say
I have this amazing product the women
who are so driven that they would go out
and do the things you want them to do
you will have a loyal employee you will
teach them the skills and you will have
these people working you’ll be doing
good for the society and you’ll have a
loyal employee and if you do that the
more people you have in your shelter the
higher the revenue you’re going to have
and you’ll be continuing to expand that
and just that hot process she
implemented and suddenly now they’re
growing everywhere right sure she did it
she actually did it
whoa why did not it’s gonna be the punch
oh yeah so my point is this is how
entrepreneurs really need to be thinking
about and I can give you several
examples of that the problem that is
obvious to you may not necessarily be
the solution that exists in that problem
rule number six be honest another lesson
that I learned as I was growing up from
my dad was value of honesty and
integrity these are the cornerstone of
everything we do in our life each one of
us has this conscience it tells us
what’s right what’s wrong and what we
should do and what we should not do many
of us or some of us stopped listening to
this voice just remember when your
conscience tells you something not right
just don’t do it the value of honesty
and integrity is not just about being
honest to others it’s about me
honest to yourself it’s easy to fool
others but it’s very difficult to fool
yourself so just listen to your own
voice and be truthful to yourself rule
number seven believe what is it that
people fight over we fight over land we
fight over water and we fight our energy
and if you look up there’s an abundance
of land out there there is an abundance
of water in all the comets and all the
asteroids and you start to look at the
abundance of energy you know our you
know our solar system even the planet
Earth even in our own galaxy we are a
tiny pale blue dot in our own galaxy and
the trillions of these galaxies in this
universe and then there could be
trillions of universes in this
multiverse so where is the scarcity the
scarcity comes from in our mind because
we believe it’s not possible so we
believe the only place we can live is
this planet and that’s why everything
that we value today because they are
scarce but what if we can create
abundance of food we can create
abundance of land we can create
abundance of energy and we can create
abundance of everything that we value
and people still say well humans are
just greedy it doesn’t matter how much
they have they will want more and then I
remind them you know we are really not
that bad people because when you look at
air and you look at oxygen we have
learned to live together we can all be
in the same room and we never said hey
Lewis you’re taking my oxygen move away
we don’t because we inherently believe
it is in abundance and that mindset if
it’s in abundance we don’t value it and
we don’t fight over it
hmmm and there is no doubt in my mind
that we have access to these exponential
technologies that can create these
abundance of food abundance of water
rule number eight have intellectual
curiosity the most important trait you
can have in your children and yourself
is to have intellectual curiosity so the
intellectual curiosity is what makes us
who we are the day we stopped being
intellectually curious is the day we die
and then we become zombies and you
so many zombies in this world they have
absolutely no interest in anything else
so you’ve made a great analogy in the
past which is don’t worry about whether
or not when you lead the horse to water
it will drink focus on making the horse
thirsty yes I know there’s a lot of
parents watching this how do you make
your kids especially like thirsty for
knowledge and I think that’s really
interesting is that you know most
parents and the teachers think their job
is to you know take them to the water
and then hoping and pursuing them to
hopefully they can drink the water our
job as a parent should be is to make
them thirsty and never take them to the
water because once you make them thirsty
they will find the water and the way you
make them thirsty is by allowing them to
be intellectually curious the minute you
start to teach them how much fun it is
to learn about something to be able to
go out and do something with it and if
you can start to show them that it is
not the money that drives the society or
it who they are rule number nine focus
interesting thing about entrepreneurs is
that these see opportunities where
others see none well that sometimes can
be very difficult because the grass is
always greener on the other side we
constantly see opportunities and most
companies most entrepreneurs fail
because of indigestion
rather than starvation that means
they’re trying to do too many things at
the same time rather than too few
so find something that you’re passionate
about stick to it and provide focus and
real number 10 the last one before a
very special bonus clip is change your
thinking what is that mindset of
abundance so mindset of abundance is
really clear you do not think that
anything is not possible or anything it
scares the reason we find things scarce
is because we think that what is being
done is the only way of doing things
right so for example 50 years ago one of
the rarest thing was something called
aluminium it is plentiful abundance on
earth but it’s never in a pure form it
comes in the form of bauxite it was
extremely rare nobody could purify it
until the technology came along called
electrolysis and then aluminium become
abundant we have the coke cans we throw
away we use them for everything
it was simply people found them to be
real because they thought in a certain
way so when you start to think that
everything that we value on earth earth
is nothing but a tiny dot in the in the
galaxy there’s nothing that we fight
over that we can’t have abundance of
whether it be the land whether it is
water anything that you think whether
it’s called rare earth elements they are
called rare earth elements they are not
called real moon elements then our
career Marcelle events write anything
that you find valuable scares can be had
and plentiful and you talk about
education you talk about health care the
reason they are scarce is because we
continue to do the same things in the
same way that has not changed and
disrupted in the last fifty or hundred
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from the V nan how to be driven that I
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three-point landing
question it’s time to move from just
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or in your
business and if you’re feeling bold
answer these questions in the comments
below here we go question number one
what is your crazy idea number two what
do you question that others don’t and
number three how will you believe more
so you’ve got a business called moon
Express very moonshot mmm moon Express
or moonshot Express smooth Express and
you’re literally taking people to the
moon is this right yeah so our goal
really is to create the multiplanetary
Society because after all we are living
in the same spacecraft called planet
Earth and whether we destroy it
ourselves or we get hit by some large
asteroid will all become dinosaurs and
that’s definitely something we don’t
want to do right so you’re looking to
what what gave you the inspiration to
try to go to the moon what thing
yeah so I think the lot of the
inspiration came from just growing up
with a very humble background in India
we didn’t have a lot of resources we
didn’t have our days we didn’t have food
to eat we didn’t have place to stay and
really looking up at the moon it was
something about it that you could see
and feel for a second that you are the
richest man in the world because the
richest man in the world can not be
looking at it any differently than you
are and it felt like you could be
anybody you want it to be and to me that
going to the moon really was symbolic
for me about what individuals and a
small group of people are capable of
doing and so for me it’s obviously the
you know going to the moon is an amazing
business so if I could rephrase John F
Kennedy it will sound something like we
chose to go to the moon not because it’s
easy because it’s a great business and
what makes it a great business is there
are 16 quadrillion worth of minerals on
the moon what’s really amazing about it
it is a planet a celestial body that is
almost like an eighth continent of the
planet earth and once we can learn to
live on the moon and that is so close
and very same similar types of problems
as living on the Mars we can next look
at the whole space as our own backyard
we could be living on Europa and
wolves long yeah the most important work
ever if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you Apple that would be can like a
little beacon
if you liked this video I want more than
the Veen check out the volume one top 10
rules we did on him the link is right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
entrepreneurs never feel their ideas may
or may not work and you know what entrepreneurs do
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