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“Think BIG, But Act SMALL!” | Eric Thomas (@Ericthomasbtc) | #Entspresso

train b-but get small wins though the
big dream is important but the big dream
is not enough you got to do small and
rise and shine it’s an expresso time
what’s up believe nation its Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right grab your cup of coffee and
sip on today’s message dream big but get
small wins over to you Eric Thomas also
if you want to know what Eric and other
successful entrepreneurs have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days I
will send you a morning video for free
to help you build your confidence the
link to join is in the description below
even if you my closest friend I have
boundaries if you don’t get to the next
level you’re gonna have to give up
something right but I’ve been telling
you to get that gold get that dream and
I’m just been telling you driving and
driving and driving and driving what
I want people to understand this dream
big but get small wins though yeah I’m
saying dream big but get the small wins
and no smile never forget here in John
Elway speak once you know John Elway was
like you know I became great by being
good over a long period of time you know
and so for me it was alright did he’s
leaving she’s going to college if I can
get my GED that’s that’s all I need to
focus on right now he’s let me get the
GED and here’s the thing I never
realized by having a girlfriend it was
like I’m not dating anybody that selling
dope I’m not dating anybody that’s you
know violent you know I’m not dating
nobody’s carrying a gun so for me those
were lives yeah so for me it was like I
didn’t even know about being with her it
stopped me from doing some of the stuff
that had I not had a purpose I probably
would have been doing what my boys was
doing because I was with them I just
wasn’t doing what they were doing you
know so the GB was the first win then I
ended up following her going to college
now her first college was oak we went to
a very small school in Alabama but then
I finished that and I was speaking at
the time and so now universities are
like University of Cincinnati saumui
University of Louisville Michigan State
so Michigan State can say hey all these
guys like you but we want to court you
like we want you to come get a degree
and eventually work for the university
so I’m thinking high school dropout you
know I got a four-year degree
I go to Michigan State like I can make
my momma try to get I’m from Detroit so
it’s you a veil or as Michigan State and
so I’m like oh I can reverse this to my
little sister went to U of M so if I go
to your Michigan State my mom that’s
like house money you know say that’s
like mom could be proud of me again
because you know of course leaving home
you know we get into it you know there’s
a point where my mom was kind of
discouraged like I didn’t raise you like
this you know so to go to Michigan State
get a master’s degree it’s like y’all I
can make mama proud and then when she
came to the graduation I decided I might
hey I’m gonna get the PhD you know this
let’s just finish it up bring her back
one more time and some of the pain that
I caused her I’m sure another degree is
only gonna make of that you know much
more so I just say man start with the
small wins you need to think big and
acts mom think big and act small most
people want the big wins the big money
the big moment what you’re blind to is
that it’s not one moment
it’s not one act it’s not one thing it’s
not it’s the collection of all the work
all the daily grind all of the little
wins all the little bits of momentum
that you build to eventually get to the
thing you want to create the big dream
is important the big dream keeps you
motivated the big dream helps remind you
of why you’re doing all the crap on a
daily basis the big dream is necessary
if you don’t know what you’re doing
there’s no way you’re gonna put through
with all of the crap that goes through
with building a business there’s no way
the big dream is important but the big
dream is not enough you got to do the
big dream happens not by one person
giving you a shot not by one single
moment occurring in your life your big
dream happens because every day you get
up and you grind and you work and you
get small wins over and over and over
and over again you take one step up the
staircase every day and you look back on
your life and realize holy crap look at
all those stairs I took that’s how it
happens so look at my youtube channel as
an example you’re a fan you’re watching
hopefully your fame I got here because I
made 2 to 3 videos every day four years
for four or five years two or three
videos every single day and yes of
course some videos pop better than
others of course some videos tanked most
of them don’t do as well as I’d like and
most of them don’t do as well as I think
they should some of the exclusive is not
even the 80/20 rule it’s like the 99 one
rule where the 1% drives a ton of the
traffic in the views and the intention
in the mining the awareness of course
but I got to where I am
not because I’m great but because I did
the work and I got the little wins every
single day so you need to do to almost
blind yourself with the results stop
worrying about the numbers the money the
accolades the awards and focus on did I
do a great job today at what I’m trying
to build because if you’re focused on
the process and the small wins every day
I guarantee you the big dreams the big
goals will take care of themselves all
right so that’s some high-level
motivation thinking great how do you
actually apply it like how do you
actually make that happen in your life
in your business I’m gonna give you
three techniques step number one is flip
your patience you are so patient with
yourself but impatient with the results
you’re patient with yourself but
impatient with the results you want
results right away
you want to make the money right away
you want to have the impact right away
you want the customers you want the
accolades you want the awards right away
you’re so impatient and yet you’re super
patient with yourself right it’s okay
I’ll do that tomorrow I’ll get to that
tomorrow I’ll be better tomorrow I’ll
make a different video tomorrow I’ll do
it tomorrow do it tomorrow do it
tomorrow you’re so patient flip that be
patient with the results be patient with
the results understand that this will
take time and then be insanely patient
with yourself impatience with yourself
today has to be the day today you’re
gonna make that video today you’re gonna
send that email today you’re gonna
launch your product today you’re gonna
make that phone call today you’re gonna
give that speech today today has to be
your output today has to be great when
you put your head on the pillow today I
made amazing things happen today have
impatience with yourself and be patient
with the results you have to flip it
step number two is schedule for success
I know how successful you will be by
looking at your calendar a lot of people
talk a big game you have big goals you
want to accomplish amazing things and
then I look at your schedule it’s like
what are you actually doing to
accomplish your goals your mouth needs
to match your actions right your actions
as judge in your schedule your calendar
have to map to you actually
accomplishing your goals this is why I
think a lot of people will watch air
timer so go to his event or go to a Tony
Robbins event and you come out and
you’re pumped up and you’re all fired up
and like I’m gonna make today amazing
awesome if you want it to last the
people who make it last and people who
go CET or Tony or whoever and they make
the changes last is because they take
that motivation that fire and they put
it into their calendar you need to
schedule your success look at what you
do on a weekly basis look at your
calendar open it up what are you doing
from Saturday to Sunday right the Monday
to Friday what are you doing in your
calendar if you kept doing these things
every week will you ultimately achieve
your goal even the next step in your
goal maybe not your huge dream but the
next step may be your first goal is I
need to quit my job look at what you’re
doing on a weekly basis will it allow
you to quit your job and for most people
it’s no you have dreams
but it’s just gonna stay a hope and a
wish until you turn it into action and
that is a direct result of your calendar
schedule for success I want to see it in
your calendar you should be proud to
know that if you did these activities
every single day if you followed your
calendar you will get the results that
you’re after scheduled for success and
number three is chart your start I’m a
big believer that your morning routine
sets you up for success what you do
every morning sets you up for the day
that you will have most people they wake
up like an accident they wake up and
they just fall into their day they wake
up they open their phone and they start
responding to other people’s emergencies
what do you want to do in the morning
like what does motivation look like for
you how do you remind yourself of your
dream when have you felt bold and fired
up and confident unstoppable what were
you doing were you watching a video
where you read in a book were you having
a conversation were you meditating on
the grass like what were you doing and
then plan that chart your start make it
the first thing that you do you should
own the first part of your day you need
to own the first 15 20 30 60 minutes
however long it takes you to get into
the zone where you feel like your dreams
are possible and you’re gonna go attack
them where most people they don’t do
most people they wake up and they’re
lazy and they’re tired and they don’t
think about their goals and they think
about the work that they have to do
they’re not happy they want to stay in
bed all day long that’s most people you
responding to other people’s emergencies
and demands on your life you need to
carve out the morning for yourself you
need to create the routine that helps
you feel bold unstoppable and confident
and then do that every single morning if
you chart your start if you pay
attention to how you start your day
every single day and you do the thing
that is for you that makes you feel bold
and unstoppable your life in one year
will be unrecognizable from where you
are today and you’ll avoid this
up-and-down roller coaster of being on
fire one day and then having a week of
Nan inspiration non-fire and as a result
nothing happens with your business and
your goals don’t let that happen
chart your start and create a morning
routine that sets you up for success now
I’ve got a really special bonus clip for
you that I think you’re going to enjoy
but before that question of the day
I want to know what is one small window
you can get today that will move you
closer to your big goal your big dream
what is that one small wind today leave
small wins matter I mean we sometimes
think that an epic life occurs one
Sunday Sunday Friday afternoon when the
stars line up and something
revolutionary occurs and what I’m
suggesting to you with great love and
great respect is a great life is built
not by revolution a great life is built
by evolution small and steady wins the
race what you do every day is far more
important than once you what you do once
every decade I want to really think
about that idea what you do every day is
simply your life in miniature and as you
live every single day so you’re crafting
your life what you do over the next hour
is is really building your future and if
you can just get and I can just get
every single pocket of 24 hours right as
best as we humanly can the rest of our
life is going to take care of itself so
small wins matter you know the moment in
front of the customer where the pull was
to go average and you become merch
enough wow sets you up for the next day
of a way of being of WoW the little win
with your family when you feel like
watching TV set you up for another win
the next day a little win of getting up
at 5 o’clock and running your morning
routine sets you up for a habit of a 5
a.m. Club morning routine small daily
improvements over time will lead you to
stunning results tiny wins are the way
to greatness and that’s one of the
things life has taught me when you look
at the great companies whether it’s an
Amazon whether it’s you know some of
some of the tech startups coming out
rate right now whether it’s a Zappos
whether it’s a FedEx whether it’s a Nike
whether it’s a General Electric whether
it’s some of the you know the little
shops in your neighborhood that we
really admire because people still cook
the food with love or they serve the
food with love or people have an
attention to detail great companies are
built by those small steady
optimizations every single day if you
look at any great product it wasn’t just
one day that built the great product it
was a culture and a mindset
of daily innovation and optimization
when done consistently over time which
led to world-class even-even
relationships a great relationship it’s
all about those small daily wins when
done consistently leads to a lifetime of
love I was walking in the woods last
week and there were these there was an
elderly couple walking in front of me
and they really stood out because they
were moving fast and I and they were
also like they had these ski poles and
so this I mean this is the autumn in my
hometown and they were walking with
these ski poles and so I sort of joked
as I walked by them because pretty much
only the three of us in this deep forest
and I said you’re missing the cell and
they started laughed and we actually
walked for about half an hour and we
started going pretty deep and they said
to me you know we’ve been married 52
years and I said 52 years what’s your
secret and the woman says well we’ve
I’ve had to put up with a lot which made
me laugh and then it was all about the
little small daily things they did to
foster a lifetime of love if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you up or that would
be like a little beacon if you want to
learn more how to activate your beast
mode with Eric Thomas
I recommend the video right next to me
go check it out continue to believe and
I’ll see you there
the DNA of your successes in your
routine you not as deep as you think you
you got a final routine getting up at 3:00 and stick with it
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