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THE TRUTHS – Celebrities using Law Of Attraction – SO INSPIRING!

I’ve always had visions of better
I’ve always visualized better and in
times of struggle I driving around
driving down in a banger of a car that I
had to push-start
I’d be still driving assault up any
around be over California in my head and
long bald now I am driving my beautiful
soft up and me around California oh I
always visualized good things and always
visualized victory success abundance I
visualized it all and it’s all happening
I don’t want to be an icon I want to be
an idea you know I want to represent an
idea i want to represent possibilities I
want to represent magic right that
you’re in a universe in two plus two
equals four two plus two only equals
four if you accept that two plus two
equals four two plus two is gonna be
what I want it to be you know and
there’s that there’s a like there’s that
there’s a redemptive power that making a
choice has you know rather than feeling
like you’re at a fete to all the things
that are happening make a choice like
you just decide what its gonna be who
you’re gonna be how you’re going to do
it just decide and then from that point
the universe is going to get out your
way it’s like it’s water once it wants
to move and go around stuff you know so
for it from me I want to represent
possibilities I want to represent the
idea that you really can make what you
want one of my favorite books is the The
Alchemist Paulo Coelho and that’s just I
just believe that I believe that I can
create whatever I want to create if I
can put
put my head on it right study it learn
the patterns and you know I just I it’s
hard to put into words some real
metaphysical esoteric nonsense but I
feel very strongly that we are who we
choose to be you know most people and
here’s the irony is that most people
don’t have a compelling vision for their
own future
they don’t they move through life
setting goals and goals have no power
we’re almost we’re at this point your
goals had power 1959 when Earl
Nightingale came his idea of goal
setting and ever like wow I’m a goal
oriented person and that was great it
worked like 20 years everyone set goals
and they and they got results but then
all of a sudden you know you set goals
and sometimes you hit them sometimes you
know most times you don’t okay that’s
okay but goals almost became a synonym
for like oh I’m gonna set a goal who
gives it really happens afterwards and
it almost is synonymous with failure now
goal-setting is something above and I
believe in setting goals but there’s got
to be something above your goals and
that’s your vision for the future and
it’s not just about it doesn’t have like
an ending points about the world being a
certain way and that’s inspiring to you
and you when you truly have a vision for
your future that inspires you you’re
gonna jump up out of bed in the morning
and feel great about going at life
versus being miserable and going to a
job you hate or living a life that
doesn’t empower you and just you know
everyday moving through just almost like
an automaton not really you know having
the zest and the great the greatness of
life and I I’m joking I’ve been there
myself when I felt like I didn’t really
have a compelling vision for my own
future and I felt like I was wallowing
but at least I’m conscious of that once
you become conscious of that you can
consciously create a vision for your
future it doesn’t happen in once in one
minute or an hour you write it down you
work on until I mean you finally hit on
it you know you know you got it when you
read it back to yourself your vision
statement and it moves you and you feel
inspired okay and you know so people
have that and and what happens is every
human being is thirsty for a vision
everyone is and so few people haven’t
said what I do they gravitate towards
someone who has a vision for the future
because they want to be a part of a
vision part of being a great
entrepreneur is having that vision be
able to create the vision and then sell
that vision to other
people to get me to want to be inspired
to buy into it then put in their time
their hard work their elbow grease to
help you achieve your vision if you’re
smaller then you spread the wealth
around it’s a it’s a win-win for
everybody it’s our intention our
intention is everything nothing happens
on this planet without it not one single
thing has ever been accomplished without
intention this is when I stopped the
secret thing but I didn’t know what was
called a secret I read the book the
color purple and then went out and got
books for everybody else I knew and I
was obsessed about this story obsessed
about it
I ate slept thought all the time about
the color purple I moved to Chicago I
get a call from a casting agent asking
would I like to come an audition for a
movie I’ve never gotten a call in my
life from anybody for a movie or
anything like that and I say is it the
color purple and he says no it’s a movie
called moonsong and I go well I’ve been
praying for the color purple and I go to
the audition and of course it was the
color purple I audition I don’t hear
anything for months and I go to this
this fat farm and I think it’s because
I’m fat because I was about 212 pounds
at the time and I think I didn’t get the
callback because I’m so fat and I’m at
this fat farm and I’m praying and crying
saying to God help me let this go
because I wanted to be in this movie so
much I wanted that I wanted I wanted it
I thought I was gonna be in the movie
there’s all these signs that I should be
in the movie and I go to this fat farm
and I’m praying and crying and as I’m on
the track singing the song I surrender
all I surrender
all to thee my blessed Savior I
surrender all I’m singing that song
praying and crying a woman comes out to
me and she says on the track it’s
raining and she says there’s a phone
call for you and the phone call was
Steven Spielberg saying I want to see
you in my office in California tomorrow
now what I learned from that that moment
absolutely changed my life forever
because I had drawn the color purple
into my life I didn’t know Steven
Spielberg I didn’t know Quincy Jones who
saw me in Chicago in 1984 he was he was
there for a lawsuit that was being filed
against Michael Jackson cuz he’d been
working on his his Thriller album and he
saw me on AM Chicago and said that’s
Sophia now I didn’t know him I didn’t
know anybody that had anything to do
with that but I knew that I had drawn
that into my life and it changed the way
I thought about my life forever so
you’re not surprised that the success of
the secret I am I’m thrilled for that
the success of the secret I think that
the message needs to go further because
I think the mistake that was made with
the secret is that they try to they
don’t know they that they tried to let
that be the answer to all questions it’s
not that it’s just one law the law of
attraction is one law there are many
laws working in the world but it is very
true that the way you think creates
reality for yourself there are other
factors going on so it’s not everything
but you really can’t change your own
reality based on you got to have a
vision a vision for what it is you
really truly want not what you think you
want or what you should have I mean one
of most people’s New Year’s resolutions
I’m gonna stop eating sugar you know I’m
gonna stop smoking I’m gonna lose 10
pounds problem with that is it’s not
very inspiring for most people you know
it’s not telling you what you’re gonna
get it’s only what you’re not gonna do
and it’s kind of hard to have you move
forward with that a vision is about what
you’re here to create a vision that
really works is one that excites you if
you say well mine you know my resolution
my goal my
for this month this week this year is to
lose X number of pounds that’s okay but
it’s not very compelling it has to be a
compelling vision it’s gotta have
something has the power to pull you not
something you have to push yourself to
do those are two different kinds of
motivation push requires willpower and
willpower never lasts what will last is
pull having something so exciting so
attractive so something you desire so
much that you have a hard time going to
sleep at night you get so up early in
the morning to a rocket and take it to
the next level that’s what you’re
looking at great and that wasn’t easy to
get but one of the reasons we do
seminars and events be saying you know
why do that why isn’t why not just read
a book or something is because when you
get in an environment where you were
people that are being put in a peak
state like when you’re going to a
sporting event if you watch the sporting
event at home it might have a certain
level of excitement but when you’re in a
stadium with 50,000 people suddenly it
has a whole different level of intensity
when we feel that and the bottom line of
our follow-through comes down to our
emotional intensity in a different state
of mind you’re gonna come up with a much
better and more exciting vision than if
you’re sitting the couch going okay what
are my new resolutions for this year and
you’re doing it the morning after the
new year started and you’re a little
inebriated and the football games on the
background probably not gonna have the
power of focus they’re probably not
gonna have the power the energy to
create something that’s gonna pull you
for this year and you got to do that so
it’s got to be a vision that’s
compelling something that you know it’s
gonna be a gift to make sure that it
happens well the simple part that most
people don’t understand is that every
thought we think in every word we speak
is creating our future it’s as though
our thoughts go out into the universe
see most of us just think think think
think think think think and we don’t pay
any attention to what we’re thinking
we’re just doing it but that’s something
you need to train yourself to do to
begin to train yourself to be aware of
what you’re thinking
yeah don’t just knock them out I picked
around John yeah I said this I’m sure
you probably all thinking in your head
this guy is talking absolute dribble
he’s not gonna do what he says he’s
gonna do he’s are probably all sitting
there thinking that but now here we are
again and I don’t what I said I was
gonna do I feed off this I feed off this
I love this stuff this is what gives me
energy saying I’m gonna do something
st. putting it out there for the world
to see I mean going out and doing it
there’s no better feeling in the world
than that and it’s as easy as that
say what you’re gonna do and go and do
it as you think so shall you be seven
little words that I think are perhaps
the most important things that we can
learn and master in our lives
this old proverb notion that I become
what I think about all day long and once
you know that what you think about is
what expands you start getting real
careful about what you think about you
don’t allow your thoughts to be on
anything that you don’t want or that you
wouldn’t want to have manifest or show
up for you in your life I knew I was
going to be the person to bring martial
arts to the public eye
and now what’s happening and I mean
those two things I’ve learned from all
from these past seven months and were
worn is the hard work pays off and
number two is that dreams come true and
that’s what’s happening do you
understand that that all of this this
entire event is happening inside you
we’ll just try to feel it for a second
because it’s a trip man
some people go to the Super Bowl I am
the Super Bowl man I swear my friends
are all going to see that play that was
great I’m like yeah but the energy
coming out of me right now man is
unbelievable I’m just sitting there
I’m the stadium on the vendor’s outside
I’m the crack dealer on the corner I’m
everything man there’s no end to it and
it’s so much fun it’s so much fun so I
hope you can feel that and I hope you
understand that you are one of the
creators of this evening that your
intentions and your desires created this
evening as well and then I hope you are
able to ask yourself why did I get such
a crappy seat and be okay with it I mean
you’re in the last row in the last seat
and yet you created this
and that’s gotta be it’s a really
selfless thing to do
it’s a beautiful feeling when
preparation meets opportunity you know
nothing it nothing is impossible I you
know I mean it you can you can achieve
anything I’m gonna continue going on
this journey and if the title shows next
I will take it if not at the end of the
day I already feel like that is mine I
already feel like that belt is mine so
eventually one by one I will get every
single one of them until there is no one
left and then I will decide what to do
from there but the belt is already mine
I feel we are old and sure retired a
long season but mentally we have we have
a vision we have a finish that we have
to attain you know and sometimes you
have to do it when you old and you’re
tired you know and I think it’s the test
of your will to succeed when you have to
deal with some of these negatives and
I’m pretty sure you know by the end of
this playoffs you see the whole and the
tired people were very very young and
strong mentally a lot of people were
surprised when they found out that
you’ve been signing your name is champ
2011 how did that come about uh you know
I believe in the law of attraction and I
believe that that you can speak things
into existence and I believe that when
you know where you’re going and you know
what you want the universe has a way of
stepping aside for you and me side of my
mind signature with champion 2011 on it
can’t hurt me they can’t hurt me it
could could only help me to believe it
even more you know so uh so so yeah I
mean it works for me saying something
that I find to be very interesting they
the butterflies in your stomach are in
firm formation I’ve never heard that
before I think it makes a lot of sense
what do you mean by that elaborate
whatever you bought it okay so um the
butterfly’s information basically it
means when you have butterflies and
you’re feeling anxious and you have
anxiety or nervous that’s when your most
powerful I believe and either you can
yeah your most powerful so a lot of
people instead of homing this power and
using it they allow it to just consume
them you know there’s another quote that
a big challenge a big pressure is like a
fire instead of a raging fire either you
can allow this fire to consume you and
just take it over completely or you can
gain control of this fire and harnessed
it and you blow it right at your
opponent like Dragon Ball Z style all
right so that’s what I’m trying to do I
try to get my emotions under control and
use this adrenaline to my advantage I am
a production of me you know I thought
you know it’s not like I was the best
rapper in the world or something you
know it’s I sat around and thought about
it and then became Kanye West am I just
doing these train of thoughts anyway
though it’s like it’s kind of fun
because when this goes online or
whatever it is it really matters and it
like really doesn’t matter what matters
is you know the people who are sparked
by it and the people who are like
offended by it it doesn’t matter
you you know like because it’s
about motivating the doers and anyone
that wants to sit around and talk
they’re doing too much time they’ve
taken too much time I’m talking
about it instead of getting up off their
ass and following their dreams because
I’m here to follow my dreams you know
and help other people follow their
dreams and inspire people who are
dreamers what I’m doing right now the
music I’m dropping I want it I want the
number one spot I will have it you know
I’m this is what I’m going for it and I
want to beat the press I want to beat
you know anybody that everything to make
me out to be just so crazy and so this
or so that thank you you just add in to
the excitement you’re giving me stuff to
write about
I want the number one spot I’m going for
it I’m about to take it this is what I’m
here to do this is it I mean what what
else do you want me to do that’s why I
go to the studio so I can murder
this is you know this is my job this is
my life this is my passion the time is
now the time is now to express and for
people to believe in themselves the time
is now for it to be okay to be great
people in this world shun people for
being great for being a bright color for
standing out but the time is now to be
okay to be the greatest you when I was
17 around that same
kind of went like you know the vision of
actually doing this hatched was that
like 17 like that the inception of it
was you know when I was like six or
seven writing raps in a notebook and
stuff like that but like the really
proactive like catches you know going
after it started at 17 and I read
Napoleon Hill the magic ladders a
success things what it’s called and then
Deepak Chopra seven spiritual laws of
success The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho I
mean those are like super big Bibles and
later on I read four agreements and
stuff like that but those were like
super super important to kind of forming
the mindset and just using those tools
to really make what you want happening
you know like I mean like you said Law
of Attraction it’s about speaking things
into existence you got to understand
that your thoughts are not just these
like whimsical things that have no
weight and carrying away in the universe
your thoughts are things your thoughts
are like the whole weight and there’s a
big pool of energy in the universe that
if you connect everyone’s actually
connected to it and I’m saying we’re
just the universe experience on
ourselves but when you really like tune
into that ideology that yo my thoughts
do turn into something if I believe in
and I put the right energy behind it you
can really make what you want to have
happen happen you know exactly like you
said Law of Attraction we we got what we
wanted out of life
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