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The Trick to Success in Business – Howard Schultz

you know I think that success in
business is a very difficult thing to
and it’s more difficult today probably
than any other time despite the vast
number of opportunities and as it
relates to finding your calling in terms
of what the opportunity or the
entrepreneurial adventure is going to be
it has to be linked to something that
you are so passionate and crazed about
that you’re willing to knock down walls
and climb mountains and do the things
that are going to put yourself in a
position of sacrificing so many other
things for its success and you can only
do that when there’s a compelling
underlying feeling that you have that
this is something I’m going to fight to
the death for and without that I think
it’s gonna be a commodity based
experience not only for the customer but
for you and I think you can’t really
succeed at the levels that you want to
unless you find that thing that you’re
so passionate excited and in love with
and I think because you’ve got it along
the way you’re gonna have to convince so
many other people to believe in you and
the idea and the opportunity and the
struggle and the obstacles that are
going to come can over only be overcome
by this passion that you have in which
you’re going to be able to get people to
follow you over though over those
hurdles I know it sounds a little bit
sophomoric but it’s so true
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