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“The SECRET Stays Between Us… Right???” ft. @elenacardone | #InstagramLive

the secret stays between us right and
and and the viewers right exactly I
don’t want it to take other people ten
years if you can do it in five that
would that would make everything that I
have done and gone through worth it
you’re gonna have the stumbles you’re
gonna have the setbacks and you don’t
need somebody go and see told you just
like you did oh you know like you don’t
need that in your head and there she is
hi Elena Elena Cardone in the house how
are you oh man so good over here I’m
wearing my my 10x shirt in honor oh
that’s cool you know grant and I were
talking this morning and I told him that
we were gonna be on together and he said
I really like that guy I really like his
work ethic I love it with you
I love it well I think Greg and I are
the only ones doing like the quantity on
the videos like grants has really picked
up his game in the past year or so
especially like multiple posts per day I
love it
Wow really see I haven’t gone there yeah
you guys have so much content and I I’m
struggling a day will go by and I’m like
oh my god I need something new is that
next like are you doing your own channel
I know you mean obviously I GE you’re
pumping out tons of content but is that
next for you I do want to up my game you
know now that I have the book that’s out
yeah I’m trying to up my game so I’m
definitely trying to post at least once
a day I haven’t done the YouTube channel
thing as much as I can but yes I brought
back the show that I do women in power
it’s a podcast that I do but it’s also
you can visually see it at Grant Cardone so definitely I’m definitely
trying to up my game work sure I love it
it’s something that we’re looking at to
you like we get a lot of women
entrepreneurs watching saying hey can
you profile more women and and at the
top like we have Mel Robbins doing a lot
of stuff Oprah is always great but like
we’re struggling to get consistent
content out of successful women
entrepreneurs even Mel it was going
pretty frequently but she pulled back on
the consistency of the content I would
love the feature
Elena Cardone consistently on the
channel pumping out great content I
think I think we need it I think I think
we need it to profile more successful
women entrepreneurs well well thank you
but I want to ask you something since
you seem to yeah I know you know this
space very well it’s pretty new to me
even though grant is such an expert at
it when I pump out it seems like I’ve
noticed because I just started recently
to put out my own videos from old
speeches that I’ve done or interviews
and whatnot and I’ve done the little one
minute clips but sometimes I find those
one minute clips don’t get as many hits
as something that I do that’s like
really silly and makes no sense so then
in my head I go oh maybe they don’t
really want that from the on a
consistent level such a great Instagram
strategy right it doesn’t play as well
like one minute silly clips on YouTube
wouldn’t wouldn’t play as well YouTube’s
away more long-form like I’ve been
looking at shows like ten minutes plus
on YouTube but I think one of the things
that grant does so well he’s one of the
best at bringing in humor and fun and he
just gets pumped up about sometimes
ridiculous things but he loves them and
he shares it and and that that humanizes
him and so that’s something that people
want more of but at the same time he’s
not you know like he’s not a comedian
like he still shares a ton of great
great wisdom yes okay right YouTube
YouTube they want that content that’s
interesting well even still an Instagram
like like if you’re posting with Grant
about like you know I saw you in your IG
that the sweater thing were like you
fighting over the sweater and yeah
that’s great and it humanizes it like
most thought leaders are not showing
that side they’re only showing the
professional business and then it’s
harder to connect with them so that’s
definitely a great thing to continue
showing and at the same time you’ve got
a lot of wisdom to share you’ve got your
book I know you’re speaking in 10x con
there’s a lot that’s in your head and
there’s a lot that I think especially
women entrepreneurs could learn from you
that that that’s sharing it they may not
get all the same number of views because
people would rather
escape then learn like if you pick
between escapism in education they’ll
always pick the entertainment first
right but but that doesn’t mean you just
become an entertainer and there’s no
education I would love to see the
content whether it’s a video or post I
mean I think you’re doing you’re doing a
way better job on Instagram but yeah I’m
like youtubers the YouTube women are are
like hungry for content I’m getting hit
every day with people saying you need to
have more women on your show I’m trying
the women need to produce more content
you just helped me because now I’m gonna
start thinking with the strategy of
YouTube I hadn’t been doing that I had
only been thinking about Instagram
Instagram is the easiest place to start
and build quickly like Instagram is
awesome to build traction YouTube is the
best for a brand okay because YouTube
like some of the stuff that grant made 5
years ago is still getting views and
attention right Instagram one week ago
nobody’s been attention to anymore right
true so so you’re on this hamster wheel
constantly as soon as you stop running
you’re irrelevant but with your YouTube
content it lives forever
I love it it’s the only platform that
lives forever like Twitter is instant
Instagram is instant Facebook is instant
but YouTube you’ll still watch grants or
my old videos or your old videos from
years ago and so like if you start
building that up now than in 10 years
people are still looking back on your
journey and getting inspired okay yeah
well unless I’m happy to help in any way
let me know count me in let’s get let’s
get let’s get Elena I’m trying to catch
up with Grant this is my big secret but
yeah my big secret is I’m trying to sell
more books then yeah yeah I’m not trying
you know now I love it so much the cat
Nair kind of a scenario but I doubt it
because grant never takes a nap never
takes a break
metaphorically oh I think we should
tag-team I think I think you and me look
had came to then like beat grant to he’s
close to milling I think he’s that like
eight hundred thousand something now on
YouTube yeah yeah let’s let’s beat him
to two million like you
mean you’re in your corner I’ll be your
ninja weapon I’ll crush grants team and
we’ll use your content to to get there
the secret stays between us right and
and and the viewers right exactly
great needs some competition anyway it’s
great it’ll push them harder always we
competed everything since day one
oh it’s always been a competition
between us I love it I love it okay so
talk to me about your book you just want
your book how to build your 10x Empire
there it is it’s audio version two
people can get it like why now in the
book and and what are people gonna learn
in it it came out and doing the speaking
at the first 10x growth con Greg asked
me to speak and that’s the thing with
being with someone like a grant is that
you always have to be ready and be
willing to do whatever whenever that
really wasn’t my vision but when he says
you’re speaking at the 10x quick on I’m
like yeah just step up so I did and then
I realized from that event that I
actually and we do actually have a
different way of thinking where I
thought the way that we are in a
relationship was more mainstream and
everyone kind of thought this way so
then I saw the need for so so many
people kept coming to me with more
questions and while you changed my
viewpoint on this and that so I spoke at
10x growth con too and the same thing
now I’m just kind of developing it out
and again this this book idea came from
from grants not gonna lie because
because I just I never liked school I
stopped at 17 as soon as I was done with
high school I was done I just
anyway I protested anything happened to
sit down be still write but he really
encouraged me to do it and said stop
being so selfish you know there are
people out there that want this and
material and it can benefit them so I
wrote the book it took me about a year
because I I stopped over several months
I I’m actually a very closed book I
don’t talk about things I don’t talk to
people about things I’m very private
ironically as much as we are transparent
and out there I still it’s not it’s not
my comfort zone to be that way
so I stopped a book for a little while
saying this is you know all those
insecurities that you have that’s when
grant called me lazy and a coward it
really upset me and infuriated me i sat
down I didn’t even leave the house for
the last two months and finish the book
I rewrote it like three times in two
months so I actually told grant I’ve
actually written 6 books it just
happened to be the same book but now
that it was done
you see that’s that’s again and not and
that goes to kind of like what our
relationship is our relationship doesn’t
look like the ideal relationship that
people have in their heads where we are
so in love all the time and and we’re so
happy all the time our relationship
looks like you’re lazy and a coward but
and now that I have this product that
I’m holding and people have been writing
me saying and it’s changed them and I’ll
get to to what its gonna help you with
and all the successes they’re having for
it I feel so proud of myself and now I’m
even more in love with Grant for giving
me the push which come in the form of
the way it shouldn’t look like in a
relationship they came in another way to
get the best version of me and so that
is what this book is about it’s about
how to if you’re single how to start
thinking in terms of an empire why think
in terms of an empire because you can’t
afford not to normal doesn’t work normal
mentality and thinking can’t withstand
impacts of economic collapses deaths
but infidelities they just it so it gets
the single person in terms of thinking
in terms of empire building protecting
growing how to think who to have in your
life and the fast track of what we did
over the last 15 years things to
eliminate the mistakes that we made and
the things that dead work to boost you
because I don’t want it to take other
people ten years if you can do it in
five that would make everything that I
have done and gone through worth it to
help other people so for the people that
are on the couples my couples out there
this book is to really care
an alternative to the mindset that you
have been approaching your relationships
with really how to get on the same page
and work as a team for couples and not
this me against them but really set your
targets and purpose is so big that you
can’t sweat the small stuff between each
other because the purpose of who you are
together is more important for the
long-term goal
so hopefully this book is going to get
couples on the same page and winning and
nitrous into the atmosphere of success a
lot faster than it did for us I love it
because of our relationship we weren’t
on we were not the team that we are on
now hmm
I love it well first off you’re getting
tons of love and support for your
YouTube channels so so so so that has to
happen we’re gonna we’re gonna make that
happen and Rhys grant to 2 million for
Alina Elena Cardone build your empire
candy bite on Amazon is it audible
people are asking those kind of
it’s up people have told me that they
it’s on Amazon it’s also on my site
Elena Cardone calm forward-slash Empire
it’s at the store at Grant Cardone calm
are you going multilingual I would love
to I have it on the agenda to talk to
somebody here to see who could my first
choice would be Spanish yeah I have a
lot of Latin fans that are requesting
that I’m not hearing them requests so
much from other languages right now what
prevents people from thinking Empire
level like a lot of people think well I
want to have success but an empire like
that sounds crazy like what what
prevents that thinking of how do they
overcome it what prevents not thinking
is the is the way that we were all
raised to think and you know and I’ve
heard grants say this he says knowledge
is power yet what if you have the wrong
knowledge what prevents them is as all
those myths conceived ideas
for instance one that I had was that I
could never depend on a man I had to do
everything as an independent woman rah
rah rah rah but that actually held me
back in life it took actually depending
on a man that I could trust and love and
fortifying with him and not enjoying it
alone that that’s when I actually went
from this much to my power too you know
so that was a false data than I had been
operating with and it wasn’t until I
took a look at what are all my beliefs
on money and rich people and
relationships and all the ideas I used
to think relationships hold you back so
every single relationship I had been in
Prior to grant every single guy held me
they wanted me to stop they didn’t they
didn’t like my vision of I’m gonna
change the world you know okay why do
you think so gay that’s so ridiculous
you know so I found all the people and I
found all the men in my life that fit my
criteria that all men hold me back so
those ideas and ways of thinking that
have been ingrained in you from who
cares it doesn’t matter your mom your
dad society whatever but if you actually
write a list of everything that you
think and then start thinking well how
do I really feel about that do I have an
issue with that or is that from
someplace else and I think that’s how
you start breaking the mold and start
being able to think for yourself and
think am i okay with this am I not okay
how do I you know that kind of breaks
the mold and then of course hanging out
with other people other like-minded
people and that really kind of supports
your your way because it is different it
is not normal and sometimes when you’re
outside of the box it makes the normal
people a little uncomfortable they like
being comfortable they don’t like being
pushed they don’t like being challenged
they don’t like losing you to success or
their perceived idea that you’re not
going to now have time for them or this
and that’s that they have to send in the
little jabs oh you look tired when do
you ever take a break you know all the
things that start making you go god dude
do I look bad do I need
you know you know what I’m saying get so
busy with your life that those that you
just actually don’t have time for those
people or you tell them hey when I come
in and I say hey I just wrote a book and
bubble nothing would be wow that’s
awesome you know or that you you tell
them how you want them to react and
sometimes just that little education
helps because these people they love you
they just don’t really whatever they’re
going through in their life they can
only express it or show it with what
they’ve got going on and not maybe the
way you want them to do it so sometimes
it’s just a little education and
sometimes after you’ve given them the
little education and they continue then
it’s time to say you know what we’re
gonna have a little timeout and I’m not
in like – hmm I’ve taken a time out from
people especially kind of family members
but I say this all the time it’s easier
to change the world in your own family
and sometimes they don’t
you know I came from a different way
than I am now so it’s hard for them to
see your future self when they’ve only
seen your past giving up on things
failures you know and and in the road to
entrepreneurialism as you know you’re
gonna have the stumbles you’re gonna
have the setbacks and you don’t need
somebody go and see told you just like
you did oh you know like you don’t need
that in your head during that period
from when you were this person to this
person so sometimes this little break in
between is okay and then when you become
this person you can let them back in
because now all the little noise that
they might cheer at you is laughable
it’s easier if it’s an aunt or an uncle
but like what if it’s your mom you take
a break from your mom yeah I would I’m
ruthless I’m ruthless I would take I
mean fortunately I don’t have to because
my mom is my best friend but I would if
mom was detrimental to my survival and
really not on board to the point where
it was holding me down
and suppressing me where I felt like I
had to eat what I call well I say Shi T
sandwiches you know I don’t like the
um I only cars at the gym and on the gun
range that isn’t my policies but I don’t
have to eat that around around people
all the time I don’t want to feel
confused you know so again I would tell
my mom look this is the this is how I
expect you to react because this is why
this matters to me I’m gonna be happy
I’m gonna do my life I want to do big
things and I want your support and try
to solicit the support and then if that
doesn’t work if you can be around them
don’t and you still don’t want to cut
them out of your life then just don’t
talk about the things that are the hot
buttons keep it like where you can talk
about things that don’t matter
talk about the trees talk about the
groceries talk about things are not
height hot items don’t talk about your
career don’t talk about your love you
know your boyfriend your girlfriend all
the things that might be the trigger
points don’t don’t be don’t set yourself
up for that just keep it like easy
chitchat conversation before you were
talking about relationships and the
people who are your with you know didn’t
then support you and said you were
thinking too big and you’re crazy and
then you make grant in that kind of blue
your way of what a partner could be yeah
for the people who feel like they’re
kind of rushed on timelines like hey you
know I’m getting older I want to be in a
relationship I haven’t found the right
person is it work that they need to do
like they’re stressing out and end up in
in a in a bad relationship or an okay
one because they settle for that person
feels like time was running out and they
got a they got to get their stuff
together what would you tell them
well it’s in the book there’s a chapter
called the list the list the list you
know everyone’s heart in the list you
write down the list right of everything
you want in the partner but that’s not
where it stops you write down the list
of everything that you want in the
partner like the real stuff not the
insignificant stuff the first two items
on my list were completely insignificant
six-two and green eyes didn’t matter and
it prevented me from actually
recognizing grant for an entire 13
months but um but the other stuff
ethically ambitious monogamous doesn’t
drink alcohol do drugs
loves it you know what a mindless was
when I wrote this list I then realized I
have this cognition I thought well if
this perfect guy were to write a list of
his perfect woman what would it look
so from that perspective I started to
write the list of the perfect woman
which was in hIgG my wants to be married
have kids doesn’t train doesn’t do jobs
you know fun the girls kind of guy like
sports you know can get into think you
know I wrote down a sec and then I
realized well as I was a lot of those
things on the list I wasn’t a lot of
things on those lists and that’s when I
started working on myself because I
realized this guy I was not gonna show
up in his world the way that I was at
the present time cuz I was going into
clubs all the time I was dating all
these kind of guys I mean I was just
having fun I was i I was independent I
didn’t I didn’t need a guy and and I
would think that the guy that I would
want to be with would like what to be
with one girl that like wanted him to
and made him feel important and that
wasn’t who I was at that time I needed
to learn how to do those kind of things
like care about somebody else as much as
I could cared about myself back then no
so I worked on myself and in looking at
your list like if you have your list of
13 things and you had to circle one to
say like that like hundred things Wow
okay and that’s what you recommend right
like you want people to make as detailed
as possible or do you want them to pare
it down it’s up to you but okay you know
I was very specific about the list cuz
my girlfriend said I had to be specific
about the list so I mean I went into
like every detail like how you know I
wanted you know everything got it and if
now if you had to look back on the list
and like circle like the one most
important thing what would that be loves
and protects women and children huh that
to me was like a not not a negotiable
and that is green like he yeah like I
love that and then and then ethically
ambitious is the one that always pops to
mind where
I found that in the guy so I mean
there’s a lot of qualities that I wrote
down that I’m like I was I mean he is
spot-on he has every single item on the
list except the first two items six two
and green eyes right what color is eyes
brown brown all right
go up Elaine I know I know you’ve got to
run to your show I super appreciate
making the time for people who want to
who find you follow you by the book I
know they’re gonna stay tuned for your
epic YouTube channel coming soon but
until then until then where do you want
them to go everything I’m Elena Cardone
e el e and a CA are do any I’m Elena
Cardone on on all socials and my youtube
channel and now I’m gonna I’m gonna
really devote time to this YouTube
channel so I won’t there if you if
you’re interested in the book its Elena
Cardone comm forward slash Empire and
yeah love it thank you so much for
making the time I love that you got in
the book and I love that you are now
like making a bigger noise in industry
thank you thank you so much
I am too I’m really digging it cool
alright we’ll talk to you soon thanks
Elena okay bye Cheers if you want more
women entrepreneurs check out my top 50
rules for women entrepreneurs video the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there a very curious person
everything that I’ve done I’ve worked so hard
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