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THE PATH TO SUCCESS – Motivational Video

You know, everyone has the same story, we just have other details.
as I always say
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do to it.
Whatever you think is wealth
That’s your definition, there is a survey that says wealth and success is being happy.
however, all you have to do is decide what makes you happy.
And start the path to follow
Now, to find true success, I believe you will have to do some work.
Because it is not free.
Everyone would love to wake up and just be happy and lively.
But that requires some work.
You know, for a long time I thought that the path to success was only to go.
Because I was always busy keeping proud of myself or request help.
I was homeless
I did not ask for help.
I lived in a car
I did not ask for help
And I almost missed, I did not realize how many people would argue with me about success.
You know, most people who are successful,
If you ask them for help, they are giving you.
I’m talking about advice,
not money
Success is all about building relationships.
It’s not what you should know just how.
Some might not come to you when you ask for help
Maybe not
But guess what,
the worst that can happen to you,
If someone refuses,
You had no right,
Why do you worry about?
They might say no or they might reject me.
Ask people,
You never know.
Suppose they say yes.
That could be about to change differently.
But you know, there are some principles that will increase your chances of being successful.
Know your worth, nobody lets you change
And suppose nothing
People can not read minds.
they do not know what you think
Do not think they know.
Unless you ask, what exactly.
And recognize that ‘no’ is not a rejection.
Every time you have a ‘no’ will, it brings you one step closer to a ‘yes’.
Stop you compare with others.
So, the first thing you do is stop you focus on other people.
Instead, you start to focus on being the best version of yourself,
Then you notice that you deserve to sit at the big table with all the others.
After becoming the best you can be.
Once you have accepted that you have an equal right to success,
And as much right
To succeed as anyone else.
Then the next step is to learn how to speak to speak.
You must be fluent in the language of success,
so you can speak with ease.
Surround yourself with people who have realized their dreams,
And discover the culture of success.
And before you know it, life will be dreams come true.
And as I said, we all have a gift
but too many people miss it because they refuse to sign the contract of their gift.
You keep for staring
Go sit down with yourself
What can you do the best you takes the least effort?
That’s your gift
But if you only remains for you to stare out
And you’re not on your victory
Then you will never find your goal.
If you want to succeed, you have to dedicate your own victory
And embracing
The first step is to give you complete,
And to be honest enough to say: ‘I’m tired of myself. “
If you say “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired ‘
That is the assistant to change.
That’s when you feel ready to say those words
no more excuses
No more excuses
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