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THE MECHANICS OF MIND CONTROL – Best Motivational Videos Compilation Ever

you can know what you want you can know
what you should be doing but how do you
make yourself do it when the feelings
and the motivation isn’t there when all
you got is fear there’s a five-second
window between the instincts the shoulds
the urges the inner wisdom the things
that can change your life if you listen
to it
got a five-second window from the moment
you feel that instinct to move and if
you don’t your brain is actually
designed to kill it five seconds is all
you have
the second you hesitate it’s actually
you feel yourself hesitating that as a
moment of huge power because what’s
happened is you’ve just started to pull
back from something that you need to
lean into and if you count backwards
five four three two one and this is the
neuroscience behind why this stupid
little trick works counting is an action
counting backwards requires focus it’s
also not a habit for you
so when you feel yourself hesitate
you’re triggering your mind that
something’s up your mind now goes into a
cognitive bias called the spotlight
effect it magnifies whatever it was that
you hesitated doing like all the sudden
you’re like hey I don’t feel like it
like I don’t I don’t know maybe I’ll do
it later and your mind is doing it
because your mind is trying to protect
hesitation signals a red flag to your
mind that something’s up just that small
hesitation it’s a habit that we all have
should you hesitate if you’re getting a
tattoo yes should you hesitate if you’re
gambling yes should you hesitate if you
are signing a legal document yes you
need your prefrontal cortex for those
things you need to interrupt it make a
power make a decision should you
hesitate on making a phone call no
should you hesitate on speaking up in a
meeting now should you hesitate when you
feel yourself starting to procrastinate
and you know you got work she gets up no
you shouldn’t hesitate at all should you
hesitate in saying the thing that really
feel in your heart no shouldn’t
should you hesitate and edit yourself on
your talk no you should but we’ve all
trained ourselves too so it’s actually
this habit of hesitating we start
catching yourself it’s a huge moment of
power because you have a decision to
make and you got to make it in the next
five seconds are you going to go on
autopilot and get trapped in your mind
or are you going to five four three two
one and awaken your prefrontal cortex
and drive forward
you can always control what you think
and how you behave and we spend way too
much time trying to focus on
manipulating how we feel about things
and not enough time practicing the
skills of controlling your behavior in
your thoughts a lot of us are sitting
around waiting to feel ready waiting to
feel courageous waiting to feel
confident waiting for the right time and
that’s not ever coming ever ever you’re
not going to change your life up here
you only change it through action we
make decisions of feelings 95% of our
decisions are made by how you feel in
the moment
and that is the problem you need to take
control of the moment
we all have that ability
we all have next level ability there’s
not other people that aren’t holding you
back your bosses and holding evacute
parents are holding in fact those are
excuses to me there’s no such thing as
luck okay all luck is preparation
meeting opportunity claiming something
you have to be ready prepared for that
situation like you you think that you
need to feel confident or courageous in
order to get started you don’t you
actually just have to start and that’s
the riddle of life that lying in bed
hoping that you wake up some morning
motivated to change that’s not the
answer you actually have to learn how to
push yourself you have to learn how to
how to leverage the power of your
decisions and you’ve got to learn how to
take action when you don’t feel what
take action so many people talk about
doing something or say what if they
don’t actually get up and do it taking
action is really really important my
advice is just to focus on each day and
then you have a plan in place of how you
want to improve and how you want to get
better and you stick to that plan and
trust the fact that you know every day
that you you know stick to the plan I’ll
get you ta a result the key to being
successful is to work harder than other
people if everybody wants success
everybody wants the Lamborghini
everybody wants please
but what are you willing to drink
together so much of success is seeing
yourself as victorious you have to see
yourself you have to really believe in
Yusei and sometimes it’s hard you that
values you have weaknesses you have the
other thing you have to see yourself as
a one-man band don’t rely too much on
other people because they’ll let you go
you have to see yourself as victorious
anything if everything can be done if
you can visualize it people believe in
your dog to be a winner you’d have to
think like a winner if you don’t think
like a winner it’s just never going to
happen you’re going to find the
naysayers in every term that you make
don’t listen
just visualize you Col know exactly
where you want to go trust yourself get
out there look like hell and break some
of the rules that never ever be afraid
of failure the time is now the time is
now to express and for people to believe
in themselves
the time is now for it to be okay to be
great when you look at the
accomplishments of accomplished people
and you say boy that must have been
really hard you know when you look at
something that looks hard
that was probably easy and conversely
when you look at something that looks
easy that was probably hard and so
you’re never going to know which is
which until you actually go and do it so
just go and do it
try learn from it you know you’ll fail
at some things that’s a learning
experience that you need so that you can
taken on to the next experience don’t
let people who you may respect and who
you believe know what they’re talking
about don’t let them tell you can’t beat
them because often they will tell you it
can’t be done it’s just because they
don’t have the courage to try the bridge
between reality and a dream is work and
I always in moments of despair and doubt
and dark days focused on on the work I
show up and I work and I worked at North
you’ll never be the best looking you’ll
never be the tallest most talented most
capable you’ll never have the most money
there will always be someone who’s
better at whatever you’re doing them
with than you are but you can always be
the hardest working person in the way
and at the hardest working person will
always their hard work – I put in a
helluva or work all through this
building to fire up their more content
than anybody more content and force more
content than me and more content than
their beauty sports no content and
everybody on the microwave on my own
channels in our main I’m on more cost
from all angles not just in the gym I’m
building this media empire I certainly
can tell the content I’m very proud of
the hell when we consistently gave
movies I was releasing you know from
like a month ago every single day you
know me nobody’s doing that so I’m
pretty proud of them and I’m really
okay I don’t think there’s any magic for
being successful and I’m not talking
about making a million dollars or a
billion dollars I’m just talking about
being successful I think there’s any
magic you gotta work hard you got to
respect the people around you and you
just got to go I’ve never met a
successful person that doesn’t work hard
everything matters if you take any
situation and just take the word only
and take the word just out of it it
changes the whole phrase it’s just a
game it’s a game it’s only a job if you
feel like this is an only a job before
this interview is up I advise you to get
up and leave right now because if
somebody else will fill this seat up and
take that job and turn it into a career
you care for those words trap works I’m
just going to smoke one cigarette
that shows you their preparation for a
mental standpoint of how weak they
really are there’s a lot of people that
are just a something there’s very few
people that are V something all right so
when I when people introduce myself as a
trainer like no I’m not a playing IV
trainer to huge difference so self-doubt
procrastination overthinking analysis
paralysis fear those are all thinking
patterns that are habits one of the most
important things that I want people to
understand is that you’re actually not a
worry you have a habit of worry a big
difference you’re not passionate you
have a habit of procrastinating
big difference
every one of those behavior patterns and
thinking patterns can actually be
interrupted and replaced using science
you can use a simple trick the moment
you feel yourself hesitate the moment
you’ve got one of those moments where
you know that you need to this is that
moment that Lewis talks to you about
where you got to step outside of your
comfort zone and you’ve got to lean into
your passion and you’ve got to really
take some risks and you’ve got to feel
the fear and you got to do it anyway
that’s the moment where you just woke up
and now you got a decision to make are
you going to drift back into the habits
or are you going to awaken your
prefrontal cortex and drive forward and
focus and do something new do you feel
like making that cold call no you don’t
do you feel like doing that third set of
reps no you don’t do you feel like
having that hard conversation no you
don’t do you feel like ending this
relationship whether it’s in business or
in your life that is sucking you dry no
you don’t we make decisions based on our
feelings and that is robbing you of joy
and opportunity and it is blinding you
from the fact that all how you change
your life is one five second decision at
a time one push at a time and if you if
you accept the fact that you may never
feel ready and you may never feel
motivated and you may never feel
confident you may never feel courageous
and that’s okay but you can still push
yourself forward what happens over time
as you start to see yourself becoming
the person that takes action if you
start to see yourself becoming the kind
of person that speaks even though your
voice is shaking you’re the kind of
person that that has a bias toward
moving instead of a bias toward thinking
guess what happens to build the skill of
confidence and courage
it’s working for people around the world
you have to be prepared to take any and
every opportunity that’s presented to
all right nothing’s just going to happen
but people don’t want to hear the truth
the truth hurts what you grow from pain
you really you really do you can’t know
how to deal with success you cannot deal
with failures you can’t know how to deal
with the bumps in the road that if you
haven’t had a taste of everything and
once you remember that bitter taste in
your mouth you never want to feel that
again you can’t control the things that
trigger you and the fact that you’re
going to feel afraid and you’re going to
feel doubt and you’re going to feel
uncertain but you can always interrupt
that feeling and take control in the
moment and actually shift what you’re
thinking and shift how you behave allows
you will block your own success because
you’re fearful of what’s going to happen
because the comfort zone is here make a
great living my bills are paid
everything is great I’m scared to change
so you block your own growth so you have
to now say to yourself hey once you get
the tools once you’ve done your homework
then you can start making a move to say
okay okay I forgive there’s one other
businessman and start my own thing but
you’ve got to believe in yourself first
you have to actually show up every day
and inch yourself forward towards these
three and not only show up every day and
once a while in yourself I mean every
day you have to actually take an action
that moves you forward not just research
not just thinking look the power of
intention is great but without any
initiative it’s bad right a dream is
great without any movement it’s dead you
have to be moving towards everyday want
to be totally focused you can’t take
your eye off the ball you cannot learn
by taking action you can only lose by
not taking action and if you delay
taking action repeatedly over and over
again you develop the habit of never
taking action you get the girl to have
it of procrastinating and holding back
and cancel everything and your life
happens for a reason
your responsibility is to look at these
things in your life and ask this
question why now you need activation
energy to start the chain to start to
sit down to start to get out of bed to
start to walk out the door that’s the
key to creating any kind of change this
activation energy inside of you that
causes the initial oh and then what do
we hear over time once you start there’s
a chain reaction and that allows you to
keep going you have to act on your
passion you have to act on your inner
drive don’t let those feelings stay
inside you you got to know what to do
with them you got to know how to make
them work in order to get what you want
don’t keep it inside you want to improve
you want to get better you want to get a
little workout program or a clean diet
you want to start a business where do
you start you start right here and when
you start and start right now
everybody at one point in time in your
life to be successful you have to jump
jumping is the hardest thing for people
to do but you have to jump if you never
jump you’ll never be successful when you
first jump I guarantee you the parachute
angle I promise you that but guess what
eventually it does old and then you
start your glide but it starts with the
jump you have to jump man no matter how
painful it is I got to keep going and I
got to keep going because what is my
passion what is my focus your focus in
your passion will numb you to failure
entertain of striving to get to where
you’re trying to go I don’t accept that
I am what I am and that that is what I’m
doing to be no I don’t accept that I’m
fighting I’m always fighting I’m
struggling and I’m strapping but kicking
and calling it those weaknesses to
change them stop them
some days I win some days I don’t but
each and every day I get back up and I
move forward with my fists clenched
toward the battle toward the struggle
and I fight with everything I’ve got to
overcome those weaknesses and those
shortfalls and those flaws
so literally without goals your
directionless you will be used the
people without goals get used by other
people who have them people that don’t
have goals work for people who do and so
you want to be someone who picks up and
gets clear about what you want
make a list 101 goals I want to go to
Paris I want to you know skydive I want
to bungee cord jump I want to play the
guitar I want to learn to juggle I want
to learn two magic tricks for the kids I
want to go to the Olympics in Beijing
whatever it is make the list you have to
delete all the negativity in the world
and focus on things that make you feel
great so you could focus on a
relationship you have you could focus on
how much you’ve already learned in the
last six or seven or eight days you
could focus on the people that love you
you can focus on your ability as a human
being to change your life at any moment
in time you have to be crazy and
believing what your goal in your passion
is because when something is crazy even
though it’s crazy you still do it right
every single person is designed from
infancy with special talents and
abilities that if you develop them to
their height can enable you to
accomplish anything you want in life
everyone is genetically structured to be
able to do something superbly to do
something they enjoy to do it well and
to get great satisfaction trouble
there is no capability difference
between you and someone you consider to
be an ultimate role model success the
only difference is they learn to use
their mind and body with more power on a
consistent basis they have learned the
manager state they’ve learned to use
their body effectively what do they know
it or not consciously doesn’t matter a
lot of people do things without being
aware of how they do it and they’ve
learned to control their mental focus
remember whatever we concentrate our
focus on consistently subscribe to learn
from and make new distinctions about we
will get great at I want to reassure you
that you can do it I want you to
reassure you that you can make the
decision I want to reassure users no
matter what the night no matter what the
storm no matter what the difficulty
there isn’t anybody here that can’t
figure it out
find some things to do step at a time
yes minute at a time yes day at a time
yes week at a time yes but there isn’t
anything you can’t walk away from there
isn’t any challenge you can’t overcome I
want you to have that kind of belief in
your self
you’ve got to believe in yourself you
just have to and then you do it you see
it you believe it and then you do it you
know to be great I could get the fight
and I very much think that my success is
a product of some level of skill but I
do think I win because I outwork people
I really do believe that I do believe
that 100% I realized that information
changing situations so I’d rather buy a
book in my house if I buy a book I can
buy several homes if you take all my
money off the day I might look they
might hit me move you take the knowledge
out of my head and take the experiences
that I have the problem with most people
the problem with most people is that
you’re not obsessed with improving
everyday work harder yourself in
anything else but if you become more
intelligent more valuable more skilled
you can add more value to other people
all you have to focus on your life is
find a way to add more value than
anybody else does and you’ll never have
to worry about anything
be the person that does more for others
and life will just be any one thing you
want out of it really is what it is I’m
here all of my dreams and aspirations
are here and the only thing in between
these two is a bunch of work so tackling
that works is a way of moving this
needle so listen to me there those of
you said I want to be a millionaire I
want to be the best it has taught me
right but your value system said you
believe in sleep what are you believing
rindy your value system said you are a
consumer and not a producer that you’re
spending more money
amazing why because you’re a conservator
you’re reading all the books and you
said everything the book to say but
those books are not and align them with
your values and you’re going to go to
the next level your values are going to
have to change life is like a super
temporary mega fragile thing you only
get like a nugget of time to really
pursue the things you care about we have
to understand what we’re good and bad at
and you have to let go of what the bad
ass you have to if you’re naturally bad
at singing like I am you shouldn’t put
your career and your life in a position
of the kind of professional player it’s
a bad idea in life you should only ever
be doing one of two things and that is
figuring out what you’re most passionate
about like finding your greens in mind
and then cue realizing those passions
realizing those dreams you’re not clear
on what you want like you did you get up
whenever you feel like it you don’t have
no ride you don’t have no Padgett and so
people ask when you’re passing from from
when you’re driving from I know what I
want I’m talking about doing what you
want because we don’t
more that’s what a drive come from
that’s made a fast and come from keep
yourself extremely busy as long as
you’re doing something you will find
your path if when you get lazy then
everything becomes becomes poor any
progress your life comes down to your
decision if you change your decision
will change everything I think life is
substantiated by whatever impact or
whatever contribution you can make while
you’re alive the finish line is the same
for everyone we’re all ending up in the
same place but while we’re here what
what contribution can you make life
strength and life expands in direct
proportion your willingness to assume
the most dangerous thing you can do in
your career the most dangerous thing to
do in life you want to affect the world
you have to change yourself first
everybody tries to go out and change the
world by changing other people and other
things but the real way to do it is by
changing yourself and sometimes making
those really uncomfortable choices to go
up against everyone in your life that
you look up to and take that risk when I
visit students I also tell them that the
greatest risks they take is not taking
one which by the way miss Martinez
taught me that and I use it to this
station anytime I feel that should I
I feel nervous like I feel right now and
I take the risk and for other students
for all the teachers and father
educators here we have to take risk if
we don’t take that risk I go back to
it’s the biggest risk that we take not
only have a short time to live but that
we waste a lot everybody has time
stop watching something lost if you want
this if you want bling bling if you want
to buy the Jets if you want to do work
one of the world’s richest people your
cup is one of the world’s richest
companies he is without question one of
the greatest business leaders investors
philanthropists of all time the Warren
Buffett if when it came to the world we
can go itself change our selves is more
important and easier you’re your own
biggest asset by far and you’ve got
you’ve got all kinds of potential most
people go through life using up a very
very small part of their potential and
so anything you do that invest in
yourself is that’s the best investment
you can possibly make to transform what
you see on the outside you’ve got to
transform who you are on the inside just
like a human growth you can know this
body cannot a blow grow drug boat
certain time the flow of grow of the
body slope they should grow your mind
glue your culture real value real
business you control your destiny you
can create what you want to create you
have gifts and nobody else on the planet
has you have talent you have everything
everything you need to become whatever
you want is right here believe what
you’re doing love it whether people like
it don’t like it be simple and like the
word life this like a box of chocolates
you never know what you can get right I
never know I would be here talking to
you talking to Charlie Rose I just made
one choice like 16 years old that was no
longer than a bearded and I was going to
be a fool of myself
and I was going to change my life and I
had no idea that would we need a no idea
be here and it’s that talking to you
doing what we’re doing
no I never part of the plan the only
thing I knew is I didn’t want to be the
victim and this other
trajectory of life I wanted something
different so I made that choice the
choices you make today tomorrow they
might affect you for the next year five
years ten years or for the rest of your
life a lot of young people lose hope
blue sedation instead of complaint
what does being a victim get you nothing
absolutely nothing so if you’re getting
nothing from one direction why not turn
around and go to the other direction
path of victimization is nothing path of
hero you might as well give it a shot
and all the different cool things that
happen along the way or just amazing
there’s never a lack of opportunity
never if you don’t think there’s an
opportunity there haven’t found it and
so it’s not it’s not the opportunities
it’s you remember the mind controls of
body the body does not control the mind
what makes these guys special and
successful in everything they do is not
their physical gifts it’s their mental
toughness things are just happening and
it’s because of one choice
so if you’re listening to this and
you’re thinking you’ve made all these
different choices and your license in
one direction in one different choice
just one
the most important thing is that you
have a vision did you have a cord
because without that vision and adopted
core again you’re drifting around and
you’re never going to end up anywhere
people don’t become successful just by
accident I would follow my passion I
mean whatever turned John I I found I
was lucky I found something early that
turned me on but you don’t want to take
a job just for the money you don’t want
to take a job for an organization that
you really don’t feel good about or work
with people that you don’t feel good
about you you really want to be excited
when you get upset every morning
follow your passion do something you’re
very passionate about and don’t try to
chase what is kind of the hot passion of
the day you got to know what you’re good
at you got to know what your marginal at
and you got to know what you suck at and
you’ve got to find people who complement
your skills you know and you’ve got to
know what type of thinker you are what
you got to know how you work you know
and once you start to understand who you
then you can start finding places where
you’ll be successful and you won’t be
you won’t be lying to yourself do you
can have any habit you want to pay you
need it can be lazy you can be prompt
you can be you can be late you can be
honest you can cut corners I mean you
have all these choices and those are
choices for you to make nobody else is
going to make them for you and I would
suggest that you play this little game
when they – think about the person you
would most like to be in life maybe it’s
one of your contemporaries maybe
somebody a little older but pick out the
person you admire the most personally
you change places with this
and then write down why you admire loans
put it on a piece of paper and then
figure out the person that you would
least like change places with completely
turns you off we do find repulsive
unless the reasons life
that person turned you off so much and
then look at that list and you’ll find
that everything on the left-hand side
would you admire on other people the
qualities they drink lies to find those
the things you can do yourself it’s very
simple you can apply yourself
but the habits you form doing that early
carrying it to the library if you do
two or three years now if you look for
the same exercise you’ll find out the
person you admire the most is yourself
baby steps count to as long as you’re
going forward and one day you add all
those baby steps up and you might be
surprised at where you can get to so you
got to really have a specific order to
me to have that vision that I want to be
mr. universe they don’t want to be the
greatest bodybuilder of all time that
was a great vision and that specifically
to look like wrench park and to be up
down that stage and to lift the trophy
overhead and to win the championship
over and over and over again
so that was a great core
I put pictures of rich pocket of Sonny
Liston of the boxes and of Ali and of
powerlessness and weight lifters all
over my bedroom in a wall so that
everyday when I go to sleep every day
when I wake up and look at those
pictures and they motivate me you needed
motivation and then therefore if this
kind of imprint in front of you all the
time and you know exactly what you’re
chasing the people you look up to are
going to form your vision of what the
world you know how you want to be in
later life
this is why I always smiled when it was
in the gym people always came up to mrs.
why are you smiling you’re working at
five hours a day you’re doing the same
as the other guys but the other guys
have a sour face they’re pissed off to
death to another rep or another sense or
something I look forward to I look
forward to another thousands of cities I
look forward to another 500 pounds of of
Lake Britain or squad I look forward to
more and more girls no man ask for
why because I knew that every rep that
it is and every cent that it is and more
weight to the wisdom I get one step
closer to turning their vision into
reality you have to act on your passion
you have to act on your inner drive
don’t let those feelings stay inside of
you you got to know what to do with them
you got to know how to make them work in
order to get what you want don’t keep it
inside most of you are not doing what
you want to do with your life because
you’re worried about somebody else’s
don’t let anybody steer you away from
where you want to be in life not your
parents not your teachers now your
guidance counselor’s if you have a
passion and you feel confident that you
can do it go after it
the hell with everybody else this is
your life you have the tools and
resources when you wake up every day you
know that you’re blessed you can give an
opportunity that most people in life
have not you have the ability to live
your dreams
decide commit act succeed repeat
good great unstoppable
every team every work atmosphere no
matter what you do must consist of those
three personalities if you have those
three personalities and you can identify
the individuals that have those three
personalities you’re guaranteed success
in whatever you do
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