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THE HERO WITHIN – Best Motivational Video

there is no cap on the human mind you
are your own hero you are your own
leader you are your own master we are
completely in control of our emotional
state you’re going this sucks
you know but I’m gonna make the best
small step big priority small
incremental changes and no one save me
you have to face yourself I figured out
the one piece I was missing I thought it
was cars I thought it was women I
thought it was mud I thought was
everything the one piece I was missing
was me having the courage to face myself
I made this person I made this person by
diving in to the insecurities that life
gave me because now they’re yours the
eurozone if you’re not smart car
yourself dumb it’s okay if you’re fat
car yourself fat
I used to be 300 pounds we we want to
talk so soft to us so we’re looking for
that recovery day it’s not coming and
that’s the mentality I took with me it
was like someone came down here and
guided me through life when you figure
this out on your own the amount of pride
and dignity and self-respect you have
that’s why I walk around the streets
with a backpack and just like I don’t
need anything else
you figure it out by going inside
yourself by Callison over the victims
mentality so whether it’s traffic or
it’s being in a horrific car accident we
are completely in control of our
emotional state and the the key that
unlocks the door to emotional immense
ability if you will is acceptance we can
choose to be consciously choose to be
first to accept what you can’t change
and then you go what emotional best
serve me and I think more often than not
it’s gratitude and happiness for the
most part or optimism you know as an
emotion but we can be the happiest and
the most grateful we’ve ever been while
we are going through those difficult
painful scary time in our lives and it’s
and it doesn’t and it here’s the thing
it just makes it that much easier it
doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck but it
means that you’re not letting the fact
that it sucks completely control your
emotional well-being you’re going this
you know but I’m gonna make the best of
it I think one of the biggest challenges
with change is too much pressure
especially when someone has other
challenges that affect the challenge of
distraction and I would look at small
incremental changes small changes but a
big priority in their life the challenge
I find is that too many of us are trying
to change too many things all at the
same time is that we want to wake up
early and start going to the gym and eat
right all in the same week impossible
right it’s impossible that no one can do
that small step big priority try and
change one small thing but make it the
biggest priority of the week what we do
you try and make big steps and make them
own small priorities if you want to
shift that right shifted the other way
around this is a child a child doesn’t
start learning how to eat proper food
and walk at the same time the children
have moments in their life where certain
things start evolving for them that’s
how we’re built that’s how we’re wired
so allowing that to happen continuously
even when we grow older makes it easier
for that person as well you
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