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“The HERO Has to BE a MONSTER!” – Jordan B. Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) – #Entspresso

Nero has to be a monster but a
controlled monster Batman is like that I
wasn’t only standing up for myself I was
standing up for anybody and everybody
who have been mistreated in the
boardroom or anywhere else in the
workplace you have to think outside the
box that’s what I believe after all what
is the point of being on this earth if
all you want to do is be liked by
everyone and avoid trouble rise and
shine it since preso time good morning
believe nation my name is Lily and my
one word is extraordinary I believe that
every single human being is capable
extraordinary things when they embrace
who they truly are and go after what
they truly want so let’s start your day
off right together go grab yourself a
cup of coffee and sip on today’s message
don’t be harmless over to you Jordan
Peterson your harmless you’re not
virtuous you’re just harmless you’re
like a rabbit rabbit isn’t virtuous it’s
just just can’t do anything except get
eaten it’s not virtuous if you’re a
monster and you don’t act monstrously
then you’re virtuous but you also have
to be a monster while you see this all
the time Harry Potter’s like that too
it’s like he’s he’s flawed he’s hurt
he’s got evil in him he can talk to
snakes man he breaks rules all the time
all the time he’s not at obedient at all
but you know he has a good reason for
breaking the rules and if he couldn’t
break the rules him and his little
clique of rule breaking you know
troublemakers if they didn’t break the
they wouldn’t attain the highest goal so
it’s very peculiar but it’s it’s very
there it’s a very very very very common
mythological notion you know the hero
has to be the hero has to be a monster
but a controlled monster Batman is like
that you know I mean it’s it’s
everywhere it’s it’s it’s the tore story
you always hear if you want something
very important
in life then don’t be harmless the world
belongs to people who can summon that
monster stand up for what they believe
in and go after what’s rightfully theirs
now what does that even mean the monster
in my opinion the monster is a side of
us that we could bring out the side of
us that says you know why I’m no longer
to tolerate this I’m gonna stand up for
what I believe in and I’m gonna say no
when the time is right in other words
it’s really being assertive now being
assertive is a skill that I had to
develop really early on in my career I
was 20 years old fresh out of college
really ambitious and my job required me
to go into these boardrooms and
negotiate pricing and terms with these
powerful intimidating men who are twice
my age and in the first six months I was
just completely destroyed because
naturally I’m a very agreeable
compassionate person so I just let
people win all over the place I would
just walk away feeling completely
defeated and as a result my job
performance started going down along
with my self-confidence and self-esteem
and really it was my fault I needed to
take the responsibility because I
allowed this to happen
I allowed people to walk all over me and
treat me like a doormat and it wasn’t
until I was able to make that decision
and summon the monster within I was a
super nice girl and even the nicest of
people have a monster inside of us that
we could tap into for me at the time was
inequality how women were treated in the
workplace and I was a perfect example of
that so I just summoned all that energy
and I practice a lot and eventually it
went into the boardroom I just
completely Unleashed it on everybody
else and I remember the first time I did
it I remember why I did physically there
was this one man for some reason he just
loved yelling at me while I was sitting
on a chair and he was just stand up and
just yell down at me the whole time
about everything that I’m doing wrong
and I remember summoning up that monster
I was like I just had to say something
so I just stood right up and I’m a tall
woman so he was a lot shorter than me
and I looked down on him and I said
do not agree with your direction if we
go down this path we’re gonna lose
massive amounts of money and I have all
the research to back it up and at that
moment he kind of stood back and his
eyes started to change for the first
time he started to have respect for me
because I earned it in that moment and
it felt so great for me because I wasn’t
only standing up for myself I was
standing up for anybody and everybody
who had been mistreated in the boardroom
or anywhere else in the workplace I felt
great I felt like I could be the
advocate of this I could be a feminist
now I was so excited and everything
started happening for me I started
making more money
I started getting promotions people had
a lot of respect for me and at the same
time I forgot a side to me the side that
was caring and compassion I was so busy
summoning this monster this monster just
completely uncontrolled and it was
everywhere it showed up in places that
it didn’t need to be and it wasn’t until
I was able to become more mature but I
understood the beauty between harnessing
both being a caring compassionate person
at the same time summoning up that
monster when you need to now today I
live somewhere in 80/20 80% of the time
I am caring compassionate and I’ll put
other people’s feelings before mine and
the 20 percent I really turn it up and I
summoned that monster when I need to
what I need to say no I have to summon
that monster
now for all of you if you’re trying to
summon that monster understand when you
assert yourself in situations there are
going to be consequences
you’re gonna ruffle people’s feathers
people are not gonna agree with you and
you need to develop the mindset to be
okay with that and at the same time you
could use your caring and compassionate
side to take care of people as well the
world is big enough for all of us we
could get whatever it is that we want we
just need to know at the right time to
summon that monster and don’t
and be harmless now have a special bonus
clip for you but before we get to that
the question of the day is what is that
one area in your life that you need to
stand up for yourself write in the
comments below and I’ll join in on the
discussion now enjoying a bonus clip
thank you so much for watching we
believe in you and hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is and we’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot of
espresso rise and shine
rise and shine okay I’m ready don’t be
break the rules we have so many rules in
life about everything I said break the
rules not the law but break the rules my
wife has a t-shirt my wife has a t-shirt
that says well-behaved women rarely make
history well you know I don’t want to
burst her bubble but the same is true
with man it is impossible to be a
maverick or true original if you’re too
well behaved and don’t want to break the
rules you have to think outside the box
that’s what I believe after all what is
the point of being on this earth if all
you want to do is be liked by everyone
in a voice trouble the only way that
ever got any place was the breaking some
of the rules after all I remember that
after was finished with my bodybuilding
career I wanted to get into acting you
don’t want to be a star in films you can
imagine what the agent said when I went
to meet all those agents everyone has
the same line that it can’t be done the
rules are different here just look at
your body he have this huge monstrous
body and overly developed that doesn’t
fit into the movies you don’t understand
this was 20 years ago the Hercules
movies now there is the little guys that
they in Dustin Hoffman Woody Allen Chuck
Nicholson before he gained weight of
course that is but anyway those are the
guys that win and the agent also
complained about Max and he says no one
ever became a star with an accent like
that especially not with the German
accent in yes I can imagine with your
name Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever
the name is on a billboard yeah that’s
gonna draw a lot of tickets and sell a
lot of tickets you’re right so this is
the kind of negative attitude they had
but I didn’t listen to this rules even
though they were very nice and they said
look we can get you some big parts be
kingmaker get you to be a you know
playing a wrestler or a bouncer or maybe
be the German accent we can get you to
be a Nazi officer in Hogan’s Heroes or
something like that but you know I
didn’t listen to all this this was their
rules not my rules I was convinced I
could do it that if I worked as hard as
it didn’t bodybuilding 5 hours a day in
a start-up getting to work I started
taking acting classes took English
classes took speech classes
dialogue classes accent removal classes
I even took I remember running around a
fine wine rose and a vine
is it because Germans had difficulties
with the F and the W and the B it’s a
fine wine grows and the vine I know what
some of you now say is I hope that I
don’t got his money back but let me tell
you something I had a good time doing
those things and it really helped me and
finally I broke through I broke through
and a suffocating the first parts in TV
streets of San Francisco Lucille Ball
high of me and made pumping arms stay
hungry and then I got the big break in
Conan the Barbarian and there the
director said if people wouldn’t have
Schwarzenegger we would have to build
one now think about that and then when I
did Terminator I’ll be back became most
of one of the most famous lines in a
movie history all because of my crazy
accent now think about it the things
that the agent said will be totally a
detriment and will be impossible for me
to get a job all of a sudden became an
asset for me all of the things my accent
my body and everything so it just shows
you never listen that you can’t do
something and you have to work your way
up of course run for something else
first I mean it was the same when I ran
for governor the same lines that if the
work you rap it can’t be done and then
of course I ran for governor and the
rest of course is history they said you
have to start with a small job as mayor
and then there’s a simply man and then
here’s lieutenant governor and then as
governor and he said that’s the way it
works in a political career I said I’m
not interested in the political career I
want to be a public servant I want to
fix California’s problems and bring
people together and bring the parties
together so like I said I decided to run
I didn’t pay attention to the rules and
I made it and the rest is history
yeah the most important work ever if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you up or
that would be like a little beacon pay
believe nation if you want to know what
the most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details
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