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The BIGGEST Learning Moments of my Careeer – Evan ft. @VNRmedia

through all these experiences that
you’ve had in the past couple of years
is there something that sticks out to
you that you that’s been a learning
moment or a growing moment that’s just
you know whether it’s an event or
whether whether it’s just this thought
that past your mind that that’s really
stuck out to you is something formative
and directing you to where you’re going
now the two like super formative ones
for me happen when I was 20 ish one was
I was in Paris and I was a tourist and
I’m sitting outside the Notre Dame
Cathedral and I had my math I’m trying
to figure out where I’m going next and
by myself and this French girl comes up
to me and asking for directions and I’m
thinking why the French girl asking me
for directions like it doesn’t really
write like my should i should ask this
girl ever I got it what sue she’s doing
tonight or the coffee supplies i right
and I chicken out right like I chicken
out i’m worried about my french not
being good enough or whatever whatever
reason so she walks away and I’m pissed
that I didn’t take my shot not that is
like it would have been amazing but like
not knowing is worse than the rejection
and so I I tried to take her picture
like I’m across the river I just walking
by and she actually kind of walked
behind the stall so then get her but as
soon as I got home I like I put that on
my wall I put that picture of my wall as
a reminder to like the next time I’m
afraid I just got to do it I just got to
do it yes and figure it out because not
knowing is worse than don’t even know
like that short-term know is is okay
compared to a lifetime of not knowing
absolutely no I looked at that every day
and I did not should tell the story to
my friends people came over because
again I was embarrassed in a shame they
should see this beautiful French
Riverside picture but like to me it’s
like I missed my shot man should I like
Eminem she got one shot one
do you ever want it is not go until that
date me because I said I wanted to be a
banker and it’s money your books that
I’m going to be a banker I had that
opportunity when I make it 300 bucks a
month in my company and just sucking
right looks not making anything and I
get these opportunities to work at
Merrill Lynch and McKinsey Consulting
you know 80 $100,000 starting salaries
flying because in you are putting up in
the waldorf-astoria like the whole deal
wine is not like what I thought I wanted
the jobs of my friends weren’t getting
and it’s like what do I do do I take
this crappy Calvin is not going anywhere
or do it takes his dream job that I
always wanted and I remembered the
picture and what am I going to regret
and I would regret not trying the
company I could I could I’m used to like
in a year I could get another job it may
not be that job but it could be a
similar job absolutely but I would know
if I was just this company opportunity
again so I had to go for it and I’m okay
with it without working but I need to
know because I don’t want to live the
rest of my life not knowing that you
know what I think even a little bit more
on that thing right then maybe we’ll
worked out and so like that failure in
Paris with that girl and putting that
picture up on the wall to remind myself
with my failure that gave me the spark
to then bet on myself the next time and
just be okay and so that’s what all of
my decisions are through always trying
to minimize regret huh like what am I
not going to regret and the fear of
regret can help you push through the
short-term fear whatever decision that
you need to make short-term steamboat
and then the other formative lesson was
around the same time coming back
trimming out how to make my business
grow and I told my biz partner I quit
and like worst day in my life I realized
that I’m not the first got to try to
sell software before and by modeling
success if somebody else is already
figured this out I don’t have to come
with all the union’s myself and I looked
at how Bill Gates stood at Microsoft 021
like not how he makes an extra million
now but there were 21 how do you do that
that’s what I want to do and i found
this story and i researched it and i was
making 300 bucks a month and within two
months or so i made my first deal that
was 13 and a half thousand dollars and
that doesn’t sound like like a lot of
bank but do for me that was
san jose analogy i mounted the field
okay what I’m more important than that
like I had a model that I could repeat
it so it’s not just a one-time deal i
could sell it again and again and again
and so that idea the first ones like
living with no regrets tried as much as
possible and then to whenever I’m faced
with the problem I don’t know what to do
I try to model success find someone
who’s already done it and what can I
learn from thats quiet like what am i
doing in my youtube channel it’s just
mall and success to just finding people
who’ve done great things and a selfish
for me but i would do the youtube
channel even if you guys didn’t like it
for me like it’s my growth in my
development I want to learn from Kobe
and you know all these guys that we put
up on the channel so i’m fortunate i
guess the surround myself with that
daily thank you guys so much for
watching thank you to the guide some v
and our media for the awesome interview
the full link is in the description
below if you want to check it out I’d
love to know what did you think what are
your thoughts leave them in the comments
below I’m super curious to find out
finally I want to give a quick shout out
to Cassie more casting thank you so much
for picking up the top of my book your
one word it really really really means a
lot to me and I hope you’re enjoying
reading it thank you guys again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
I’ll see you soon
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