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THE BEST LIFE ADVICE FOR 2018 | Powerful Motivational Video | Morning Motivation by Aaron Endicott

I think one of the biggest problems that
we face in our society in our day and
age in our generation whatever you want
to consider it is we really try to hide
the truth from people
we’ve grown up in this world where
everything is fair everybody gets a
nobody has left behind nobody is
different don’t get me wrong I’m all for
being equal you know treating people
equally but the thing is as humans we
are different we we see things
differently we feel things differently
sometimes although we can relate to
other people we are not all the same as
human beings we take losses and I think
it’s today’s world where we grow up and
it’s more normal to not let somebody
understand that they took a loss is
really negative it creates room for
people to start making excuses gives
them the reason for people to start
pointing the finger and other directions
for not taking responsibility for
themselves at the end of the day if
you’re not happy where you are it’s your
problem the circumstances could be
different compared to other people you
could have definitely been dealt a
shitty hand trust me I understand my
life isn’t perfect it’s never gonna be
perfect it’s never been perfect but at
the end of the day I had full control
over my situation if you’re not happy
with where you are if you’re not happy
with what you’re doing it’s pretty
simple stop doing it
we ensure ya get scary it gets
challenging it’s risky and you never
know what’s gonna happen but at the end
of the day isn’t that why we are alive
to experience this opportunity that
we’re given and not just sit by and
watch it go to waste over all your goals
your ambitions and your objectives are
yours but so is the outcome and the
process if you want it to happen you can
make it happen if you don’t you won’t to
stop blaming other people for your
if you know me by now I’m not somebody
that’s all about like all new year new
but one of the things that’s easily able
to look at is just what you’ve done in a
a lot of situations a lot of people just
kind of
look at a new year as an opportunity to
say okay these are the things I didn’t
do correctly this year and now moving
into the next year I’m going to do the
in 2017 man a big year for all of us the
world honestly so many crazy things
happened this year with social media
being with everybody nowadays it was so
easy to see all the terrible that went
on this year you know what I mean
sometimes it’s nice to just kind of take
a second and remember all the good
things that actually happen in here I
know for myself I was able to express
what I loved doing for a living in a way
that brought me into a new creative
field this videography photography stuff
my passion for my work as a freelance
designer helped influence me this year
to start stepping out of the comfort
zone I guess with other things
and it’s not letting me to this
extremely costly addiction in the video
world which is uh it’s awesome because I
got to document these moments
hopefully years to come I’ll be able to
look back on this video recapping 2017
and be like mint 2017
good year good year you know all the way
from just traveling more this year
living a little bit experiencing life to
proposing the Megan thank God she said
yes by the way down to all the people
that I got to meet this year and
hopefully influence to chase after the
things that they want to do as well
stick to your stuff that’s all you know
I was cutting the man I swallow my words
down to the bone
a lot of you guys that I met this year
are amazing people you truly are the
positivity the interaction that you guys
bring your way to special and creative
to to not push forward in 2018 please
push forward in 2018 you guys are
amazing and this also goes to all the
people that I haven’t met yet there’s
tons of people out there with a creative
imagination and a desire to do something
that they want to do and they hold
themselves back from doing it or they
wait till the next year to try to do it
just do it now guys I want to take the
opportunity to remind the people of some
of the positive things that the YouTube
creators have done this year all the
fundraising that’s gone on during the
drought for example or people losing
loved ones taking the opportunity to use
their fan base to actually give back how
amazing is that that we’re in a world
now where people have the opportunity to
create their own content benefit from it
and then also give back to the world
from it that’s it’s mind-blowing we’ve
definitely lost some amazing people this
year some amazing musicians at least on
my end some musicians that really
inspired me throughout the years to just
be the person that I am today but even
with losing them it gave us an
opportunity to remember a lot of the
music remember a lot of those old
feelings that drove us to create the
path that we created today if you look
back at every single year as a marking
point of what’s happened in your life
it’s gonna have ups and downs guys for
some of you 2017 was in a great year his
bad things happen maybe you lost a loved
one and I’m truly truly sorry for that
if you could find any part of you to
just look at the good things that did
happen this year and just focus on those
things even if it’s the littlest stuff
to just help push forward promise you
things will turn around looking back
throughout multiple years I’ve been at
many low points too I’ve lost people
I’ve had bad times I’ve been through
depression and stress and just felt so
alone I can honestly say I’ve made the
best of 2017 it’s had ups and downs but
during those down times I focused on a
lot of the positive that I have I
focused on a lot of the hard work that I
could put in and I did it here in a few
weeks I’m going to be creating a short
film of kind of like an anniversary of
me quitting my job to be a freelance
designer I look forward to doing this
video because I did one last year and
it’s just going to be insane seeing the
transition of how I created content then
if I actually remember correctly my
first ever short film was the I quit my
job to be a freelance designer it’s
really cold out here it’s so cold out
you guys better appreciate this video in
some way shape or form because I’m
freezing my ass off to be out here and
get this but it’s it’s so worth it
because this is where a lot of this type
of stuff started for me thus this
documenting this getting out and doing
in two days it’s 2018 and I’m gonna head
into 2018 not remembering how great of a
year 2017 was for me not remembering the
bad things that happened 2017 but just
realizing that no matter what year it is
as long as I’m still here I had the
opportunity to live I want to take
advantage of that to the best of my
ability I want to thank everybody who’s
been a part of this year all the way
down to the co-workers that creative
granade all the customers that we’ve had
this year all the supporters in the
videos and the live streams Megan family
friends anybody that’s just been a
positive influence in this year anybody
that’s been a negative influence as well
thank you for pissing me off so much so
that way I gave the opportunity to prove
you guys wrong take every opportunity to
you guys get and make something of it
because we never know what year’s gonna
[Music] [Applause]
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