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The BEST ADVICE you’ll Ever Hear! | DAN PENA

before I had any money I used to go to
the rolls-royce dealers and sit in the
cars and smell the leather practice
success before you’re successful
self-esteem is the key to high
performance but money is not the only
thing in life but it’s the only thing
anybody keeps track of I have a dream
come true unless you have a dream it’s
not work if you love what you’re doing
but does that look like your group no if
you looked at the engineers no car would
ever come off the assembly focus on the
few not the many and most of you don’t
believe passionately in what you’re
doing what get measured gets
accomplished he’s gonna but I’m high on
life I always have been my life when
they look in the mirror Brian they don’t
like what they see
show me your friends and I show you your
future I had no money to begin with
eight hundred twenty dollars first ten
years of my starting CNN I slept on my
couch oh hey I didn’t have an apartment
Bill Gates slept in the office Steve
Jobs slept in the office and I can go
down a whole list now these are super
successful mega-wealthy guys I slept in
my office not everybody’s willing to
make that sacrifice but it’s not the
only thing but even if you don’t want
sleep in your office if you want to send
your kids to a better school if you want
to be able to take you’re here your
mother when she gets dementia if you
want to be this all takes money my
children aren’t getting any of my money
when I die very Warren Buffett okay
two of my kids are cool with it one of
them’s not so cool with it but I’m not
gonna you know I think at Andrew
Carnegie by the way Andrew Carnegie
arguably the richest most successful
entrepreneur of all time he said the
best thing that you can have for a child
as him to be born into poverty and I
agree practice within when you’re
without practice being successful how
many people listening to this today
practice being successful today
what does it mean to practice okay okay
through affirmations through going to
the rolls-royce dealer maybe Lamborghini
maybe something else in my particular
case of his rolls-royce and within a
year he’s going to grow Royce dealer I
had a roles within 19 months of me
dreaming and adding it to my goal as a
castle on a little island I own got
through castle so how can people
practice being successful affirmations
visualize Go Go shop for these things go
to stores you can’t afford go hire
lawyers you can’t afford lawyers will
meet with anybody accounts will meet
with anybody go to the big four
accountants with a business idea the
first couple meetings are for free
jettison probably a lot of the people
you hang around with if you have poor
public speaking skills join Toastmasters
join improv do these if you go if you
little into a good school and you’re not
successful go to the alumni deals okay I
didn’t go to a good school I’m a perfect
living example that a lot of trouble as
a kid working-class background my
parents went to just the mediocre
university that I flunked out of three
times before Brian graduated with honors
and had no money to begin with eight
hundred twenty dollars there’s no money
buddy in her twenty dollars so it’s all
possible I devoted myself to feeling
successful I was wearing suits like this
before I could afford them if you could
pick up the phone and make a phone call
to the 20 year old Dan Pena what advice
would you give that it’s the same advice
that I give and the best advice that I
got just do it most people procrastinate
because they’re unsure so just do it
just imagine you drove your car to life
with the emergency brake on it’s bad for
the transmission it’s bad for the tires
it’s bad for the universe looks bad for
then you take no Jesus the emergency
brakes on then you release the brake
what happens poof surge ahead right most
of us go through life with our emergency
brakes on
and most of us keep the emergency brake
on because we want a reason not to test
ourselves follow your dream and don’t
listen to conventional wisdom no matter
what they say because conventional
wisdom is almost always wrong it’s
almost always wrong
just remember dress British and think
Yiddish [Music]
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