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The 5 MISTAKES That Keep People BROKE! | #BelieveLife

I say the people you got to participate
in your own rescue you’ve got to retool
yourself you can make it happen
you actually can look at all the idiots
that are making money you can make honey
this is probably to the right person
watching this it is the most valuable
skill what’s that belief nation it’s
Evan I believe in you and this channel
is designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s live your
best belief life and learn the five
mistakes that keep people broke also if
you want to know what Mel Robbins Gary V
Tony Robbins and others have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days I
will send you a morning video for free
to help you build your confidence the
link to join is in the description below
the reason people don’t put themselves
in a position to fail the reason people
aren’t patient is they value other
people’s opinions too much so while
you’re in this passionate state that’s
where you make decisions when you set
goals when you have an intention on
something that you want to change about
your life your brain helps you
alright let’s kick it off with mistake
number one living in the middle with
Gary Vaynerchuk the number one mistake
that people are making in life today and
it’s and it’s just so unbelievably
obvious is they’re living life in the
middle you know 99.9% of the people that
watch or listen to this content are
living in the middle there they’re
hedging and making excuses and
justifying why they are not 100% happy
it’s because like every other person out
there besides a few select people they
are living in this middle ground and I
just say the middle and when I think
about how you win in business and
entrepreneurship but most of all in life
it’s by understanding the macro and
micro opportunities and executions if
you really understand how to break
through how to be in that zone how to
really really really win the game it
comes down to a strategy that looks like
this are you balancing your ego with
your humility are you balancing your ego
with your humility do you equally think
that you’re the greatest of all time and
you can do it and that also you’re a
piece of and nobody cares when you’re
gone mistake number two not adapting
with Tony Robbins I always tell people
the most valuable lesson I got from my
mentor Jim Rohn was I asked my father
work two jobs
we were always broke we had no money for
food and we lived in a community we
moved to it just I thought they were all
rich and we’re on the other side of the
tracks it was a lower middle class but
compared to where we lived before these
people seemed rich compared to us and I
just didn’t understand it and Jim said
to me Tony it’s not about the value of
your soul it’s about the value of you
and the marketplace and your father’s
skills are not that I well he used to
take the underground parking attendant
and he would take people’s ticket and
make change well the research now shows
is being done at Yale’s being done
overseas in England as well and they
found that 40% of all jobs they project
in the next ten years are going to
disappear because of Technology it’s
going to be replaced by an algorithm
it’s gonna be changed you know all these
guys on Wall Street you’re seeing all
these algorithms take over and they’re
getting rid of all these traders it’s
changing radically these in these hedge
funds there’s three million truck
drivers self-driving cars are here in
the next five years they will be the
standard certainly within seven or eight
years are you gonna hire someone who can
only work eight hours a day and
sometimes gets drunk or can make a
mistake when you can buy a machine write
down the Machine and be in a position
where it works 24 hours a day driving
but no one is telling these drivers this
and it’s they have to retool now so
technology is the biggest challenge
labor is less valuable because of
efficiencies with technology and it’s
gonna get better and better for
technology which is scary when you think
about what’s going to happen for jobs so
I say to people you got to participate
in your own rescue you’ve got to retool
yourself the idea of the Bernie Sanders
has of providing free education it
sounds wonderful but the education he
wants to do is Community College there
are no skill sets and community colleges
today for the most part that are gonna
prepare you for the economy or a job
that’s there so what is that gonna do
you’re just gonna waste more money more
time we need to retool ourselves the
government’s not gonna do it for you
mistake number three being dishonest
with yourself with Mel Robbins I’ve
always wanted a six-pack and I don’t
have it and I don’t know and I’ve never
had it and when I I finally stopped
complaining about it when I got honest
about what it was gonna require
I’m dead serious dead serious about this
at my you know at forty nine with my
affinity for alcohol and my love of
carbs and my distaste for exercise
I have a small problem on my hands if I
want a six-pack so if you were to go
forward right and think okay well if a
year from now I had a six-pack
what would what would that actually what
and you can get very clear that you’re
not committed to that and then you can
stop beating yourself up for this you
never intend on doing what I realized is
I can spend four minutes a day in a
hotel room or in my bedroom doing planks
and my arms look great and everybody
else will think the rest of my body is
in shape it works like a charm so you
might want to get honest with yourself I
can study doing this the ability to do
do you really because you can make it
you actually can look at all the idiots
that are making money you can make money
but you’re gonna have to roll the clock
forward just a year and say okay if I’m
able to put $1,000 a month against my
debt I’m able to make X amount of
dollars a month I’m able to put X amount
of dollars in savings what do I need to
be doing a year from now to make that
happen and what are those habits that
are there a year from now that I don’t
have right now and then roll yourself
back to this moment just like I
explained with exercise do I actually
not want to have a Manhattan tonight
did I want to go to the gym today nope
did I am I willing to not eat what I eat
for nope
and my Willa I did my 4 minutes my arms
are looking really good but so bring it
back and then you will have the formula
for pivoting at any moment
you time-travel forward a year you
investigate the patterns that you have
that are giving you the result that you
want and then you back your ass up to
right here right now and you decide am I
willing to do this now if I’m willing
then 5 4 3 2 1 through all the excuses
that are gonna be there when you’re
trying to override your operating system
that’s how you do it or you have the
reality check like I had which is ocean
but I just like the beach I don’t intend
on changing so why don’t we get this off
the plate and let’s focus on the things
that I am actually committed to mistake
number for not thinking properly with
Dan lock if you were to ask me take away
everything I have take away all the
tools that I have in business in sales
in marketing everything I have but you
can leave me with one thing with what
would I pick without hesitation I would
tell you is thinking time the ability to
think because business is an
intellectual sport creating wealth is an
intellectual sport becoming successful
in – it’s an intellectual sport not
necessary smart you are but the ability
to think what is going on thinking time
most people don’t think enough Henry
Ford said it best thinking is the
hardest work there is that’s why so feel
if you were engaged in it what I mean by
thinking does that mean you locked
yourself in a room and just sit there
and let whatever thoughts that come to
mind and that’s thinking no let me teach
you how to think this is probably to the
right person watching this it is the
most valuable skill the most valuable
lesson that I could teach you this is
literally the one thing that has made me
who I am today
the one thing that created Dan Locke one
thing and that’s thinking time here’s
how it works than what you think is very
simple you get yourself in a quiet
environment maybe you turn on some music
doesn’t really matter
thinking is nothing more than asking
found in deep questions that’s what
thinking is how’s it again thinking
there’s nothing more than asking
yourself deep and profound questions
when I said deep in profound it means
asking those questions that takes a
little time you need to think about it
not a very service level questions let
me give an example if you ask yourself
the question why can I make more money
that kind of quality of a question leads
to poor answers horrible answers because
think about it you ask your mind wha why
can I make more money what comes to mind
what cuz you stuck because you’re no
good because you’re not worthy because
nobody likes you because nobody wants to
buy your stuff nobody wants to do
business with you or maybe you don’t
have enough experience you don’t have a
track record you don’t have enough
resources you don’t know the right
people all this how does that help you
in any way a better question to ask
maybe perhaps is well how can I make
more money but then that’s also a very
basic question basic question but if you
spend a time and you actually think
about and sit down and dissect and you
take the time to craft a very profound
questions so you could say how can I
make more money how can you make that
better how could you make that question
better okay how about instead of being
so vague and so general is there how can
I make more money how can I make more
sales there’s a difference if you run a
business how do I make more sales
okay how about let’s make it even better
how can I make more cells without
getting any new customers that’s
interesting you see how now you’re
thinking from a different perspective
how about this let me give it one more
layer how can i en’t more say how can i
make more sales without adding any new
customers and we’re down adding any new
expense mmm now I see how does a high
quality question what you do is thinking
time you get you put yourself in my
space you write that questions at the
top how can I make more sales without
adding any new customers without adding
any expense you
and now you sit down and you got a pen a
piece of paper and you answer that you
take your time oh well I could sell more
to my existing customers interesting
I can maybe increase my price so I can
make more money interesting maybe I
could also do a joint venture with
someone where only pay them on a
performance basis so if they bring in
more sales then I pay them it doesn’t
add any more expense to what I do that’s
interesting maybe maybe I could also
instead of selling something one time I
can sell it
yeah and it’s some kind of continuity
there so my customers are paying me on
it ongoing basis maybe some kind of
membership that’s interesting
you see that’s thinking it’s not just
how can I make more money see it’s a
very low level when you take the time to
think that’s how you grow that’s
actually how you actually think and grow
rich this is very deep soap on down
there but if you get this there’s one
thing this one skill this is what makes
you successful that’s the difference
between the poor and the rich and
mistake number five the last one we for
a very special bonus clip is setting bad
goals with Jordan Peterson tell your kid
here is an impossible thing why don’t
you go out and fail you say here’s
something worth going after here’s a
step you could take that would push you
beyond where you are but that you also
have a reasonably high probability of
succeeding at right they called that
within a time frame yes and some time
frame that’s the other thing you have to
parameterize it with regards to time
frame that’s right and that puts you in
the zone of proximal development and
that says that’s a concept that was
generated by a guy named Vygotsky he was
a Russian
developmental psychologist and the smart
one that’s where the idea of the zone
comes from to be in the zone and when
you’re in the zone you’re expanding your
skills in a manner that’s intrinsically
rewarding because you’re succeeding and
so you want to set if you’re good to
yourself you think okay I need to set a
goal but I need to set a goal that
someone is stupid and useless as me
could probably attain if they put some
effort into it and then you got it then
you’ve got it perfectly because it’s not
so high that it’s grand
those are impossible that you fail
necessarily and then justify your
bitterness it’s like well I couldn’t do
it well because that happens to Pete how
much all the time
yeah it’s like this all the time you
know it’s like it’s yes exactly well I
set a goal and I didn’t attain it so I’m
not gonna set any more goal right it’s
like no you set a goal that was
inappropriate for the time frame that’s
right you didn’t calibrate it properly
and and you’re playing a trick on
yourself because you wanted to fail so
that you could justify not having to try
that’s why I’m being a victim mmm yeah
which isn’t in helpful you’re still
gonna be a victim it’s like there’s
still a way out of that man so yeah you
know because life is this life is a
challenge that in some sense can’t be
surmounted so there’s no way out of your
problem but there are certainly proper
now I’ve got a really special bonus slip
with robert kiyosaki about being bad at
selling that i think you’re gonna enjoy
but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
and to them in the comments below
here we go question number one what are
you being dishonest with yourself about
number two what bad goals are you going
to change and number three what
important change do you need to better
I always say the number-one skill of an
entrepreneur ability to sell or
communicate number one because sales
equals income so if your sales are down
your incomes down but it’s not just
selling your customer you’ve got to sell
your employees that’s really tough you
know and then next is selling my
investors so I’m selling investors and
selling employees and selling customers
and I’m selling myself you know I gotta
talk myself into I don’t have the day I
don’t have the pleasure of being down
entrepreneurs gotta be up because if
you’re down employees know customers
know at the market knows it so number
one is sales but when you look at the
big picture there’s three things an
entrepreneur must learn number one is PR
and what you’re talking about is PR the
other the other day Fox News interviewed
me to find out if I would endorse my
friend Donald Trump for president you
know much that’s worth you know they
they call branded us Kiyosaki Rich Dad
and Trump yeah that’s incredibly
priceless you know so getting PR is a
number one skill under that is marketing
and marketing does is like advertising
they want to set the customer up to get
ready to buy oh yeah oh yeah I saw that
key I had I’m gonna buy a Kia I wanna
buy some land you know I want to buy you
this so the customer is now primed to
buy it that’s marking his job then the
last thing is a sale so if you’ve done a
really good job on PR then you’ve done a
great job on marketing the sale is like
that you know they walk in they buy but
if you have no PR and you have no
marketing you have to pound pound hard
close a lot mr. customer you know you
know today’s changing business
environment you know you should buy my
insurance you know and people today hate
sales pitches more than ever before so
the number one sales job of a true
entrepreneur is develop your ability to
get PR I’ll say it again most
entrepreneurs are not good at sales
they’re horrible at mark and they have
no idea what it is and they can’t get
any PR and so they struggle and again
sales equals income so they crash the
most important work ever if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you Apple that would
be can like a little beacon
if you want to learn how to hack into
the power of habits check the video
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there we are what we repeatedly
do change doesn’t just happen at this
level of behavior but what you have to
change the environment make a damn schedule and stick to it
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