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The 3 Step, FOOLPROOF Way to Find Your PURPOSE (It Works!) | Simon Sinek | #Entspresso

we’re up and given this advice like do
what you love yeah like what am I
supposed to do it yes like find your
passion like thank you instead of help
people out I came up with the purpose
planner and this is where you figure out
your who your why in your how you found
your purpose and once you find your
purpose you can’t really explain it to
normal people because they don’t
understand passion because they live
everyday life that’s going rise and
shine it’s an espresso time what’s up
believe nation it seven I believe in you
and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right together
grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message live your life on purpose over
to you Simon signing also if you want to
know it’s Simon other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below you get the
benefit of hearing what everybody else
has to think before you render your
opinion it’s like a hammer you can use
it broadly or narrowly you can build a
table you can build a house it’s the
same tool so I was living in London and
attending law school I was becoming
disillusioned with the law I happen to
be dating a girl who was in advertising
she said you might like advertising and
boom I have a career in marketing like I
fell into it so many of us fall into our
careers and fall into our jobs and even
if we do pursue something we want to do
sometimes it takes diversions right this
is this is what I mean by living our
lives by accident which is we largely
leave the direction of our careers and
sometimes even our own happiness to
others aren’t bosses you know all of
that thing so what it means to live your
life on purpose means you understand the
direction you’re heading but you remain
agnostic as to the route most people try
very very hard to plan the route in
other words what’s your plan people say
well first I’m going to work here for
three years then I’m gonna quit and I’m
gonna do this and then for four years
and I got the room
plan and the question is where are you
right and that to me is what it means to
have purpose it means to have
destination right it’s like waking up in
the morning and saying I’m going on
holiday so this is where you going said
I’m going on vacation I told you you’re
like where are you going vacation right
and so how are you gonna get there like
well I’m taking route 95 so you’ve got
the route planned but you have no
destination and you see this in
companies all the time you know why does
your company exist growth great why are
you growing why do you need to grow what
does growth mean because we’re company
we have to grow and so they figure out
all of these paths for growth but they
don’t know where they’re going
I would rather someone wake up in the
morning and say California I’m trying to
get to California and I don’t care what
route I take I’m gonna start down Route
95 and if I find a better route I’m
gonna take it if there’s traffic on
route 95 I’m gonna take an a side road
so this is what happened in my career
people kept telling me that I was
unfocused because I kept taking side
roads I wasn’t unfocused I was going
around obstacles so that’s what it means
to live a life of purpose it means I
live every single day of my life trying
to get to an end point in my case to
create a world in which the vast
majority of people wake up every single
morning inspired to go to work feel safe
when they’re there and return home at
the end of the day fulfilled by the work
that they do that is the destination I’m
trying to reach I don’t know how I’m
gonna get there but I’m gonna try every
path I can to get there highly highly
focused that’s what it means to live a
life on purpose
we’re often given this advice like do
what you love yeah like what am I
supposed to do it yes like let’s find
your passion like thank you like great
what I feel like I don’t know what to do
tomorrow for me passion is the result of
something right so if you work hard for
something you don’t believe in that’s
called stress and if you work for hard
for something you do believe in that’s
called passion so it’s finding the
belief it’s finding the cause it’s
finding the purpose and the passion then
shows up so it’s not about doing
something with passion and then finding
the cause it’s finding the cause
starting with why and then the passion
is what is what results most people have
no idea what their purpose is and that’s
why they’re not happy most people don’t
know what the purpose is and so they
spend their time binging on Netflix
escaping the life they don’t like
complaining going to work and just doing
the job comparing themselves to their
an Instagram and Facebook and feeling
really crappy about their life trying to
show off trying to make themselves look
good try to try to get their friends to
care about them they’re not happy until
you find out what your purpose is you
will never be happy ever in your life .
period and so big part of my mission is
to help people figure that out i want to
solve the world’s biggest problem
untapped human potential i think you
have michael jordan level talent at
something you either don’t know what
that is or you don’t believe in that
enough to go off and chase it and i want
to solve that problem i think you’re a
genius i think you’re talented i think
you are a michael jordan add something
and unless you go up and reach that
potential you’re constantly going to be
living way below what you’re capable of
and never be happy and so to help people
out i came up with the purpose planner
and this is where you figure out your
who your why in your house that’s it you
figure out your who your why and your
how you found your purpose is gonna lead
you to a much happier and successful
life let’s dive into it step one is your
hoop that’s your one word that’s your
most important core value it’s figuring
out what are you staying for as a human
being not what are you gonna end up
doing with your life yet but core value
i think every human being has one most
important core value and when you figure
that out that becomes the rock that
nobody can push you from where most
people are swimming in quick saying and
sinking they’re sinking most people in
their lives they are sinking they hate
their life and her sinking the thing
that you stand on the rock is your one
word and so for me is believed you can’t
push me from that you may not agree with
me you mean i think that that’s right
you may think it sucks to believe in
awesome but you’re not pushing me from
my rock and so when you figure out what
that is when you figure out what your
one word most important core value is
then you start to care less about what
other people think of you of what you
should be doing of what your purpose is
of what you are doing on your day to day
you care less about their opinions
because now you’re not on quick sin
anymore you’re standing on a rock so
step number one is find your who step
number two is find your why and Simon
talked about it he has his own version
he’s got his book find your why go check
it out is a lot of knowledge in there
for me the Y comes from your pain I
think your purpose comes from your pain
I think humans are built to serve and
the way that you will serve people is
through whatever was the most
a moment in your life the thing that you
would never want any human being to
experience you think that you don’t want
your kids to go through an experience a
thing that you’re afraid to share and
tell people about the most deepest
darkest pain of your life when you
figure that out then if you’ve been
through it and now you’re on the other
side or you’re still struggling and
dealing with it that is what your
purpose is going to be serving other
people so that they don’t have to face
that same pain that you did for me as an
entrepreneur why do I love helping
entrepreneurs as much as I believe
entrepreneurs will solve all the world’s
major problems that that we are going to
deal with that it’s not up corporations
and banks like entrepreneurs are the
heroes I believe that but why do I love
helping entrepreneurs so much my purpose
comes from my pain of when I was
starting up my company and I failed and
I suck and I told my partner that I quit
and I just felt like the most worthless
human being of all time that when when I
applied myself and I was working hard
and I was I was putting tons of energy
and effort into my business and I wasn’t
getting results
I felt I felt worthless I felt less than
human I felt terrible about myself and I
don’t want other entrepreneurs to have
to feel that way and so that’s that’s a
big reason why I do what I do is I don’t
want you guys to have to suffer the same
way that I’ve suffered and build my
business so step 2 is find your why and
your purpose comes from your pain and
set number three is find your how if you
look at the most successful people in
the world yes you’re on a mission and
they love the process of what they’re
doing they love the work they’re not
just chasing goals and outcomes they
love the work it’s not just about
hitting the million subscribers on
YouTube you have to love the process of
making videos and so even if you found
out you’re who you understand what your
one word is you found out your why your
purpose come here pain you love helping
entrepreneurs awesome in my case there’s
a lot of different ways to go often do
that if I was going to help a buddy of
mine move his office to a new office or
help somebody go and do telemarketing
calls you know like that could help them
and I might enjoy the result of helping
that entrepreneur and I’m believing in
them and it’s great but I don’t enjoy
the process I don’t want to be a mover I
don’t want to be a telemarketer I know I
don’t like the actual work I like the
results but I don’t like the actual work
and so if you make a list of all the
ways that you have helped people or Thor
see yourself helping people who have the
same problem that you face who have the
same pain that you faced that you
through you might not enjoy the process
of all of them even though you enjoy the
results where you will have success is
where you enjoy the how so make a list
of all the things that you’ve done that
serves the people that you’re trying to
get after and see which one that you
actually enjoy so me I love I love I
love speaking I love making videos I
love helping entrepreneurs one on one
it’s what I still do every single day
and I could be doing a lot of other
things but because they don’t enjoy the
how of it I’ll kill those off my let axe
and take off my list and focus and set
in the things that I actually enjoy
doing so step number three is find your
house so that’s the three-step process
the purpose planner you find your who
you find your why and you find your how
and when you figure that out man the
world just gets a lot easier your life
gets a lot easier now you know where
you’re going now you have direction now
you have a sense of this is the kind of
life that I want to live and whether
you’re figuring it out at 14 watching
this video or 94 watching this video
don’t go another day sitting complaining
waiting try to figure out why you’re
here because you have Michael Jordan
level talent at something you are
amazing at something and you can use
that gift to serve a lot of people
overcome a lot of pains and struggles in
their life and until you figure that out
they’re suffering and you’re suffering
too and I want that to end so let’s make
it happen together now I’ve got a really
special bonus clip for you but before
that question of the day I want to know
I want you to go through the purpose
planner exercise quickly and leave the
answers below it may not be perfect
don’t worry about it being perfect but
what is your who what is your why and
what is your how leave it down the
comments below I’m really curious to
everybody’s journeys different
everybody’s journeys different I was on
a journey to see who David Goggins was
and that journey took me in some of the
hardest areas a human being can even
imagine and right now at 41 I’m the
happiest person on the planet because
you know I had a climb Mount Everest
several times just to look down on my
life to see what hell I came from and
that’s what kept me going through all
this stuff like I envisioned myself
going through like when I was a young
kid and they called me nigger all the
time that got my dad beat the hell out
of me and I was have no self-esteem I
had this vision of if I can make it to
where I want to go imagine when I look
back on my damn life how proud I will be
and now I’m here and I’m able to look
back on this life I lived that many
people will never understand because why
when you’re passionate they think you’re
crazy and you can’t even explain to
people why you’re doing and why you did
what you did because you found your
purpose and once you find your purpose
you can’t really explain it to normal
people because they don’t understand
passion because they live every day life
is going not really find their purpose
so I become a foreign language to people
to think so they put me in a category if
you’re this crazy no no no I’m
passionate I found my purpose in this
life if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you up or so it would be like a
little beacon if you want more from
Simon and learn how to play the infinite
game check out the video right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there great organizations understand
they’re just cause they caused so just
that people would be willing to
sacrifice to see the advancement of that
cause you
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